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voltron: legendary defender + text posts
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Yoongi is my spirit animal
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rare pokemon yoongi was too powerful
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For anyone possibly going through what I'm going through. These are good tips.
depression tips™
shower. not a bath, a shower. use water as hot or cold as u like. u dont even need to wash. just get in under the water and let it run over you for a while. sit on the floor if you gotta.
moisturize everything. use whatever lotion u like. unscented? dollar store lotion? fancy ass 48 hour lotion that makes u smell like a field of wildflowers? use whatever you want, and use it all over. 
put on clean, comfortable clothes. 
put on ur favorite underwear. cute black lacy panties? those ridiculous boxers u bought last christmas with candy cane hearts on the butt? put em on.
drink cold water. use ice. if u want, add some mint or lemon for an extra boost.
clean something. doesn’t have to be anything big. organize one drawer of ur desk. wash five dirty dishes. do a load of laundry. scrub the bathroom sink. 
blast music. listen to something upbeat and dancey and loud, something that’s got lots of energy. sing to it, dance to it, even if you suck at both.
make food. don’t just grab a granola bar to munch. take the time and make food. even if it’s ramen. add something special to it, like a hard boiled egg or some veggies. prepare food, it tastes way better, and you’ll feel like you accomplished something. 
make something. write a short story or a poem, draw a picture, color a picture, fold origami, crochet or knit, sculpt something out of clay, anything artistic. even if you don’t think you’re good at it.
go outside. take a walk. sit in the grass. look at the clouds. smell flowers. put your hands in the dirt and feel the soil against your skin.
call someone. call a loved one, a friend, a family member, call a chat service if you have no one else to call. talk to a stranger on the street. have a conversation and listen to someone’s voice. if you can’t, text or email or whatever, just have some social interaction with another person. even if you don’t say much, listen to them.
cuddle your pets if you have them/can cuddle them. take pictures of them. talk to them. tell them how u feel, about your favorite movie, a new game coming out.
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Everytime My House by Flo Rida comes and there’s this one line and it goes
“Another shot of vodka
You know what’s in my glass
It’s my house
Just relax”
And and everytime the “just relax” part comes on I just- got7 has taken over my life
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Please please please tell me if I may have posted something that I shouldn't have or had no right to reblog, it'll get taken down as soon as possible. (Not to repeat what the original blogger of this post stated)
As a white feminist who is trying every day not to be a White Feminist™, I want to do everything I can to be an ally to WOC without ever speaking over them.
So if I mistakenly reblog something that is not for me, please tell me (anon or not – whatever makes you comfortable), and I will take it down immediately.
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That face you make when you're about to sneeze
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Have you ever just looked at someone and realized how easy it would be to put your hands on their face, stare into their eyes, and violently twist their neck? I think of that a lot.
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This is just an appreciation post towards Woozi. I think we all can agree how adorable he is, especially with his height, but aegyo is not the only thing his fun size stature holds. He is hard working and passionate about the music he produces. He has cried while admitting how much stress he felt with the pressure of letting the rest of seventeen down. Not to say everyone else isn't hard working, because believe me when I say seventeen would not be seventeen without EVERYONE. All I am saying is this little thing deserves a bit of recognition. I know millions of people love him and reiterate that a lot, but I feel that worshipping, admiring, and realizing someone for their hardships are all different things. This can go toward all the boys, they deserve happiness, not stress and anxiety. Not to say worshipping or admiring someone is bad, but I think we should really look past the adorable face and see the even greater personality. This could really go with all Kpop groups too. Anyway, if you're reading this, ello. Seventeen fighting!
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Me when my friends are talking to someone and don't know I'm behind them
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When your relatives make you take a photo with your family members and everyone smiles but you just sit there confused like Seungkwan
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Here you see me in my natural habitat
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When you and your friends were just playin around and someone throws a fist
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When your friend takes your food and dangles it over your head and tells you to get it but you’re too short.
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When you make a Kpop reference while hanging with friends and that one friend gets your reference.
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reblog if the person you reblogged this from deserves to be happy this 2017 (or forever)
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5:09 pm New Year's Eve where I'm at
Sitting here in england watching people count down to new year’s while ive still got like 11 hours 😑😑😑😑
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I very much did not make this, but whoever did I will love forever
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