It's always nervous to have a healthy dose of sweet sugary delights in the morning while I wait for Rika to do her morning chores
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Vengeance Unchained: chapter 1: "SINS OF THE PAST"
The goddess looked down at the young girl with a smile not the usual friendly smile but this smile was that of a demon as she held the sword in her hand and said "what can you possibly do to stop me… Child of man!?" she said as she drew the sword up lightly putting it against the girls hand as she stepped on her free arm before plunging the sword into her open palm as she laughed maniacally… But how did this come about? What drove the goddess to such lengths???
A few days earlier hanyuu was walking with her friends to school when all of a sudden she stopped gasping for breath she knelt down on one knee holding her heart is a vision slightly went red one of her friends a girl named Rena asked her if she was all right hanyu responded with her usual "don't worry about a thing I am fine nanodesu~!" However the girl known as Rika had a rather worried look on her face and thought "this can't be good… I don't know what is going on in her body I'm going to ask her appropriately after school"
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Everybody circumcise your watches!
The King of Queens
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Don't care about the past or the future what matters is the present
Hanyuu 2017
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This website brings me NOTHING BUT RAGE… Why do I fail at this SIDE OF RP! Why am I utter failure WHEN IT COMES TO THIS WEBSITE!!!!
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"Angel of vengeance" part one: Destruction
The goddess of the village somewhat grinned as she looked at the club musing there decisions on a club game "I got one for you!" She said softly "only problem is that you're probably not going to like it~" she said in a singsong voice as she took out what appeared to be tarot cards saying that "the rules of the game is simple you pick cards and I tell you what that card means in no way is this meant to be a fraudulent attempt at being psychic… I intend to show you each of the different realities that I have seen with Rika nanodesu~! Though you might not like what you see~!" She said hiding a dark smile she wondered if anyone would be up to the task and if they could take it
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Operation: Broken Wings
She stands there looking at the television screen only wearing a dressing gown as she watched the news and thought about talking to someone she hadn't spoken to any of the club members in such a long time… She tried to contact mion who had been there for her in her darkest hour well that time had come again as the phone rang and rang and she thought "please pick up please dammit!" She was watching a news broadcast of a explosion that happened at a popular restaurant in hinamizawa however it was not Angel Mort it was another known restaurant known as The Black Dog Pub she heard something a couple of days ago about the club going there but unfortunately she could not because she had to clean up the shrine… But she had done that earlier in the day and had just planned to go to the restaurant to surprise the other club members but now that that has happened she wonders if any of them survived!
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The young girl smiled and said "you know it's only natural… And I have to care you are one of my very good friends what kind of a goddess would I be if I did not care!" She said taking out a cream puff and splitting it into two pieces smiling offering it to her as she said "so what's on your mind?"
hau~! If you feel sad come and talk to me! I will always cheer you up and we can always have a cream puff! nanodesu~!
Thanks lavender head…means a lot…“Mion states petting Hanyuus head like an older brother would a younger sister as she lets out a sigh of overall exhaust”I’ll be blunt with ya chic……I really think only one certain buddy can cheer this old man up…Though I don’t ever see that happening….Thanks for caring for a punk like me though.Man…I’d kill for a snack like that right now….
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Soon the girl was in his body influencing his thoughts as she took control stalking the individual classmates she came up against a young girl smiling tearing her throat out with the knife as she said in the boys mind "this is something I relish!" She came up against several male classmates as well and in similar fashion brutalised them using the boys strength to her advantage breaking their bones one by one and as she flayed their skin off hanging them from the rafters of a classroom she heard the cry of a young girl the last one in is class as she held the knife in her/his hand and said to the boy in his mind "let's play with this one for a long long time!
Come get some!
The young girl walked in the hallway of the heavenly host elementary as children of the damned stood ideally making small talk to one another she looked at one of them “well how long has it been since we’ve had another class full of victims?” The girl looked at her “399,698.3 days” Saichiko stared at the girl and repeated the number slowly “YOUR FREAKING KIDDING ME” she said going on a rant about how somebody should have heard about the curse in that amount of time to which a voice responded “sachan!” The woman rounded the corner with her neck bent to one side as she looked at the little girl and said “you won’t be using that type of language around me I thought I raised you better than that!” The young girl slapped to the attention as she apologised “I am extremely sorry mother please forgive me” the mother simply smiled and patted the girl shoulder “have you ever thought about making friends with other spirits?” “What? You mean there are other ones in the world?” One of the kids looked at her and said “seriously she doesn’t know?!” As they all started laughing as Saichiko looked embarrassed and grumbled out a “no”
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The young girl heard the laughter and smiled to herself "let the prey enter the predators domain!" She said following it the scent of madness while holding on to her trademark scissors she saw the boy walking towards her location as she grinned blood dripped from her mouth "that's it bitch!" She said in a low growl as she clutched the scissors tightly "just a little bit closer… Then I will end your life come get some bitch!" As she giggled to herself wondering what fun it will be to add another victim to her list as she said out loud "your sister's long dead I was the one to enter her life the exquisite screams she made crying out for her "big brother!" She said sarcastically laughing maniacally as she stood in the hallway "come on bitch let's go!" She said beckoning him taking up a stance with the scissors "I'LL SHOW YOU WHY YOU DON'T FUCK WITH THE DEAD!" She said laughing maniacally as she ran at him teleporting around to the back and going for a quick kill with the scissors aiming for his neck she grinned as she said "gotcha bitch! Now let's if you're laughing now!"
Come get some!
The young girl walked in the hallway of the heavenly host elementary as children of the damned stood ideally making small talk to one another she looked at one of them “well how long has it been since we’ve had another class full of victims?” The girl looked at her “399,698.3 days” Saichiko stared at the girl and repeated the number slowly “YOUR FREAKING KIDDING ME” she said going on a rant about how somebody should have heard about the curse in that amount of time to which a voice responded “sachan!” The woman rounded the corner with her neck bent to one side as she looked at the little girl and said “you won’t be using that type of language around me I thought I raised you better than that!” The young girl slapped to the attention as she apologised “I am extremely sorry mother please forgive me” the mother simply smiled and patted the girl shoulder “have you ever thought about making friends with other spirits?” “What? You mean there are other ones in the world?” One of the kids looked at her and said “seriously she doesn’t know?!” As they all started laughing as Saichiko looked embarrassed and grumbled out a “no”
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When someone knocks you down you get back up and you fight for what you believe in… Even if you don't think it's right… There will be a person that understands!
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The Goddesses Wish part one: Rebirth
"I knew this was a bad idea…hau!" Said the goddess Hanyuu softly as she sat in a circle with her friends in the classroom as it rained outside… "So what there is this "ritual?" she said making air quotes "well to be honest I read something about it on the Internet" said Yuki who was grinning like a Cheshire cat "it's supposed to summon some sort of spirit or take you to a parallel dimension" she sat next to her sister a long pink hair cascading down her back as she looked at her sister and said "Yumi are you scared or something?" She said laughing and patting her sister on the back as the goddess said clearly annoyed at her "it would not be wise to tempt the dead with such rituals… I have seen it it is all too familiar to me nanodesu!" She said sounding like a mother Yuki responded with "where is the fun in not attempting the ritual… Listen it probably doesn't even work you know we attempt the ritual it doesn't work we laugh and continue our daily lives!"
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Friendship is brutal without mercy… Rip and tear until it is done!
– Hanyuu
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Don't piss me off… You do and I will not hesitate to destroy every bit of your life
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Caleb reference
I live again!
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Word of the wise, not everything last forever.Enjoy it while you have it.If your make your self only want instead of need it.Then when it’s gone.You will be fine.However if you need, then you shall suffer. (I’m okay though I do worry for how others are…)
Me (via mionxsonozaki)
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