pagenguyenblog-blog · 2 years
Feminism - Who are we kidding?
Some facts about women throughout history (Source: Sapiens - A brief history of humankind):
- In 1776 BC, the Code of Hammurabi stated that "if a man hurts a woman and thereby causes her to miscarry her fetus, he shall pay the man who owns the woman ten shekels of silver. If that woman should die, they shall kill his daughter".
- Ever since and throughout the majority of human history, women were simply the property of men, most often their fathers, husbands, or brothers. Rape, in many legal systems, falls under property violation – in other words, the victim is not the woman who was raped but the male who owns her. The rapist was required to pay a bride price to the woman’s father or brother, upon which she became the rapist’s property. The Bible decrees that "If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife". Raping a woman who did not belong to any man was not considered a crime at all, just as picking up a lost coin on a busy street is not considered theft. And if a husband raped his own wife, he had committed no crime. As of 2006 [ I was 11 years old  ...], there were still 53 countries where a husband could not be prosecuted for the rape of his wife. Even in Germany, rape laws were amended only in 1997 to create a legal category of marital rape.
- When Communist China enacted the ‘one child’ policy, many Chinese families (God knows how many other countries) continued to regard the birth of a girl as a misfortune. Parents would occasionally abandon or murder newborn baby girls to have another shot at getting a boy.
- Throughout the majority of human history, more like most of it because the changes only started about 100 years ago, women couldn't own properties, couldn't go to schools or have any proper education, couldn't vote, couldn't hold important positions, couldn't decide their own fate ... just simply couldn't and still cannot in many other situations.
The thing about human society is that, once it is formed, doesn't matter how or why, it creates a vicious cycle that explains itself and sustains itself. It can evolve, build upon itself layers and layers of convoluted stories, but it is almost impossible to change at its core.
To be honest, I don't know what else I can say
... Women ... We're trying to be progressive, we teach boys to treat girls nicely and that sounds about right. But isn't it just another layer of suppression, a facade?
... Women ... always the subject to be "treated". And they like it ... hell ... they like it. That's the whole point.
... Women ... Feminism was never about fighting for absolute equality was it? There's no such thing as equality. At best, it is just an attempt to ask for a slightly better deal. A deal that at least, makes women comfortable being owned.
I will leave this post with a story about Cats. A few years ago, Cats were just cats, they were pets. Then one day, pop culture started calling them "Boss", and people consider themself servants of the "Boss", putting the "Boss" on the pedestal. Of course, cats love to be treated like Bosses. But we all know better, don't we?
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