palegodling · 11 years
Oh, existing.
A party you say? Oh how delightfully charming, perhaps I shall have to make myself known as well. I do so love such things as high class treats, a glass of champagne would perchance make me very pleased.
Yes, I think I shall have to arrive as well.
A disaster? Oh darling I prefer to think of such things as...interesting!
Nothing perfect is ever truly good.
And what have you precious beings been doing in my absence?
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palegodling · 11 years
And what have you precious beings been doing in my absence?
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palegodling · 11 years
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palegodling · 11 years
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to begin we must end
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palegodling · 11 years
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palegodling · 11 years
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Go and catch a fallen star
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palegodling · 11 years
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palegodling · 11 years
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palegodling · 11 years
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draws beloved to deal with anxiety a+
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palegodling · 11 years
Sometimes, he’s an animal.
Sometimes, he’s a man.
Sometimes, he’s both.
But he was always neither.
He spun threads from his heart beat, the lub-dub of something that didn’t exist. Because sometimes, he bled universes, and sometimes, he bled love, but usually, he didn’t bleed at all.
In his eyes, humanity was a plaything, humanity was a child. Humanity? Well it was one of uncountable universes waiting to be torn open.
But in a lot of ways, humanity was his favorite.
They would walk around trailing strings; looking for the other end without ever knowing that they were looking for it. But it wasn’t fair, life wasn’t fair. These strings that didn’t snap? They didn’t need to, who needed breaking and tearing when sometimes there was never another end to begin with?
He was a songbird on the windowsill of the woman who dies alone, the worms and maggots, beetles, crawling over the coffins of those who never had a string to hang themselves with, much less save themselves with.
Life was unfair.
But sometimes, he was fair.
The precision of too-many hands twining strings which never had another end to begin with together, and he would sink his own clawed nails into his chest, and tear out heart strings to tie his own red threads.
They were sloppy, bloody, tragic things.
But in the end, they worked.
Beloved bled Love.
Character in the image is mine, writing is mine, the art however, belongs to an extremely dear and generous friend, Terabetha.
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palegodling · 11 years
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palegodling · 11 years
i love you in a place where there’s no space and time
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palegodling · 11 years
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The Borzoi is a type of sight hound that originated from Russia and parts of Asia. They have a similar body build to that of greyhounds, but have long silky hair instead. 
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palegodling · 11 years
He licks his lips, cleans the salt and the iron and the red, but even then it isn’t gone for long.
He’s all tangled up, stupid beast that he is, in his own red string.
All laced up, a gift to himself, it binds from one end to the other and yet there he is trying to convince himself that it goes somewhere, it doesn’t, he’ll accept that eventually.
A three toed hoof comes down, and the red cord stretches, and it tangles.
But it never breaks.
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palegodling · 11 years
He’ll huff and puff and blow his walls down.
And then he’ll build it up again so that nobody can see him, oh, sure, he can rip open the delicate flesh he creates for himself, he can poke and prod and tear at his own heart, but him, just him.
Or that was the idea anyway, except, people, stubborn creatures that they were, had this thing with chipping holes in his walls.
And he didn’t like that.
Because he didn’t like people tearing his chest open.
He didn’t like people tearing out his heart.
Because the thing was;
They never kept it.
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palegodling · 11 years
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palegodling · 11 years
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Bleeding Tooth fungus (Hydnellum pecki)
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