pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
Announcing: A Nashville-area workshop for women
I’m teaming up with my long-time colleague Amy Lyles Wilson to present Unstuck 2018: Moving from the life you have to the life you want. Here’s a flyer you can download and share with friends.
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Why are Amy Lyles and I waiting until February to bring you Unstuck 2018? Why not hold the workshop in January, the VERY beginning of the year?
On December 31 I went to the gym for my regular workout. It…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
In Praise of Nashville's Winter Weather Panic
In Praise of Nashville’s Winter Weather Panic
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Yesterday Nashville got a little winter weather in the form of some freezing rain and a dusting of snow. And right on cue, those who’ve transplanted themselves here from other parts of the country began joking about how the city completely shuts down. Metro Nashville and surrounding county schools were closed, Vanderbilt University and other area colleges and universities cancelled classes, and…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
Adjusting my Facebook habits
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Disclaimer: this is NOT a Facebook-bashing post! It’s just that from time to time I need to evaluate my Facebook habits, more importantly, the aspects of Facebook that seem to hook me.
I was up early this morning doing a little online reading and I stumbled across this article about one aspect of Facebook: birthday notifications. I invite you to take a moment to read it now. I’ll wait until you…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
My 2018 Volunteer Activity Edit
Happy New Year, Y’all!
Today I want to tell you about an action I took a few weeks ago. I mentally laid out my various volunteer roles and I made some decisions about how I’m going to spend my time in 2018. My activities are divided into church, serving on nonprofit boards, and miscellaneous organization work. Here’s what is looks like.
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And that’s it.
The ESL program hubs and I volunteered with…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
Making Life Easier: the Bullet Journal
Y’all, I’ve always considered myself to be a fairly organized person. I love to make lists and mark off tasks as I complete them. But I had a habit of losing notes written on scraps of paper, index cards, etc. I’d use a spiral notebook, then forget to put in in my briefcase, so I’d buy another notebook at a Walgreens near the office. Before I knew it, I was working out of three or four notebooks.…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
A Last Minute Christmas Gift Idea for $20: Simplify Magazine
This is an unsponsored post. I simply like sharing cool stuff.
I am a fan of the blog Becoming Minimalist. I just hopped on the site after not visiting it for a quite a while (I’ve been busy!) and learned about Simplify, a digital magazine published by Becoming Minimalist founder Joshua Becker. During the month of December, you can purchase a lifetime subscription to SimplifyAND gift a…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
Half Marathon Training: Getting Back Up
“Life is not about how many times you fall down. It’s about how many times you get back up.” Jaime Escalante
A couple of weeks ago I shared that I had begun half marathon training. I’ve completed 14 halfs, my last one being in April 2016. I’ve been looking forward to adding more finisher medals to my collection. Things were going well until two weeks ago when I had two separate but equally…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
Yes, Virginia, you can skip Christmas parties.
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Actual photo of me at the end of this week.
A few days ago I was having a conversation with someone who told me how many Christmas parties he’s attending and how tired he is. I wanted to tell him, “You know, you can skip parties if you’d like to.” But I didn’t tell him that, so I’m telling you.
You don’t have to attend parties if you don’t want to!
This week has been particularly challenging for…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
The Lazy Girl's Guide to Christmas Decorating
The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Christmas Decorating
I’m not much of a holiday person. If fact, I’d be happy to hibernate from Thanksgiving to January 2. I wrote about that here.
Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, How barren are thy branches.
When it comes to Christmas decorating, I am beyond minimalist. Being a gardener and  plant enthusiast, I buy poinsettias and amaryllis. I throw a wreath on the door. I have a tiny little potted evergreen…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
How I get myself to the gym on Monday mornings
I have a love/hate relationship with Monday mornings. When I get to the gym, my week begins in the best way possible and I feel unstoppable. When my desire to sleep-in until the last possible moment gets the best of me, I spend the rest of the week skipping gym sessions and telling myself I’ll start over next Monday. Then next Monday the temptation to sleep-in is there again. See a pattern?
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
Nashville is predicted to have a pretty severe storm later today. I wanted to get a run in before that happens. It helped me clear my head.
This week I had a lot of meetings without as much margin in between as I would like. Today, however, I’m going to take things at a relaxed pace. I have a noon meeting with some neighbors (we’re fighting “city hall” on something), and other than that I’m going to enjoy watching football and knitting. It feels great to take a breath and relax.
Here are a few pics from this morning’s jaunt on the green way.
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  Snapshot Saturday: Before the Storm Nashville is predicted to have a pretty severe storm later today. I wanted to get a run in before that happens.
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
I'm skipping a presentation about self care
I’m skipping a presentation about self care
As I reviewed today’s schedule I could feel the anxiety mounting. I have appointments stacked one after another all day long. It’s all good stuff, but I also have some correspondence that I would like to complete and mail.
I decided that in order to remain serene today, I’ll skip my first meeting. Ironically, it’s a nonprofit CEO round-table and the speaker is presenting on self-care. Self-care…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
Capsule Wardrobe: Making Mornings Easier
Capsule Wardrobe: Making Mornings Easier
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Y’all! Last spring I stumbled upon capsule wardrobing while surfing the Net. I gave it a try for spring/summer and I loved it so much I spent last Saturday morning putting together another capsule for fall/winter.
I won’t get into the details of capsule wardrobes because you can find plenty of info with a quick Google search. In short, you build a wardrobe with just a few pieces that you can mix…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
A friend of mine recently included me in a Facebook challenge to post seven black and white photos, one per day, describing my life. No explanations allowed. I’m curious to know if anyone can guess the meaning behind the camper photo.
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Snapshot Saturday, in black and white A friend of mine recently included me in a Facebook challenge to post seven black and white photos, one per day, describing my life. No explanations allowed. I'm curious to know if anyone can guess the meaning behind the camper photo.
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
Half marathon training begins now!
Half marathon training begins now!
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Source: MyFitnessPal.com
I haven’t done a half marathon since spring 2016. That year I completed the Frostbite Half in February, the Little Rock Half in March, and the Country Music Half in April. That featof completing three halfs within 90 days earned me entry into the Half Fanatics organization. I can’t remember my own phone number, but I can remember my Fanatic number is 14549. I felt a real…
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
Hubs and I just returned from spending a few days in the Ashville, NC area. We were outdoors most of the time. I find nature to be very therapeutic. Here are some pics from the trip.
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I’m saving one picture for a future post. There’s a story behind it.
I hope where ever you are, you’re enjoying some nature today!
Snapshot Saturday: Ashville Hubs and I just returned from spending a few days in the Ashville, NC area. We were outdoors most of the time.
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pambrownlifecoach · 7 years
Today is packed with activity. This morning I’m presenting to a leadership class at Belmont University. The afternoon is all about college football. But before the day “kicks off” (see what I did there?) I took a quick walk among the roses. Just a few weeks ago there was no color in the rose bed due to my late summer pruning, something I did in hopes of having beautiful blooms to enter in upcoming rose shows. Here’s what’s blooming this morning.
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Snapshot Saturday: 9/23/17 Today is packed with activity. This morning I'm presenting to a leadership class at Belmont University. The afternoon is all about college football.
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