Ahahaha so i was rewatching RWBY episode 8 because awesome fight scene and i paused at just the right moment
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Weiss Schnee bedroom eyes
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A flick of Weiss's wrist and a blue sigil appeared in the air, repelling Yang's blasts and fading out of existence as the heiress jumped out of the way of her incoming opponent. Yang was fast and bound to follow, so Weiss wasted no time at all in dancing away with Air Step, the white sigils appearing underneath her feet as she dashed away backwards, letting herself drop to the ground and send a flurry of Dust bolts at Yang once she was far enough away that she thought she was safe.
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"Don't patronize me Yang. I've got more than a few fireballs up my sleeve."
Blazinggold started following you.
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"That's much better, thank you very much," she answered, though her tone still affected an air of superiority about her. Vanil's smile still wasn't met with a likewise show; Weiss's cold shoulder couldn't be melted that easily, even if it was being ignored. The heiress's displeasure was spawned from more than a few sources, namely the fact that her ill-begotten nickname had spread through the student body so quickly. It simply didn't suit a person of her status, and it was more than a little bit annoying to walk down the hall to calls of 'princess' and 'ice queen.'
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'"If it's at all possible, don't spread those nicknames around any more. I don't have time enough in the day to deal with all the idiots that insist on shouting them after me."
   … Alright. She could play it this way.
   "I wasn’t tryin’ to be snarky, you know." Despite Weiss’s icy response, she hadn’t felt the cold shoulder that it was supposed to give; or she ignored it completely. She realized that Weiss was the classic Ice Queen, and it hadn’t affected her in the least. Vanil kept the casual and welcoming smile that she always held.
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   "I was only tryin’ ta’ be friendly. ‘M sorry about about the nickname, alright? I’ll keep those to a minimum, Miss Schnee, or Weiss, if you’d prefer."
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Adam's answer only managed to conjure up a frown upon Weiss's face. The heiress didn't have time for guesswork or cryptic answers. She needed to know what she needed to know, and she wanted it presented without the constant haze of nonsense that seemed to surround most of the teaches at Beacon. Still, she couldn't exactly demand that Adam spill his entire curriculum.
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"Well given that I've already had to fight a Boarbatusk in Professor Port's class, I can imagine that your course would be pretty much that, all the time," she said primly. "I'll be able to handle myself just fine."
Adam raised a brow in response to her question; “Hm..? An idea..?” he paused, thinking about it. Seems this girl was the type to prepare however possible before something—be it physically or mentally.
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"There is more to expect in this class than simply lectures and diagrams; I will be putting all of you to the test, physically of course, but how I intend to do that… well… let your imagination run wild.”
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"I certainly plan on it," the heiress was quick to respond, her hands folded in front of her and her glance of annoyance towards her classmates that had failed to recognize the Professor replaced with a more neutral, respectful expression.
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"Are you allowed to give your students any idea what they should expect? I don't exactly have the greatest team ever, and I'd like to get my hands on anything that will keep me from being slowed down too much."
"I know who you are sir," Weiss replied quickly, looking up at her future professor with an expression of confidence worn plainly across her face. "Professor Adam, in charge of Combat and Survival class, if I remember correctly."
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"I do my research, after all."
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Vanil's greeting was met with an indifferent gaze, the heiress processing the fact that she had been greeted so casually by someone that she had never met before with a less-than-friendly expression across her face. It made sense to her that she would be recognized, but for the most part people kept their distance.
She didn't like it when they decided they'd rather take up her valuable time instead.
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"I'm sorry, but if you want to talk to me you'll need to keep the snark and the casually derogatory nicknames to a minimum."
   “Ah, well, lookit’ this,” the orchid grinned, tossing as casual a glance to the heiress as she would a friend. "Lil’ miss ice queen."
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   "I gotta say, it’s exciting to see you in person, of all people." She spared no expense in casualty, finding no sense of intimidating nature at all.
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[ yoooo do I anyone replies or starters
I have that one thing drafted but I think that's it ]
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「loneliest」/「Trendgold」の作品 [pixiv] #pixitail
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[ frak I am so tired
we'll about replies I may just lurk ]
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[ Taking a brief break. Be back in 20-40 minutes! ]
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"I know who you are sir," Weiss replied quickly, looking up at her future professor with an expression of confidence worn plainly across her face. "Professor Adam, in charge of Combat and Survival class, if I remember correctly."
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"I do my research, after all."
vanille—hante has stepped in askdovebronzewing has stepped in ask-sky-lark has stepped in pampered-snow-princess has stepped in
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Thankfully for Weiss, her visit to Yu Liberte had come during a break during classes at Beacon. Despite her responsibilities as heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, the snow-haired girl would have been loathe to miss any of the classes she had dedicated herself to. Her father had insisted that she begin to take a more intimate role in the management of the company if she intended to be a Huntress and an heiress, and the Weiss had been sensible enough to oblige him. A trip to another city wasn't beyond what she was willing to do, and she was certainly smart and knowledgeable enough to do what she needed to do. Arriving in the city well before she needed to be there, Weiss had been amusing herself by wandering about the area just inside the gates, though she was growing more and more impatient by the moment. Her job was to meet with a representative of a manufacturing company to finalize and contract to get mining equipment at a lower price for the company, and even though the meeting wasn't for another few hours she couldn't bring herself to abandon the gate. She knew her way to the building she had to go to, but she didn't want to get lost anywhere else and end up late to the meeting.
That would be disastrous.
A polite voice interrupting her pacing wasn't something she had expected, but at the very least it was a welcome break to the monotony. Weiss was prepared for a bit of polite conversation, but the moment the words left Hubert's mouth about her clothing being unusual she crossed her arms and furrowed her brow.
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"I'll have you know that it is extremely impolite to comment on someone's clothing just because it doesn't fit your standards!" she chastised, raising a finger to silence any protest he might make. "I'm here on very important business and I don't have time for people to stop in the street just to tell me that they don't like my dress!"
»; blazinggold. »; pampered-snow-princess. »; effervescent-commandant. »; stonedragonascent.
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[ /whispers guys this is my friend
I know I don't know very many of you yet but please go follow her if you're following me uwu
She is very talented ]
((*quietly hides*)) 
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[ Every single time I see the word 'Marche' I have a brief flashback to Marche Au Supplice on Hard Mode
Damn you Armored Core ]
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