palmtopblob · 5 years
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palmtopblob · 6 years
[I hope you all are having a great day.]
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palmtopblob · 6 years
Where are you going then?
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palmtopblob · 6 years
Where are you going then?
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palmtopblob · 6 years
Where are you going then?
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palmtopblob · 6 years
[And btw, not like it mattes or anything. But I’m moving here, just so you all know if you wanna keep following me, if you don’t I understand.]
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palmtopblob · 6 years
[that’s it. I’m done with this blog, it’s too tedious now and I’m getting memes for things I never even reblogged]
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palmtopblob · 6 years
🤢 - Share an experience your muse has had when they were too full.
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“Too full? HA! As If I’d ever get too full!”
[i’m assuming this is from an ask meme, but i havent reblogged anything with that question on it. sure you got the right blog?]
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palmtopblob · 6 years
Would Taiga take someone who wanted to be fat under her wing
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Possibly. She certainly has enough of an ego that she’d be willing to accept someone like that under her wing.
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palmtopblob · 6 years
Taiga are you more of a dominant or more of a submissive person?
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“Dominant, duh! Why would I be submissive when I have a body this large, truly it deserves to be atop all the smaller mortals~”
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palmtopblob · 6 years
Did you see my reply
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palmtopblob · 6 years
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Taiga couldn’t really deny that being taken care of by her sister was one of the most favorite things in her world. Being spoiled is what made her happy, and so was being a food disposal. Eating, gorging, spending time together with her sister... those were things that made her happy in life. She got over the jealousy she had when Chiaki first came into her life, which mostly came about because she figured the other girl would get more attention and affection then her. But now... she received affection from her most beloved sister, sisterly affection, so pure and nice...
The tiger could feel and hear as she groggily awoke, stomach churning and groaning, it gurgled and growled loudly with a yearning. She really felt hungry, again, it was just a typical day for them with hunger nipping at their bellies. “Chiakiiiiii.” whined Taiga, “I need food~” but food was not all that she desired, her heart making a light skip just beneath her fatty boob. For some reason, on this day... she wanted something else from Chiaki and it alone was causing her fattened cheeks to blush.
💚 Step/Adopted Siblings
Forbidden Romance
💚   Step/Adopted Siblings
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It was so odd for Taiga to have a girl adopted into her family. After the years of lonesomely keeping to herself and being a greedy, gluttonous girl, now she had to share with another… and what a way they shared. Appetites were common between the two, gluttons that gained together and stuck together. Both were lazy shameless fatties without a care in the world, and that meant there was very little reason ever to argue… unless Taiga was complaining about her sister taking food that she wanted.
But as time passed by them, something seemed to blossom… the two of them living mainly together probably brought this about, but Taiga wasn’t really sure what the feeling was. Could it be simple friendship with her own sister, or was it something of a… more romantic variety?
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palmtopblob · 6 years
[Honestly I don’t think my writing abilities are good enough to do much other blobs or even other Toradora characters.]
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palmtopblob · 6 years
[I’m kinda working on a blob blog move. Only cause I’m sure it’s tedious to be unable to access my archive or search out particular asks]
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palmtopblob · 6 years
If you were to ever add another blob muse onto your blog?
[I wouldn’t really know what even other blob muse to add.. so not really sure if I would add another one.]
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palmtopblob · 6 years
Would you play as another Toradora character?
[I probably never would, other people have already done other toradora characters better then me so I’d be pretty lame in comparison.]
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palmtopblob · 6 years
Can Taiga belch or fart on command
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If she wanted to, yes, since she is normally filled to the brim with gas and is always releasing some one way or the other.
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