panemvision · 9 years
Team Panem to Face Off Against Ko-oren On Monday for 1st Tme in the World Bowl
Panem has been chosen to face-off against Ko-oren on Monday, the first matchday for the elimination round of the XXVI World Bowl in Electrum
Friday morning on May 15 at the Prescott International Conventin Center in Electrum, Governor General Wunderlich and Griderion Electrum CEO Sam Reckeless participated in a ceremonial drawing to determine which nations would be put in which groups. Panem was selected into group C and according to the Matchday Schedule as published by Griderion Electrum,
May 17: Panem vs. Ko-oren
May 18: Panem vs Minecraft Miners
May 20: Panem vs Royal Kingdom of Quebec
May 21: Panem vs Atanatos
May 22: Panem vs Southern Democratic States
May 23: Panem vs Ko-oren
May 24: Panem vs Minecraft Miners
May 25: Panem vs Royal Kingdom of Quebec
May 26: Panem vs Atanatos
May 27: Panem vs Southern Democratic States
If Team Panem either wins first or second place in these elimination rounds, they will advance into the “Sweet 16” where they will have to battle their way to the top. Hopes are indeed high in Team Panem, who has just left the Capitol about ten hours ago and is taking a slow hovercraft to Electrum where they will prepare for their first game against Ko-oren tomorrow. Wish them luck!
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