palestine4peace · 23 days
Love Palestine more than you hate Israel. Love trans people more than you hate transphobia. Love the poor more than you hate the rich.
Always love who you fight for more than you hate those who you fight against. Otherwise when the Uniting Enemy is gone, you might start to hate as well.
Anger is part of revolution, but love is too.
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palestine4peace · 27 days
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“The martyr”
Oil on canvas,
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palestine4peace · 27 days
Needed this right now.
Activist burnout isn't a moral failing of a community, it's not people being selfish. It's a natural result of how human minds work, and you can't expect communities to out-moral human psychology.
When people are exposed to the same upsetting thing over and over again, either it fucks with their mental health and makes them more depressed and anxious, or alternatively it makes them apathetic and desensitized. Neither of those things are good for a movement, and those are the ways humans are going to react to constant upsetting messages. You cannot avoid this by telling people to just be better people, you cannot use higher reasoning to make an entire community's emotions work in a fundamentally different way to how human emotions normal work.
Every successful movement account for the fact that people can't be at 100% all the time. Movements that ask for a level of extreme and undying anger, burn bright and die fast, it's a useful way of organizing a very immediate response, but cannot be done for something larger scale. If you give people, the ultimatum of either being at 100% or 0% all the time, they will choose 0% because the alternative isn't possible for most people.
If you're constantly showing the same disturbing images over and over again, they will lose their effectiveness quickly. If I see a post detailing the horrors of the current genocide, I'm probably just going to scroll past it, because it's all things I already know, and I've seen it so many times there's no emotional reaction, and this is how a lot of people are with posts like this, because you can't ask people to have the same emotional reaction to the same information hundreds of times over.
You can't stop activist burnout by being a better person because burnout isn't a choice, it's a psychological response. If your activism doesn't account for the material reality of the community (in this case being humans with human minds), then that's on you for organizing badly.
Also, if you need to hear this: you are not a bad person for experiencing compassion fatigue, it's literally part of being a person. Don't hurt yourself.
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palestine4peace · 28 days
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Ceasefire NOW
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palestine4peace · 28 days
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Near Ramallah, Palestine.
📷 Esaias BAITEL.
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palestine4peace · 28 days
You’re telling me that you aren’t going to vote? That you don’t want any say in the who’s deciding the laws and regulations that you are going to be required to follow? That this is pretty much the only chance that the average person has to change the government, but you’re not going to take part? That there is a possibility that you could lose rights and access to resources, but you just don’t care?
This isn’t the election to be apathetic for, but ok I guess.
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palestine4peace · 28 days
here’s this thing IT DOESN’T MATTER it doesn’t MATTER if you like kamala harris. it doesn’t matter if she’s not your ideal, perfect candidate.
the other side has the support of NAZIS. of the KKK. of white supremacists and pedophiles and every type of vile evil person you can imagine. and donald trump welcomes them. he makes them feel safe.
you will be dooming your bipoc friends, your disabled friends, your lgbtq+ friends. you’ll be dooming palestinians and at-risk kids and marginalized groups of all types.
it doesn’t matter who you like. what matters is that you grow the hell up and vote blue anyway.
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palestine4peace · 29 days
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Hello everyone,
This art and poem is for Hossam @hossamalbardawel , who has lost his mother, his father, and all his siblings. The grief and pain he experiences from losing them haunts him everyday. He is now responsible for taking care of his brothers’ late wives and children - essentially, he is trying to collect the funds to evacuate what is left of their family!
This campaign has been vetted by @/el-shab-hussein and @/mohameddd.
You can help give them hope and start a new life.
Currently, they are at $7,462 CAD / $20,000 CAD.
Please consider donating to Hossam - every donation helps! Let’s help him and his family while we still can ❤️‍🩹🙏🏻
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palestine4peace · 29 days
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palestine4peace · 30 days
To all the supporters of Palestine 🙏
We still need less than 1350€ to reach our short term goal of 50% ‼️
Your donations are important for our survival
Please help me reach our goal as soon as possible 🙏
We appreciate your help ❤️🙏
I hope my reply finds you well
Mohammed and his 5 children are in need of help to reach their goal.
Their campaign was vetted by 90-ghost here.
Pls share and donate.
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palestine4peace · 30 days
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A news article from 2021 reporting the killings of 67 Palestinian children at the hands of Israel.
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palestine4peace · 30 days
To anyone considering not voting because of the Palestinian genocide, I have this to ask:
How many Palestinian people do you think you're helping by laying back and inviting the GOP to crush you under foot? Self flagellation didn't cure The Plague, and it won't fix this situation either.
If you don't like the idea of voting for Harris, I doubt I'll be able to change your mind, but consider this: 468 congressional seats out of a total 535 are up for re-election THIS NOVEMBER. You want to make the government start actually representing the will of the people? Start there.
We're living in frightening times, and apathy is a very comfortable state of being, but you need to act. If you don't, who will?
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palestine4peace · 30 days
In less than two months it will be October 7th again.
In less than two months, it will be a year of genocide. 
In light of this, I just have only one request for you; please do not give into whatever you are describing as “compassion fatigue” right now.
Realize that this is exactly what the colonizers conducting this genocide want you to feel. Realize that apathy during a genocide is what leads to the normalization of atrocities. Realize that this is a tried and tested method found throughout history; that now when the genocide is been widely documented by Gazans themselves- the only way the colonizers can get away with it is by running you down and making you feel hopeless!
They want you to stop caring about their victims and this is why you need to fight harder now more than ever!!
I request you to fight harder for every Gazan! And therefore request you to fight for my friend Siraj Abudayeh too, whose family recently faced another assault. His parents and siblings had to flee to him for protection, because their areas ( Hamad, southern Khan Younis) were marked for assault from occupation forces. With the number of people depending on him increased now, Siraj has a much heavier responsibility on his shoulders to raise enough funds to support all of them and their needs, when prices of food water and other essentials are already skyrocketing.
With the coming of the rainy season, there comes the danger of epidemics spreading from open sewers as well! Siraj’s son Amir has already fallen ill, and his other two sons are showing symptoms too- they are in dire need of medical treatment! I cannot overstate how badly Siraj and his family need these funds!! How badly he needs your continuous support.
There has been a significant drop in engagement with fundraising posts and I very clearly remember, someone tagging one of my posts with compassion fatigue. It shocked me to my core to think that the cries of Free Palestine could fade so suddenly; that after only a year some of you have begun to feel fatigued, from having to care about this.
Do not give in please; do not let the colonizers make you complicit in this horror! They know that if they can overwhelm you enough, then one day the videos and posts would stop hitting as hard and sooner or later everyone will stop talking about Palestine. This cannot happen again! Not when your attention can literally save a life! This is the power you hold- especially if you are living in the Imperial core. The colonizers are afraid of it. You have to know this and believe this!
So please do not turn away and help Siraj get to 50k as soon as possible!
He is currently only at $45,044 / $82,000 CAD
[ Vetting at 219 on Hussein's spreadsheet]
And if you are having trouble donating to Siraj's fundraiser through Paypal, please get in touch with @malcriada .
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palestine4peace · 30 days
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palestine4peace · 30 days
“Settlers are not immigrants. Immigrants are beholden to the Indigenous laws and epistemologies of the lands they migrate to. Settlers become the law, supplanting Indigenous laws and epistemologies. Therefore, settler nations are not immigrant nations.”
— Decolonization is not a metaphor (pg. 6-7)
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palestine4peace · 30 days
"Noo, I don't have an opinion on what's going on in Palestine."
"I don't like politics so I'm neutral about all of that stuff."
"Don't send me things about the politics of Gaza or Palestine or anything like that, it just makes me really anxious and-"
Those are some real things I've seen people say before. You don't have an opinion on the literal genocide going on in Gaza and Palestine? The lives being taken? The atrocities Israel has done? You're refusing to educate yourself on all of this because it makes you anxious? (Boo hoo) That's disgusting to me. You can't be "neutral" about a literal war??
You're either with Palestine or not. I'm loud and proud about supporting Palestine, and if any of my mutuals, followers, friends or family who don't feel the same, please get away from me and this blog.
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palestine4peace · 1 month
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