pajamadragon · 10 days
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don't give up
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pajamadragon · 2 months
I reimerge from the aether to say Scrappy Doo was cute and also the equivalent of like an 10 year old kid, y'all
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pajamadragon · 2 months
tumblr is, if anything, the Appalachia of social media...easy to get lost, sparsely populated, out of the loop with fast-moving modern trends. Attached to tradition. Close-knit communities. Believe in "talk shit, get hit." Everyone is doing their own thing in their own obscure little holler. Prone to pulling the most inventive turns of phrase you've ever heard out of nowhere. Somebody's always starting a racket. We sometimes repel outsiders with much aggression. Lots of talk about hell and damnation to be found. Everybody tends to forget about us for some reason
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pajamadragon · 3 months
I cannot believe there's absolutely no way to watch free shows and movies anymore, there are too many paid streaming platforms and pirating websites have viruses and ads preventing you from watching it uninterrupted((.)) id rather follow the rules and purchase media moving forward because it is too inconvenient. Seriously, free and no ads or viruses with 1080p streaming is DEAD.
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pajamadragon · 3 months
Coolest thing about lord of the rings? The king of horses shows up. It appears he is no different from all other horses
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pajamadragon · 3 months
*Kickslams door open*
Nemesis Prime bby I'm so proud <3
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pajamadragon · 3 months
Do you have favourite transformers ships?
Before I answer this, I would like to make a point of "the relationships characters may have in canon is nebulous, there are many differences between continuities, and what one writer sees as familial, another may see as romantic". I'm fine with most interpretations, and I don't get grossed out by reading different interpretations that may not agree with my own personal headcanons. While I do have ships I try to avoid because their relationship in canon is unhealthy/toxic, most characters without a whole bunch of canonical interactions are likely to at least be moderately interesting to me, mostly on the strength of the writer's characterization.
Like over half of the entire fandom, I like JazzProwl like the basic normie I am XD also like it when they add a third. I've enjoyed JazzProwlBarricade, JazzProwlSoundwave, JazzProwlBlaster... (continued ad nauseum)
I actually really like OPStar (Optimus/Starscream). Like,
I also like Ratchet/Soundwave, Barricade/Soundwave, Amica flavored Heatwave and Chase (Rescue Bots is PEAK), I've read good Prowl/Smokescreen, Sideswipe/Prowl/Sunstreaker, Bluestreak/Sunstreaker, I am a BIG Silverbolt/Blackarachnia girlie (saying a canon ship may be cheap BUT I LOVE THEM), Primal/Dinobot is a masterpiece and I will go down with that ship, I've seen a few compelling Prowl/Starscream fics, I like Cosmos with either Soundwave and Blast Off because Cosmos deserves to be the world's most sexy transformer who's successfully seduced several decepticons.
Basically, to summarize, the ships I rate above ALL others are probably JazzProwl, OpStar, and Amica Heatwave and Chase. I just like a whole bunch of others XD (Listen tho, if y'all wanna come to me with your off the wall, crazy, can't get anyone else to ship it, "please don't let me be the only one who ships this PLEASE" crackship, I am a place of no judgement. All crazy ships are welcome here. I ship Rung/Nightbeat and Prowl/Eject. Tell me your weird crackships, I may very well add them to my hoard.
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pajamadragon · 4 months
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dere you go
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pajamadragon · 4 months
one of the best tips for Real Life that I’ve ever picked up is to always highball your estimate whenever someone asks you “when can you get this done by” by about 25% (if you can get away with it). that way, if it ends up being harder than you thought, you’ve got extra time to figure things out and if you were right about how much time it takes then you get to look like an absolute genius instead of just a simply competent person.
what you may not have realized is that I learned this crucial piece of life advice from an episode of Star Trek where Scotty is telling Geordi that whenever he told Kirk something on the Enterprise was at full capacity, it was always only ever a notch or so below full capacity so that Scotty looked like the god of all engineers when he was able to magically hack the warp drive to run a little beyond what he’d told everyone else was “full capacity” and honestly that one throwaway gag from Star Trek has changed my life.
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pajamadragon · 4 months
today in "google AI is fucking useless because it hallucinates things that never happened", i bought a couple CVS thermometers that have both been acting up, tried to search if there had been a problem with the whole product line:
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there is no record of this product recall. it did not happen. the date "feb 8 2024" is the date someone listed a thermometer for sale on ebay.
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pajamadragon · 4 months
I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook
I don’t even care if it’s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDN’T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldn’t fix them food or they couldn’t go out to eat. 
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pajamadragon · 4 months
i can’t believe i fell for it
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pajamadragon · 4 months
people NEED to stop gatekeeping making music like ohhhh i don’t have an instrument ohhhhh i don’t know music theory ohhhhh i’m not gonna pay for some program. SHUT UP. take my hand.
you need NONE of that shit!!!!! there’s a website called beepbox.co. literally all you have to do is press things until it sounds a modicum of nice. it’s easy it’s free and it works on anything which has a browser because it’s a website.
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if even ONE person starts making music bc of this post it will be worth it.
making bad music is just as important and okay as it is to write badly or draw badly or sing badly. you AREN’T BEHOLDEN TO MAKE GOOD MUSIC. making music is not utilitarian HAVE FUN. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!
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pajamadragon · 4 months
it's so fucking frustrating to be in college and know everyone uses chatgpt and to be tempted by it constantly while also knowing intellectually that it doesn't work and it's a bad idea. like, i hang out in the library a lot, and i see people using chatgpt on assignments almost every day. and i know it isn't a good way to learn, because it's not really "artificial intelligence" so much as it is an auto text generator. and it gives you wrong information or badly worded sentences all the time. but every week i stare down assignments i don't want to do and i think man. if only i could type this prompt into a text generator and have it done in 10 minutes flat. and i know it wouldn't work. it wouldn't synthesize information from the text the way professors want, it wouldn't know how to answer questions, it just spits out vaguely related words for a couple paragraphs. but knowing my classmates get their work done in 10 minutes flat with it while i fight every ounce of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in my body is infuriating.
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pajamadragon · 4 months
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watch this. this is literally what love is.
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pajamadragon · 4 months
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pajamadragon · 4 months
Ok but like. What the fuck is there to do on the internet anymore?
Idk when I was younger, you could just go and go and find exciting new websites full of whatever cool things you wanted to explore. An overabundance of ways to occupy your time online.
Now, it's just... Social media. That's it. Social media and news sites. And I'm tired of social media and I'm tired of the news.
Am I just like completely inept at finding new things or has the internet just fallen apart that much with the problems of SEO and web 3.0 turning everything into a same-site prison?
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