padeeseavey · 4 years
Exploring online class during my quarantine
“I never thought that the morning class that I attended on 10 March 2020 is going to be my first and last time to study my editorial and article writing class at University.”
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The notification on my phone popped up during one afternoon with the text messages from BJM's line account. I received the unexpected text messages from one of the BJM officers that all students will be studying online for the rest of the semester. This makes me realized how bad the current situation, COVID-19, the dangerous pandemic that’s still happening all over the world. How am I going to survived this semester? this was the first question that immediately came right after I received this life-changing text.
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Studying online is definitely a very new way to explore. Most of the students from my faculty were surprised after we noticed that this semester we have to face with different education platforms. We all more familiar with going study and joining some activities with our friends at the university. For example,field activity that I joined for this class. However, when the education system has to change immediately to online platforms my daily routine has to change too. By setting my alarm one hour later, waking up in my comfortable bed without being worried about which outfit I have to put on today. I went down the stair at my working table to study all the classes without going to university.
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-My Work Station-
According to my personal experienced, study online makes me realised that go to class at university makes me more productive. For example,JM 310 editorial and article writing class, Mr. Bruce, the professor of this class provided one rule that I think it’s one of the golden rules that will makes the students can concentrate at the lectures from the beginning of the class until the end of the class. He wants all of the students to takes handwritten notes which definitely makes all the students be more focused and understand the lecture.
“My writing and English skills are so bad,this class going to be a nightmare for me” Besides the fact that I’m struggling with my writing skill,I woke up one day with a terrible feeling. I had a fever for 3 days. The death was called out my name,I was so stressed out because I thought that maybe I became the victim of Covid-19.However, it turned out that it was a normal fever plus the panic.
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To surrounded myself with good team members ,I’ve learned that every time when I have the chance to work with productive people,it leads me and the team to achieved all the goals. These kind of people are the creator for the successful works.This class brought a great opportunity for me to work with amazing and talented people.
Attending so many classes online during this quarantine times is not go with the flow at all for me.Internet connection became one of the issue that I have to faced.Without study online,I probably did better for this semester.My life as a student are very fun at university.However, living with social distance condition is a big responsibility for me and the rest of the world.
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