paige-richelle-blog · 5 years
blog 8
My favorite project this semester was the research paper. Although it was a lot of work and very time consuming, it was fun and beneficial. I also love to craft so i think its cool that were making a poster board and presenting it. I really liked this project because Ive always wanted to learn more about the topic of travel nursing, but i have always just put it off. Now that I was forced to research it, im glad I finally did. I really enjoyed learning more about travel nursing.  I also liked writing in the APA style for this paper. I felt proud because it looked so professional and organized.
My least favorite project was the rhetorical analysis. I feel as if it was almost buy work. I know it was not meant to be busy work, but I didn’t feel like I gained anything from it. Im still not exactly sure what the purpose of it was. I did learn more about Ethos Pathos Logos while doing this project but I don’t think that was the intended purpose for this project. I feel like maybe in the future, instead of the whole rhetorical analysis, maybe just focus more on one specific part of the rhetorical analysis, because I felt like there was so much to it that it all just got jumbled together, and i didn’t get much out of it. So maybe narrow it down into more specific sections so that the writers understand exactly what they are writing about and that way everything wont get all mixed up.
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paige-richelle-blog · 5 years
Revised Blog 5
During my research for my research paper, I have learned quite a bit about researching. For example, before researching, I didn’t know what search terms were. I quickly learned that search terms are a major part of researching. They have helped so much in narrowing the information while researching. I learned how to properly cite a source, which is something I have always struggled with. The way it was laid out in the citation assignment we had, made it so much easier to seeing the different ways to cite different types of writing. I have also learned a lot about travel nursing, which is my research topic for this essay. Going into this essay, I knew absolutely nothing about travel nursing. I now know about things like the pay, the locations, the benefits, and all the experiences that come along with the job. This paper has been so beneficial to me, because I plan to become a travel nurse and needed to look more into it anyways, so this was the perfect opportunity. I think my paper is going to flow really well with all the information I have gathered.
As far as an argument goes, honestly, I am not sure what I am going to argue, yet. I feel like there isn’t a lot to argue, since I’m just researching a career. That is something I really am struggling with in this essay. How do I make an argument on this topic? Should I argue that all nurses should consider travel nursing or is that too broad of an argument?
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paige-richelle-blog · 5 years
Blog 7- 4/7
As far as my research paper goes, I feel like it's been going really well! I was really nervous and overwhelmed about it at first but after doing my outline and looking at the samples to see sort of how you want them, I feel better about it. I have really enjoyed this project just because it something I am very interested in. Im happy to finally learn about something I’ve wanted to research for a while now. I do need help with some in text citations and also need some help on my recommendation section. Those two parts just seem really ugly in my research paper. Im not exactly sure how to properly cite in text citations and my recommendation section just sounds weird and doesn’t flow well. I could also use some critique on my argument section. I feel like my argument might be too broad, to argue. How could I narrow it?
Also I have a question for you; Are you having one on one conferences at any point, if so I need help with those couple of things that I mentioned.
But overall I feel like its going very well, just a few things need fixed here and there!  
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paige-richelle-blog · 5 years
Blog 6 - 3/31
Honestly, I think this research paper is going to go smoothly once I get my head wrapper around the entire concept. Right now, I feel like there is a lot to put into the paper, and I am kind of scatter brained with it all, but I think I am just over thinking it. Once I get my full outline done and write down on a piece of paper every single thing I need to include, and organize it all, I think I will feel a lot more confident about the paper. Right now, the struggle is just getting all the information organized into one paper.
As far as support goes, I feel like you have explained WHAT we need in our research paper very well, but maybe elaborate more to us, exactly how you want it laid out. That Is was I am struggling with, is how to lay out my paper. Maybe even just a “I want this is the introduction, this in the body, and this in the conclusion” just so that we know exactly what information to put where.  
I think this project is going to go smoothly once I get over the little hump of figuring out how to lay out my paper!
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paige-richelle-blog · 5 years
blog 4
Makeup blog from Blog 4 - 3/17
There are a couple different struggles I am having with my annotate bibliography project. First of all, I am having trouble getting my annotations to be the correct length. I have put all the required material in there, but they seem very short. What could I add or talk more about in my annotations? I could fix this by maybe going deeper into detail on why they are going to be effective for my paper. DO you think that is the best solution or am I formatting it wrong or something?
Also, the rubric wasn’t very clear to me and I didn’t understand if the journal with the search term and sources is supposed to be part of our actual research paper, or if it was just practice. Are the annotations supposed to be included in part of our paper? I feel like my paper may have been set up wrong, because I didn’t understand the rubric very well. If these things are going to be part of our actual research paper, I definitely need to fix them. Things I would need to fix would be the paper set up, and I need to go deeper into detail on the last part, part 3.
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paige-richelle-blog · 5 years
blog 5
During my research for my research paper, I have learned quite a bit about researching. For example, before researching, I didn’t know what search terms were. I quickly learned that search terms are a major part of researching. They have helped so much in narrowing the information while researching. I have also learned a lot about travel nursing, which is my research topic for this essay. Going into this essay, I knew absolutely nothing about travel nursing. I now know about things like the pay, the locations and the benefits. Honestly, I am not sure what I am going to argue, yet. I feel like there isn’t a lot to argue, since I'm just researching a career. That is something I really am struggling with in this essay. How do I make an argument on this topic? 
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paige-richelle-blog · 5 years
blog 3
My rhetorical analysis is going great, but its is still a work in process! The way I started this essay, was with a short and sweet introduction that basically just gave a very broad summary of the article. In the body of my essay, as of right now, i have included what style the author uses (cause and effect), the purpose and the audience and how they tie together, how he uses the intro to catch the readers eye, and the appeals. I am kind of struggling with the appeals. I pretty much have ethos covered, and I think i have a plan for pathos, but for logos I am kind of stuck. I know what logos is, and what to look for, but I just cant seem to find anything that really fits. Also, in my essay, I talked about how he uses a picture to catch the eye of the reader, and I included the picture into my essay. Is that okay? Do i need to cite it or anything? Other than that, I really like this essay. I feel like so far, writing this and breaking down the article that I chose, has went pretty smooth. I still plan on putting a paragraph about what i would do differently, and a paragraph about what i absolutely loved about the article. Finally I plan on concluding my essay by giving one last very broad overview and review of how he broke it down, and whether it worked in his favor, which it did!! 
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paige-richelle-blog · 5 years
blog 2
While doing some pre-research for my research project, I came across travelnursing.org. This source was so helpful!! I wasn’t really looking to do any deep research for this blog, just some pre-research and this source was perfect for that. This website offers information about the benefits of being a travel nurse, what specialties are high in demand, pay, and where to start.
When you first pull up this website, it immediately tells about the benefits of travel nursing and that is what caught my eye with this source. Reading about the benefits from just ONE source already has me so interested! As you scroll down the page, it gives you icons to click on if you want to learn more about the job and where you'd travel, and information about pay. Towards the bottom it gives paragraphs “What We Do”, “Why We Do It”, and “Get Started Now”. I love it!! This website is so straight forward, and you don’t have to dig for information that you're trying to look for. It also gave all the information that I was looking for too! It gives you a broad general idea of everything you need to know, when you nothing about travel nursing, but also gives you the option to dig deeper and learn more. I also LOVE that it gives suggestions about where to apply and what to apply for! That is so helpful for someone who is interested but doesn’t know exactly where to start. 
Looking over this page, and getting a broad general idea of what I am going to be writing about, makes me so excited to dig deeper and learn more!!
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paige-richelle-blog · 5 years
blog 1
For my research project, I would love to research and write about being a travel nurse. Im very interested in pursuing that as a career, but I don’t know a lot about it, so not only would it be fun to write about, but it would be very beneficial to me. I love to travel, and I hope to study abroad next year, to sort of get my feet wet with the whole traveling part. I also think this would be a good research project because there is so much that goes along with travel nursing, so there would be so much to research, learn about, and write about. I also think I would genuinely enjoy writing on this topic, because Im so interested and fascinated with the job. For my project, I want to research where to begin with the job, the benefits that come from it, and all the different opportunities it offers. Im curious to find out where exactly traveling nurses travel, and what exactly their work day consists of. I am so interested in this job because I think it would be so humbling and rewarding, traveling and seeing the different cultures, and helping people around the world. This project will be very beneficial for me, as I hope to learn where I should begin, all of the job requirements, the steps I should take along the way, and just about the job overall. Someday I want to travel around the world and help children and I can't wait to research and write about the career! 
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