pablothoughts 2 years
Found this phone I had when I was quite young. More specifically, a samsung galaxy note 2. Having trouble with charging it (meaning I can't find a cable). Worse case scenario I buy a cable for it, although I'm sure there's one around. I used to also have a samsung tablet (unsure of the specifications), but that just took a micro usb, so that I could change. Only issue is, I don't know where it is. Anyway, if I do get the phone to charge I'll have a massive fucking nostalgia trip. I remember absolutely DESTROYING it with shit from the app store, although I mostly wanna see photos and whatnot. I wanna see what I was downloading back then (especially considering I had nobody to send it to), and assuming I wasn't logged into an account (I hope I wasn't), I'll get to see my search history. I remember writing a note (maybe in one of those secret note apps) about something. Don't really remember, but I'd just love to see it considering it hasn't been on since like, 2017 at the latest. My father owned it before I did, although I think (and hope) he factory reset it before giving it to me. Assuming that is the case, I'll be able to see full unadulterated "me". I'm geared the fuck up for it, and the thought has been brewing for a while now. First thing I do will be checking the last image I downloaded to see the date on it. If my estimate is right, I downloaded it five years ago. But that's just the TIP of the iceberg, I'd imagine I have files dating back to 2015, and if that is the case, we're in for a hell of a treat.
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pablothoughts 2 years
I feel like the pop culture representation of a lot of things is obviously cringe, but also kind of good. Let me explain, take for example, the classic "hackerman" from a movie made by people who don't know how computers work. It's dramatic, it's bullshit, etc. However, this may inspire some kid to get into programming. Will he be disappointed? Yes. Will he be interested in it still? Maybe! So basically, if it inspires someone to get into something, it might be good. Same can be said about medical dramas, and maybe going into that field, although medicine can't be practiced for shits and giggles, where as programming can, so that might be a bad example, but the point is, it might be exposing people to new ideas, and incentivising people to explore the actual version of those things
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pablothoughts 2 years
Sort of wondering why that one friend isn't talking to me. Whatever, guess I was destined for loneliness after all
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pablothoughts 2 years
Primitive plus is like ark survival devolved
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pablothoughts 2 years
Now I'm wondering if any of my ancestors killed communists... because if they did, then I can truly channel their spirit and dunk on communists online
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pablothoughts 2 years
Look at this lil guy
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I love spiders ngl
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pablothoughts 2 years
Oh also cuphead dlc in just under two hours
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pablothoughts 2 years
Update: it was a railway bridge
Oh, and there's an abandoned bridge an hour or so away. How does one abandon a bridge? Dunno, I'm just telling you what I heard
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pablothoughts 2 years
Oh, and there's an abandoned bridge an hour or so away. How does one abandon a bridge? Dunno, I'm just telling you what I heard
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pablothoughts 2 years
Maybe the deadbolt would be best. I mean, if I could figure out a way to get in without obvious forced entry, I feel that would be best. Anyway, based on the criminal code of canada it would seem that this is trespassing, not breaking and entering. In the usa, I believe trespassing is when you just walk onto somewhere you shouldn't be, but breaking and entering is when you, you know, BREAK into somewhere. In Canada it's not like that, it would only be breaking and entering if I had intention to commit a crime such as theft, which I do not. So in other words, the worst case scenario is I have to pay a fine, as this would be the first crime I committed... ever. Anyway, doubt I'll get caught as the place is pretty decolate, but I'm gonna get blood work soon and after that I'll talk to my friend about this chinese food place that's also been abandoned. That might be easier to get into, seeing as this building was owned by a massive corporation, and chinese food places are typically owned by individuals around here, so my odds are good.
If and when I get into that abandoned radio station, maybe I can get some cool photos? Hm. There's nothing on the surface of this damn place, you always have to look deep. Anyway, someone suggested I use a spanner and a scaffold bar so I guess that's what I'll do. I also thought about getting on the roof, though that might not work out so well. Anyway, I also thought about breaking a deadbolt on one of the doors, though I'm really not sure how I'd accomplish that
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pablothoughts 2 years
If and when I get into that abandoned radio station, maybe I can get some cool photos? Hm. There's nothing on the surface of this damn place, you always have to look deep. Anyway, someone suggested I use a spanner and a scaffold bar so I guess that's what I'll do. I also thought about getting on the roof, though that might not work out so well. Anyway, I also thought about breaking a deadbolt on one of the doors, though I'm really not sure how I'd accomplish that
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pablothoughts 2 years
I'm so full of hate I could scream. Everyone always pretends to care about me but in reality if I blew my brains out nobody would skip a beat. That's the issue, I'm not going to. Maybe if I did I'd get a passing glance, but no. I'm forgotten, but not gone
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pablothoughts 2 years
My V was basically just me if I wasn't awful looking
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Confession 251: I'm genuinely kinda shook that people played Cyberpunk as a self insert, and not like they were just playing a character they've designed. Going through all the quests and doing what they think their character would do, instead of what they themselves would. What do you mean your V isn't just an OC??
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pablothoughts 2 years
Perhaps if I master the art of shittily drawn art I can move on to greater things, like gender bend art of characters who should never ever be genderbent (okay THAT I won't do, but you get the idea)
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pablothoughts 2 years
Update: just looked at poorly drawn art. There are plenty of artists who seem to have baba ganoush for brains and noodles for arms. Fuck it, I'll boot up that sweet sweet ms paint and try my hand at this... or maybe not, who knows
I think learning to draw would be nice. I mean, I'd probably end up a degenerate hazbin brothel artist, but at least then I'd be liked
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pablothoughts 2 years
I wasn't joking about any of that might I add. I mean, the hazbin brothel part was a joke, but becoming a nsfw artist would give me a sense of community... is that sad?
I think learning to draw would be nice. I mean, I'd probably end up a degenerate hazbin brothel artist, but at least then I'd be liked
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pablothoughts 2 years
I think learning to draw would be nice. I mean, I'd probably end up a degenerate hazbin brothel artist, but at least then I'd be liked
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