owknox · 4 years
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soft™ eddie brock
venom (2018)
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owknox · 4 years
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owknox · 4 years
The three of them were clearly one of the more unconventional families in town. Not the weirdest, but if people knew the truth behind a lot of it, they’d definitely be within the top five. And yet, somehow, the two had managed to make things work, even now, when Owen was back in Port Charles trying to fit into the dad role for a kid that wasn’t even biologically his. Not that Gray would ever grow up knowing anything else. He’d always know Owen as his father. And hell, he was doing a lot better job at it than most dads, so it worked. “No, it’s fine. He’ll only eat what he wants to anyway.” She began, looking between the two of them. “And no, I’ll just eat at the hospital. It’s fine.” Plus, she hadn’t been able to really stomach much lately. After what happened with Roe, it was just… heavy, to say the least. But Owen seemed to not worry as much about it. Then again, he was a lot more ruthless than she could ever claim to be. Especially considering they were talking about the fact that he shot her sister. “Oh no no, you are never talking to her again.” A statement she made with a laugh to follow. As much as she didn’t want to see Monroe get hurt, she also stood by Owen above anyone else. “She’s not… it’s not like she wants Grayson to be taken from us. She just wants him to be safer? I don’t know. I think she’s just concerned. We don’t exactly follow the rules on most things. After all, we’re talking about how you shot my sister in our house. Not exactly a normal conversation to be having.” 
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Giving the kid one last glance, figuring him for fine, Knox turned back over to his sandwich, his attention clearly not on the conversation she was trying to have with him. Don’t get him wrong it wasn’t like he didn’t care or that he was attempting to dismiss whatever feelings she had about the whole thing, but for him, it was all just really simple. Her sister had come at him the wrong way, a way in which he could never look past or even forgive. While Grayson wasn’t his by blood, and that was something he’d readily admit, regardless of it all the kid was his in every way that counted and he’d be damned if he let anyone take his kid away. As much as Owen would hate for Grayson to grow up without his aunt in his life, and as fucked up as it would be to have his kid play outside while  Knox and more than likely Reese knew the kid was essentially playing on his aunt’s burial spot, it was something he could live with if she ever came at him with that type of energy again. No one was taking their kid from him 
“That right?” He questioned, finally tuning in enough to hear her claim about how he wasn’t bout to speak to her sister ever again. “You going to tell her to mind her own business?” He questioned, turning the fire on low so that he could for a moment give the conversation the attention she was looking for. “I don’t know what’s going on with your sister like-“ he paused to briefly tap at the side of his dome, “but she needs to handle that herself and not take it out on others.  Clearly, she’s bored and wants to start drama cause our kid? Safe as can be. I’d leave this house on my own before I let anything happen to our kid or to you. “ He admitted. “There’s nowhere else the kid should be and there’s really nowhere else for him to go. I’d shoot her again before I let Grayson go live with her and I’ll drop him off with Novak which is the very last fucking plan before I let him go into the system. She’s not getting the kid, and she’d have nothing to be concerned about if she just minds her own business.”
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owknox · 4 years
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Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock | Venom (2018)
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owknox · 4 years
─── special delivery for @owknox​
“I think we need to talk, Ow. Like really talk.” Truth be told, she had been nervous ever since the fight with her sister. She didn’t condone what he did, but her loyalty lied with him, so she was going to back him no matter what. But now they had to think about Gray and about what to do if the police came knockin’. “I’m not gonna tell anyone, and it’s our word against hers. The scene is completely clean and covered up, but we have a target on our backs now because of what happened. She could tell at any time. What’re we gonna do about Gray.”
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“About?” He asked, his attention clearly elsewhere as even when the woman stepped into the kitchen, Knox never bothered to pull his gaze away from the stove to greet her. Gaze focused solely on the task before him, while Knox never claimed to be a good cook, hell, he had never even claimed to be a cook in general but when it came to certain people, an effort was always made. Wholly convinced that despite the low fire he happened to be cooking with that if he looked away for even a fraction of a section the two slices of bread with some cheese sandwiched between them would burn,  Knox even at her answer could only nod distractedly. “Right, right.” He replied, speaking solely to fill the air as it was clear her words were going through one ear and out the other. Scooping the grilled cheese onto his spatula before grabbing a plastic plate and sliding it on top, he turned to the small kiddie table where his son had been (im)patiently waiting for his food.
“Give it a second. It’s hot.” He warned, before setting the plate down and finally turning to his ex, giving her a fraction more of his attention than before. “Should I have cut that up?” Still shaky on just how to handle having a kid or just kid’s in general, Knox contemplating between grabbing a knife and just doing it or letting the kid handle shit on his own was just about to turn back before deciding to just let it go and returning to his spot in front of the stove, his gaze every now and again turning back to his kid to check up on ‘em. “You want one?” He asked, not bothering to wait for her answer before loading up another sandwich and dropping it in the pan. “You’re stressing this when you shouldn’t be. Talk to your sister or if you’d rather I’ll talk to her. She’s either gonna learn from this or she’s not. That’s up to her but I gave her the warning. You try and take my kid away from me and it’s gonna be a problem. She either wants that problem or she don’t.”
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owknox · 4 years
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FULL NAME: Owen Knox.
AGE: Forty-one.
BIRTHDAY: August 5th.
RELIGION: Athiest.
EYE COLOR(S): Blue-green.
BODY BUILD: Muscular w/ a bodybuilder type of physique.
HEIGHT: 5′9″.
WEIGHT: 210lb.
ADDICTIONS: While it’s not to be considered an addiction in his eyes as he has control over himself and his habits, he does drink an excessive amount though he does make it a habit to never drink in front of or near his kid. 
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, New York.
LIVING CONDITIONS GROWING UP: As far as he’s concerned four walls and a roof over your head make’s for a pretty decent living situation but by most people’s standards, it was shit. Knox’s father was hardly around and when he was, the man tended to be both mentally and physically abusive to his only child. Mother left when he was just a baby, so it was just the two of them in a shitty apartment trying to survive.
LIVING CONDITIONS NOW: Good. Really good. Four walls and a roof makes for decent living but Knox doesn’t want his kid to live decently. While he’s unable to afford a mansion like the kid probably deserves, he does try to give his kid what he can. With a room for himself, his ‘baby mother’, his kid, and his weights, despite not caring all too about comfort and the likes, Knox makes an effort for his kid. He keeps the place as tidy as he can, keeps the fridge stocked with more than just beer, and he made sure that the backyard is big enough not only to house the giant ass toy jeep he got for the kid but also has more than enough space for a play area and eventually a pool down the line. 
PREVIOUS OCCUPATION(S): US Marine but was dishonorably discharged.
CURRENT OCCUPATION(S): Owner of The Torch and Enforcer for Hell’s Angels (?)
BIRTH ORDER: Only child
SIBLINGS: Only Child.
FATHER: Logan Knox (deceased)
MOTHER: ??? (deceased - didn’t know her.)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): Reese Sawyer (Ex-Girlfriend and ‘baby momma’)
CHILDREN: Grayson Knox/4 years old  (Technically, the kid isn’t his and he knows damn well that the kid isn’t his but he takes care of him regardless cause as far as he’s concerned that’s his son. Blood don’t matter.) 
PET(S): Black Great Dane named Ares that’s strictly his but he’s considering getting another for the kid. 
POSITIVE TRAITS: ambitious, confident, observant, stoic, adaptable.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: aggressive, brutal, arrogant, compulsive,  unpredictable.
LIKES: food, working out, making his money, his 'family’, and keep things honest, he likes hurting people - sue him, it’s fun. 
DISLIKES: Just about everything else tbh.
QUIRKS: Yeeting people off buildings?
FEARS: something happening to the people he cares about. 
SECRETS: not really. he’s an open book. 
Shitty childhood. Father was pissed cause his wife walked out on him and left him to care for his kid alone and in return, father decided that being an absolute dick to his kid was justified and that because the kid was left behind too, kid’s obviously at fault for wife deciding to leave. While it never made sense in Owen’s head, it made sense to his father. As a result of his father’s bullying, Owen learned to take his anger out on others and was constantly at odds with those in charge. When HS came around and he was finally expelled for his bad behavior in his final year, rather than move on and get his GED, knowing he was in shape and he wasn’t bout to try living under his father’s roof any longer, he applied for the marines instead.  
Excelling at being a marine but lacking the enthusiasm expected of him for serving his country, it didn’t take long for his fellow marines who happened to be ‘go team america’ to get pissed at him and resent him for his lackadaisical attitude toward everything. While Knox worked hard specifically cause it was expected of him, they worked hard to honor their country and for some of them, serving was an honor in itself. Content to ignore them, Knox continued to do so up to the day they took things too far. Some years after he had joined and been shipped out numerous times, it was one night on leave that his fellow comrades in arms found themselves feeling brave. Approaching him while he was out at a bar minding his own business, they chose to pick a fight with him. While Knox was easily able to handle his own, as a result of his actions, one of the men who happened to fight with him managed to scramble his brains on the edge of a table after catching a hard hook to the face. Accident though it may have been, given his inebriated state, his lack of ability to work with others, and the fact that he showed little remorse over what happened, the powers that be decided to crack down on him when the sentencing came. 
Placed behind bars for a couple years, and then tossed away with a dishonorable discharge upon release Knox with nowhere to go returned home. With his father gone, no work experience, and a dishonorable discharge to his name finding ‘honorable’ work was hard. Needing money and having little or no options presented before him, Knox decided that honest work wasn’t for him and instead went to his father’s ‘motorcycle club’ looking for help. Joining up with them, he found work in helping them do their dirty work. For years he worked with ‘em and even went as far as to consider them his found family till the wife of their club leader decided to act out of turn. In a jealous fit, she decided to hurt the girl Knox happened to be sleeping around with. Loyal even to thots, Knox snapped back at her. Between killing the man the woman had sent to hurt his girl, to stabbing the woman in her stomach and carving his initial there too, and even going as far to beat the shit out of her husband aka his club leader in a packed supermarket – Knox thinking he was handling things properly burnt every bridge he had out of loyalty. When there were no more bridges left and his girl happened to escape while she could, Knox alone figured it was best he dip instead of finishing that fight. 
Finding a new home in Port Charles it was there that he met Reese. Starting up a ‘relationship’ with the woman, what was originally supposed to be a purely sexual thing happened to turn into more. Coming to care for the woman, despite her breaking things off with him in order to stay loyal to her original boy, Knox ever-loyal still made himself there for her. So there for her that when she came to him sometime later explaining that she was pregnant and the father happened to be a complete fucking asshole she could never trust around herself and her future kid, that Knox with hesitation agreed to help out. Making the man disappear in a way only he could, knowing the dude had connections that would likely try to get back at Reese or attempt to take the kid out of retaliation for something or another, Knox told her she was free to put the child under his name instead. 
Quick to see the kid as his own despite knowing damn well that he wasn’t, despite being told that he in no way had to pretend or even involve himself in the kid’s life in any matter, Knox still did so regardless of it all. The kid wasn’t his by blood, but he had his name and that was more than enough for Knox to step into a fatherly role for him. Keeping by his son’s side, he had every intention of staying there for the rest of his life if not for his past coming back to bite him in his ass. Though he’d been ready to put everything behind him and leave it there, other’s who’d been wronged by him weren’t so keen on that idea. After a drive-by that could have ended very badly for himself and for his boy, Knox knew sticking around with a target on his back wasn’t an option. With a promise to come back, he dipped off back home. It was there that he handled things like he should have before he left. Though it took him some time to get it done, Knox managed to put bullets in both his former club leaders back and his little wife too before squashing what was left of the beef he had with the rest of the club. With the two main antagonists gone, both sides saw little reason to keep things going as they were. 
Safe and more importantly sound at long last, Knox returned for his kid. Buying a place big enough for his child and leaving it up to Reese to move in with him or not, Knox worked on trying to lead an honest life. However, once again, he was met with the same problem he’d found himself with years back. How the fuck did honest people make money? Especially since he’d used the last of what he had in order to buy his place. Once again left with no other choice, he turned back to an MC. Coming to the Hells Angels and joining up, he worked with them and eventually saved up enough to buy the Torch. 
Recruited various workers from the casino to report to him when big wigs come through. When they come in, they report to Owen and Owen tell’s ‘em to suggest the Torch as a place to visit. When they eventually come and visit, he scopes them out and decides how he wants to handle them. Sometimes he outrights robs them, sometimes he uses the strippers at his place to entrap and blackmail them and then sometimes when the mood strikes or Elijah happens to be in one of his moods, they rob ‘em and kill ‘em.  Either way, he’s making a literal killing so far on using the casino and his connections there. (Elijah knows about this but idk if the big boss does. ) 
Casino workers also willing to work with the club to point out various people with debts to be recruited and used for various tasks and just in general. They also report to Owen. (Has yet to inform Elijah or the big boss bout this. It’s on his to-do list tho.) 
Monroe (?) came into his home and threatened to take his kid away from him because of all the shady shit Knox and Reese tend to do in the name of the club. Knox not about to have his kid taken from him by anyone shot her for her bullshit. 
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owknox · 4 years
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owknox · 4 years
Unlike with most of its customers, Torch was a place ‘Lijah had only gone to for business. Truth be told, it was rare he even showed up in the strip joint to begin with, considering he had been one of the few club members in a committed relationship for the past ten years. But this was work and he showed up when Knox came calling. Especially considering it was often always the two that Alessia put out as a force together. Most of the jobs ‘Lijah was tied to had Owen there right beside him and so the two them became a sort of dynamic yet also deadly duo. So when Knox had requested he come by, ‘Lijah knew something was up. 
He was quick to make his arrival. Made his way toward the back of the joint where he and Owen always sat. His light hues took in the scenery. Checking out the patrons rather than those seated on top of the customers. It was in their nature to always keep a look out, even in places that were their territory to begin with. Too many things happened on a man’s main turf and like hell would ‘Lijah ever let that happen anywhere the club often frequented. 
So he kept his eyes peeled, even when Owen began talking about the man who clearly now had a target on his back. For a moment, ‘Lijah remained quiet. Getting a good look at his face—studying it even before he shifted his view back toward Owen. In doing so, ‘Lijah leaned to the side, unclipped the weapon that was strapped to his side and let out on the table. “I think Alessia has enough on her plate right now considering the new blood that just rolled up into the casino.” The two had had a brief chat a before all this after the grand reopening. Apparently Port Charles had become a breeding ground for fella’s rolling up thinking like they could take what wasn’t theirs just because they had millions. Which, compared to the club, was a hell of a lot more than they had. But what the club had that others didn’t? Power and territory. Port Charles had been theirs for too damn long. “Just tell me when. Get your girl off him now even and it can be taken care of. Invite him out back.” 
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While he loved the enthusiasm, they weren’t quite at that stage just yet. Lifting up a hand to cover the unconcealed weapon Elijah had pulled free, Knox moved to slide it back toward the man and back underneath the table. “We’re not quite there yet, boss. He’s loaded, remember? Money first and then we work on cleaning up.” Moving to usher the man out of his seat, Knox scooted his butt out of the booth. “We’ll stick to the first plan I had then, we grab him out back, take him back to his place and we work from there. Get what we can from ‘em and then set the scene to make it look like an in-home robbery gone wrong. Whatever we get we split in half and decide what goes to the club out of the half we take, all that sounds solid to you?” Choosing not to wait for an answer, figuring from Elijah’s enthusiasm he wanted to move fast and quick, Knox rather than wait it out and discuss things more plowed on ahead.
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Signaling for his partner to follow behind him, keeping care to stay out of Richie rich’s sight, the biker made his way toward the back of the club but not before also signaling for one of the dancers to follow along with ‘em. “Go on and tell a cup over there the dudes done for the night, yeah? When he hassles her bout it let security step in and have ‘em kick ole’ boy out the back way. Don’t let it turn into a big thing, alright?” Sending her off with a pat to the back, Knox enjoying himself a lil too much turned back to Elijah before gesturing for him to stop with him the moment they reached backstage. With a decent view toward the scene he’d orchestrated to take place and a clear path toward the exit, all that was left to do in Knox’s opinion was wait for the opportunity to jump in and get the whole thing going.
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owknox · 4 years
Keeping things completely transparent, he hadn’t exactly put too much thought into this plan of his. He’d come up with step one, briefly spared a thought for step two, and then just plowed ahead like the confident white man he was. Really, besides getting kicked from the club, jail, or death – what could go wrong?  While planning was something he usually prided himself on as it was something of a forte for him when it came to this job it wasn’t exactly coming up with a set of actions that stumped him, it was settling on just one. Having hired a couple of young ones from the casino to point out big spenders to him when they came through from there Owen having told ‘em to send the big spender down to the torch so he could check ‘em out had figured things could go down a couple of ways. After the initial scout hey could rob ‘em, they could blackmail and extort ‘em or they could go along with the plan he could almost guarantee would send his ass back to jail and just hold ‘em till Richie rich gave ‘em what they wanted. While the last one was most definitely out in his book, the other two happened to be up in the air. 
“Take a quick look.” Feeling the chair sink next to him as the ‘partner’ he’d been waiting on climbed into the booth and took the seat next to him, Knox sparing his fellow rider and friend a brief glance nodded his head toward their supposed target that was currently on the receiving end of a lapdance from one his B list dancers. Cute enough to grab his attention for the moment but them a cups wasn’t bout to keep the man there all night, which was exactly the way the biker wanted it.  “I’ll keep it brief. Dudes loaded, I wasn’t the one to invite him here, the girls know to keep my name out their mouth and there’s about two ways this can go down.” Despite keeping his voice low so the conversation stayed between the two of them, knowing one could never be too careful Knox made sure to keep the finer details to himself. He’d simply wanted to establish just a couple points of the bat like how he’d so far kept himself out of Richie rich’s radar, that the dude had bank, and that he had at least had a couple plans on how to work this. Just enough details to see if his boy would want in or not. “You wanna help me out or is this something to discuss with the boss lady?” @elijahsnavarro​
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owknox · 4 years
“This isn’t what it looks like.” Except that it was but to be fair to him, he had his reasons. He’d been content to wait things out. Content and ready to sit his pretty little ass down and wait things out however long it took but then week one had turned into week two and well – what was he to do? As he’d told her before, he had bills to pay, and surprisingly bill collectors weren’t willing to accept an IOU or his excuse about how he had money coming. Unlike her, he didn’t have the luxury of waiting for people to remove their thumb from their asses and get shit rolling. Actions needed to be taken and since he’d already gotten his hands dirty for her once, he figured there was no harm in doing it a second time.  Making no move to remove his feet from atop her lawyers’ desk even after getting caught, he reached forward to give his gun another twirl even as he met the woman’s gaze. “I just wanted to talk to the guy.” Talk = Hurt.  “Friendly chat.” Not so friendly chat, very few words were going to be exchanged. “Promise.”  @emohara​
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owknox · 4 years
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owknox · 4 years
dont forget to remind ppl who the fuck u r in case they start getting 2 comfortable
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owknox · 4 years
── 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦
LIJAH: She didn't mention anyone else coming along.
LIJAH: I can ask Rafe?
LIJAH: You don't think we can handle it? What, you wussin' out on me now?
KNOX: That so?
KNOX: How bout you ask 'em?
KNOX: Give the cop's another body to be shooting at when they come kicking down the door, yeah?
KNOX: Beside's it's not like the club can afford to lose anyone else so soon, right?
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owknox · 4 years
“Mm, something tells me I’ll still be seeing you.” And that wasn’t exactly a bad thing in her mind. But then again, Emily was nothing but a flirt with a good few tricks up her sleeve to get men with money into her bed. Or just men in general. But she had to admit, the money part was what brought here there most of the time. In his case, it was more so about the looks and the fact that he was the one who got her into this position that she loved so much. “But fine, two more. Then I owe you nothing. Got it?” Not that she really had an issue with money. It was just that she was greedy and it took a while for her to get to this point to lose any of it now. “Oh no no, definitely not. I don’t know if you’re joking or being serious, but you can’t do that. I’m not about to let them suspect me any more than they already do.” She was already the prime suspect but considering there was no trace or evidence pointing to her that could really incriminate her, she was getting off scot-free. 
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He doubted that. Don’t get him wrong cause he certainly wasn’t judging, everyone had to do what they had to in order to survive but women like Emily? He doubted someone like him would ever be of use to her or on her radar and that was specifically because not including the money he’d just earned; he was currently negative $100 on his checking account. He meant this in the nicest way possible but a gold digger like her wasn’t bout to be sniffing around a broke motherfucker like him.  However, rather than comment on how she ‘wouldn’t be seeing him’ Owen simply nodded, choosing not to be a dick bout the whole thing. “Got it.”  He replied, moving to rebind the bills laid out in front of him before pocketing ‘em. “Oh, yes, yes. What? I’m just supposed to wait for you to hand over your part of the deal? Trust that you won’t just get it without telling me and then go running off into the sunset? I got bills, sweetie. I got a club to run.” He explained. “Look, they’re only holding your cash to see how much more they can get out of you. I go over there, crack a couple skulls and you’ll have your money by the end of the week and be nice and done with all those lawyer fees. You get paid, I get paid and if anyone dares to come around asking questions then you just direct ‘em to me.” And he’d handle them just as he’d handled the husband. “I’ll take care of it all.” 
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owknox · 4 years
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Owen Knox attends the Diamond Casino Grand Opening Gala
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owknox · 4 years
── 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦
LIJAH: Heads up, Less said there's a pick up this weekend.
LIJAH: Wants us to go get it. Make sure same shit didn't happen last time when Jace was sent. Guess the police are crackin' down lately, who knows. But just a heads up.
KNOX: Us? As In just the two of us?
KNOX: This doesn't seem like a three-man job to you?
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owknox · 4 years
Truthfully, Emily didn’t blame him. She was a gold-digging hussy and it was wise of him to know better. So she let him count it. Each hundred dollar bill that added up to a number in the thousands. It was a small amount for a large service, but luckily for her, money was no longer an issue. She was as privileged as they came and she didn’t care an ounce about it. “You want more than that? How much more are we talking?” The brunette’s brows rose and she leaned her elbow down on the table before resting her chin under her palm. “I can get you more, but you’ll have to be patient. The money is coming in slowly. The price to pay for his millions I guess. Fucking lawyers are ridiculous in the damn town.” 
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“Yeah.” Hadn’t he made that obvious? The truth was, at the risk of sounding like a greedy little bastard, he wanted it all. Why settle for a couple payments that would still leave you shy of being a millionaire when he could just take the whole shebang and be set for life? Making her disappear would be no more difficult than making the husband disappear. At least when it came to her, he wouldn’t have to worry bout cleaning up that well. As they both knew, it wasn’t like she was all that popular ‘round these parts. However, luckily for her, he’d gone soft in his old age. Smashing her pretty little head into the pavement for some cash just seemed like too much of a waste to him. “Like I said, two more payments just like this and we’re good. Never have to see me again.” He promised. “Who's your lawyer? I can head over there and pay ‘em a visit. Convince 'em to speed up the process.” I.E smash a couple bones till whatever bitch she had hired decided to stop holding up the process to make their own little mint. “It’d be on the house.”
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