p-hilocalist · 10 years
semi-hiatus ;
         As you may see, I haven't exactly had the time to respond to replies lately due to mun's conflicting schedules, and probably won't settle down at least until the 20th. So for now, I will try to get some replies done as soon as possible, but it honestly depends on how much time I have on my hands.
                    ; ----------
Replies owed so far:
bsumin; .rep
redstvrs; .script
                    ; ----------
 Please do keep in mind that I am still definitely up for plotting if you are able to wait for some of my somewhat extremely slow replies, and would be grateful if you did want to do so. If I'm not available on AIM, you could just send me a message.
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
          "kim baek san."
 her response to correcting the name was quick and sharp, much like she knew everything about the company from the back of her hand. after all, it was her dream company. speaking of it, her thoughts began to drift back to the past few days, when she first met that man who she recalled said something about working there-- maybe they were in a relationship? after all, it wasn't like they went into depth over the whole romance and relationship topic; her cheeks began to flush slightly over the thought of it. however, it was a company with many branches and employees, so maybe the two probably didn't even know each other at all.
           "i just need to drop a few to my roommate, then take the rest to the cafe for some private study."
 she couldn't help but feel quite sorry for the stranger, especially since he looked so frustrated by his surroundings. as she glanced up at him for a brief moment, she attempted to stifle a quiet chortle which failed to be kept from escaping her lips; he looked so perplexed by the whole campus and where they were heading to.
          "pardon me for asking, but-- is there a reason as to why you're here today?"
clueless → guixian&gayoung
      it didn’t matter that she was opposed to him carrying her books, it was his fault for being so careless as he walked around. making sure that his camera was safe against his torso he began to walk beside her, wondering where they were going since he had no clue at all. "you seem like a kind person, but work can make someone ugly." he warned, and apart of him knew that he was right. whenever his boyfriend forgot about work for even a second they were far more pleasant than they already were, and being apart of an architecture firm seemed like hell.
      "he works at some baek kim… kim baek something company." he didn’t know that when he said the company’s name that it was that wildly popular. in fact he barely knew anything about their job other than the fact that they buried their nose deep into paperwork that started in the early mornings and ended at late hours. stopping himself in his tracks he tried to hold onto the books a little tighter, frowning a little as he turned to look at the girl. "so, uh, where are we going with these?"
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
 ( ` once the server dropped by to offer her a drink, she contemplated briefly on whether or not having a drink would be alright. she already knew her tolerance level with alcohol -- at least with what she experienced on her first night out drinking with friends, which...  didn't end up looking so pretty. yet, she knew she at least had to make herself seem more of an adult, and true to her age. )
 ( ` reaching out for a glass of her own, she offers the server a small grin as a token of gratitude before bringing the rim of the glass to her own lips, taking a brief sip. calm down, she thought to herself. yet, her heart continued to pound heavily that she could hear it in her ears-- maybe the alcohol would help her relax after a while. )
          it's pretty nice, i guess. i've got professor choi jinho, who's kind of harsh when it comes to the design aspects of architecture. he'd ramble on, saying "how would this work with physics?! you're working against mother nature!"
 ( ` letting out a soft chuckle, they pause briefly as they come across another showpiece, her gaze immediately coming onto him the moment he said he'd help her. she wasn't one who liked to believe in superstitions and luck, but if she did, she would definitely call this her lucky day. she could already imagine the questions her friends would bombard her with, from topics such as appearance to what they talked about. nevertheless, she had a feeling that if she was just plain lucky, maybe this chance wouldn't come twice. then again... he did sound like a busy man, and she wouldn't want to give him more work, especially for a novice like her. )
          s-sir, you don't have to! it's simply just another design task for a skyscraper. i think i could get some ideas after looking around here, i'm sure.
 ( ` cheeks flushing madly at the thought of a mature male figure helping her caused a thousand thoughts to run through her mind, instead keeping her eyes focused on the piece standing before them as she took another taste of her drink; maybe directing his attention back to the exhibition would help calm her seemingly childish thoughts from running through her brain. )
yūgen // scm mgy
{ — he couldn’t help but spill out into laughter, his drink nearly dripping from his lips though he was quick to hide his smile behind his free hand as he swallowed. all he could let out was a chuckle after when she continued freaking out over the fact that he did indeed work for one of the most important companies out in seoul, it was a reaction he wasn’t quite used to for most would look at him in intimidation. }
ah, yes, that’s the company love. { — shaking his head he then resumed drinking his champagne, the flow of it quick to roll down his tongue as a satisfied sigh left him. he wasn’t use to this praise at all, but it was nice to hear no matter how childish it may have been. when she finally calmed herself down one of the beverage boys - what were they called again? - walked up to distract him from his thoughts, and to take away his now empty drink from his hand to fill with another more full one. they then offered the girl a drink, and if she was to accept or deny he didn’t really care. }
{ — surprised to hear that she was a student of the careful design his attention was fixated on her once more, eyes wide with interest as he began to nod his head slowly. } that’s a really good university, i went there for a bit but switched. { — there was no reason behind it, well, maybe there was. } are you liking it? i wonder if any of my old professors are there.
{ — reminiscing  on those times pulled a smile up his face and though now he looked like a child he couldn’t help himself. staring down at the beige bubbling beverage in hand he began to swirl it around, a light sigh passing through his lips before he nudged his head towards another direction to keep them moving. } that’s good then, you can tell me all you know and i’ll either correct you or give you a few ideas - or, could you tell me about any assignments you have right now? any you need help on?
{ — changmin wasn’t fond of helping others when it came to design. in his industry whenever one asked for assistance they would steal ultimate credit, leaving him without a name in the world. it was a sad realization of dog eat dog out in the real world, though it couldn’t be helped. being too nice meant being too oblivious to the cruel and selfishness of others. though something was different about the girl. she seemed far too innocent for her age, it was both concerning and endearing. }
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
 ( ` her eyes stayed put on the masculine figure standing beside her for several moments out of disbelief; the fact that she was actually talking to someone who worked for one of the few world-renowned architecture companies within korea was a huge shock for her, especially considering the fact that she just described an important art piece to the other much like as if she were some other delusional teenager who spent hours dreaming over her happy ever after ending with a handsome prince )
          k-kim... baek san? are you serious?! that's the company who has designed some of the greatest buildings in korea!
 ( ` her jaw hangs open wide as she covers her mouth with her hands, flushing a cherry red the moment she exclaimed loudly to the other-- he was obviously someone who was of higher status to her, so why did she blurt out her words so excitedly like a complete amateur? she knew she had to provide a reason for her sudden burst of enthusiasm. )
          i mean, i'm an architecture major at korea national university of the arts, which kind of explains the whole excitement thing-- sorry.
 ( ` before she even knew it, she quirked her head to check up on the male standing beside her, only to notice that he had disappeared just briefly. was he repulsed by her actions? she could only feel her heart clench briefly as she began to drift away slowly from the previous art piece, glancing over at a different one just beside it. but once she noticed a shadow coming from just behind her, her lips couldn't help but quirk up into a wide grin upon seeing the other return back to her side. )
          oh, of course! i'd be honoured to spend time talking to someone with such exquisite taste in architec-- i mean... actually being able to discuss fine art with someone.
 ( ` it became obvious to her that she was becoming more flustered over the male's presence; not that she wasn't used to talking to males. the fact that he was living the dream she wanted to live made him that much more attractive. yet, she knew she couldn't screw up talking to him. a man like him should be respected over properly, not being fangirled over like her classmates do with idols. )
yūgen // scm mgy
{ — listening to her words he could tell that the young girl spent her days marvelling in hopeless romantics, be it films or books they were obsessed just like any other girl. it was adorable yet cheesy all at the same time, which forced him to hide his smile behind the rim of his champagne glass. as he tipped his head back to let some down his throat a slow sigh left him as he lingered the glass in front of his chest once more, looking over the piece of work as she asked what he was doing here. }
{ — what was he doing here? what was she doing here? }
i’m an architect for the kim baek san company. { — it was wildly known in seoul, one of the most pretentious companies a student could only ever dream of being accepted for the job. the company&business ruled nearly every design that was worth looking at in the grand city, within all districts; and he was one of the many men that designed. } have you heard of it? { — of course she had, if she was one of the lucky few that actually cared for anything concerning architecture, but there was a strong possibility that she was just another blind bystander. }
{ — as he glanced over the girl once more he noticed how messy yet well put together she was. her dress was snug though not too revealing, her hair in a mess of a bun but completely gorgeous. a minimalist at its finest. as he breathed against the rim of his glass once again he polished off the drink before venturing not too far for another, coming back to join her once again even though the two had barely exchanged in a conversation. }
so … { — it’s painful how awful he is with conversation and it makes a disturbed expression cross his face, it was clear that gears were turning in his mind to spark up another topic. } since i’m alone&it seems you’re alone … { — his words drift as he takes another sip, flashing a handsome smile against the rim before he turns to reveal it to the girl. } shall we stick to one another and continue looking over the great works of a russian god?
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
There are two people you’ll meet in your life. One will run a finger down the index of who you are and jump straight to the parts of you that peak their interest. The other will take his or her time reading through every one of your chapters and maybe fold corners of you that inspired them most. You will meet these two people; it is a given. It is the third that you’ll never see coming. That one person who not only finishes your sentences, but keeps the book. 
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
 She nods her head in agreement before following behind the other, taking glances at the stores they passed by. Ranging from small record stores to major franchises, it made her began to wonder how she had never came across this particular part of the city.
          "Do you walk around here often? I never knew this place existed.."
"A nice cold treat sounds really good on a day like this, huh?" Seulgi briefly glances around the area, trying to look if there was an ice cream shop nearby. Unfortunately, she didn’t see any store nearby but it’s a good thing that she knows a ice cream parlor nearby. "Let’s go then." She smiles at the other then gestures her to follow her as she walks.
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
 ( ` peeking her head in slightly once she set foot into the cafe, she was taken aback by how modern and youthful the setting was, perfectly fitting for young teenagers and college students like herself )
          Well then, this place is definitely somewhere I could enjoy lounging around at.
         We have lots of different food. Like desserts, some meals and snacks, cakes and of course beverages too to go along with them.
 [‘she nods before arriving at the door, opening it for her]
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
          "there's no need to--"
 but before she could even finish her sentence, he took half the load into his arms, only for her to carry the remaining half; at least he was being helpful. the fact that he approached her so kindly after what was meant to be a mere accident made her wonder if he was truly as nice as he seemed. however, he did seem awfully nosy-- she didn't know whether she should take it as a good thing, or bad. and the moment she heard him mention someone -- a boyfriend, was it? -- already established in the industry, she knew that she had to take advantage of the moment, at the very least.
          "oh, what? really?! i mean-- i'm sure i'll be like myself when i'm older."
 clearing her throat briefly, she knew she shouldn't embarrass herself albeit how exciting it was to talk about something she actually liked and was majoring in. even at that moment, she had just received a few recommendations from a professor regarding a few internships which she could apply for. could his boyfriend be working at one of them?
          "well, uhm.. where does your boyfriend work?"
clueless → guixian&gayoung
      when he saw just how much destruction he had caused on the girl and her mountain of books he was quick to drop to his knees, securing the camera around his neck even more so as he began to pile the books on top of one another once more. smiling quietly to her he shook his head slightly, as if silently telling her that she shouldn’t apologize. once he had finished gathering her things he decided to pick them up for himself to hold onto, standing much taller than her anyway he would probably see more of what was going on ahead. “don’t worry about it, i’ll help you — how does that sound?” raising his brows he glanced down at her for a second, knowing full well that if he even touched her he would bury himself in guilt later on and confess to someone who wouldn’t be so thrilled.
      "so what are you taking? i’m taking photography." even though they weren’t even at a name basis he was curious as to what she was taking. without her answering he glanced over the books he held for her, brows raising as he turned his head to look at her. "architecture? my boyfriend works with someone that’s an architect. hopefully you won’t become so serious when you’re older."
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
It was obvious that she looked ecstatic for their first hangout, much like a child being treated out by their elder sister. Actually, that was exactly how she felt. Even hearing the airy tone of the other's voice made her feel giddy inside, because of how kind she was acting to an acquaintance like herself.
         "Ice cream would be lovely on a day like this."
"That’s good then. I mean— I don’t have anything to do today as well so I’d love if we hang out and get to know each other." She nodded, a sweeter smile forming along her lips. It was unusual for her to invite someone she barely knew out to do something with her but she’s been too isolate due to her busy schedule at school and so it would be a good change to hangout with someone. "Would you like some coffee? Or maybe some ice cream?"
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
 ( ` catches sight of the location a few steps away as her lips quirk up into a smile )
          Ah, I wonder what the food will be like there! I've never actually been to this part of Hongdae before..
 [‘smiles, walking down the street seeing the cafe in sight]
         It’s right there. [‘points a head of them]
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
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チキンラーメンCM 「かまたまの歌 篇」 30秒 / 新垣結衣 (by 日清食品グループ公式チャンネル)
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
Love isn’t soft, like those poets say. Love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close.
Stephen King, The Body 1982  (via ahmoses)
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
 Lips quirking up into a smile, she couldn't believe what the elder female had asked. Maybe it could've been because she wasn't exactly one who'd socialise much with people, much less even a goddess like the one standing before her. Yet, who was she to decline an offer when she was basically lounging around the whole day? Inhaling deeply, she nodded firmly at the other before responding to her question.
          "Not at all! Would you like to do something for the time being, then?"
Hearing the other’s words made her more flustered and if she looks really really close, she could see the slowly blooming faint rosy tainted cheeks on Seulgi. “Ah, you’re flattering me too much.” She replied with a chuckle, shaking her head and glancing down while pressing her hands on her cheeks as if to try to suppress it or hide it before she looks back at her. “Oh, it’s alright. I don’t mind it at all. But do tell me, do you have anything planned for this afternoon?”
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p-hilocalist · 10 years
 Hearing the other's response to her question, she began to feel as if maybe she pulled on the wrong strings; university was a touchy subject to some people, after all. Instead, she stopped herself from going further, going on to reply to the other's question instead.
          "It's been pretty alright. The whole history behind it isn't too bad, but sometimes I seem to be lacking ideas for the design bit."
 Pursing her lips outwardly, she taps her fingers lightly against her thigh whilst nodding slowly, finally letting out a weary sigh.
          "I'm just trying to find a muse. Something. Anything that'll help me."
    She only nodded as her response. Her nervous smile was a hopeful indication for no further questions relating to the topic. She always felt partially judged whenever she would state her reasons for leaving university. Not that she regrets it at all. But of course, as all the others, the follow up question was indeed asked.
"Um…" Jieun chuckled rather awkwardly before clearing her throat. "University isn’t for everyone." She nodded, giving the younger a simple reply followed by a not-so-subtle change of subject. “So— architecture! How is that going for you?” 
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