Artist Placement Presentation
We had to do a 10-minute presentation documenting our time at the placement, including what we had learnt and what our main challenges and weaknesses were throughout. Me and Thea decided to present together because we had worked together throughout the rest of the placement and felt like it was a collaborative experience. This Presentation allowed me grow my confidence in presenting and also gave me the opportunity to reflect on my experience of doing a Fine Art placement.
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Mine and Thea’s display at the placement conference.
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Placement Conference
We held a conference for our placements, this was an opportunity to learn about the placements that my fellow students had done and it was also an opportunity to discuss our placements with people who wanted learn about them. This conference was an amazing opportunity to display what I had learnt and produced from my placement and it was a good way to bring all the placements together and conclude them.
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Second Year Conclusion
Throughout second year I have been able to develop my art practice mainly in film, and I have also been able to explore installation work which I want to explore more. I have also developed an understanding of the term voyeurism and it’s relation to art. Voyeurism has been a massive influence for a lot of my work throughout this year, which is why I will be utilising it through research and through my own work. I have gained an understanding about artist placements through doing my own placement experience which has allowed me develop massively as an artist.
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For my second essay I decided to delve down the path of voyeurism after briefly exploring it in my last essay. I wanted to explore voyeurism in relation to different types of media such as painting and photography and how these medias utilise this concept. I explored two artists for my essay, Edward Hopper and Kohei Yoshiyuki, exploring these artists and how they utilised voyeurism really fuelled my interest in the concept. Whilst doing my essay I found lots of different books about voyeurism which were massively impactful on my essay. The main books that I used were ‘Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and The Camera’ and “Ars Erotica: An Arousing History of Erotic Art’, these books expanded my knowledge about voyeurism and it’s relation to art and made me want to do more research in to voyeurism and use the concept of voyeurism in my dissertation.
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Artist Residency Presentation
Part of the exploration of artist placements and residencies we had to create a presentation of an artist who had been in residency. I decided to chose an artist who had done a residency at Gasworks. I decided to chose Cocoy Lumbao because after researching in to him I found his work really fascinating and I felt like his work was similar to mine in a way that we both used film as a main media and also explored installation work. This presentation gave me an insight in to artist residency and made me want to do one in the future and it also made me want to explore installation works in relation to my art practice.
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Here is both mine and Thea’s work presented at the open day at Plumpton College. This I felt was an extremely good way to conclude the placement and finish my second year.
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Owen Williams - Bacchus.
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To conclude our placement me and Thea made our own paints using 1 part wine and 5 parts PVA glue. We used both red and white wine and mixed the wine a pigment to create a natural colour. The reason we decided to make wines was in response to 17th century religious painters. This was because they often made their own pigments and it also links back to the idea of wine being a form of art.  We then experimented with the paints which lead to use creating a final piece to present at the Winemaking open day at the college.
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Visit to The National Gallery
Me and Thea took a trip to The National Gallery to explore the relationship between wine, art and religion. We did this by looking at classical paintings and exploring the symbolism of wine in these paintings. A big focus of this trip was on Bacchus who is the God of wine, Bacchus was later a big inspiration for my final piece.
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A series of photos taken from my time at Plumpton College.
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Artist Placement: Winemaking
I decided to do my artist placement within the winemaking course at Plumpton College.  Plumpton College is situated north of Brighton, is an agricultural college and is a sister college to Brighton University. The reason I chose to do this as my placement is because I’ve always been fascinated in wine due to my parents introducing me to wine, and also having the opportunity to visit cities such as Paris and Rome where wine is a massive part of their culture. I wanted to explore wine further to discover the process of making wine and business side of it. So many experiences from the placement contributed to the outcome. The journey to Plumpton was a massive part of the placement, there were two ways we would travel to Plumpton, Chris Foss who is the head of the course would give us a lift to the college at 7:30 in the morning, or we would have to make our own way there by train and a 45 minute walk. The vineyard was a massive part of my influence on my art practice because we were able to work on the vineyard and really immerse ourselves in the environment. There were a few challenges with my placement such as getting to Plumpton because it took so long, trying to merge in to the classes and trying to communicate with Chris. But overall I am extremely pleased with how my placement went because I had made strong relationships with people from Plumpton and I had created a large amount of experiences and immersed my myself in an outside environment that had a massive impact of my art practice.
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This is a video I made for the exhibition ‘(im)material’ that was used to promote the exhibition.
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A collection of photos from the exhibition ‘(im)material’. I set up the monitors as if they were part of a security desk and I placed props such as a coffee cup, a notepad with notes on and a calendar on the table to make it seem like someone was working at the desk. My piece is about how humans have become desensitised to the fact that we’re constantly surveyed, until we’re presented with it. I wanted to explored human reaction to discovering you’re being surveyed.
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Second Year Exhibition: (im)material
For my second year exhibition I knew from the first time the idea of an exhibition was discussed that I wanted to do an installation piece that utilised human participation. Installation art is what I’ve wanted my art practice to develop ever since I started university and started exploring film. As my ideas developed and I delved deeper in to the topic of surveillance I came to the conclusion that I wanted to a piece with cameras and surveillance.  I wanted to use cameras as as sort of CCTV devices and attach them to monitors to explore human reaction to seeing themselves being filmed.
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Surveillance and Voyeurism
My first insight in to surveillance artworks was through the book Conspiracy Dwellings: Surveillance in Contemporary Art. This book sparked my research in to surveillance which lead on to the research of voyeurism. For my first semester essay I explored surveillance artworks which utilised human participation with the question ‘does art which utilises surveillance and human participation inevitably breach ethical conduct and if so, can this be justified?’. This exploration of surveillance and voyeurism sparked my passion to do my exhibition piece about these topics.
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For my final piece for my option module I took my drawings and photoshopped them in to the photos I took of the landscapes. I was really pleased with the outcome of these because I felt like I had incorporated my new art practice in to these works and I took my work one step further than just simple drawing.
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