owkse · 2 years
Little Kyber
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Chapter 4
‘Be careful young one, holding onto things might cause you to distraction’ warned Obi Wan gently brushing his pinkie against yours as you walked.
‘Yes Master’
‘Are you ok little kyber?’ asked Obi Wan, reaching his fingers out brushing against your hands with his fingertips, after you were both left back to back spinning in the tractor beam.
‘I’m fine Obi, what about you?’ You asked, taking comfort in the man’s action.
‘I’m ok, I just hope Anakin got our message’ huffed Obi Wan making you giggle.
‘You really have turned grumpy since taking on a Padawan’ you said teasingly.
‘Maybe we should focus on getting out of here….. and I’m not grumpy’ sniffed Obi Wan.
‘I sense all the star systems are still here… Dooku he’s making his way here, I can sense the Bounty Hunter and the child here too’ you said.
‘Traitor’ said Obi Wan as Dooku entered the room.
‘Oh no my friends, the Geonosians have gone to far, I will partition for your immediate release’ said Dooku.
‘Please do, we have work to do’ you commented, scowling at the man as you sensed the darkness coming off the man.
‘May I ask just what two Knights are doing this far in the Outer Rim?’ asked Dooku.
‘We are looking for a Bounty Hunter called Jango Fett, do you know him?’ asked Obi Wan.
‘No, there would be no Bounty Hunter here, the Geonosians don’t trust them’ said Dooku.
‘I assure you he is here’ said Obi Wan.
‘There’s an awful a lot of star systems you have congregating out there Dooku’ you commented.
‘Yes, they have been coming to me with concerns about the Senate… I could do with Qui Gon’s guidance now’ said Dooku, attempting to get a stir out of Obi Wan.
Feeling the fluttering in the force you stretched your fingers out, brushing the tips of your fingers against the skin of the man at your back. Satisfied when you felt the man’s signature calm down, you turned your attention to Dooku.
‘Qui Gon would never join you’ said Obi Wan.
‘He would if he knew what I did’ said Dooku, his words making you shiver.
‘And just what do you know?’ You asked.
‘What would you say if I told the Galactic Senate was under the control of a Dark Lord of the Sith?’ said Dooku.
‘Impossible, the council would be aware of it’ said Obi Wan.
‘Their judgement has been shrouded by the darkness, but I assure you it is true’ said Dooku.
You couldn’t stop the action, reaching out in the force you gasped out a breath, the truth surrounding the words of the once Jedi Master before you, shocked you to your core. Hearing your gasp Obi Wan went to reach out to you, only to find you shut down your mental shields blocking him.
‘Help me, both of you, help me to destroy the Sith once and for all’ whispered Dooku his eyes trained on you.
‘Never’ you whispered.
‘It will be very hard for me to secure your release’ said Dooku matching your soft tone, before he turned and left.
‘Y/N…. Y/N’ came Obi Wan’s voice, shaking you from your thoughts.
‘What?’ You asked, almost bewildered.
‘Are you ok?’
‘Oh yeah fine’ you said keeping your shields up.
‘I’m fine, let’s just focus on trying not to get killed’ you said.
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owkse · 2 years
Little Kyber
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Chapter 3
Little did you know, the bond that had started to bloom when you were little, began to fuse together like the perfect pieces of a kyber crystal.
‘The prime minister is expecting you’ commented the client who met you and Obi Wan at the door.
‘We’re expected’ you queried.
‘Of course, although we had expected you to inspect the army earlier’ commented the closer leading you both down the brightly lit corridor.
‘Army?’ you asked softly to Obi Wan.
‘I have no idea, let’s see what we can uncover’ said Obi Wan, placing a hand to your lower back guiding you down the hallway. 
‘I’ve got a bad feeling about this’ you muttered. 
‘Prime Minister, the Jedi are here’ 
‘Come in, take a seat, I am glad to inform you, your order is all up together, and we are pleased to say Master Syfo Dias order has been met’ said the Prime Minister. 
‘That’s why we’re here’ commented Obi Wan. 
‘I’m sorry you mentioned something about Master Syfo Dias?’ You queried.
‘Jedi Master Syfo Dias, he was the one who ordered the army, he is still a sitting member of the council’ said the Prime Minister.
‘Master Syfo Dias died almost seven years ago’ said Obi Wan studying the reaction, which showed genuine shock.
‘I’m sorry to hear that’ said the Prime Minister sincerely, his sincerity projecting in the force.
‘Thank you, may we see the army?’ You asked.
‘Of course, this way’ said the Prime Minister.
As you walked the glass halls you barely listened to what was being said, concentrating on using the force to sense around you. It was when you walked past the control panel that you paused. The Prime Minister was talking about the DNA makeup used, as you passed the counsel displaying the sequence you shuddered at the darkness surrounding it.
‘Y/N?’ asked Obi Wan, turning to see you staring at the hologram.
‘What else is in the sequence?’ You asked projecting what you were sensing to Obi Wan.
‘All of the requirements given to us in the order, the DNA sequence has simply slowed down ageing but sped up growth’ said the Prime Minister.
‘And that’s all?’ You asked ignoring Obi Wan’s warning glance.
‘Like I said everything was done to the order specification as well as the likeness of the Bounty Hunter we used’ said the Prime Minister.
‘I apologise I meant no offence’ you said bowing your head, sensing the honesty of the words.
‘May we meet this Bounty Hunter?’ asked Obi Wan.
‘Of course, follow my assistant’ said the Prime Minister.
‘What’s wrong?’ Said Obi Wan softly to you.
‘I’ve got a really bad feeling about this, the force is getting darker with each new bit of information’ you said still thinking about what you sensed surrounding the panel.
‘Be careful young one, holding onto things might cause you to distraction’ warned Obi Wan gently brushing his pinkie against yours as you walked.
‘Yes Master’
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owkse · 2 years
Little Kyber
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Chapter 2
‘Always Master Qui Gon, goodbye Obi, I hope to see you soon’ you waved goodbye before wondering back into the temple, unaware that would be the last time you would see the older Master before they departed for Naboo.
10 Years Later
‘Ah Y/N, how did your first assignment go?’ asked Plo Koon as he found you signing the paperwork for you returned ship in the hanger.
‘It went well Master, I was able to come to a non-violent resolution, there was only so much I could do, so I simply helped them make their own choices’ you said bowing quick to your now former Master.
‘Excellent, now I need you to come with me to the council meeting I’m heading to’ said Plo Koon, smirking as you groaned.
‘Master I was really hoping I could just go and freshen up, not be thrown into another assignment after six weeks’ you whined slightly as you trailed after Plo Koon.
‘Come along’ chuckled Plo Koon, leading you up to the council room.
‘Wait here, you’ll be joined by two others’ said Plo Koon.
With a sigh you leant against the side wall, closing your eyes drifting into the force lightly just so you could rest up even just a little bit.
‘Anakin, Senator Amidala will be just fine, be mindful of your thoughts, we will take guidance from the council before anything else’ came a voice you hadn’t heard in so long.
‘I know Master, it’s just that’s two attempts in twelve hours alone, I just want to know who is behind this and why’ came a frustrated reply.
‘Anakin, be careful of your anger’ warned the familiar voice.
‘Yes Master’
‘Oh hello, I didn’t realise we had company’
‘Hello Obi’ you spoke softly opening your eyes taking in the now young man before you.
‘Y/N, oh my, look at you, a knight now I see’ grinned Obi Wan at you, strolling to you and embracing you making you giggle.
‘I passed my trials three months ago, I’ve missed you, I was sorry to hear about Master Qui Gon’ you said breaking the embrace.
‘No need to be sorry, he is with the force now, I’m just sorry we lost contact… who took you as a Padawan in the end?’ queried Obi Wan.
‘Master Plo Koon, I didn’t know he was looking for another to teach so soon’ you shrugged beaming still to have been reunited with your old friend.
‘I can’t believe you’re a knight already, I’m so proud of you’ grinned Obi Wan ruffling your hair.
‘Obi’ you grumbled good naturally.
Glancing over Obi Wan’s shoulder for the first time you studied the person whose force signature that originally been filled with anger was now projecting frustration.
‘Oh where are my manners, Anakin Skywalker, meet Y/N Y/L/N, I’ve known her since she was a Youngling’ beamed Obi Wan.
‘Oh hi, you must be the one Master Qui Gon found… it’s nice to meet you’ you said reaching your hand out to shake.
‘You to, how long have you been a Knight for?’ Asked Anakin shaking your hand.
‘Oh only around three months now, so tell me Anakin have you been keeping Obi out of trouble? He has a knack for finding it’ you said smirking as Obi Wan rolled his eyes.
‘I try, he doesn’t make it very easy’ smirked Anakin.
‘Yes thank you Y/N’ huffed Obi Wan making you giggle.
‘I want all the stories Anakin’ you said ignoring the man.
‘Oh I’m only…’ started Anakin.
‘Not another word Anakin’ huffed Obi Wan, making you laugh joyfully.
‘They are ready for you now’ said the announcement stood before any more teasing could befall the older Jedi.
Stepping back, Obi Wan waved you ahead of himself and Anakin. Entering the room, you gave your customary bow to the Grand Masters, then stood respectfully in the centre along with Anakin and Obi Wan who mimicked your movements.
‘Disturbing this is, not feeling the attack we did not’ said Yoda.
‘Y/N you will help Master Kenobi in finding out who is behind this plot’ said Plo Koon.
‘Yes Master, I sense the darkness is shrouding this though’ you said shivering slightly when you reached out, the council members feeling it also when you projected to them.
‘It is much stronger than we first thought’ said Windu, if it effected him, it didn’t show.
‘You will have to be careful, unsure of where this will lead the force is’ said Yoda.
‘And what of the Senator she will still need protecting’ said Obi Wan, shooting you curious glances out the corner of his eye.
‘Anakin, you will escort the the Senator back to Naboo’ said Windu.
‘Yes Master, however as leader of the opposition it will be very hard to get the Senator to leave voluntarily’ said Anakin.
‘Speak with the chancellor, she won’t ignore a direct order’ said Plo Koon.
‘Yes Master’ said Anakin with a bow of his head.
‘Good, go to the chancellor now, then we can get you off the planet as refugees’ said Windu.
‘Yes Master’ said Anakin bowing then leaving.
‘Start you should with the dart’ said Yoda.
‘Yes Master’ nodded Obi Wan, with that you and Obi Wan began to make your way towards the analysis station.
‘What dart did you recover Obi?’ You asked as you walked.
‘This, I’ve never come across one before’ said Obi Wan.
‘It’s… it’s surrounded by greyness in the force, it’s sinister almost’ you said stopping as you walked floating the dart in front of your eyes, as you slipped into the force.
‘What do you mean? Can you use the force to analyse objects?’ asked Obi Wan curiously.
‘And lifeforms, I thought you knew, it was how I always knew what you were feeling when I was little, only I didn’t realise that was what I was doing’ you shrugged, holding your hand out, letting the dart fall into your palm.
‘Can you show me? I mean about the dart’ asked Obi Wan making you beam nodding.
‘Sure, come with me, we can do it in the room while they look at the dart’ you smiled leading the way this time to the analysis droids.
Handing the dart through the slot, watching the dart in the window, you and Obi Wan sat side by side, carefully you projected what you felt surrounding the dart.
‘That feeling…’ said Obi Wan.
‘Makes you shudder’ you whispered watching the dart turn slowly in front of the glass.
‘We’ll figure it out little kyber’ said Obi Wan, branching out his signature to yours letting you entwine with it.
Little did you know, the bond that had started to bloom when you were little, began to fuse together like the perfect pieces of a kyber crystal.
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owkse · 2 years
Little Kyber
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Chapter 1
‘Progress you have made Youngling, learning from someone you have’ asked Master Yoda approaching you after the class ended that.
‘Yes Master, Padawan Obi has been teaching me, he taught me how to twirl with control’ you said referring to the lesson that the teen had given you when you accidentally stumbled into a training room.
‘Hmm, but work on your stance and posture along with your meditation, stronger you are in the force?’ asked Yoda.
‘I find it easier to meditate now’ you confirmed.
‘Good, off you go young one’ smiled Yoda waving you off as Master Windu entered the room.
‘You had concerns Master?’ commented Windu when you bowed to both and skipped out the room.
‘Uplifting she is when she is around Padawan Kenobi, but improved she has… great strength in the force she does’ said Yoda.
‘But she is becoming attached’ commented Windu as the pair began to walk amongst the temple.
‘Possibly, force is strong in them both, stronger together it is, watch over them both we should, a excellent Padawan learner Y/N would make for Kenobi’ commented Yoda as the two walked into the gardens.
5 Years Later
‘Obi… are you ok?’ You asked finding the now young man stood out on the balcony looking out into the skies of Coruscant.
‘I’m fine little kyber’ smiled Obi Wan, looking down at you, although his smile didn’t reach his eyes as it normally did.
‘You seem sad’ you continued, amusement now in the elders eyes.
‘I suppose I am a little, but it’s nothing the force can’t help me with… but someone seems happy, what have you done today?’ smiled Obi Wan as you stood next to him, having to raise on your toes slightly to look out over the barrier.
‘Master Yoda said he’s putting me up for Padawan consideration… I’m a little nervous though’ you said your voice going soft as though you were speaking a great secret.
‘You have nothing to be nervous about, whoever becomes your master will gain an excellent student’ said Obi Wan, smiling when you beamed at his words.
‘Even you?’ You asked bouncing on your feet.
‘I would be honoured, but I still need to pass my trials, and by then I’m sure you would already have a Master’ said Obi Wan carefully.
‘Oh… but you would still help me… I mean not all the time… just some of it’ you stuttered.
‘I will always be around to help you little kyber, just as you will be around to help me’ chuckled Obi Wan.
‘There you are Obi Wan, I should have known you would be here too Y/N’ spoke Qui Gon fondly from behind the two of you.
‘Hello Master Qui Gon’ you said as you and Obi Wan approached the man.
‘Hello there little one… I trust you’ve been looking after my padawan?’ smiled Qui Gon.
‘Always and this time without any trouble’ you grinned as Qui Gon patted your head.
‘Excellent, I knew I could trust you’ smiled Qui Gon kindly.
‘Always Master Qui Gon, goodbye Obi, I hope to see you soon’ you waved goodbye before wondering back into the temple, unaware that would be the last time you would see the older Master before they departed for Naboo.
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owkse · 2 years
Stormyeyes ~ Chapter 10: Goodbye
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Chapter 9
Obi Wan had never felt such panic, not since his time as a Padawan anyway. He had just heard from Master’s Windu and Yoda, your decision to leave, not indefinitely, a period of absence from the order according to them. And so he ran.
The man usually so kept together, sprinted through the Jedi Temple, ignoring the curious glances from Jedi alike, not stopping until he reached your rooms. Relief flooded through him only briefly when he sensed you within. Without knocking or invitation, Obi Wan entered your room, ensuring the door was closed behind him.
‘Is it true?’ The man asked immediately.
‘Is what true? Is it true the soup in the cafeteria is bantha something, then you would be correct’ you commented continuing in the packing of your bag.
‘Y/N… please, is it true you’re leaving?’ begged Obi Wan.
‘I am taking a leave of absence yes… the chancellor was arrested, Anakin killed Dooku, Senator Organa has just been voted in… the war is over, and now I can focus on what the force has been trying to tell me’ you said zipping up your bag.
‘Y/N, please there must be some other way, we can still work together, I want to talk, now the war is not raging around us, we can find peace together, I know… I know what I want’ said Obi Wan placing a hand over yours as it gripped the strap to your bag.
You closed your eyes in pain at the words you had been longing to hear for months, relishing in the warmth his simple action spread through your body.
‘It’s not about you, it’s about me and about finding what’s best for the order, Anakin and Padme have proven that the code is fundamentally wrong, and so have you, I’ve got to do this’ you said pulling away, throwing your bag over your shoulder, turning your back on the man as you headed towards the door.
‘Please don’t do this, you’re the Jedi I admire the most, take me with you’ begged Obi Wan from behind you.
‘I have to, it’s a mission I have to complete, on my own’ you said, clutching your bag strap tightly.
‘How long… How long will you be gone for?’ asked Obi Wan, his voice breaking as he spoke.
‘I don’t know… as long as it takes I suppose… goodbye Obi Wan’
12 Months Later
‘Obi Wan, speak with you Master Windu must’ said Yoda, hobbling into the garden.
‘Of course Master’ sighed Obi Wan, as Windu joined the man.
‘I know my old Padawan leaving has been tough for you, it’s been tough on us all… but you would know, she’s been in contact about coming back’ said Windu, studying the man.
‘She’s coming back’ said Obi Wan in surprise.
‘She is, she asked that I speak with you, she wishes to speak with you… but in the force’ said Windu.
‘Of course, but how can we communicate, I’ve never heard of such abilities’ said Obi Wan with a frown.
‘She said you’ll know’ said Windu, nodding leaving Obi Wan.
Frowning, Obi Wan went to his spot in the garden, sitting he crossed his legs, becoming comfortable before he took up his usual meditation position. With practiced ease he slipped into the force.
After twenty minutes or so Obi Wan gave up on searching for you, an impatient huff escaping him as he floated in the force now.
‘You know for a member of the council you can be incredibly impatient’ came your teasing voice, floating around the man.
‘Y/N’ whispered Obi Wan searching around him.
‘Hey there’ you said clearer this time.
‘Why can’t I… see you’ hesitated Obi Wan.
‘Because you still can’t admit what you want’ you whispered softly.
‘I need you back’ Obi Wan said instantly making you chuckle sadly.
‘Twelve months and you still can’t say it… Obi Wan’ you said softly.
‘I want… I want a life with the Jedi…’ started Obi Wan making you suck in a breath (if that were possible in the force).
‘And I want a life with you… I want both’ said Obi Wan.
‘Hey there Stormyeyes’ you whispered, your force signature slamming into Obi Wan’s.
‘Hey there little one’ smiled Obi Wan, engulfing your signature with his own.
‘I’m sorry it’s taken me so long’ whispered Obi Wan.
‘It’s ok, Master Qui Gon said you were stubborn’ you said teasingly.
‘I didn’t realise you knew him’
‘Oh I didn’t, he just wants to speak with you’ you said pushing the man’s signature into the fog of the force, before he realised what was happening.
‘Hello Obi Wan’ came Qui Gon from the force surrounding Obi Wan.
‘Master’ whispered Obi Wan, when the familiar signature danced around him.
‘My old apprentice I couldn’t be more proud’ said Qui Gon.
‘Even though I broke the code, my own Padawan broke the code and now had a family’ said Obi Wan skeptically.
‘Especially because of that… Anakin has turned into an incredible human being and now a father, and your love for Y/N has only instilled what I saw in you all those years ago, you radiate peace when you simply think of her… the force lights up with it’ said Qui Gon.
‘You always did encourage rule breaking’ huffed Obi Wan.
‘Be happy Obi Wan, choose it, and choose to help the order, besides Y/N is a force of nature don’t lose her’ commented Qui Gon.
‘Trust me, it’s been one year and I’ve missed her everyday’ admitted Obi Wan.
‘Good, because if you make your way to the hanger you won’t have to’ chuckled Qui Gon as Obi Wan’s signature vibrated in excitement.
‘Go Obi Wan, I’ll always be here’
Yet again Master Obi Wan Kenobi could be seen sprinting through the temple much to the bemusement of fellow Jedi going about their day to day business. Skidding into the hanger Obi Wan made it time to see you hopping out of your fighter, chucking your bag out of the back.
‘Thank stars you’re back’ said Obi Wan as he engulfed you into his arms.
‘Hello Stormyeyes’ you mumbled into his chest wrapping your arms around the man.
‘Y/N, I’ve missed you so much, I’ve been an idiot, and I’m so sorry’ said Obi Wan.
‘No, I was unreasonable, I was trying to push you towards something that you weren’t ready for, can you ever forgive me?’ You asked lifting your head off the man’s chest.
‘There’s nothing to forgive… the truth is I look at Anakin and what he has and I’m honestly jealous, but then I look at you, and you flourish in the order and my heart sores every time ’ said Obi Wan bringing a hand up and stroking the side of your face.
‘So what do you want?’ You whispered.
‘I want a life with you in the order, I want us… that’s if you still do’ said Obi Wan.
‘Obi…’ you whispered, your eyes filled with emotion.
Without any prompting, Obi Wan bent his head down and pressed his lips to yours in a soft yet emotional kiss.
‘I love you Stormyeyes’
‘And I love you little one’
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owkse · 2 years
Stormyeyes ~ Chapter 9: New Assignment
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Chapter 8
You walked towards the war room having been summoned, from the brief you were given you would be getting your first assignment since being injured. You were fit and healthy but also becoming restless, which is why you were happy to be heading to a briefing.
However, as you approached the doors you faltered in your steps slightly, you could sense him, hidden behind the steel doors, taking a deep breath, you strode into the room. Walking down the steps, you strode to the counsel, standing next to Master Windu, ignoring the other man entirely.
‘You wanted to see me Master’s?’ you asked the entire council who were also in the room.
‘Help us we need you, a mystery we have’ said Yoda.
‘Of course Master, what mystery?’ you asked.
‘A lightsaber, appeared it had, found Syfo Dias was’ said Yoda.
‘Seriously, he was still alive after all this time?’ you asked shocked.
‘I’m afraid he was, Master’s Kenobi along with Skywalker found him, only for Count Dooku to kill him’ said Windu.
‘May he rest peacefully’ you replied softly.
‘Indeed, however with his discovery came the name of Tyranus’ said Ki Adi Mundi.
‘That name is familiar… from the start of the war’ you said as the information was pulled up in front of you.
‘The Bounty Hunter, told me he was employed by Tyranus for the Clone army’ spoke Obi Wan, softly.
‘So… what… are we saying that the army we’ve been using, could very well have been created by this Tyranus… let me guess Tyranus is Dooku’ you said an unpleasant tingle going down your spine.
‘Dooku confirmed he was Tyranus yes’ said Windu.
‘I’m sorry I’m trying to wrap my head around this, Dooku never struck me as the type to be this cunning’ you spoke softly beginning to pace in circles around the counsel.
‘Believe we do, Dooku revealed more, Geonosis he did, work together you and Master Kenobi must’ said Yoda.
‘Yes Master’ you said.
‘Good, go meditate you both should, jump into the past, you must’ said Yoda.
‘Master may I have the data recorded for this, so I can record what comes up as we go?’ you asked ignoring Obi Wan entirely, doing a full circle back to your Master’s side.
'Of course, excellent idea,' said Windu, a data stick floating over into your hands.
'Thank you' you said nodding to your old Master.
'Go to the council's meditation rooms you both must' said Yoda.
'Yes Master' both you and Kenobi bowed, striding from the room.
'I'm going to fetch a data pad,' you said turning on your heel and striding away from Obi Wan, leaving him watching your back as you walked away.
Getting into your room, you couldn't help the shaking breaths that came from you. Centring yourself you grabbed your data pad, then made your way to where you could sense the man waiting.
'So I think we should just focus on that time you were trapped on Geonosis, I think you said at the time that Dooku had spoken about the Senate being under the influence of the dark side' you said shedding your cloak and settling on the meditation cushion.
'Y/N, can we talk before we start?' asked Obi Wan softly, copying your actions, sitting cross-legged on the cushion opposite you.
'I don't think there's anything we need to discuss,' you said almost sharply.
'Little one' sighed Obi Wan sadly.
'Don't, we have a job to do, let's focus on that' you said.
Your cold demeanour shocked Obi Wan, never had you been so emotionless and harsh with him, he expected awkwardness sure, but not this cold person you had become.
'Very well, we shall have to start from my time on Kamino' said Obi Wan, slipping into the force with you trailing after him.
You both floated through his memories, you let him lead nothing found on Kamino was worthy of rehashing, up until Geonosis, you listened intently as Dooku spoke. The memories continued and you ended up watching the duel between the Dark Lord and Obi Wan.
You couldn't help your reaction when he got caught by the blade of the Dooku, hearing about it and seeing it were clearly two different things. For a slight moment you regretted joking about your injuries when you had spoken with the man in the healing halls.
Feeling your guilty spike, Obi Wan lightly reached out to you in the force, the assignment now forgotten in his mind as he lightly wrapped around you.
'Please don't' you said ripping out of the force, scrambling to your feet to get away from him, data pad clattering to the floor.
'Y/N, I'm so sorry little one' whispered Obi Wan.
'Are you? Do you even know why you're sorry?' you asked wrapping your arms around you, almost like you were protecting yourself from his words.
'I am sorry, I'm sorry because I hurt you, I'm sorry because I was so utterly scared, that you could possibly feel the same way, but most of all I'm sorry that I was so completely immature and in the process I hurt you,' spoke Obi Wan sincerely.
'You did... you just left me, laying in a hospital bed, it took me a lot to admit how I felt let alone what I thought about the code... but worst of all the Jedi I idolised the most had just completely abandoned me' you said.
'I know, I know I did, and I regret every day since that, I was such a coward, I just... I couldn't bear the thought of you throwing away your life here because of me' said Obi Wan, bowing his head in shame.
'But that is my choice to make, one that I wouldn't make without thinking about it, or talking it through with you' you said walking back to your original seat, sitting opposite again.
'I know... but honestly out of everything, what took me off guard was what you said about the code' sigh Obi Wan, running a hand through his hair.
'What do you want Obi Wan?' you asked bluntly.
'What do you mean?' asked Obi Wan.
'What's the point in discussing all of this?' you said pushing now.
'I don't... I don't know' stuttered Obi Wan.
'That's the problem, I can live without you in my life, I've made progress in that during my recovery, the truth is I don't want to, so you need figure it out what it is you want... I'm going to note down what I saw and do my own research' you said collecting your cloak and datapad leaving the man to ponder.
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owkse · 2 years
Stormyeyes ~ Chapter 8: Something’s Amiss
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Chapter 7
You stood in the training room, going through your cool down routine. Still kept in the temple, having been newly discharged from the Hall of Healing, you spent your time either advising or training yourself to get back to where you were before your injury. As your eyes were shut and you were softly rolling your neck side to side, the door opened with a hiss.
‘Ah young one just finishing up I see’ came your old Master’s voice.
‘Yes Master, don’t tell me I’ve been summoned for another briefing’ you sighed opening your eyes looking at your Master.
‘No you have not, I actually wish to talk to about some things, sit’ said Windu, levitating over the meditation stools that you had rolled to the side.
‘What do you wish to talk about Master?’ you asked once you both sat cross legged opposite each other.
‘You, young one, I wish to talk about you’ said Windu.
‘What about me? I’m healing on track, admittedly I’ve lost strength in my left arm but, my stamina is near enough there’ you said offended your health was of concern to a member of the council.
‘That is not what concerns me, I’ve seen the progress you’ve made young one and you’re doing well, I am concerned for you because well, you haven’t seemed like yourself, and I know the loss of your friend has taken a toll, but I thought you discovered a way through it with Master Kenobi’ said Windu observing you as you unconsciously moved away from ‘Master Kenobi’ when the words were spoken.
‘I’ve moved on from Samual Master, yes I still miss him, but I know he’s always with me in the force’ you said softly dropping your head to avoid eye contact.
‘Then it is something else, something to do with Master Kenobi perhaps’ spoke Windu in a soft tone.
‘I… I… it’s nothing you need to concern you with Master’ you stuttered.
‘It is when others notice a change, it does concern me when you can’t look me in the eye, I meant what I said on your graduation, I’ll always be here for you’ said Windu sincerely.
Taking a deep breath to centre yourself, you lifted your head.
‘I have feelings for Obi Wan that I’m certain he returns those feelings, he all but said the words out loud to me when I woke up… but he fled when I… when I told him my thoughts of the code’ you said tears swimming in your eyes.
‘I see’ said Windu gravely.
‘Please don’t punish him, I’m happy to take whatever punishment the council sees fit, but please leave him out of it’ you begged softly.
‘Young one… you’re truly a remarkable life form, incredibly selfless… I shall council Master Yoda… but I don’t want you to worry I shall see to it that no punishment falls on either of you’ said Windu.
‘Master?’ You queried.
‘The order would suffer if we were to lose you both, I would… suffer’ sighed Windu, satisfied that he got the first genuine smile out of you.
‘Oh Master I didn’t know you cared’ you said teasingly.
‘Don’t push it young one… I think it would be good for you to join me and Master Yoda… with Master Kenobi,’ suggested Windu lightly.
‘I haven’t seen him for weeks’ you said brokenly.
‘Young one…?’ Queried Windu.
‘I miss him Master, I miss him so much my heart aches, but most of all I miss my friend, we’ve been through so much helping each other and he’s just… I think you should council Master Yoda, and I should focus on getting myself back on track without Master Kenobi’ you said lightly.
‘Are you sure that’s what you want?’ asked Windu.
‘No it’s not what I want, it’s what’s best’ you sighed.
‘Ok, I shall council with Master Yoda, now come young one, let’s get some dinner’ said Windu standing to his feet, holding a hand out to help you.
Accepting the hand, you pulled yourself up, joining your Master for dinner along with some of the other members of the council. Your heart still aches, especially when you could sense the man in the temple, but with deep breaths you focused on what you had set yourself, maybe you could get back on track.
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owkse · 2 years
Stormyeyes ~ Chapter 7: Adding Insult To Injury
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Chapter 6
You were on the floor, hit by a blaster to your shoulder and stomach in sync. You always knew you would go down in a ray of bullets or some adventure gone awry, what you weren’t prepared for was the pain and desperately clinging to life. Dust was floating around you, ears ringing as you stared up at the sky, the battle still raging around you.
Gasping for breath your vision began to blur, colours of the force invading your sight, the dust falling seemingly disappeared. Your body began to feel lighter, and you couldn’t help but follow the peaceful sensation coming from the force. As you got lost in the colours, you were almost pulled away by the sensation on having your upper body pulled up, and gathered into a warm set of arms.
‘Y/N, Y/N… come on sweetheart, you’re ok’ came Obi Wan’s panic filled voice.
‘Obi?…. About time you and Anakin got here’ you groaned with a laugh.
‘Only you could be laughing at a time like this’ huffed Obi Wan, helping you get loaded on a stretcher.
‘Obi Wan I didn’t know you cared’ you said slurring now.
‘Y/N… come on open your eyes’ said Obi Wan.
But you didn’t you simply faded.
Coming to, you groaned, pain ripping through your stomach and left shoulder, the weight on your right hand lifting suddenly. Letting your head fall to the side, you blinked blearily at the man next you. Never before had you seen him look so unkept, his usually neatly styled hair was falling in his eyes, dark circles were under his eyes giving him a haggard look.
‘Ow’ you half moaned half whined.
‘What hurts?’ asked Obi Wan immediately scanning your body with his eyes.
‘You… you look so much like how I feel’ you said.
‘Don’t, don’t joke about this, you were just lying there, drifting into the force…. And I….’ Broke off Obi Wan, looking away ashamed.
‘You did what… Obi Wan?’ You asked reaching with your uninjured arm, taking hold of his hand.
‘I dragged you back, I dragged you back because I didn’t want to let you go’ said Obi Wan, looking at you with tears swimming in his eyes.
‘Stormyeyes’ you whispered looking into the man’s eyes.
‘Don’t, I can’t, we shouldn’t’ muttered Obi Wan.
Your heart clenched at his words, you hadn’t admitted your feelings for the man to yourself but hearing the man next to your bedside, you did in that precise moment realise not only how you felt, but also your feelings were reciprocated.
‘Shouldn’t do what?’ you asked blinking at the man.
‘Stop it’ begged Obi Wan.
‘Don’t make me beg’ you said softly squeezing his hand.
‘I can’t bear to be without you’ whispered Obi Wan.
‘And I can’t bear to be without you’ you replied.
‘But the code…’ started Obi Wan breaking off as you shook your head almost furiously.
‘The code could very well be wrong and I think you know that’ you said softly.
‘No, it would destroy us, destroy I can’t’ said Obi Wan before fleeing.
You remained in your hospital bed for a week, and you never saw the man again. With your heart broken you focused on your recovery. Ignoring the looks your old Master would give you as you went through your rehabilitation exercises, it would be weeks until you saw or even spoke to Obi Wan again.
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owkse · 2 years
Stormyeye’s ~ Chapter 6: Hurt
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Chapter 5
In the dead of night you hopped into your ship, letting the force guide you, you caught onto the signature that was causing you a disturbance. On complete autopilot, you flew the ship, hopping across the galaxy right into the path of a beat up ship.
Opening up the connection pod, you allowed the ship to hook up to your own. As the doors now connecting your ships opened you made your way on the ship, finding the occupant slumped at the controls. Sadness filled your heart upon seeing the highly esteemed Jedi Master and your friend’s body wracked with so much sadness and pain.
‘Obi Wan’ you said approaching the man.
‘Don’t’ whispered Obi Wan.
‘It wasn’t your fault’ you said crouching next to the man, resting your hand on his arm.
‘He killed her because of me, how was it not my fault?’ asked Obi Wan bitterly.
‘His mind had been consumed by the dark side, corrupted beyond repair, there was nothing you could have done to change what happened, she was dead the minute Maul stepped onto that planet’ you spoke softly.
‘I should have done more…. I should have done more to protect her’ whispered Obi Wan, tears falling down his cheeks.
‘Shh Obi, there was nothing else you could have done, he would have hunted her and hunted her, and then he would hunt down you and tortured you with it’ you said softly.
‘I wish I never met her, that way she might still be alive’ admitted Obi Wan, looking down into your eyes for the first time.
‘Obi’ you whispered lifting your other hand to stroke the side of the man’s face.
‘I don’t think I can ever forgive myself’ whispered Obi Wan.
‘You can… come on’ you said pushing to your feet.
Taking hold of the man’s hand, you guided the man out of his ship into yours. Setting the ship on route back to Coruscant, you guided the man to sit opposite you, crossed legged facing the other.
‘I’ve got you’ you said taking hold of the man’s hands, holding them in his lap.
Gently you pulled the man into the force, helping him float through force at his own pace. Letting the man find his own peacefulness, his own way.
‘Y/N’ came Obi Wan from behind you, finding himself to be stuck behind a barrier of some sort.
‘It’s ok, you just need to find what you need’ you whispered, echoing the words the man had spoken to you all those months ago.
‘Wait for me little one?’ Came the timid question.
You waited floating in the force, feeling the rumbles in the force, that weren’t too dissimilar to how you felt months ago at the loss of your friend.
After some time your signature was almost embraced, lightly by a warmth. Not questioning it, you let Obi Wan cling to you in the force finding peace floating gently in the light… until you were both interrupted by the ship jumping into Coruscant’s orbit.
‘Come on’ you said once the ship had docked into the temples hanger.
Through the darkness, you took the Jedi Master’s hand guiding him to your room. Without words you hung up your cloak, toeing off your boots, taking off your tunic so you were just in your undervest and pants. Encouraging Obi Wan to do the same, you curled up onto your bed, against the pillows, watching Obi Wan curl up on his side next to you facing you.
Sadness filled the man’s face and body, unsure of what to do, you used the force to drape your favourite blanket over the man. Slowly the man’s eyes closed and he fell asleep. Settling back you watched over the man, stroking his brow when his nightmares hit, but otherwise keeping the room calm within the force.
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owkse · 2 years
Stormyeyes ~ Chapter 5: Bad Day
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Chapter 4 ~ Part 2
You stood in the middle of the training room. Training dummies laying in different forms of damage. You just needed a minute, just one. To reflect on the assignment just gone, the loss of your best friend hanging heavy in the air. You had been outnumbered both of you knew that, the republic reinforcements had failed to reach you in time. The result being you and a handful of clones who were left standing were evacuated.
Tears had thundered uncontrollable at first, emotions slipping to the forefront before you had been able to control them. Immediately on your return to the temple Master Windu had meditated with you for three hours, finally you were centred, but the pain remained. So here you were, using the training room working yourself with your lightsaber into exhaustion.
‘What did the training aids ever do to you?’ Came an all to familiar voice from the doorway.
‘What can help you with Master Kenobi?’ You said in an almost clipped voice.
‘Hey… what’s wrong?’ asked Obi Wan, coming into the room fully, bringing a sense of calmness that you couldn’t help slip your eyes shut to, clinging to it almost desperately.
‘Samual died’ you whispered a tear rolling down your cheek.
‘Oh little one, I’m so sorry’ said Obi Wan delicately, using his cloak sleeve to softly wipe your face.
You took a shuddering breath, Obi Wan brushing the backs of his fingers along your cheek. You couldn’t help moving into the gesture, drawing calmness from the warmth the man radiated.
‘Have you meditated?’ asked Obi Wan, leaving his hand connected with your skin.
‘Yes, Master Windu made me meditate with him for three hours’ you huffed, Obi Wan chuckling at you tone.
‘And did it help?’
‘A little’ you sighed.
‘Come with me’ said Obi Wan slipping his hand into yours.
With trust, you used your free hand to rehook your saver hilt to your belt, as Obi Wan tugged you behind him out of the training room. Ignoring fellow Jedi, Obi Wan kept his hand in yours, guiding you to the meditation garden. Still with your hands entwined you found yourself being pulled to one of the most secluded corners of the garden. 
Hidden amongst the plants, was a small grass areas, two small rocks that looked perfect for sitting on. It was an area that unless you knew was there, you would never give it a second glance.
‘How did you find this?’ you asked copying the man’s actions and taking a seat on top the second rock, sitting crossed legged.
‘I was an…. adventurous youngling’ grinned Obi Wan.
You snorted briefly forgetting your pain, up until you remembered your activities as a youngling with Samual.
‘Me and Samual, if the crèche Master wasn’t looking, we would go and crawl through the ventilation shafts of the archives’ you said with a strained smile, as Obi Wan chuckled.
‘Remind me, who exactly took Samual on as a Padawan?’ asked Obi Wan chuckling.
‘Oh, you’re going to love this one, Master Ki Adi Mundi’ you said lapsing into giggles, remembering how the two of you were.
‘Fantastic’ laughed Obi Wan.
When your laughter died down, your tears returned, running down your chest. You closed your eyes in pain, sobs wracked your body, moving up and down.
‘Shh, it’s ok, you’re safe here, I’m right here’ said Obi Wan taking your hands in his, holding them in your lap.
You felt the light tug in the force, becoming resistant to it, until reluctantly you followed the man’s signature letting him guide you until you reached a point the pain refused to leave you.
‘Obi Wan please’ you begged slightly.
‘It’s ok, Shh, I’m right here, just sense around you, you’ll find what you need’ whispered Obi Wan.
You did as the man said sensing around until you found it or him. Samual, one with the force grinning at you as he always did, playing like he did as a child, the only thing that was different was instead of a wisp of coloured light representing an individual, he was of a solid Zabrak form.
‘Sammy’ you whispered.
‘Hey… I haven’t got much time Master Qui Gon is giving me a little time with you… you’ll have to train with in the future… anyway, it’s important you know I don’t blame you’ said Samual.
‘I miss you’ you all but sobbed.
‘I know, and I’ll miss you, we’ll be with each other again, but you have to go on, after all who else is going to keep the order straight’ smirked Samual making you chuckle.
‘I suppose that would be me’ you whispered.
‘And Master Kenobi, he sounds like a solid replacement’ suggested Samual giving you a knowing look, making you feel like you were blushing.
‘Sam I…’ you started at a loss for words.
‘Don’t he’s good for you, I saw that before and I can sense it more now, go do your duty… become the Jedi I know you already are’ smiled Samual before fading into the force.
You snapped your eyes open, finding a set of stormy blue eyes looking at you, with a matching soft expression on the man’s features.
‘Find what you needed?’ Asked Obi Wan, running his thumbs over your knuckles as he still held your hands.
‘I did, thank you’ you smiled gratefully, your tears long gone.
‘Good, I don’t like seeing you suffer’ said Obi Wan, his hands remaining in your lap.
‘You’re a truly incredible being Obi Wan’ you said, twisting your hands to hold Obi Wan’s.
Holding each other’s hands you looked into each other’s eyes, soft smiles highlighting both your faces.
‘Whenever you’re having a bad day, you can always come to me’
‘And whenever you’re having a bad day you can come to me’
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owkse · 2 years
Stormyeyes ~ Chapter 4 Part 2: Saving Him Again
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Chapter 4 ~ Part 1
‘Hey, I promise I’m going to do everything I can to get you home ok’ you said softly to the young girl, curled up into your chest.
‘Ok’ sniffed the girl as you flew your ship.
‘What’s your name little one?’ You asked, trying to distract the girl as you spun the ship to avoid the guard tower spotting you.
‘Asha’ said Asha, her small body still trembling.
‘Nice to meet you Asha, my names Y/N Y/L/N’ you said landing the ship.
‘Ok little one, there’s going to be some very loud noises, so I want you to stay here…’ you said once you both hopped out the ship.
‘No’ sobbed the girl clinging to you.
‘Ok, well then how about you become a honorary Padawan, we have to be really sneaky, ok?’ You said crouching down.
Smiling as the girl nodded, you patted the girls head before standing and turning to the droid left in your ship.
‘R4 I’m going to need a distraction, do the best you can to distract the guards, at worst fly the ship away and meet up with Ashoka’ you said.
‘Come on then little one’ you said motioning for Asha to hop onto your back.
Carrying the girl to the centre edge you watched the guards become distracted allowing you to slip in. Making your way through the grimy hallways you shivered at the stench that filled the air.
‘Ok, when I open this door, you need to take cover, do you understand?’ You said putting Asha down, unhooking your lightsaber from your belt.
‘Ok’ whispered Asha.
Opening the door, you both slid inside, finding it to be a large factory you lead the girl amongst the machines, hiding from the guards. As the guards moved, so did you, until you spotted a silhouette you recognised.
‘Ok, remember, stay hidden’ you said to the girl.
Finding there only to be one guard, you slid out grabbing a discarded shovel, knocking out the guard. The people Kiros cowered, immediately cowered, clearly they were succumbing to their conditioning.
‘General’ said Rex standing to attention.
‘Easy none of that, where’s Obi Wan?’ you asked, using your lightsaber to unshackle him.
‘They split us up, he wasn’t doing so well when I last saw him’ said Rex rubbing his wrists, as you unshackled the others when they realised you were a friend.
‘Ok, are you all fit to move?’ you asked the group, as one the group picked up their shovels.
‘Asha’ you called the young girl running to your side.
‘This is Rex, he’s going to help us’ you said introducing the two, as she clutched tight to you.
‘Pleasure’ said Rex softly.
All together you began to slink your way through the area, until you came to the next group.
‘Papa’ said Asha when she poked her head out from your legs.
‘Hide here, we’ll get him’ you said nodding at Rex who had picked up the electric whip from the knocked out guard.
Igniting the whip and lightsaber in sync, you and Rex went about taking care of the guards, unshackling the prisoners. Smiling you watched Asha run into her Dads arms, you and Rex began to organise the larger group the best way you could, knowing the guards would be on high alert now.
‘Ready?’ you said to Rex when you reached the larger area with the most number of guards.
‘Let’s do this’ nodded Rex.
As one you and Rex, launched into the attack, immediately distracting the guards, meanwhile the prisoners you had rescued without guidance, jumped into the fray. As one you were able to subdue the guards, as you went through each prisoner, you found Obi Wan.
‘Hey Stormyeyes’ you said softly, approaching him.
‘Y/N, am I glad to see you’ whispered Obi Wan, with a very strained smile.
‘I’m sure’ you said unchaining the man.
‘How long has it been?’ asked Obi Wan, rubbing his wrists.
‘Three weeks, here’ you said handing the man a spare lightsaber.
‘Thank you, oh who’s this?’ smiled Obi Wan as Asha ran to you.
‘This is Asha, she’s been my Padawan for the assignment, haven’t you?’ You smiled looking down at the girl.
‘Hello Asha, my names Obi Wan’ said Obi Wan, crouching to the same level.
‘Hello’ said Asha softly.
‘Why don’t we get you and your people home Hmm?’ asked Obi Wan, making you smile.
‘Come on then’ you said helping the man stand as he wobbled, wrapping his arm over your shoulders, beginning the walk out.
You walked out of the centre happy to find Skywalker and his Padawan waiting along with a battalion of clones which clearly had been sent as a rescue.
‘Have fun?’ smirked Skywalker.
‘Get the people back to their home, next assignment you might actually put in some effort’ you said, helping Obi Wan over to a medical stretcher.
Obi Wan snorted then groaned as you all but dumped him onto the stretcher.
‘Thank you for that gracious landing, darling’ huffed Obi Wan.
‘Anytime’ you grinned.
‘Hmm’ said Obi Wan his eyes shutting in pain.
‘Hey, you ok?’ you asked softly, your hand going to the man’s hair, softly stroking it back from the man’s forehead.
‘I will be’ said Obi Wan, opening his eyes, looking at you softly.
‘If your sure’ you said noting your lip.
‘Mm, I am’ said Obi Wan taking hold of your hand, holding it at his side.
‘Always arguing’ you grumbled at the man.
‘I think someone wants to say goodbye’ smiled Obi Wan cheekily.
Turning you found Asha standing with her Father. Letting go of the man’s hand, you accepted the young girl into your arms, hugging her happily to you.
‘Will I see you again?’ asked Asha as you crouched before her.
‘Close your eyes and tell me what you feel’ you said softly.
‘We will’ said the girl with determination.
‘Then I can’t wait to see you in the future little one’ you smiled, accepting the girl back into your arms.
As you embraced the girl you missed the set of stormy blue eyes watching you with a soft look.
‘Goodbye Asha’ you said smiling as the girl ran back to her father.
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owkse · 2 years
Stormyeyes: Chapter 4 ~ Part 1: Saving Him Again
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Chapter 3
‘Y/N, urgent word we need’ said Yoda as you walked from the room you had been teaching a younglings class as cover.
‘Of course, what’s wrong?’ You asked immediately sensing something was off.
‘Lost we have, contact with Kenobi, Skywalker and Ashoka, help from you we need’ said Yoda leading you into the war rooms.
‘They were sent to help the Togrutans weren’t they?… Were they able to send any information about what they found, or did they jump in with both feet?’ You half asked half grumbled, going around the console pulling up their assignment details.
‘Both feet more than likely, Captain Rex sent this’ said Plo Koon pulling up an image that had you frowning.
‘The mark of slavery’ you all but hissed.
‘Indeed, we want to send you in, no one else, is this something you can do?’ asked Secura.
‘I can do this’ you said with determination.
‘Good, we expect you to fly out immediately’ said Windu, watching you carefully.
‘Yes Masters I understand’ you said bowing, turning and exiting the room.
You made your way to your rooms, quickly shedding your cloak so you could change the light tunic to one darker which you favoured when sent on missions such as this. Packing a light rucksack, you put on your darker cloak also, then made your way to hanger bay, unsurprised to find Master Windu waiting for you.
‘I don’t need a leaving party Master’ you said trying to keep the tone light despite the gravity of the situation.
‘I wanted to make sure you had everything in order… but be mindful of your thoughts, even now I can sense when they stray back to when I first met you’ said Windu lightly.
‘I know Master… sometimes the memories just come without warning… but I’ll do my best not to let them influence my decisions’ you said gripping the strap of your bag tightly.
‘I know you will young one, may the force be with you’ said Windu walking you to your fighter.
‘And with you Master’ you said throwing your bag in, before getting in yourself.
Flying out of Coruscant, you guided the fighter into the hyperspace rings, jumping into hyperspace making your way to save Kenobi and Skywalker.
Arriving at Kadavo, you flew your ship towards the abandoned Republic ship hidden amongst the trees. Hopping out you made sure your R4 was linked with your com link, otherwise shutting down the ship, you grabbed your rucksack, taking out the things you would need to disguise yourself.
Locating the city wall, you found a weak area allowing you to slip in. Making your way to the palace you observed the guards, waiting patiently until you found the weak point allowing you to slip into the palace. Moving through the palace, you shivered at the darkness filling the palace, especially when you heard screams coming from who knows where.
You pushed on regardless, you made your way to the royal rooms, you found a secluded corner just in time to observe the Queen and Skywalker walk into what you assumed to be the throne room. Therefore, it became heavily guarded you decided on scaling the building. Finding a room on a lower level you began to scale the outside, finding Ashoka in a cage you were able to get the young girls attention.
‘Master?’ queried the girl.
‘Hello Padawan, are you ok?’ you asked perching on a ledge slightly.
‘I’m fine Master’ nodded Ashoka.
‘Good, your Master has he made any head way?’ You asked panting slightly.
‘No… wait he’s just coming’ said Ashoka.
‘Give this to him’ you said flicking up a earpiece to the girl.
‘Yes Master’ said Ashoka using the force as you heard the Queen and Skywalker approach the balcony edge that Aśhoka’s cage was hanging from.
‘Skywalker, get me the location of the Kiros people… I’ll free them, where’s Obi Wan?’ You asked in a hush voice.
‘With the people of Kiros’ came the soft reply.
‘Damn it, ok here’s the plan, find the location now, release Ashoka, she can cause a distraction so I can hop into my ship… I’ve seen evidence of battle droids, don’t be surprised if Dooku is behind this that’s your opening’ you said quickly.
You waited turning to Ashoka who was readying herself.
‘A little help Padawan’ you said motioning your bag.
Using the force the young girl steadied you as you used the force in turn to bring out a sabre hilt, flicking it over to her, along with a ear piece.
‘He’s not getting anywhere’ huffed Ashoka.
‘I wouldn’t say that… he’s planted the seed of doubt… but he’s taking too long, wait here’ you muttered, hoisting yourself up over the balcony edge, slipping into the throne room.
Seeing Skywalker and the Queen together, you hid yourself in one of the corners watching the slaves bustle about. Unfortunately one of the girls spotted you, quick as you could you revealed your lightsaber, a finger over your lips.
The young girl, who couldn’t have been any older than the younglings at the temple; nodded with terrified eyes, spotting her shock collar you decided on pointing to the balcony, the girl shaking body moved out side. Knowing your time to be even shorter, you quickly slid along the floor on your stomach from your corner to the queens desk. Curling underneath, you relished in the fact the desk was over the top too big.
Opening your bag you took out a small diagnostic device, placing it into the console, you scanned the Queens database, you finally found communication with Agruss in Kadavo. Finding that out, you used your com link to signal to your R4 droid to steer your fighter to the palace.
‘Obi Wan is in Kadavo, I need a distraction so I can get out’ you breathed as you packed away the device ready to leave.
‘Where are you?’ came Skywalker’s muttered response.
‘Under the desk’ you replied.
‘Under the… never mind’ sighed Skywalker before you heard the screech of the birds flapping around the room.
Taking your chance, you uncurled from under the desk and slipped out onto the balcony. Hearing the alarms and seeing the guards swarm around you ignited your sabre, slashing the cowering girls shock collar off, gathering her into your arms, you force jumped into your hovering fighter.
‘Ashoka, get to your ship, I will meet you at Kadavo’ you said watching the girl get out of her cage as you sat with the trembling girl in your lap.
‘Yes master’
With that you were flying off after Obi Wan.
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owkse · 2 years
Stormyeyes ~ Chapter 3: Battle Honours
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Chapter 2
You stood to the side of the incredibly large stage, fiddling incessantly with your cloak sleeves, your nervousness coming out. You hated being the centre of attention. It was comical when you think about it, you stand at the forefront of a grand army going into battle, but the one thing that sends you into a nervous wreck is the prospect of getting on stage in front of the entire Jedi order, along with selected Senators and the Chancellor.
‘Hey there’ smiled Obi Wan, stopping next to you.
The council were making their way onto the stage, the newly appointed Master to the council choosing to stop to speak with you.
‘Hi Master’ you said with a bow, returning to your fiddling much to the man’s amusement.
‘Hey, hey, you’ll make them fray’ said Obi Wan placing his hands warmly over yours.
‘Sorry’ you said sheepishly making the man chuckle.
‘After the ceremony I’ll re-sew this for you, and you can sample my new tea flavour’ said Obi Wan inspecting the sleeves.
‘Yes Master’ you said rolling your eyes as the man let go of your hands.
‘You’ll be fine… I’ll be there as will Master Windu…. Stop fiddling’ said Obi Wan, as you started fiddling again.
‘I just want this over with’ you huffed.
‘And it will be, just as soon as you walk onto the stage accept your medal, give a little speech’ said Obi Wan.
‘Speech… no one said anything about a speech’ you blanched.
‘Oh you…’ you exclaimed smacking the man’s arm when you noticed his laughing.
‘Good luck little one’ sang Obi Wan winking at you as he climbed up the steps to the stage.
Fiddling again, you caught yourself, stopping your actions just as the entire hall went silent. Briefly panicking you took a deep breath centring yourself, as the chancellor took to the podium.
Before yourself the chancellor went into honouring those who would be receiving promotions and medical discharges. All to soon, it was your turn, glancing up on the stage you spotted Obi Wan who looked over to you, shooting you a reassuring smile.
‘This war has not been an easy, but it’s heading in a direction the republic can be proud of, it is in this time that we must celebrate those who have displayed exemplary service… therefore, with our final award, it is with great honour I award Jedi Knight Y/L/N with the Republic Cross of Bravery, for exemplary displays of heroism and above all the protection of the republic’ said Chancellor Palpatine.
And with that, butterfly’s raging in your stomach, you climbed the steps into the brights lights of the stage, the hall thundering in applause, the council and senators on the stage standing and clapping as you stood before the Chancellor as he pinned the medal to your tunic.
‘I will certainly look forward to watching your career, with… great interest’ smiled Palpatine making something shiver down the back of your spine.
‘Thank you Chancellor’ you said simply, stepping back and bowing.
‘This concludes our awards ceremony’ said Palpatine, the hall bursting into applause and ruckus as people began to leave.
‘Congratulations young one’ said Windu, approaching you.
‘Thank you Master… I feel like there are so many other men and women more deserving of this award’ you sighed unpinning the medal and looking at it for the first time.
‘You deserve the award young one, you have been and continue to fulfil your duty well’ said Windu.
‘Who are you and what have you done with my Master Windu?’ You said unable to help yourself.
‘Very funny young one, very funny, there are some other people who want to congratulate you, in thirty minutes you are expected in the council chambers’ said Windu with a huff and roll of his eyes, before he practically stalked off.
Turning you found some of your teachers from when you were a youngling beaming at you from the the steps of the stage. Happily you skipped over, jumping down the steps you handed round the medal to your teachers then your friends who also hung back to speak with you. Thirty minutes later you found yourself with your medal in your hands, stood before the council.
‘How feel you Y/N?’ asked Yoda.
‘Relieved that’s over with’ you said earning some scattered chuckles around the room.
‘Young one’ sighed Windu making this who heard crack smiles.
‘Sorry Master’ you said grinning.
‘That apology would sound more sincere if you meant it young one, and you’re making us get side tracked’ huffed Windu.
Bowing your head you fought your smile as you caught eyes with Obi Wan, who too was fighting his own smirk.
‘Y/N we’ve asked you up here because as a council we have agreed that in light of your bravery and service to the republic it is only right to grant you the rank of Master’ said Plo Koon.
‘Are you sure?’ you couldn’t help the words that tumbled from your mouth.
‘Sure we are, a joke this is not’ said Yoda stopping the laughter that had erupted at your words.
‘Sorry Master I did not mean to be disrespectful, it’s an honour truly, one that I don’t entirely believe I deserve’ you said humbly.
‘Deserving of it you are, honoured you should be, honoured we are to grant you this rank’ smiled Yoda as you accepted the new cloak handed to you by Master Windu.
‘Thank you Masters truly’ you smiled clutching the cloak to you.
‘Come on young one, let’s head out’ smiled Obi Wan approaching you as everyone got up to leave.
‘How long have you kept this from me?’ You pouted, as you both walked down from the council tower.
‘Not too long… only since that business on Dagobar’ smiled Obi Wan cheekily at you.
‘Obi’ you huffed causing the man to chuckle.
‘Oh come on, it was a nice surprise, excellent entertainment when you wound up Master Windu’ said Obi Wan cheerily.
‘And they call me a menace’ you snorted entering the Master’s rooms.
‘Sit, sit, let me just get….’ Said Obi Wan, moving to his cupboards.
‘You don’t have to sew my sleeves’ you chuckled taking off your cloak, settling onto the couch, sitting cross legged you finally studied your medal.
‘Of course I do, you certainly won’t’ sniffed Obi Wan, settling next to you pulling your old cloak into his lap, beginning to sew up your sleeves.
‘Thanks…. Obi Wan, I’m a master now’ you said with wide eyes.
‘Yes you are’ grinned Obi Wan continuing his work.
‘Me, Y/N Y/L/N by name and most definitely reputation’ you said.
‘Yes Y/N, you’ said Obi Wan, tying up his work, standing and placing your cloak along with your new one on the cloak stand with his own.
‘Obi, it’s me’ you said pointing at your chest.
‘Y/N listen to me’ said Obi Wan sitting back on the couch cupping your face with his hands. ‘You are a Master, you deserve the title of Master’.
‘Obi Wan, I’m a Master’ you grinned launching at the man, embracing him as he laughed.
‘Congratulations little one’ chuckled Obi Wan.
‘Thank you Stormyeyes’ you grinned sitting back.
You spent the rest of the afternoon in the man’s rooms, drinking tea and enjoying the small amount of time you have away from the war, was truly cherished.
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owkse · 2 years
Stormyeyes ~ Chapter 2: Hospital Visits
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Chapter 1
You were sat on the carrier, making your way back to Coruscant, having joined Master Windu in the mass Jedi rescue of Obi Wan Kenobi… again. You had caught blaster burns to your arms during your attempts to save some of the younger Jedi around you. Jumping off the carrier you were directed to the Hall of Healing, then into one of the rooms.
Hopping onto the bed, you took off your tunic, hissing in pain as you did. Sitting you waited for the medical droids, in just your undervest, trousers boots and belt with lightsaber. As your arms continued to burn you lost yourself in the force to relieve the pain. It helped somewhat, until you were disturbed by a familiar force, entering the room.
‘Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you’ came Obi Wan’s voice through the force fog.
‘No problem Stormyeyes… what happened to you?’ You asked opening your eyes watching the man gingerly perch onto the bed opposite yours.
‘Lightsabre burns, you?’ asked Obi Wan grimacing.
‘Blaster burns… been fighting Sith again?’ You asked cheekily earning a playful look from the man.
‘Of course my dear, I have a reputation to uphold after all’ smiled Obi Wan shooting you a playful wink.
‘Of course Stormyeyes’ you said rolling your eyes at the now lightly chuckling man.
‘So little one, tell me, how was training under the great Master Windu?’ Asked Obi Wan, tilting his head.
‘Oh you know, we were and still are, very much chalk and cheese’ you shrugged with a playful glint in your eye.
‘It is surprising’ noted Obi Wan as the medical drugs joined you both, beginning to tape up both your wounds.
‘Master Yoda always said that I brought out his smiles, albeit reluctantly’ you said earning more chuckles, mixed with hisses of pain.
‘Hmm, I imagine you thawed him out some what’ said Obi Wan making you chuckle.
‘I certainly tried, it wasn’t very easy’ you said chuckling with Obi Wan, now.
‘Ah, young one, you and Kenobi are discharged yes?’ asked Windu coming into the room.
‘Yes Master, all taped up, although Stormyeye’s here might need help walking with the amount of tape on his legs’ you said grinning as the man grumbled, linking his arm with you when you were changed back into your top and cloak.
‘And you’ll need help with day to day tasks with the tape on your arms young one, now come on’ said Windu turning and walking away you sticking your tongue out as you followed.
‘I saw that’ said Windu making Obi Wan laugh as you pouted following the man to the council chambers.
‘Y/N, sit must you, impressive fighting you have done’ said Yoda indicating the floor next to his seat.
Happily you complied, letting Obi Wan shuffle to the window with Windu, settling onto the floor, you settled back against the chair.
‘I have to admit without the clones it wouldn’t have been a victory’ commented Obi Wan.
‘Oh Master Obi Wan, not a victory, began the clone wars has’ said Yoda, lightly playing with the hair at the bottom of your ponytail.
‘What will happen to the order now Master?’ You asked softly.
‘Dark times indeed ahead they are, not know where’ said Yoda making you grimace slightly at the clear meaning behind the words.
‘We will all have to be vigilant about the politics young one, the war will only cloud everything’ said Windu, bringing out his own chair with the force along with one for Obi Wan, both sitting by you and Master Yoda.
‘This is going to grip the order in the worst way’ you spoke softly.
This was the first time since meeting you, that Obi Wan saw your insecurity. You acted so carefree, light and happy, but like every other life form you had your own doubts and fears. Without a single thought to his actions, Obi Wan reached out to you in the force, like a gentle breeze, light fingers linking with yours.
‘Deal we will, help each other in the force, we must’ said Yoda, sensing the way you and Obi Wan found peace quickly together, settling over the occupants of the room.
‘Peace will help us through young one’ said Windu showing an uncharacteristic soft side.
‘Ok… I think I’m going to turn in’ you said pushing to your feet, wobbling slightly as exhaustion began to set in.
‘I’ll walk you’ said Obi Wan, pushing to his feet.
‘Thank you Obi Wan, goodnight Masters’ you said to the remaining two seated Jedi.
‘Goodnight young one’ said Windu, as you and Obi Wan left the room arm in arm, aiding each other walking.
‘Are you ok?’ asked Obi Wan as the two of you made your way from the council tower.
‘I think so… I’m just not looking forward to the violence that is coming’ you admitted.
‘I… humph…. I thought that….’ Said Obi Wan struggling to get the words out.
‘You thought I enjoy it…’ you said.
‘I’m good, at the active side I guess, it’s a necessity … but I don’t enjoy it’ you said.
‘I’m sorry, I made an assumption and I was clearly wrong’ said Obi Wan sheepishly.
‘That’s ok, a lot of people do, you’re certainly not the first’ you shrugged.
‘But still, I’d like to consider us friends and that wasn’t right of me’ said Obi Wan as you reached the level of the temple where your rooms resided.
‘I consider us friends too… thank you for walking me to my rooms, will you be ok getting to your own?’ You asked, the softness again surprising Obi Wan rather than your usual jesting.
‘No I’ll be ok’ smiled Obi Wan, watching you nod and then make your way down the hall to your rooms.
As he watched you, Obi Wan couldn’t help the smile on his face. You were truly and enigma, and he couldn’t wait to discover more about you, because there was clearly more than what met the eye. 
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owkse · 2 years
Stormyeyes ~ Chapter 1: Introduction’s
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‘Need your help the council does, missing a Knight and Padawan, one week they have been’ said Yoda as you stood before the council.
‘Of course Master, who is it whose not checked in?’ You asked curiously.
‘Master Kenobi and Padawan Skywalker’ said Windu.
‘Ok Master, may I have some time to look into their assignment before leaving?’ You asked.
‘Of course make all of the arrangements you need, may the force be with you’ said Windu.
‘And with you Masters’ you said bowing, before leaving the council chambers.
You made your way quickly to be of the assignment rooms that was being unused, quickly reading up on the assignment and the last point of contact, ensuring you had everything, you quickly found yourself a ship and a R Droid. Flying the ship you made your way to the planet Chandrila.
If it wasn’t for the assignment you were sent on, you’d have found the planet incredibly calm and tranquil. Deciding on flying the planet for a little, you spotted the reason why the two Jedi had failed to come into contact. A large group of pirates had set up camp, and if you weren’t mistaken, your two Jedi were currently experiencing the rather violent hospitality from the group.
Quickly before you got spotted you landed your ship in thick tree cover, grabbing your bag of toys let’s say, leaving the droid to keep the ship hidden you began to make your way through the forest. Two hours later you finally made it to a hillside where you could easily spy on the camp the pirates had set up.
Locating their weak spots you began to set up distractions around the perimeter, with the use of grenades on a timer. Slinking back into the undergrowth you waited for the timers. Like clockwork, explosions all around the camp could be seen. Amongst the smoke and the confusion you snuck in, finding the two wounded Jedi.
‘Kenobi’ you said rushing to the man, who had clearly been beaten badly, he was slumped against his bindings.
‘Hello darling, I don’t think we’ve been introduced’ grinned the man despite his pain as you disabled the device holding him.
‘Really…’ you snorted moving to his Padawan.
‘You seem to know my name it’s only fair’ said Obi Wan, as you found their lightsabers tossing them to the two.
‘Y/N Y/L/N, at your service, what do you say we get out of here’ you grinned.
‘After you my dear’ said Obi Wan with a wave of his hand.
‘R-7, bring the ship to the following coordinates’ you said into your com link.
‘Blast’ you muttered as you ran out of the tent into the main camp only to find guns trained on you.
‘I don’t suppose you came up with an escape plan’ grunted Skywalker as you began to deflect the shots fired at you.
‘I was secretly hoping you would have a plan Skywalker’ you jested easily.
‘You’d have to ask my Master, he disapproves of my plans, like not negotiating with pirates’ Skywalker said cheekily earning an eye roll from the man.
‘Please do not encourage my Padawan Y/N’ sighed Obi Wan making you chuckle.
‘How do you feel about me piloting?’ asked Skywalker.
‘Think you can manoeuvre through that?’ You asked watching the ship dodging the bullets trained on it.
‘I know I can’ said Skywalker firmly.
‘Anakin… do not show off’ grunted Obi Wan as the boy force jumped into the ship, leaving the two of you back to back.
‘Easy there, you’ll pull something’ you teased as Obi Wan did a rather impressive manoeuvre, deflecting multiple shots.
‘Please, now focus’ said Obi Wan making you roll your eyes as Skywalker manoeuvred the ship for you and Obi Wan to jump into.
‘Nice flying Anakin’ you said slumping down into the copilots ship.
‘Thank you, Master wouldn’t agree would you Master?’ commented Skywalker with a smirk.
‘Just get us back safely Anakin’ sighed Obi Wan sitting in a seat behind Skywalker’s.
‘Yes Master’ said Skywalker rolling his eyes making you smirk.
‘So Stormyeyes, I’m guessing it was your idea to try to talk with the pirates?’ You asked twisting your seat to the side, sitting facing the side, your elbow resting on the arm, chin in hand looking at the man seated behind you.
‘I was merely trying a strategy that didn’t include the use of lightsabers’ sniffed Obi Wan making you grin.
‘Hmm, and how did that work out?’ You asked teasingly.
‘Not so well, but tell me darling, how did you know you’d be needing grenades and other explosive materials?’ Asked Obi Wan, floating your bag onto his lap, having a look through it.
‘I like to be prepared, seems Chandrilla has a problem with Pirates though, it was good thing I brought my toys’ you said earning a snort.
‘Hmm, we’ll have to speak with the Senate’ commented Obi Wan.
‘Ugh’ you groaned.
‘Not a fan of politician’s?’ Teased Obi Wan.
‘No I am not, I think I’ll let you negotiate that, please don’t be in need of rescue over there’ you grumbled, Obi Wan chuckling now.
‘Duly noted darling’
You lapsed into comfortable silence after that, you and Obi Wan slipping into the force. It was almost like you were sussing each other out, learning about the other, until Skywalker announced you were pulling up into the temple hanger.
‘Y/N, success you’ve had?’ asked Yoda greeting the three of you.
‘Yes Master, Obi Wan and Anakin seem relatively unharmed, the pirates seemed to have set up quite a large camp’ you informed the three council members.
‘Hmm, return we shall’ said Yoda thoughtfully.
‘Yes Master’ you acknowledged.
‘Obi Wan and Anakin, get yourselves checked out, then we will debrief’ said Windu watching as Obi Wan clutched his ribs.
‘Yes Master, thank you Y/N for your assistance’ said Obi Wan giving the council members a stiff bow, turning to you.
‘Of course Stormyeyes, I’m sure we’ll see each other again’ you grinned, moving away to secure away the contents of your bag, in the wake of Yoda’s chuckling.
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owkse · 2 years
Obi Wan Kenobi ~ Moving On
Chapter 30
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Chapter 29
You wondered the halls, the lightness of the force making the urge to skip through the halls harder to ignore. Things had been... interesting, after Anakin’s trial, which thankfully ended with him being exiled to Naboo, the Jedi Council had decided upon a all order vote in changing the code. The ideology was still the same, but the idea of no attachments changed. Even with the change and the turmoil that has come from the war that ended two years ago, the temple was just humming with life. 
‘Y/N, a word with you I want, time have you?’ asked Yoda from the classroom, he was now vacating. 
‘Of course Master, I was just walking around anyway’ you smiled as the Master floated next to you. 
‘Happy are you? Now the war had ended?’ asked Yoda as you continued to walk. 
‘Very happy, I’ve not felt any force loss for weeks now’ you smiled, Yoda chuckling at the bounce you now had in your step. 
‘Happy now I am for you Padawan, excited to see where you go next I am’ Yoda commented. 
‘I think I’ve pushed the council enough for now’ you chuckled. 
‘You have, pushed us, but the force has also, helping us it is’ nodded Yoda. 
‘Hmm, I’m pleased for Anakin, he can live a peaceful life now, Padme deserves the chance to still serve as a senator’ you commented. 
‘Hmm, a brother Obi Wan still has, happy for him you are?’ asked Yoda. 
‘I am, apparently he’s been getting the children to call him Uncle Obi Wan’ you smiled happy for your partner. 
‘Childlike, Obi Wan is, a perfect match you make’ smiled Yoda, as you shot him a mock glare. 
‘Are you saying we are immature?’ you asked earning chuckles. 
‘Childlike, happiness it brings, to the force and to other Jedi, happy I am for you’ said Yoda. 
‘Thank you Master’ you blushed.
‘Forever you think you’ll stay?’ asked Yoda. 
‘I think you’ve been around the younglings for too long Master’ you commented raising an eyebrow. 
‘Maybe, the force is full of mischief tonight’ said Yoda now no longer making any sense. 
‘Master... what? Ok, what’s going on? Obi Wan told me he was seeing Anakin and now he’s in the garden...’ you said reaching out into the force. 
‘Go see him you should’ urged Yoda. 
‘Master will you just tell me’ you whined only for Yoda to use his stick to lightly smack your head. 
‘Go, have fun you should’ said Yoda using the force to lightly push you away. 
‘We’ll talk about this later’ you called over your shoulder, making your way through the garden. 
Entering the garden you found floating candle’s, lighting up the path in the late evening, the sun setting putting a soft glow around the peaceful garden. Walking you followed the candles to the willow tree, finding Obi Wan stood underneath. 
‘Hello darling’ grinned Obi Wan. 
‘I thought you went to see Anakin, I watched you fly out’ you said surprised joining the man standing under the tree. 
‘I wasn’t on that ship darling, Master Yoda helped me hide’ grinned Obi Wan, curling some hair behind your ear.
‘I knew he was up to something… but why did you lie?’ you asked curiously.
‘He was helping me, I didn’t lie I just… omitted the truth’ Obi Wan continued to beam.
‘Obi Wan’ you whined, as the man, wrapped an arm around your waist, pulled by you to him.
‘Shh, I stop whining’ said Obi Wan softly pressing his lips to yours.
‘Ok what’s going on?’ you asked your hand going to the back of his head, threading your fingers through his hair.
‘I wanted to talk to you… I remember the day we first met under this tree, you helped me in more ways than you can imagine, you’ve always had this ability to make everything… wrong or painful just disappear… I love you, I’ll always love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me young one?’ asked Obi Wan.
‘Yes Obi’ you whispered a tear escaping your cheek.
Moving away from you, Obi Wan pulled out a ring from his belt, and it was perfect. It was simple, yet elegant, and it brought more tears to your eyes. Placing it on your finger, Obi Wan then cupped your face kissing you firmly, you responding equally.
‘Obi Wan, I love you’ you said your hand on the side of his face, stroking his skin softly.
‘I love you young one’
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owkse · 2 years
Obi Wan Kenobi ~ Anakin
Chapter 29
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Chapter 28
‘Hello Anakin’
‘Obi Wan’ croaked the young man.
He looked nothing like you remembered, he looked remorseful and small. He looked in pain.
‘Y/N, I’m so very sorry’ whispered Anakin.
‘Don’t talk to her’ said Obi Wan, taking you both by surprise.
‘Obi Wan please… I just wanted Padme safe’ said Anakin his voice cracking as he spoke.
‘At what cost? He was going to destroy the order, he was going to murder children… would you have done the same?’ Asked Obi Wan fluttering viciously in the force.
You reached out then, reminding him you were there, he calmed instantly, finding peace within seconds.
‘I have already taken the lives of innocents’ whispered Anakin.
‘No… I don’t believe this’ said Obi Wan turning on his heels, beginning to walk away.
‘No, Master, please come back’ called Anakin, slumping to his knees, tears falling down his face.
‘Anakin,’ you whispered, sitting cross legged in front of his cell.
You slipped into the force, Anakin hesitantly following you, you simply drifting letting the man find his own way. Finally, he reached you, almost like you were both children again, you both played in the peacefulness you found. Carefully you reached out to Obi Wan, finding he had remained in the cell area.
‘Obi, help him, please, he’s your brother’ you said softly to him.
‘I… I…’ stuttered Obi Wan.
‘Shh, my love, come to me’ you whispered.
‘You two finally wised up?’ Asked Anakin as Obi Wan continued to flutter around you.
‘We did… your children are beautiful’ you said feeling the way Anakin became uplifted.
‘They are, I can sense the force in them, even from here, seeing them for the first time, it made me hate the fact that Palpatine got into my head… he used me’ said Anakin, shrinking.
‘I’m sorry we didn’t help you’ you sighed.
‘How could you have done’ sighed Anakin.
‘By not being hypocritical’ echoed Obi Wan your words from months ago.
‘I failed you Master I’m sorry’ said Anakin shrinking away in the force.
‘You didn’t fail me, you wanted power not for yourself… Jedi often want peace and not for ourselves, Y/N is right, attachment to the code to each other… the force thrums on it’ whispered Obi Wan.
‘I… Obi Wan, you’re the purest Jedi I know… please don’t lose your position because of me’ whispered Anakin.
‘Anakin… I‘ve loved you as a brother since we were younger, I would have hated to have lost you’ admitted Obi Wan.
‘So what now, I can hardly be let go?’ asked Anakin.
‘What do you want? Truly?’ asked Obi Wan.
‘Exile, with my family… I want peace’ said Anakin.
‘And the children? Would you let them be trained?’ You asked lightly.
‘If you succeed in change’ smiled Anakin.
‘One step at a time’ you said feeling Obi Wan, wrap close to you.
‘We have to go’ whispered Obi Wan.
The three of you pulled yourselves out of the force, you were pleased to find Obi Wan sat next to you.
‘Will you… would come see me again Master?’ Asked Anakin.
‘Of course, perhaps alone next time’ nodded Obi Wan helping you to your feet.
‘Til then’ nodded Anakin, nodding at you as you began to leave with Obi Wan.
You followed the man, you could feel the conflicting emotions in the man. Reaching his quarters Obi Wan dropped his cloak to the ground, his body wracked with exhaustion. You went about picking up his cloak, letting Obi Wan stare at his picture of Anakin’s graduation day. As you hung up your own cloak you took off your boots, watching Obi Wan shove off his own leaving them as he padded to his bedroom.
Obi Wan wasn’t a messy person, he was methodical, in where everything went. So very different to his old Master who was always surrounded by organised chaos. Hearing the tell tale signs of him getting onto his bed, you put away his boots, made sure yours were away neatly, then made your way into the bedroom.
‘Do you want to be alone?’ You asked gently, looking at the man curled on the bed.
‘Stay… please’
Without prompting you climbed onto the bed, letting the man, turn to you. Tucking his face into your neck, his head resting on your shoulder, arm over your waist. You curled your arm around him, fingers going into his hair.
‘Y/N, I don’t know what to do’ said Obi Wan, hot tears falling into your skin.
‘About Anakin?’ You asked.
‘About the order, about Anakin, about us, I just wish Qui Gon was here’ admitted Obi Wan.
You tried not to take his words to heart, you knew he was confused, and in pain.
‘Maybe there’s a way to talk to him’ you said.
‘What?’ Sniffed Obi Wan.
‘Obi Wan, my mother died giving birth to me… yet she was able to speak with us through the force’ you chuckled lightly.
‘Oh’ sniffled Obi Wan, tucking his face further into your neck.
‘Sleep, I love you’ you whispered lightly.
‘I love you too’
Chapter 30
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