paintball-life-blog · 13 years
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I took this picture a few years ago at a small mock-tournament practice. This is my friend Tyler. He and a few others basically raised me in my beginning stages of tournament paintball. I’ll always appreciate him and the others, and I greatly miss them on and off the field. I hope one day they’ll get back into the grind and I’ll be able to play side by side them instead of under them.
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
I hate teching my gun, I just wish nothing would ever go wrong with paintball guns.
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
“I’m not a malicious person, but the feeling you get from shooting someone with a paintball is beyond words.”
Oliver Lang (via simplytheref)
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
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My team the 305th Infidels got the thumbs up to design and make a speedball map at the field my squadron plays. So 2 of my teammates got together and designed a field and in 3 days completely built it. These aren't the best pictures but you can get a good idea from them. The old field was terrible. It looked like complete crap. Now that we have this field done everything about it is so much better.
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
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So my team and I played 2 woodsball games for my squadron on Wednesday. My team the 305th Infidels won both games only having lost one person in both the games. In both the games I got a total of 4 kills to include the final kill the the last game that as you can tell in the picture started pretty late and ended in dark. The only thing that gave the last opponent away was his hopper blinking. I had no idea where he was really so I had to unload to even hit him. I did shoot him in the head twice though.
Now the field that we are playing at is allowing my team to design our own speedball field there. Thats really awesome because the field they had there was TERRIBLE. I will post pictures of the field when we are done with it. We will be done with the field by Monday.
Please tell other Paintballers about my blog.
Photo credit to: Elliebot.tumblr.com
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
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This is the Dye Ultralite barrel. As you should be able to tell by now I'm a sucker for Dye products. I upgraded the stock barrel on my PMR 07 to the UL.
This is my favorite upgrade to my marker because the difference is so prominent when using the marker. The accuracy was greatly increased and the marker is amazingly quiet compared to what it was before. It also has less kick.
The Dye Ultralite sells for 109.99 retail. I got mine from my local pro shop for 90. They come in 4 colors Dust black, dust blue, dust red, dust silver. It is a 2 piece screw together barrel. There are multiple bore size barrel backs. (mine is .688). You can also get it in any thread style you want.
Barrel rating: 9.5/10
I would love to give this barrel a 10, but the only problem with it is the price. In its price range it is hands down the best barrel out there. Its looks are just amazing, the sound that comes from is it just a whisper, the accuracy up to 75 feet is unbelievable.
I promise you, if you get the Ultralite for your marker you will not be disappointed, nor will you ever think about using inserts again. The Boomstick is just a UL with $30 added on top.
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
"Could you explain to me the difference between a dump valve spool valve compared to the standard spool valve?"
This is an awesome question. Honestly before I did a bit of research on my own all I knew was that the valve doesn't change how well you play. If your good with a poppet then you will be just as good with the spool valve as you would a dump valve.
I believe that basically the dump valve does exactly what it sounds like it would do. When the pressure builds up the valve releases "dumps" the pressure. That's a general description of a dump valve. For example, in G3 Spec R the area behind the bolt is where the dump valve air is. This air is trying to push the bolt forward however the solenoid's air is holding the bolt in place. When the trigger is pulled it releases the air from the solenoid allowing the dump chamber's air to push the bolt forward. After the dump chamber's air is released the solenoid resets everything following the markers firing.
I know that is not a very good description but I did find a website that has animations of the bolt systems that can visually show you how the separate valves work.
I'm sorry I'm not very knowledgeable of the differences in the systems but I hope with what I did say and that link that your question is answered.
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
A quick glance at how much money we throw at this sport.
Considering the people such as myself, this is not including the 5 other markers, hoppers, and tanks the person owns.
This is a total of $2409.64 on the field, not including paint/entry.
Considering that I personally will shoot 3-4 cases a day at a serious event, being case prices are $50 a case (which is reasonable for some events) and entry is about $2500 per team (split into $250 per person), this adds up to about $3059.64.
This does not include weekly practices shooting a case every sunday ($50/week) working up to the big event. This doesn’t include other events that teams partake in (Entry fees, and paint fees), gas used from place to place, yearly jersey replacements (usually over $100), and other random bs.
Every year, teams put out so much money towards this sport, and yet no one complains, including myself.
Why? Because every second we get on that field is worth every single penny.
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
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I recently bought a Black DYE Rotor. This thing is perfect. Just like my I4 mask I wanted the best hopper available so I wont have to spend money on any other hopper. This is easily the best hopper on the marker today
The Rotor feeds at an amazing 50 BPS which to my knowledge is faster then any marker can shoot. It uses 3 AA batteries which makes the hopper lighter then most. It is also rumored that on 3 good batteries it will last 25 cases of paint. That's 50,000 paint balls. The low profile egg shaped design is easy to clean and just looks sleek. The hopper holds 200 paint balls which is also more then most hoppers.
The rotor will also never chop a ball. Unless you put in broken paint you should never have to clean paint out of it. If there is paint in it or you just feel like cleaning it it required no tools to take it apart. NONE. You can take everything apart all the way down to the motor without using a tool.
There is a aftermarket board out there for around 80 bucks, but that is so unnecessary. It only makes the LED brighter and gives a few modes. Not worth the money. The rotor is perfectly fine the way it is.
Troubleshooting on field is a snap. On the bottom of the hopper is a trigger and when you pull it, it reverses the paint and unjam any thing that could have happened inside of it. That's all you need to do.
It comes in all the same colors as the I4 masks plus a few more DyeCam colors. The retail price is 190.99-199.95 (I got mine for 175.00)
Hopper rating: 11/10
Reason: This hopper is everything you could ask for and more. No problems with it at all. If you would like you could put a Speed feed on it. Only change worth while.
I put a click through link on the picture if you want to purchase.
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
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My next big purchase after the Gryphon was the DYE I4 paintball mask.
This mask is amazing. I for it from my local pro shop for 90 bucks. The reason I spent so much money on the mask was to get my hands on the best mask I could so I wouldn't have to buy one again. What a great purchase.
I got the Black/White mask with Amber thermal lens. The lens takes about 10 seconds to take out. Then you are able to clean it easily. I highly suggest using a microfiber cloth so you don't scratch the lens. In my opinion the amber lens helps pick up movement more. That might just be me I don't know.
The I4 comes in about 9 different colors Black, Blue, Olive, Red, White, Leopard, Liquid Grey, Liquid Olive, Liquid Red. These masks go for 109.99 retail.
Also a collectors edition Black/Gold and DyeCam for 139.99
A total of 11 different colors.
The mask has a HUGE range of view. Bigger then any other mask I've tried on. It has multi-directional venting so you wont sweat as much in it. The strap is amazing, set it to your head and never have to adjust again. There is ear pads that are comfy and don't hinder your hearing.
The I4 is an amazing form fitting good looking well priced mask.
Mask Rating: 9/10
Reasoning: My only complaint about this mask is that it catches a mean glare. If your playing woodsball it wont matter but for speedball you may want a darker colored mask or possibly a different lens that wont glare. Another possible solution to the glare problem is paint the inside of the mask a dark color to lower the glare. Even still that problem is nothing when you weigh in the positives. I highly suggest getting this mask!
I put a click through link on the picture if you want to purchase.
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
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This is the Tippmann Gryphon. Its an entry level marker. Its a $70 marker that shows.
I bought this to quickly get into the sport. Big mistake. The only good thing about this gun is the price tag. It shoots sloppy, chops paint, eats air, and the worst of it all is EXTREMELY loud!
This gun when bought stock is all you get. There is no upgrades for this marker. The Gryphon comes in two colors Red and Black. It comes with a rubber squeegee and a Tippmann barrel bag. It is a plastic mechanical marker with about 3 dozen screws and a few Allen key screws in it.
If you want a gun within the week this is your gun. I ordered it on a Friday and the next Friday it was at my door waiting for me. I needed to get in the sport quickly which is why I got this gun. I do regret that purchase.
Really the only thing you can do to this marker to make it better is take it apart and take the springs out of the trigger and with a pair of pliers  crush the springs to make a slightly easier trigger pull.
Marker rating: 8/10
I gave it a 8 only because of the price and the fact that it is very light. If you compare the quality to any other marker of equal price this is the way to go. If your not looking to get serious into paintball then this is your gun. The squeegee and barrel bag is nice too.
Alternate choice: Unless you want a Spyder (which you don't) this is the best gun for the price.
I put a click through link on the picture if you want to purchase.
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paintball-life-blog · 13 years
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I'm making this Tumblr to be about anything paintball in my community, my marker/marker setup, and any paintball purchases I make. I will give reviews of products I use and point you in the right direction for your possible future purchases.
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