pageinextremis · 7 months
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Innovation in the Spotlight: The 2023 CLEPA Awards
The 2023 CLEPA Innovation Awards, a hallmark event in the automotive supply industry, marked the fourth consecutive collaboration between #Pageinextremis and CLEPA, underscoring a synergy that blends creative mastery with industrial expertise.
This edition, organised by Clepa and supported by Deloitte, celebrated for its focus on pioneering achievements in Europe's Green and Digital transition, has once again demonstrated the profound impact of automotive suppliers in driving forward mobility transformation. With an impressive €30 billion invested annually in R&D, the automotive supply industry is at the heart of this innovative journey.
The event's success is multifaceted, with winners and nominees gaining significant exposure through CLEPA's channels and across various media outlets and national associations. This exposure is instrumental in showcasing the latest advancements and connecting participants with key European players.
#Pageinextremis' integral contribution to the event is illuminated in their development of a lasting visual identity. This includes an iconic logo and a user-centric website design, coupled with their proficiency in producing compelling video content. Their collaborative efforts have articulated the story of automotive innovation, encapsulating its extensive possibilities. This achievement is a testament to the synergistic partnership with CLEPA's communications team, adeptly led by Filipa Rio, highlighting the power of united expertise in shaping a narrative of technological progress and future potential.
The awards celebrated advancements across several categories, including:
- Green Innovations: Emphasising sustainable mobility through developments in electrification, alternative powertrains, green services, and sustainable products.
- Digital Advancements: Highlighting the transformative role of digitalisation in the industry, focusing on connected and automated driving, user-centric experiences, and safety & security technologies.
- Safety: Recognising technologies to create a safer transportation ecosystem, with the ambitious goal of zero casualties by 2050.
- Cooperation: Celebrating collaborative efforts across various organisations and institutions that contribute to innovative mobility technology.
The top innovators of the 2023 edition, selected from a diverse array of organisations, including SMEs and startups, were unveiled during the special ceremony in Brussels on 18 October 2023. These innovators represent the breadth and depth of expertise in the industry.
The applications were rigorously assessed by an international jury of experts from various fields, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of the innovations.
The 2023 CLEPA Innovation Awards, bolstered by #Pageinextremis' creative partnership, not only celebrated the industry's current achievements but also set the stage for future innovations. This event is a testament to the dynamic fusion of creativity and industry, driving the narrative of automotive innovation.
#EventVisualCommunication #Video #MakingImpact #MyPartnerAgency #Pageinextremis
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pageinextremis · 7 months
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A Canvas of Collaboration: Unveiling OCA's Online Annual Report by #Pageinextremis
In sustainability, narratives require a canvas that's as organic and transparent as the missions they represent. This belief united the Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA) and #Pageinextremis, setting the stage for creating the Online Annual Report 2022. As you delve into this digital narrative, the essence of a profound collaboration between OCA and #Pageinextremis unfolds, painting a vivid picture of nature intertwined with data.
The journey began with a shared vision - to encapsulate OCA's mission and accomplishments in an organic, transparent format. The close collaboration between the seasoned communicators at #Pageinextremis and the advocates of organic cotton at OCA led to a fusion of creativity and purpose.
Pageinextremis delved into the ethos of OCA, crafting a comprehensive online annual report that doesn't just enumerate accomplishments but narrates a saga of sustainable impact.
The report is a user-centric experience, meticulously crafted for easy navigation, engaging storytelling, and transparent disclosure of OCA's 2022 journey. Every section is a testament to the collaborative endeavour, where OCA's mission resonates through # Pageinextremis' innovative design and communication strategies.
Heads of Communication seeking to amplify their ventures' impact will find rich inspiration in this partnership. It exemplifies how, with the right communication ally, your mission's story can resonate globally.
Communication Managers striving for a blend of professionalism, innovation, and human-centric narratives would appreciate the harmonious combination of these elements in the report.
This online annual report transcends traditional yearly reviews. It's a narrative showcasing how like-minded entities can collaboratively create something insightful and engaging.
As you traverse through the Online Annual Report 2022, the symbiotic relationship between OCA and #Pageinextremis is palpable, underscoring what can be achieved when innovative minds collaborate with purpose.
We invite you to explore the OCA Online Annual Report 2022 at annual-report-2022.organiccottonaccelerator.org and witness a sustainable narrative elegantly crafted through close collaboration between OCA and #Pageinextremis.
#brussels based communication agency#communication agency brussels
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pageinextremis · 8 months
A Canvas of Collaboration: Unveiling OCA's Online Annual Report by #Pageinextremis
In sustainability, narratives require a canvas that's as organic and transparent as the missions they represent. This belief united the Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA) and #Pageinextremis, setting the stage for creating the Online Annual Report 2022. As you delve into this digital narrative, the essence of a profound collaboration between OCA and #Pageinextremis unfolds, painting a vivid picture of nature intertwined with data.
The journey began with a shared vision - to encapsulate OCA's mission and accomplishments in an organic, transparent format. The close collaboration between the seasoned communicators at #Pageinextremis and the advocates of organic cotton at OCA led to a fusion of creativity and purpose.
Pageinextremis delved into the ethos of OCA, crafting a comprehensive online annual report that doesn't just enumerate accomplishments but narrates a saga of sustainable impact.
The report is a user-centric experience, meticulously crafted for easy navigation, engaging storytelling, and transparent disclosure of OCA's 2022 journey. Every section is a testament to the collaborative endeavour, where OCA's mission resonates through # Pageinextremis' innovative design and communication strategies.
Heads of Communication seeking to amplify their ventures' impact will find rich inspiration in this partnership. It exemplifies how, with the right communication ally, your mission's story can resonate globally.
Communication Managers striving for a blend of professionalism, innovation, and human-centric narratives would appreciate the harmonious combination of these elements in the report.
This online annual report transcends traditional yearly reviews. It's a narrative showcasing how like-minded entities can collaboratively create something insightful and engaging.
As you traverse through the Online Annual Report 2022, the symbiotic relationship between OCA and #Pageinextremis is palpable, underscoring what can be achieved when innovative minds collaborate with purpose.
We invite you to explore the OCA Online Annual Report 2022 at annual-report-2022.organiccottonaccelerator.org and witness a sustainable narrative elegantly crafted through close collaboration between OCA and #Pageinextremis.
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pageinextremis · 8 months
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Navigating the Sea of Change: EUMEPS and the Art of Aligning Overarching, Brand, and Communication Strategies
In EU policies's dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, each industry has opportunities for growth and innovation. With the right strategies, EU associations can adapt and create favourable conditions for the harmonious development of the sector they represent. Just ask EUMEPS, who recently embarked on this transformative journey with us. In this piece, we'll explore why an EU association needs distinct yet aligned overarching brand and communication strategies and how to execute them successfully.
The EUMEPS Experience: A Case in Point Our collaboration with EUMEPS began about six months ago, with a meticulous assessment of their communication needs. This led to a series of workshops with their members and staff, culminating in launching a comprehensive new communication programme. The entire process, made in close collaboration with Jürgens Lang and his team, is a testament to the power of strategic alignment and member-focused planning.
The Overarching Strategy: Setting the Course An overarching strategy is a master blueprint outlining long-term goals, including how the association will navigate the European and national regulatory environments. Knowing when to adapt this strategy is critical for staying ahead in a world of opportunities.
The Brand Strategy: Crafting Your Identity Consider your brand strategy your unique signature in the EU Brussels Bubble. It represents your mission, values, and the emotional connection you aim to forge with stakeholders and members. If your overarching strategy is your compass, your brand strategy is undoubtedly your North Star.
The Communication Strategy: All Hands on Deck While your overarching and brand strategies lay the groundwork, your communication strategy brings your brand into the spotlight. This is where you decide on the operational—how, where, and when to communicate your message to your stakeholders.
Synchronised for Success A highlight of our work with EUMEPS was the seamless alignment of these critical strategies. A change in one often triggers a domino effect, necessitating adjustments across the board. The ultimate aim? Cohesion and harmonisation in all your strategic efforts.
Your Turn: Ready for a Communication Strategic Overhaul? Expert guidance can make all the difference if your association is gearing up to make the most of new opportunities in a regulatory landscape. At #pageinextremis, we specialise in creating resilient, adaptive strategies that empower associations to excel in communication.
In today's EU policy's opportunity-rich landscape, a well-tuned set of strategies isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must. Don't be left adrift—join those sailing smoothly towards new horizons.
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pageinextremis · 9 months
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Stepping into the Future: Fully Digital Annual Reports for a Connected Europe
Have You Seen i-CITY's Game-Changing 2022 Annual Report?
Before diving into the incredible world of digital annual reports, let's spotlight a real-world example that has us all talking: i-CITY's 2022 Annual Report. 
This isn't your run-of-the-mill document; it's the IT arm of the City of Brussels breaking barriers with a trilingual digital report. 
What's remarkable is that it's not merely a highlight reel of their achievements. It's a powerhouse statement of what modern, accessible, and inclusive communication can and should look like.
Hey there, forward-thinkers!
We focus on dynamic, user-friendly, eco-conscious, fully digital annual reports. Let's chat about why this is not just the next big thing but a game-changer.
Reimagining the Staples with a Digital Spark:
First, picture this: In the digital universe, even the usual sections of an annual report can feel fresh and new. How about spicing it up with interactive charts that users can engage with for a detailed breakdown? 
Oh, and achievements? Think animated timelines or even 360-degree virtual event tours. The possibilities are virtually endless and, quite frankly, exhilarating!
Immersive Storytelling:
Think of an annual report that feels less like a report and more like a storybook. Engaging infographics, videos that tug at your heartstrings, and even a sprinkle of augmented reality to deep dive into projects. It's like turning pages of a magical book where data dances and stories unfold.
Embracing Environmental Responsibility Through Digital Solutions:
With our planet in mind, these digital reports are a green thumbs-up! No more paper, no inks, and less carbon footprint from transporting those bulky reports. We're saying a big "yes" to the European Green Deal's vision by going digital.
A Report for Everyone:
The goal is to ensure that everyone feels included. Need larger fonts or translations on the fly? Done. How about audio for those who prefer to listen? Absolutely.
Cost-Effective Yet Sophisticated:
Setting up might require some initial investment, but think about the savings down the road. No more printing or shipping costs. The same high-quality content can be disseminated across social media or an app.
Gamification: Making Reports Fun Again!
Whoever said that annual reports can't be engaging? Throw in some quizzes or interactive timelines; suddenly, it's not just a report – it's an experience.
Share and Share Alike:
Our reports can reach a wider audience with a simple click, expanding and connecting our community even more.
One More Thing: Kudos Where Kudos Are Due:
Before we wrap this up, let's not forget to give credit where it's richly deserved. That groundbreaking i-CITY 2022 Annual Report we were raving about earlier? 
It was masterfully created in close collaboration with the i-CITY communication team. 
It showcases what's possible when innovative minds come together for a common goal.
Wrapping It Up:
For all our communications gurus, this transition to fully digital annual reports is not just a trendy move but a smart one. 
Storytelling, eco-friendliness, inclusivity, and a dash of fun – it's the future of communicating our achievements and stories.
So, let's keep innovating and embracing the digital magic. Because as Jean Monnet so wisely said, "We are not forming coalitions of states, we are uniting men." 
And hey, in today's world, we're uniting them one digital interaction at a time.
Before You Depart... Allow Us to Introduce Ourselves as Your Creative Collaborators:
About #pageinextremis:
We're not just passionate chatterboxes about the future of digital annual reports; we've got three decades of experience making communication dreams a reality. 
Based in the heart of Europe's political scene—Brussels—we've been the go-to choice for global institutions, European associations, and heavy-hitting corporations.
Our forte? Crafting brand strategies and communication plans so comprehensive they could almost read your mind. 
We've collaborated with various clients, including industry and trade associations or corporations. We're no strangers to EU and publicly funded projects and have a special place in our hearts for NGOs, particularly those focusing on sustainability and societal issues.
So, if you're nodding along, thinking, "Hey, this is exactly what I need!" then let's chat. 
We are merely a message away and await the opportunity to elevate your project to the next big thing in digital communications. 
Reach out to us, and let's make some magic happen. Here's to forging the future together!
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pageinextremis · 9 months
Stepping into the Future: Fully Digital Annual Reports for a Connected Europe
Have You Seen i-CITY's Game-Changing 2022 Annual Report?
Before diving into the incredible world of digital annual reports, let's spotlight a real-world example that has us all talking: i-CITY's 2022 Annual Report. 
This isn't your run-of-the-mill document; it's the IT arm of the City of Brussels breaking barriers with a trilingual digital report. 
What's remarkable is that it's not merely a highlight reel of their achievements. It's a powerhouse statement of what modern, accessible, and inclusive communication can and should look like.
Hey there, forward-thinkers!
We focus on dynamic, user-friendly, eco-conscious, fully digital annual reports. Let's chat about why this is not just the next big thing but a game-changer.
Reimagining the Staples with a Digital Spark:
First, picture this: In the digital universe, even the usual sections of an annual report can feel fresh and new. How about spicing it up with interactive charts that users can engage with for a detailed breakdown? 
Oh, and achievements? Think animated timelines or even 360-degree virtual event tours. The possibilities are virtually endless and, quite frankly, exhilarating!
Immersive Storytelling:
Think of an annual report that feels less like a report and more like a storybook. Engaging infographics, videos that tug at your heartstrings, and even a sprinkle of augmented reality to deep dive into projects. It's like turning pages of a magical book where data dances and stories unfold.
Embracing Environmental Responsibility Through Digital Solutions:
With our planet in mind, these digital reports are a green thumbs-up! No more paper, no inks, and less carbon footprint from transporting those bulky reports. We're saying a big "yes" to the European Green Deal's vision by going digital.
A Report for Everyone:
The goal is to ensure that everyone feels included. Need larger fonts or translations on the fly? Done. How about audio for those who prefer to listen? Absolutely.
Cost-Effective Yet Sophisticated:
Setting up might require some initial investment, but think about the savings down the road. No more printing or shipping costs. The same high-quality content can be disseminated across social media or an app.
Gamification: Making Reports Fun Again!
Whoever said that annual reports can't be engaging? Throw in some quizzes or interactive timelines; suddenly, it's not just a report – it's an experience.
Share and Share Alike:
Our reports can reach a wider audience with a simple click, expanding and connecting our community even more.
One More Thing: Kudos Where Kudos Are Due:
Before we wrap this up, let's not forget to give credit where it's richly deserved. That groundbreaking i-CITY 2022 Annual Report we were raving about earlier? 
It was masterfully created in close collaboration with the i-CITY communication team. 
It showcases what's possible when innovative minds come together for a common goal.
Wrapping It Up:
For all our communications gurus, this transition to fully digital annual reports is not just a trendy move but a smart one. 
Storytelling, eco-friendliness, inclusivity, and a dash of fun – it's the future of communicating our achievements and stories.
So, let's keep innovating and embracing the digital magic. Because as Jean Monnet so wisely said, "We are not forming coalitions of states, we are uniting men." 
And hey, in today's world, we're uniting them one digital interaction at a time.
Before You Depart... Allow Us to Introduce Ourselves as Your Creative Collaborators:
About #pageinextremis:
We're not just passionate chatterboxes about the future of digital annual reports; we've got three decades of experience making communication dreams a reality. 
Based in the heart of Europe's political scene—Brussels—we've been the go-to choice for global institutions, European associations, and heavy-hitting corporations.
Our forte? Crafting brand strategies and communication plans so comprehensive they could almost read your mind. 
We've collaborated with various clients, including industry and trade associations or corporations. We're no strangers to EU and publicly funded projects and have a special place in our hearts for NGOs, particularly those focusing on sustainability and societal issues.
So, if you're nodding along, thinking, "Hey, this is exactly what I need!" then let's chat. 
We are merely a message away and await the opportunity to elevate your project to the next big thing in digital communications. 
Reach out to us, and let's make some magic happen. Here's to forging the future together!
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pageinextremis · 1 year
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New Release: FIEC Online Statistical Report 2023 Sheds Light on European Construction Industry
The European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) has recently released its 66th annual Statistical Report, which provides an in-depth overview of the construction industry within the European Union during 2022. This year was marked by significant challenges for the construction industry, including sustained high energy and raw material costs and the impact of geopolitical events such as Russia'sRussia's war against Ukraine. The latter has severely affected global supply chains and exacerbated global inflationary pressures, with the EU's economy being particularly vulnerable due to its proximity to the conflict and dependence on Russian energy resources.
Key Findings
Main Activities in 2022
- Civil Engineering (18.1%): Comprising roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, concrete structures, special foundations, electrical works, water supply, wastewater treatment, and works on maritime or river sites.
- Non-residential Construction (31.8%): Including offices, hospitals, hotels, schools, and industrial buildings.
- New Housebuilding (20.6%): Encompassing individual dwellings, apartment blocks, social housing, and schemes.
- Renovation (29.7%): Specifically in housing.
Economic Contribution and Employment
The construction industry significantly contributed to the EU economy, accounting for 49.7% of the total gross fixed capital formation and 10.1% of the GDP. Furthermore, it represented 29.6% of industrial employment in the EU27. In terms of employment, the construction industry accounted for 6.4% of total employment. It involved more than 3 million enterprises employing approximately 12 million workers. Notably, 95% of the enterprises in the industry have less than 20 workers. Moreover, the multiplier effect indicates that for every person working in the construction industry, two additional people are employed in other sectors.
Challenges and Future Projections
The construction sector experienced slightly weaker growth than forecasted for 2022. Total investment in construction increased by 2.0%, but employment decreased by 4.0% compared to 2021. The rising prices and supply shortages for energy and certain construction materials have negatively impacted several European contractors. Many are at risk of being unable to fulfil contractual obligations or are refraining from participating in public tenders.
In 2023, investment in construction is expected to decline at a rate of 2.5%. Interestingly, all segments are expected to contract except for civil engineering. This decline in the construction market will also be observed in most EU countries.
Concluding Thoughts
The FIEC Statistical Report 2023 offers valuable insights into the state of the construction industry in the European Union during a period marked by economic and geopolitical challenges. While the industry has demonstrated resilience in some areas, the rising energy and raw materials costs and geopolitical uncertainties present significant hurdles. Moving forward, stakeholders in the construction industry must continue to monitor these developments closely and adapt their strategies to navigate these challenges.
Rüdiger Otto, Chairman of the Economic and Legal Commission, expressed his gratitude to the FIEC Team and Member Federations for their contribution to the report and emphasised the data's importance in understanding the construction industry's developments.
Collaborative Success
The Communication Agency, #Pageinextremis, expresses its profound honour in being the communication partner of FIEC. The statistical report 2023 stands as a testament to the fruitful and effective collaboration between the two organisations. This impactful online publication is the result of an intimate creative dialogue framework that involves the creative unit of the Belgian communication agency, #Pageinextremis, and the inspiring FIEC team led by Domenico Campogrande, Director-General.
#Pageinextremis takes pride in transforming brands into valuable assets and ensuring their alignment with strategic objectives. This successful collaboration with FIEC underscores the agency's commitment to excellence, creativity, and the building of meaningful relationships with its partners. The FIEC statistical report 2023, a significant milestone in this partnership, will continue to inform, guide, and inspire stakeholders in the European construction industry.
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pageinextremis · 1 year
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A New Trend: The Emergence of Video-Based Annual Reports
Public organisations are reimagining their traditional practices to communicate more effectively with their stakeholders, citizens, and employees. One such area experiencing this transformative change is annual reporting. With the growing power of multimedia, online annual reports based on a series of videos are gaining traction, providing a more dynamic, immersive, and engaging way to share an organisation's progress.
The Video Advantage
The shift towards video-based annual reports is far from arbitrary. Video as a medium carries unique advantages - it grabs attention, enhances the understanding, and fosters engagement. Unlike written reports, video allows for a more personal connection with the audience, incorporating visuals, audio, and storytelling elements. It's not merely about changing the medium but also about amplifying how an organisation shares its progress, achievements, and future plans. 
An annual report is a detailed document that records the year's activities and performance. However, video-based reports introduce a new narrative. Rather than just presenting hard facts and figures, these reports can demonstrate the organisation's work in action, its employees, and its impact on communities. They can bring to life stories of resilience, innovation, and commitment, thereby connecting more effectively with the stakeholders.
The Structure of Video-Based Annual Reports
The content should be broken down into a series of short videos to create an effective video-based annual report. This modular approach allows viewers to navigate through different sections based on interest. 
A remarkable example of this shift towards video-based annual reports is the 2022 annual report from Citydev.Brussels.
This public organisation supports and encourages the economic expansion of the Brussels-Capital Region. Their online report is a model of an innovative, engaging, and effective video-based publication.
Citydev's annual report uses well-curated videos to highlight the organisation's key achievements, initiatives, and impact. It starts with a personalised message from the head of the organisation, Benjamin Cadranel, setting the tone for what follows. 
The report effectively uses multimedia to present highlights, operational insights, and community impact. 
The video segment showcasing their achievements and expertise is a particularly striking aspect of their annual report. The video brings to life the real-world impact of their work, capturing the organisation's commitment to supporting businesses and helping communities thrive in Brussels. It uses a storytelling approach that combines compelling visuals with a powerful narrative, allowing viewers to connect deeply with the organisation's efforts.
Citydev's 2022 annual report is an inspiring model for other organisations, illustrating how video-based online publications can effectively communicate an organisation's progress, initiatives, and impact.
The Accessibility Factor
One of the reasons why video-based annual reports are becoming popular is their accessibility. In today's fast-paced world, not everyone has the time to sift through a dense document. A well-structured video report can deliver key messages effectively and efficiently. Moreover, it enables accessibility for visually impaired people, who can listen to the content.
The Shareability Aspect
With a simple click, stakeholders can share the video report on social media platforms, increasing the report's reach. This could significantly enhance the organisation's visibility and reputation.
The Creative Force Behind the Innovation
The ground-breaking video-based annual report of Citydev.Brussels can be attributed to the strategic collaboration between Citydev's communication team, directed by Barbara Decamps, and the creative communication agency #Pageinextremis. 
#Pageinextremis, known for its innovative approach to visual narratives, partnered with Decamps's team in a co-creative dialogue that ultimately brought the report to life. Their combined efforts ensured that complex information was transformed into compelling, engaging content that resonated with stakeholders. 
This Brussels-based agency, with deep expertise in communication for public organisations and EU associations, effectively showcased its ability to utilise digital mediums in Citydev's annual report. With Barbara Decamps and her team, #Pageinextremis set a new milestone in creative communication, underscoring the power of collaborative creativity.
As we move further into the digital age, the use of video for public reporting will only grow. This shift provides a unique opportunity for organisations to redefine communication strategies and make annual reports more engaging, accessible, and shareable. The time has come to make annual reporting an attractive storytelling tool.
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pageinextremis · 1 year
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Bridging the Biodiversity Gap: An Urgent Call for Belgium's Investment in Nature
Undeniably, certain news stories prompt us into action, and the recent report published by WWF-Belgium perfectly illustrates this point. Coinciding with the International Day for Biodiversity, this study brings to light the substantial gap between Belgium's aspirations for biodiversity and its allocation of funds towards nature conservation.
The "Nature's Worth Its Weight in Gold: Investing in Biodiversity, Securing Our Future" report implies that Belgium should invest an extra €603 million annually to eliminate this shortfall and meet its stated biodiversity targets. To provide some perspective, this amount corresponds to 0.13% of Belgium's GDP or 0.22% of the total public expenditure of Belgium in 2020.
While the figure might appear sizeable, it is notably less than the nation's subsidies towards activities detrimental to the environment. In 2020, Belgium devoted nearly €13 billion to fossil fuel subsidies, contradicting its environmental and biodiversity goals.
The rationale behind investing in biodiversity is simple and compelling: nature is a worthwhile investment. The risk of biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse rank among the most severe threats to humanity. Within Belgium, only 4% of natural habitats are in a healthy ecological state. Meanwhile, worldwide biodiversity is dwindling at an alarming pace, with 69% of species populations disappearing since 1970.
The consequences of this crisis extend to multiple areas, from drinkable water supply to our food security and overall well-being. Moreover, global economic productivity heavily depends on nature, accounting for an estimated value of $44 trillion. Therefore, the importance of investing in biodiversity to ensure our future wealth is evident.
It's worth mentioning that the cost of inaction is even higher. Following the 2021 floods in Belgium, the material damage was estimated at €2.8 billion for the Walloon region alone. Investing in a resilient natural ecosystem that mitigates severe impacts is a strategic move towards our future prosperity and wellness.
Encouragingly, Belgian citizens are rallying behind nature. More than 14,000 Belgians have contacted responsible ministers and Belgian European Parliament members, advocating for a robust law on nature restoration. They also undertake local initiatives to plug policy loopholes and shield nature in Belgium, supported by the WWF and its "Funds for Our Nature."
The moment to act is upon us. To preserve our biodiversity, we need to bridge this financial gap. Investing in nature is equivalent to investing in our future.
Want to delve deeper? Explore the WWF report, produced by the #pageinextremis agency and supervised by the association's communication team.
Environmental consciousness is integral to #pageinextremis. 
For over three decades, the communication agency has been diligently collaborating with prominent "Green" influencers, such as:
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),
The European Environment Agency (EEA),
The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS),
Greenpeace, WWF, and many others.
From its foundation, #pageinextremis has been committed to endorsing environmental conservation and sustainability through efficient communication and cooperation with respected organisations.
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pageinextremis · 1 year
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Unravelling Healthcare Systems in Central and Eastern Europe: A Collaborative, In-Depth Analysis
Delve into "At a Turning Point: Healthcare Systems in Central and Eastern Europe," an insightful study spearheaded by Economist Impact and backed by AmCham EU. 
This captivating report delves into the intricacies of health systems and funding dynamics across 13 European countries, showcasing their unique features, similarities, and potential avenues for enhancement. 
The communication agency #pageinextremis skilfully craft the visually appealing graphic design. Join us as we explore the key takeaways from this pivotal study and the renowned organisations' impressive contributions.
The report unfolds four engaging chapters, each focusing on distinct healthcare spending and policy aspects within the chosen countries. To guarantee a thorough analysis, the authors sought insights from diverse experts, including policymakers, health economists, academics, healthcare professionals, and representatives of relevant local and European-level associations.
Chapter 1: Decoding Health Spending Patterns and Trends This chapter dissects health spending in the context of economic growth, the immediate and long-term repercussions of COVID-19, and the current economic downturn. It underlines the need for robust leadership and organisational capabilities for effective long-term planning. It juxtaposes revenue sources, the consequences of out-of-pocket payments, and the sustainability of social health insurance models.
Chapter 2: Tackling Healthcare Infrastructure and Workforce Hurdles Centered on healthcare spending by function, this chapter sheds light on the obstacles presented by current healthcare infrastructure, such as the overreliance on hospitals and workforce shortages. It proposes innovative solutions to these challenges, including bolstering primary and community care.
Chapter 3: Harnessing the Power of Innovative Medicines and Technology This chapter delves into the potential ramifications of innovative medicines on health outcomes, efficiency, and healthcare costs. It evaluates various pricing and reimbursement mechanisms, identifies disparities and inequalities in accessibility, and offers potential solutions to bridge these gaps. Additionally, it emphasises the significance of investing in medical equipment, technology, digital health, and research and development.
Chapter 4: Evaluating Population Health Outcomes and Building System Resilience This chapter scrutinises the influence of healthcare spending on crucial population health outcomes, the burden of non-communicable diseases, and the steps health systems should take to prepare for population ageing. It also examines quality and efficiency measures, encompassing population perceptions of quality of care and the crucial role of health system resilience amid ongoing challenges and uncertainty.
The report culminates with actionable recommendations to enhance access, system sustainability, and outcomes across the CEE countries. These insights pave the way for stimulating discussions and prospective healthcare reforms.
To further enrich the report, accompanying country profiles provide a wealth of data and analysis on national dynamics for seven CEE countries and Romania as a comparator.
The compelling "At a Turning Point: Healthcare Systems in Central and Eastern Europe" report presents a comprehensive analysis of health systems and funding dynamics across selected European countries, emphasising key differences, similarities, and opportunities for improvement. This meticulous study, executed by Economist Impact and championed by AmCham EU, lays a robust foundation for future dialogues and healthcare reforms in the region, ultimately striving to create more sustainable, efficient, and equitable healthcare systems for everyone.
This remarkable report is the product of a synergistic collaboration between leading organisations, including Economist Impact, AmCham EU, and #pageinextremis. The fusion of their expertise culminates in a valuable resource for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and stakeholders seeking to comprehend and enhance healthcare systems in Central and Eastern Europe.
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pageinextremis · 1 year
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How to Integrate Magazines and Newsletters for a Successful Mixed Communication Strategy
Unleash the potential of your communication strategy by masterfully combining magazines and newsletters in an immersive mixed communication programme. International organisations and associations can forge lasting relationships with their audience and transcend their communication goals by following these strategic steps to deliver an unforgettable and impactful experience.
Firstly, set crystal-clear goals by pinpointing your yearly communication objectives, such as raising awareness, boosting stakeholder involvement, attracting new staff or members, highlighting events or sharing insights about your sector.
Next, get to know your audience inside out. Dive into their communication preferences, habits and needs, and identify the most effective print and digital channels for captivating and connecting with them.
Embrace digital for dynamic interaction by leveraging digital media for frequent updates and real-time news, fostering audience engagement and interaction. For instance, utilise social media, e-newsletters, blogs and websites.
On the other hand, make print a powerful player in your strategy. Printed magazines offer a professional touch for international organisations and NGOs. Share fascinating stories, showcase impactful projects, celebrate successes and provide vital information on industry trends and policies. Remember that periodic publications, such as quarterly or biannual magazines, leave a lasting impression.
Moreover, widen your reach with printed newsletters. They cater to a broad audience, including those without internet access or who prefer tangible materials. Additionally, they enable you to engage readers in remote areas with limited digital infrastructure.
For collaboration, forge partnerships for mutual benefits with other organisations and businesses through advertising or sponsored articles. This can generate additional revenue to support your mission. As you integrate both media, unleash the synergy between them. Create a powerful impact by sharing printed articles online and linking digital content to print for comprehensive information.
Continuously track your progress by implementing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your mixed communication programme. Analyse performance data and fine-tune your strategy for optimum results.
Finally, maintain brand unity across all channels. Ensure your brand elements – logos, colours and key messages – are consistent.
Blending printed magazines with digital media is key for international organisations and associations aiming to create a captivating mixed communication programme. Understanding your audience, optimising different channels and synergising efforts will maximise the impact and reach of your communications.
Interested to know more? Collaborating with a communication agency like #pageinextremis can significantly enhance your mixed communication programme's effectiveness. Their expertise in understanding audiences, optimising channels, and creating synergies between print and digital media will maximise your communications' impact and reach and ensure a seamless and professional experience. By partnering with an agency like #pageinextremis, international organisations and associations can unlock their communication potential and achieve their goals efficiently and confidently.
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pageinextremis · 1 year
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From Vision to Reality: A Practical Guide to the African Continental Free Trade Area
Imagine a world where vibrant markets bustle with life, businesses flourish, and opportunities abound. This is the vision the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement seeks to bring to life by uniting African markets under one robust, dynamic ecosystem. Through this transformative initiative, businesses will find a new sense of freedom as they transcend borders, expand their reach, and tap into previously unexplored markets.
The journey to achieving this ambitious vision is riddled with challenges. Still, the World Customs Organisation (WCO) has taken a proactive approach by creating an easy-to-understand guide. Supported by the European Union through the EU-WCO Rules of Origin Africa Programme, this essential roadmap is designed to help the private sector navigate the complex landscape of the AfCFTA Agreement, breaking down the rules and regulations in an engaging, accessible format.
Behind every great movement is a powerful story. In the case of the WCO, this story is brought to life through the exceedingly effective visual design created by communication agency #Pageinextremis. Infusing energy and creativity into their work; this agency helps the WCO tell a compelling story that speaks to the heart of the global customs community, one that unites customs administrations around the world to champion a common cause.
The importance of branding cannot be understated, and it's never been more vital for public organisations to convey a memorable, purpose-driven message. That's where #pageinextremis comes in. As a branding agency passionate about positive impact, they work tirelessly to create brands that resonate with their audience and spark meaningful change. The agency's creative team's dedication to fostering purpose-driven branding has helped the WCO and countless other organisations redefine their identities and amplify their messages.
The AfCFTA Agreement represents an inspiring example of cooperation, ambition, and progress in a world of constant change. By working together and utilising the expertise of organisations like the WCO, Africa can achieve its goal of a thriving, interconnected marketplace. The future is bright for the African continent as it embarks on an exciting new chapter in its economic development.
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pageinextremis · 1 year
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Unravelling the Transatlantic Economy 2023: Adaptability and Synergy Amidst Global Turmoil.
Immerse yourself in the 20th-anniversary edition of The Transatlantic Economy 2023 report, which delves into the complex economic connections between Europe and the United States. Centred on jobs, trade, and investment, the report reveals the ever-strengthening integration between these economic powerhouses. Let us examine the report's key findings and discuss their implications for policymakers, business leaders, and local officials.
Triumphing Over Adversity 
The transatlantic economy has exhibited remarkable resilience in the face of numerous challenges, including the Covid-19 pandemic, Russia's war on Ukraine, massive energy transformations, inflationary and recessionary pressures, supply chain disruptions, and the impact of China's activities. The report emphasises the importance of the economic relationship between the United States and Europe in sustaining a thriving multi-trillion-dollar economy that generates millions of jobs across the Atlantic.
Navigating Sectors and Trends 
The Transatlantic Economy 2023 report explores various sectors and trends shaping the transatlantic economic landscape. Key areas include international support for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia, significant shifts in the transatlantic energy economy, the role of digital connections in forging economic ties, and the significance of transatlantic commercial bonds for a diverse range of stakeholders, from producers to investors and communities.
Eye-Opening Insights and Their Impact 
The report also unveils crucial and often surprising insights into the roles of the United States and Europe in the global economy. These revelations significantly impact policymakers, business leaders, and local officials navigating an increasingly interconnected and complex economic environment.
The Transatlantic Economy 2023 report vividly depicts a resilient and closely-knit transatlantic economy that has weathered numerous challenges. As key sectors become more intertwined, stakeholders must capitalise on the opportunities this thriving relationship presents. By understanding the unique nature of transatlantic economic relations, policymakers, business leaders, and local officials can make informed decisions to ensure sustained prosperity and growth for Europe and the United States.
The Transatlantic Economy 2023 report vividly depicts a resilient and closely-knit transatlantic economy that has weathered numerous challenges. As key sectors become more intertwined, stakeholders must capitalise on the opportunities this thriving relationship presents. By understanding the unique nature of transatlantic economic relations, policymakers, business leaders, and local officials can make informed decisions to ensure sustained prosperity and growth for Europe and the United States.
Introducing #pageinextremis: a prestigious agency proficient in corporate and institutional communication, expertly guiding the artistic growth and polished visuals of The Transatlantic Economy 2023 report. Their unwavering commitment to collaboration has cultivated a fruitful alliance with Thibaut L'Ortye and the outstanding AmCham EU team over several years, consistently producing indispensable and authoritative publications.
#pageinextremis takes pride in its dedication to client satisfaction and unparalleled results. Their systematic approach, characterised by meticulous monitoring and comprehensive quality checks, guarantees impeccable execution and exceptional project excellence.
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pageinextremis · 1 year
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Pathway to excellence: the 2022 CER activity report - A top-notch communication!
The 2022 CER Activity Report showcases the European railway sector's resilience and solidarity in the face of challenges such as the Ukraine crisis and escalating energy costs. 
Actively participating in relief efforts, the CER has also proposed measures to tackle energy costs and focused on creating a "Single European Railway Area" by securing funds for expansion and digitalisation to achieve a modern, efficient infrastructure. 
The Digital Automatic Coupling project exemplifies how digitalisation streamlines the fragmented railway system. Additionally, the CER is dedicated to combating climate change by promoting eco-friendly transportation and raising awareness about decarbonising transport.
This report embodies exceptional communication and openness, integrating top-notch activity reporting techniques and setting a gold standard for other organisations. It clearly outlines achievements, progress, and upcoming priorities, using accurate and up-to-date data from various sources. 
Presented in a logical, structured manner with simple language, the report is accessible to a broad audience. It highlights key achievements with concrete examples and includes visually appealing graphics and illustrations to aid data comprehension.
By adhering to these best practices, the 2022 CER Activity Report exemplifies the organisation's dedication to clarity, communication, and responsibility, bolstering its reputation within the industry.
The Communication Agency, #Pageinextremis, takes pride in its contribution to the creative development and graphical production of the 2022 CER Activity Report. 
The result is an inspiring brochure from a collaborative dialogue between the CER Communication team, led by the remarkable Cliona Cunningham, and the agency's creative unit.
#Pageinextremis boasts extensive expertise in message communication and has developed a meticulous process with monitoring and quality checks to ensure client satisfaction and optimal results.
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pageinextremis · 1 year
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Leaving a green legacy: preserving nature and biodiversity for future generations
Our world is an invaluable treasure, a legacy we have received from our ancestors and must protect for generations to come. Nature and biodiversity are essential elements of our planet, and our responsibility is preservation. It is crucial to passing on a green legacy to our descendants.
Firstly, biodiversity is the key to our survival. Animal and plant species interact within complex ecosystems, which provide vital services to our well-being. These ecosystem services include water purification, crop pollination, climate regulation, and protection against floods. If we do not preserve these ecosystems, we risk our existence.
Secondly, nature and biodiversity serve as sources of inspiration for science and technology. Many medicines, materials, and innovations come directly from living organisms. By preserving biodiversity, we safeguard an invaluable reservoir of resources for future generations.
Furthermore, nature plays a crucial role in our mental and physical health. Green spaces allow us to relax, recharge, and reconnect with our environment. It is, therefore, vital to preserve these spaces for the well-being of future generations.
So, what can we do to protect this legacy? Here are a few action points:
Raise awareness: inform yourself and share your knowledge about preserving nature and biodiversity. The more people act, the more significant our impact will be.
Adopt sustainable practices: reduce your ecological footprint by consuming responsibly, limiting your use of non-renewable resources, and favouring environmentally friendly products.
Support conservation initiatives: participate or contribute financially to projects that protect nature and biodiversity, such as nature reserves, national parks, or species reintroduction programmes.
Advocate for ambitious environmental policies: urge your elected representatives to adopt measures that protect our planet and its inhabitants.
Preserving nature and biodiversity is essential to ensure a sustainable future for our children and grandchildren. It is time to act and bequeath them a green legacy they can be proud of.
Environmental awareness is a fundamental cornerstone of #pageinextremis. 
For 29 years, the communication agency has been consistently working with leading "Green" key players, such as:
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),
The European Environment Agency (EEA),
The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS),
Greenpeace, WWF, and numerous others.
Since its inception, #pageinextremis has been dedicated to promoting environmental conservation and sustainability through effective communication and collaboration with esteemed organisations.
More about us: inextremis.be
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pageinextremis · 1 year
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Jules Bordet Institute Publishes its Scientific Report - 2022 Edition
Cutting-edge research and ambitious projects in the fight against cancer
The Jules Bordet Institute, a top-tier cancer research hub, has unveiled its 2022 Scientific Report, highlighting ground-breaking research and bold projects that lead the battle against cancer. The Institute is dedicated to bringing the newest translational and clinical research discoveries to patients, collaborating closely with healthcare professionals, researchers, support teams, and, most importantly, patients who trust and participate in clinical trials.
Recently, the Jules Bordet Institute has concentrated on creating a tailored and holistic approach to patient care, considering medical and non-medical aspects. To accomplish this, the Institute has pinpointed its strengths and prioritised research projects that address cancer patients' most pressing needs. These projects are chosen based on their ability to bring tangible changes to clinical practice, their need for academic input, and their multidisciplinary nature.
The research agenda of the Jules Bordet Institute for 2020-2022 features four primary pillars:
Exploring and grasping tumour diversity: By examining the complex nature of tumours, researchers can devise more effective and targeted treatment options for cancer patients.
Advancing precision and personalised oncology: The Institute aims to enhance outcomes and reduce side effects by customising cancer treatments for each patient.
Fostering innovation in cancer management: The Institute is dedicated to discovering new and more efficient ways to manage cancer, including developing innovative therapies and improving existing ones.
Crafting new approaches to patient empowerment and well-being: By focusing on the mental and emotional aspects of cancer care, the Institute strives to improve patients and their families overall well-being.
The Jules Bordet Institute's recent move to the Free University of Brussels academic campus has unlocked new collaboration opportunities with the Erasme University Hospital and the university's health faculties, particularly its university laboratories. This relocation has established a one-of-a-kind setting where all stakeholders can work in unison to promote translational and clinical research, resulting in the most inventive care and teaching.
Besides these four main pillars, the Jules Bordet Institute continues to back and engage in academic research initiatives, such as the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the Breast International Group (BIG), and the Oncodistinct network.
The Jules Bordet Institute's 2022 Scientific Report underscores the organisation's dedication to propelling cancer research and enhancing patient care through innovation, collaboration, and a personalised approach. The recent move to the academic campus of the Free University of Brussels, along with the integration of the three hospitals within the H.U.B., has generated a wealth of new possibilities for research teams, academic partners, and private collaborators in Belgium and around the world. By joining forces, the Jules Bordet Institute and its partners are well-positioned to make remarkable progress in the fight against cancer and improve the lives of patients and their families.
The Jules Bordet Institute has entrusted communication agency #pageinextremis with designing and producing the scientific report. The publication was made in close collaboration with the Jules Bordet Institute's communication team, particularly with Clara Mercier, whose efficiency significantly contributed to the publication's success.
#pageinextremis has created major publications for numerous international organisations and European associations. 
#pageinextremis has produced major publications for multiple international organisations and European associations. 
The communication agency has been honoured to serve an esteemed organisation like the Jules Bordet Institute for several years. 
#Pageinextremis has developed a highly meticulous process with monitoring and quality checks to provide its clients with the utmost comfort and the best results.
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pageinextremis · 1 year
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How can European railways help create sustainable tourism?
Imagine embarking on a journey through stunning landscapes, the gentle hum of the train and the picturesque countryside creating a magical experience that no other mode of transportation can offer. What if this experience could also contribute to sustainable tourism? European railways have the potential to do just that with their historic and scenic routes and their commitment to creating a seamless user experience for passengers.
The CER Essays initiative has released a publication about railways and sustainable tourism, highlighting the role of railways in creating sustainable tourism and the need for a modal shift in tourism to more sustainable modes of transportation, particularly rail.
The publication emphasises that European railways are currently the most sustainable mode of transportation and can help meet the growing demand for climate-minded tourists on the market while contributing to economic growth and increasing sustainable mobility options. 
European railways have a range of historic and scenic train routes that can create public awareness of sustainable tourism and new tourist routes that European citizens can discover thanks to rail connections across the continent.
Positive incentives for the railway sector and passengers are needed to make the modal switch to rail. European railway undertakings are doing their part by committing to a seamless user experience and providing special offers on Interrail passes. At the same time, the European Commission has enabled VAT exemptions to cross-border tickets.
European railways have the potential to create sustainable tourism through their historic and scenic train routes, their commitment to providing a seamless user experience for passengers, and their contribution to economic growth while increasing sustainable mobility options. 
The CER Essays publication on railways and sustainable tourism sets the stage for the railway sector, passengers, and tourism industry representatives to collaborate towards creating sustainable tourism.
CER's partnership with #Pageinextremis, a communication agency based in Brussels, has resulted in a top-level publication developed through a creative dialogue between the CER communication team and the agency's designer unit. 
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