pampinto · 1 month
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pampinto · 1 month
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pampinto · 1 month
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pampinto · 1 month
in bangkok my mom met a newlywed couple who were on their honeymoon with a third person, their gay best friend that they both like so much they took him along
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pampinto · 1 month
can someone with time on their hands edit the bts celibacy gif so it reads PANEER TIKKA MASALA please
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pampinto · 1 month
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comic about bets
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pampinto · 1 month
monoculture forests are deeply unsettling in a way that is hard to explain to people who do not spend a lot of time looking at forests
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pampinto · 1 month
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Had a running bit for the first few months of living in my current house where I would do the Bigfoot pose every time my housemates walked into the room. Apparently I’m not particularly good at the bigfoot pose.
(Had the draft for this sitting in my WIPs folder for many moons, like an absurd amount of moons. Anyways, I finally finished it.)
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pampinto · 1 month
Do British people refer to Jay-Z as "Jay-Zed"?
british people are unfamiliar with music or musicians
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pampinto · 1 month
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pampinto · 1 month
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pampinto · 1 month
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[All comics in order here]
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pampinto · 2 months
The three mental illnesses are
Terminal child syndrome lol sorry you'll be infantilized forever and never get any basic respect we have the right to not treat you like an adult and make life worse for you in the name of helping, or shun you completely :)
Just stop doing that you useless cunt go the fuck outside and stop being a burden to society get the fuck up and stop having this illness. Have this list of pop psychology bullshit and get your shit together. We can still romanticize your struggle if you're hot and manage it just well enough to not be a useless cunt
Irredeemable piece of shit disorder uh sorry but your vibe is off and you should go to jail for it I fucking hate you and you deserve nothing you vile piece of human garbage you need to be avoided at all costs everyone should cut you off immediately no one should have to put up with you you manipulative asshole
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pampinto · 2 months
theres bikes around the city you can rent but you have to use an app that needs your drivers license. theres buses that drive right to your destination, but if you dont have change you need the app. you can wash your car here if you sign into the app. you can go to the bathroom here you just have to unlock it with the app that needs your location on. you can order at this restaurant if you scan the code and download the app. im losing my freaking mind
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pampinto · 3 months
every moment of every day i am thinking about this tiktok
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pampinto · 3 months
Under the American regime it's a crime to stand outside a store and not buy anything, if you don't cut your grass the neighbours will report you to the neighborhood surveillance police. Child workers try to raise money by cutting the grass for you
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pampinto · 3 months
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