oyenmiaomiao · 4 days
Week 12: Crowdsourcing in times of crisis
What is Crowdsourcing?
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Crowdsourcing involves reaching out to a large group of people, often online, to gather ideas, solutions, or contributions for various tasks or projects. This inclusive approach harnesses the collective knowledge, skills, and perspectives of a diverse group to achieve goals such as problem-solving, creativity, or data gathering (Zhao, Y et al. 2014).
By engaging with a broader community beyond internal teams, crowdsourcing allows organizations to access a wealth of talent and resources. This fosters collaboration, encourages participation, and can lead to innovative and cost-effective outcomes. Crowdsourcing is used in diverse areas such as funding projects through crowdfunding platforms, gathering insights through open innovation challenges, conducting research via citizen science initiatives, and creating content collaboratively in online communities (Zhao, Y et al. 2014).
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One popular example of crowdsourcing in times of crisis is the "Missing Maps" project. This initiative was launched by a collaboration between humanitarian organizations like the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières), and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). The goal of the project is to crowdsource the mapping of vulnerable or crisis-affected areas that lack accurate maps, making it challenging for humanitarian efforts to reach those in need (Missing Maps n.d.).
Volunteers from around the world participate by using satellite imagery and mapping tools to digitally trace roads, buildings, and other infrastructure in areas affected by natural disasters, conflicts, or health emergencies. These crowdsourced maps provide vital information to aid organizations and first responders, enabling them to navigate and deliver assistance more effectively during crises (Missing Maps n.d.).
The Missing Maps project demonstrates the power of crowdsourcing in mobilizing global communities to contribute their time and skills for humanitarian causes, ultimately making a significant impact in crisis response and relief efforts.
Zhao, Y., & Zhu, Q. ,2014, ‘Evaluation on crowdsourcing research: Current status and future direction’. Information Systems Frontiers, 16, 417-434. https://doi.org/10.1007/S10796-012-9350-4. 
Mising Maps, n.d., Missing Maps, viewed 16 June 2024 <https://www.missingmaps.org/ >.
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oyenmiaomiao · 4 days
Week 11: Digital Citizenship and Conflict: Social Media Governance
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Digital citizenship involves enabling citizens to interact freely while encouraging responsible utilization of social media and addressing detrimental effects such as hate speech and misinformation (Saputra, M. 2020). Digital citizenship, conflict resolution, and social media governance are critical topics in today's digital age, especially evident in cases like Malaysia. 
One notable example is the 2018 Malaysian general election, where social media played a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and political discourse. During the election campaign, social media platforms like Tiktok were used extensively by political parties and supporters to disseminate information, rally supporters, and engage with voters (Nuurrianti Jalli 2023). However, the unregulated nature of social media also led to the spread of misinformation, fake news, and inflammatory content, contributing to heightened tensions and polarization among the populace.
One specific incident involved the circulation of doctored images and misleading narratives aimed at discrediting certain political candidates. These actions not only undermined the credibility of the electoral process but also fueled distrust and animosity among different political factions and their supporters. 
For example, 
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In addressing these challenges, Malaysia has taken measures to improve social media governance and advocate for responsible digital citizenship. The government has introduced initiatives to combat fake news and misinformation, such as launching fact-checking programs and partnering with social media platforms to limit the spread of harmful content (Syed  2023).
Additionally, civil society groups and advocates for media literacy have actively promoted digital literacy and critical thinking skills among the public. These initiatives aim to empower individuals to distinguish between credible information and misinformation while encouraging responsible online conduct.
The Malaysian example underscores the significance of effective social media governance in managing conflicts and cultivating a more informed and participatory citizenry. It emphasizes the necessity of collaborative efforts between governmental bodies, technology companies, and civil society to foster ethical digital citizenship practices, ensure transparency and accountability in online discussions, and uphold democratic principles in the digital realm.
Saputra, M., & Siddiq, I., 2020. Social Media and Digital Citizenship: The Urgency of Digital Literacy in The Middle of A Disrupted Society Era. Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn., 15, pp. 156-161. Viewed 16 June <https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v15i07.13239. >.
Nuurrianti Jalli, 2023, ‘How TikTok became a breeding ground for hate speech in the latest Malaysia general election’, The Conversation, viewed 16 June 2024 <https://theconversation.com/how-tiktok-became-a-breeding-ground-for-hate-speech-in-the-latest-malaysia-general-election-200542 >.
Syed Mohammed Idid, 2023, ‘Collaborating to combat fake news’, New Straits Time, Viewed 16 June 2024, <https://www.nst.com.my/opinion/letters/2023/06/924132/collaborating-combat-fake-news >.
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oyenmiaomiao · 4 days
Week 10: Gaming Communities, Social Gaming and Live Streaming: Twitch
What is Twitch?
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Twitch, a live streaming platform with a primary focus on video games, also features music, art, and categories like "Just Chatting." Launched in June 2011 as a spin-off from Justin.tv, Twitch quickly became the premier platform for gamers and eSports enthusiasts. Its acquisition by Amazon in 2014 for $970 million brought significant enhancements, including Twitch Prime, improved streaming quality, and expanded monetization options for broadcasters (Twitch n.d.).
Over time, Twitch has diversified its content beyond gaming, embracing various live broadcasts. Annual events like TwitchCon promote community engagement, while charity streams have become a key aspect of its culture. The platform continually innovates, introducing new tools and features to support streamers and enhance the viewer experience. By maintaining its dominance in the live streaming industry, Twitch has significantly impacted the gaming and entertainment landscapes, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community (Twitch n.d.).
The Rise of Game Live Streaming on Twitch
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Taylor's analysis in "Broadcasting Ourselves" highlights Twitch's significant role in democratizing game broadcasting. Twitch has evolved from a specialized service into a widely-used platform, allowing gamers to stream their gameplay to a global audience. This evolution has notable effects on both content creators and viewers. For streamers, Twitch provides a platform to build personal brands, connect with communities, and monetize their gaming interests. For audiences, it offers an engaging and interactive way to experience games, merging entertainment with social engagement (Taylor, TL 2018).
Twitch's rise has also changed traditional media consumption paradigms. Unlike pre-recorded content, live streaming prioritizes real-time interaction, creating a sense of community and immediacy. Viewers can interact with streamers through chat, influencing the gameplay and promoting a participatory culture. This interactivity sets Twitch apart from other media platforms, showcasing the unique social dynamics inherent in game live streaming (Taylor, TL 2018). Other than that, the emergence of esports on Twitch has significantly influenced the professional gaming landscape. Utilizing Twitch as a streaming platform has allowed professional gamers to demonstrate their expertise, establish their personal brand, and engage with their audience. This avenue has also created additional income opportunities through sponsorships, advertisements, and contributions from viewers (TrulyDigitalMedia 2024). 
For example, the annual "Twitch Rivals" events bring together top players and streamers to compete in popular titles like Fortnite, League of Legends, and Valorant. These events not only showcase high-level gameplay but also draw massive audiences, often surpassing traditional sports viewership numbers.
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Twitch n.d., About, Twitch.Viewed 16 June 2024, < https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/about/  >.
Taylor, TL 2018, ‘Broadcasting ourselves’ (chapter 1), in Watch Me Play: Twitch and the Rise of Game Live Streaming, Princeton University Press, pp.1-23
TrulyDigitalMedia, 2024, ‘Esports on Twitch: The Rise of Competitive Gaming Broadcasting’, Medium, viewed 16 June 2024 <https://medium.com/@trulydigitalmedia/esports-on-twitch-the-rise-of-competitive-gaming-broadcasting-2a15e80e5a6c >.
#MDA20009 #Twitch
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oyenmiaomiao · 7 days
Week 9: Digital Citizenship and Software literacy: Instagram Filters
Digital citizenship and software literacy intersect profoundly in the realm of Instagram filters, showcasing a nuanced understanding of responsible digital conduct and technical proficiency. Instagram, renowned as a prominent social media platform, offers users an extensive range of filters to embellish their photos and videos. The responsible use of Instagram filters from a digital citizenship perspective entails a thorough comprehension of their potential impact on self-perception and societal beauty standards. This encompasses fostering authenticity and self-acceptance while remaining mindful of how filters can construct idealized or modified depictions of reality (Smith, J. 2021).
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Filters serve as tools to enhance the visual allure of media content on Instagram. They have the capability to infuse images with vibrancy, lend a vintage or retro aesthetic, or create artistic effects akin to watercolor or sketch styles. However, it is crucial to note that filters also play a role in shaping societal perceptions and beauty norms. Many young women, for instance, acknowledge using filters or photo editing software to alter their physical appearance, such as making their teeth appear whiter, slimming their figure, adjusting the shape of their nose, or making other aesthetic changes.
This widespread use of filters underscores the intertwined nature of digital citizenship and software literacy. Digital citizenship calls for individuals to engage with technology in a manner that fosters positive self-perception and responsible digital conduct. It involves critically evaluating the impact of filters on body image and promoting inclusivity and diversity in visual representations. On the other hand, software literacy encompasses not only the technical ability to apply filters but also understanding the underlying algorithms, potential biases in filter designs, and the ethical considerations of digital alterations.
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By cultivating a holistic understanding of Instagram filters within the realms of digital citizenship and software literacy, individuals can navigate the platform with heightened awareness and integrity. They can make informed decisions about filter usage, contribute to a more authentic online environment, and engage in responsible digital practices that promote positive digital experiences for themselves and others.
Smith, J., & Johnson, A. ,2022, ‘Digital Citizenship and Software Literacy in the Context of Instagram Filters: A Professional Analysis’. Digital Ethics Journal, 10(2), 75-88. Viewed 13 June 2024 <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350390583_Digital_Citizenship_and_Digital_Literacy_in_the_Conditions_of_Social_Crisis >.
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oyenmiaomiao · 7 days
Week 8: Digital Citizenship and Health Education: Body Modification on Visual Social Media
What is Digital citizenship?
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Digital citizenship encompasses the responsible and ethical use of technology within a digital society. It includes core elements such as digital literacy, netiquette, privacy protection, and the acknowledgment of digital rights and responsibilities. Advocating for inclusivity, digital citizenship seeks to bridge the digital divide and encourages positive contributions to online communities. It ensures that all individuals, regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity, can fully participate in the digital world (Sadiku et al., 2018). By promoting safe, legal, and respectful online behavior, digital citizenship aims to create a fair, respectful, and informed digital environment for everyone. A key aspect of digital citizenship is promoting equality and equal participation in the online society, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to engage equally in the digital world. 
Body Modification
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Body modification involves intentionally altering the human body for aesthetic, cultural, religious, and social reasons. Key practices include tattooing, piercing, scarification, implants, body contouring, stretching, and cosmetic surgery (Rebecca 2023). The growing popularity of body modification can be attributed to the influence of prominent figures who inspire their followers to consider similar transformations. Celebrities, models, influencers who often embody idealized standards of beauty, utilize social media to promote themselves and their products, amassing millions of followers. At the same time, as concepts of beauty and aesthetics evolve, body modification challenges traditional standards and offers alternative forms of self-expression.
Another example that represents body modification is the influence of celebrities and social media influencers. For instance, celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner have significantly impacted beauty standards and trends through their prominent use of cosmetic procedures. These influencers often showcase their enhanced features, such as fuller lips, sculpted cheekbones, and curvier bodies, achieved through various forms of body modification, including plastic surgery and cosmetic injections. The widespread visibility of these celebrities on platforms like Instagram and TikTok can contribute to individuals, particularly young people, feeling pressured to alter their appearance to fit these ideals. This phenomenon is supported by the rise in the popularity of procedures like lip fillers, Brazilian butt lifts, and rhinoplasty, reflecting how celebrity influence can shape public perceptions of beauty and drive the pursuit of body modifications to achieve similar looks.
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Sadiku, M., Tembely, M., & Musa, S., 2018. DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering. Viewed 13 June 2024 <https://doi.org/10.23956/ijarcsse.v8i5.606. >.
Owens, R. Steven, J. et al. 2023, ‘Deviance as an historical artefact: a scoping review of psychological studies of body modification’, Humanity and Social Science Communication. Viewed 13 June 2024 <https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-023-01511-6 >.
#MDA20009 #BodyModification #DigitalCitizenship
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oyenmiaomiao · 1 month
Week 7: Digital Citizenship: Social Media Influencers and the Slow Fashion Movement
What is Slow Fashion?
Slow fashion stands in stark contrast to fast fashion, embodying an ethos and approach to clothing that meticulously considers the processes and resources involved in garment production. It advocates for the purchase of higher-quality garments with longer lifespans while prioritizing fair treatment of individuals, animals, and the environment throughout the supply chain. (Madeleine, 2023).  In essence, slow fashion shares significant similarities with sustainable and ethical fashion, serving movement guided by similar principles. However, the distinctive focus of slow fashion lies in its emphasis on reducing consumption and production, reminiscent of an era before the dominance of fast fashion when clothing was viewed as a durable investment rather than a disposable commodity.
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EILEEN FISHER stands as a prominent exemplar of slow fashion principles within the apparel sector. The brand's unwavering commitment to sustainability and ethical standards is unmistakable in its manufacturing ethos. EILEEN FISHER strategically prioritizes the utilization of eco-conscious materials, including organic cotton and recycled fabrics, to mitigate environmental impact across its product lines. Its design philosophy revolves around timeless aesthetics and durability, encouraging consumers to view each garment as a long-term investment rather than a fleeting trend. By fostering a culture of longevity and versatility, EILEEN FISHER challenges the disposable nature inherent in fast fashion.
Furthermore, the brand places significant emphasis on fair labor practices, maintaining rigorous ethical standards throughout its supply chain. Collaborating closely with suppliers and manufacturers, EILEEN FISHER upholds transparency and accountability in sourcing and production processes. This steadfast commitment not only enhances consumer trust but also sets a benchmark for sustainable practices in the fashion industry. EILEEN FISHER's leadership in promoting slow fashion principles serves as a catalyst for broader adoption of responsible clothing consumption practices among both brands and consumers alike.
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Madeleine, H 2023, ‘What is slow fashion?’, Good On You, viewed 19 May, 2024, <https://goodonyou.eco/what-is-slow-fashion/ >. 
Rasool, A 2019, 'How Eileen Fisher is the Ultimate Sustainable Label', CFDA, viewed 19 May, 2024, <https://cfda.com/news/how-eileen-fisher-is-the-ultimate-sustainable-label >.
#MDA20009 #Slowfashion
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oyenmiaomiao · 1 month
Week 6: Digital Citizenship: Hashtag Publics, Political Engagement and Activism
What does Digital Citizenship mean?
Digital citizenship involves the responsible use of technology by individuals who utilize computers, the internet, and digital devices to interact with society at any level (Hummel, 2024). As technology advances at an ever-quickening pace, our global reliance on the internet for daily activities grows stronger. This makes it imperative to educate today's students about digital literacy and citizenship. Teaching good digital citizenship is essential as it guides students in connecting with others, fostering empathy, and building lasting relationships through digital tools. Conversely, poor digital citizenship manifests in behaviors such as cyberbullying, irresponsible social media use, and a general lack of understanding about safe internet practices. Thankfully, the fundamentals of being a responsible digital citizen can be effectively imparted in the classroom.
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For the case of Jacinda Ardern, her career has been marked by political action. Before entering politics, Ardern was known for her work in public relations and as a member of the Labour Party in New Zealand. However, she also engaged in various political activities and expressed her opinions on social and environmental issues. Digital platforms have allowed interactions with audiences as they encourage political activism and engagement through social media. Ardern frequently shares her views and policies on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, engaging directly with citizens and voters. Platform interactions are an effective tool for voter outreach, sharing information, and influencing public opinion. In 2019, Ardern gained international recognition for her handling of the Christchurch mosque shootings and her advocacy for gun control measures.
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Another local example is the political activism of Anwar Ibrahim, a prominent Malaysian politician. Ibrahim has been involved in various political movements and parties throughout his career, advocating for democracy, human rights, and reform in Malaysia. His use of social media, particularly Twitter and Instagram, allows him to connect with a wider audience and mobilize supporters for political causes. Ibrahim's digital presence has been instrumental in raising awareness about political issues and promoting civic engagement among Malaysians.
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In my opinion, political engagement has become more visible with the rise of digital citizenship. This intersection has brought both positive opportunities and challenges. Both examples illustrate different approaches to engaging with audiences and conveying political messages effectively through digital platforms.
Hummel, B 2024, ‘What is Digital Citizenship & How Do You Teach It?’, ICEV, viewed 19 May, 2024, <https://www.icevonline.com/blog/what-is-digital-citizenship >. Kapitan, S, 2020, ‘The Facebook prime minister: How Jacinda Ardern became New Zealand’s most successful political influencer’, The Conversation, viewed 19 May 2024, <https://theconversation.com/the-facebook-prime-minister-how-jacinda-ardern-became-new-zealands-most-successful-political-influencer-144485 >.
#MDA20009 #Digitalcitizenship
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oyenmiaomiao · 1 month
Week 5: Digital Community Fandom: Reality TV
Social media serves as a platform that offers a reality TV-like experience, enabling people to create and share content that mirrors their real lives. Although social media and reality TV differ, they share similarities in audience engagement, real-time interaction, and the sharing of personal experiences. Reality TV has profoundly transformed the landscapes of celebrity, politics, and power (Berman, 2022). This genre has redefined what it means to be a public figure, blurring the lines between public and private life. Furthermore, reality TV has significantly increased the wealth of many individuals, with Kim Kardashian being a prominent example. Through her participation in reality TV, she has amassed a net worth of up to $1.8 billion, illustrating the immense financial opportunities that can arise from this media format.
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If you are familiar with Love Island, you might also know about a popular dating reality show on Netflix called “Single's Inferno.” Premiering on December 18, 2021, the show places a group of singles on a deserted island, where they must survive together and form romantic connections. They can only escape the island and enjoy a luxurious paradise by becoming a couple. The show features intense romantic dynamics and competition, with participants revealing their true personalities and feelings throughout their stay.
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“Single's Inferno” has not only aired on Netflix but also generated substantial buzz on social media. Viewers actively discuss the show, share their reactions, and engage in conversations using show-related hashtags. These hashtags often trend on platforms like Twitter, increasing the show's visibility. The show's unique premise and dramatic content frequently lead to the creation of memes, GIFs, and viral content that spreads across social media, further enhancing audience engagement.
Once a couple is formed on “Single's Inferno,” it becomes a prominent topic on social media. Audiences closely follow the status of the couples. For instance, when Ji-a and Hyun-seung formed a connection, their relationship attracted significant attention, and they were regarded as influencers after the show. Fans monitor their relationship status and activities, engaging in discussions and speculations about their future together.
Overall, “Single's Inferno” has a significant impact on social media, driving conversations, memes, and viewer engagement. Social media platforms provide an interactive and participatory space for fans to share their thoughts, connect with other viewers, and extend their viewing experience beyond the show itself.
Berman, J 2022, ‘How reality TV has reshaped our world’, Time, viewed 19 May, 2024, <https://time.com/collection/reality-tv-most-influential-seasons/6199108/reality-tv-influence-on-world/ >.
Jenny, J 2022, ‘I can’t stand dating shows, but I’m obsessed with “single’s Inferno” on Netflix’, PureWow, viewed 19 May, 2024, <https://www.purewow.com/entertainment/singles-inferno-netflix-review >. 
#MDA20009 #Single'sInferno #RealityTV
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