pansatan-pfn ¡ 7 years
Who were the other uncles? Are they really your uncles? What does killing someone feel like?
They’re not blood uncles, no, just super close family friends! Grampa, Dad, Piccolo, Uncle Vegeta, Trunks, Tenshinhan -  a dojo master in the North East; Yamcha - Taitan’s ex-player; and Krillin - who’s Chief of Police in Satan City now! They’ve all competed in the Tenkachi Budokai finals at some point!
I almost didn’t answer this one but I get asked this a lot. It’s not nice, knowing someone’s taking their last breath and you caused it. It’s somewhat worse for them of course but still you have to live with it. Sometimes they don’t even get that luxury - one second they’re there, the other they’re a melting ice cube in a blast reducing to nothing, blown back to a mess then nada. When it’s that quick they literally go out, some aura lingers for a few seconds and they’re gone. 
I killed someone when I was fifteen in self-defence. I’m still uncomfortable thinking about it. If you become indifferent you’ve lost whatever you were fighting for. 
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pansatan-pfn ¡ 7 years
IMPORTANT QUESTION PLEASE ANSWER: At the start, Trunks was said to live in a castle. But it was the Good Witches, not the Prince's. Witches don't own castles. Is anything about this story even real????
This has been plaguing you for years, hasn’t it...
Don’t pick his cute story apart! It’s not like Dad’s publishing a book or anyth-- wait. 
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pansatan-pfn ¡ 7 years
That was really Trunks? Holy shit... so with time travel you can touch yourself and not explode?
From a different timeline, so not CC Trunks. But still looked the same, Auntie Bulma knew what our Trunks would look like when he grew up! And they both really like swords. Our Trunks swears he liked swords too before meeting him in his teens but no one else is sure...
And yeah you can! Doesn’t cause problems at all (apart from it being against the law to time travel). Timelines split it seems so no bootstrap paradoxes?
I’ve even met the Cell Games Trunks!  I was around a year old when he came back to ask for help in his own timeline, supposedly we played together. We know he went to a peaceful timeline but that’s all.(PS Trunks and Mai are fated ^^ they were together in the other timeline too
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pansatan-pfn ¡ 7 years
can you do the blonde thing?
Yup! That’s Super Saiyan! Dad reached Super Saiyan Two in the fight with Cell, the first person to. It’s a level above and is around double the charge of Super Saiyan, that being fifty times base. So, a hundred times stronger than normal. I hope you can see what an effect it makes!
And if anyone I know attaches THAT picture I will personally ban you.
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pansatan-pfn ¡ 7 years
[PFN] On the Cell Games -
Sooooo, how are we all today?
After I submit this PFN will be going fully private for a while. This isn’t to lock information away - as always you’re free to share what’s posted in the public sections! It’s just to protect our servers until we can get a more flexible solution. We prepped but not hard enough. The whole world wants to read, how about that... Sign ups are also locked down for the same reason.
I think everybody’s read this morning’s section by now? Haha...
My Dad told me that story for the first time when I was around eight. It’s not exactly how he’d tell it. Bedtime stories were a lot more interactive with me butting in and cheering everyone on, and he skipped over or simplified some parts to make it read better, but it’s close enough to how he told me.
I wasn’t really shocked, actually it made a lot of sense. Some weird things clicked, like why I wasn’t allowed to train hard with Gramps and why I had to keep my other training under wraps, especially with Dad. Gramps was and still is one of my teachers and I work just as hard with him as anyone else. He was at the time and for many years after the most talented non-ki user on the planet (grandma is arguable to be honest - I’m pretty sure she can use ki in strikes and she could launch herself across the room at Grampa to clip his ear if need be). Yeah Gramps’s took credit for a lot of things but honestly? He was usually alongside everyone and has saved the Earth a few times in his own way anyway. He’s still Earth’s champion, and an accidental ambassador on some planets apparently due to crossed wires.
It was a good thing he saved my Dad’s family from attention around the Cell Games. Dad’s pretty shy now and Mom said even more so when he started high school so I can’t imagine as a kid. The Great Saiyaman is a different deal altogether, though! (By the way, if you’re super interested in Crimefighting but are a little shy maybe Heroing, as extravert as it seems, would suit you better?)
It really sucks to keep secrets, this one in particular was especially bad for me as it was pretty academic - Gramps is Gramps and Dad’s Dad to me, no matter what. But I know for a lot of people Gramps’ feats are an important part of why they’re interested in martial arts and supported him for so long, and he became mainstream because of that win at the Cell Games. So I get why people are upset even if I don’t look at it in the same way.
I remember in high school having blazing rows with other students in World History. Some of them knew it wasn’t Gramps’ win but I had to lie. I know it doesn’t mean much, especially this late, but I’m sincerely sorry. Telling the truth would have opened a can of worms we just couldn’t have dealt with until now - but it’s not an excuse for causing people to doubt themselves and I’m sorry.
So I guess we’re at a similar page now. I think it was important to speak widely at this point, mostly because it would become obvious that someone other than my Gramps took out Cell as the book goes on but mostly because Dad wanted to let people know how desperate it gets behind closed doors sometimes, y’know? It all sounds fun and some of the training and games we play are verging on cute by design but for us there’s a daunting purpose behind it originally. Keep that in mind, okay?
Feel free to send me questions on it all - I can answer them or pass to my Dad.
Anyway team, on with the show! Posture and centring will be useful next update and every one of you who has shrugged at and skipped those sessions is going to be feeling so silly as you lag behind ;) you have been warned!
Pan xoxo
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pansatan-pfn ¡ 7 years
PFN: Some Cell Games FAQs
Okay okay okay I’m here, I’m answering!
I’ve gone through a couple of threads and someone should step in. This is getting way beyond what it needs to be. I’ve seen a few people freaking out because of some weird theories and you’re chasing yourself into a panic. I’d rather wait until the publication but seeing as I can barely move for questions I’ll answer some of them.
This does not count as an official statement.
“Was your Dad actually the little boy at the Cell Games?"
Yes. None of the stories in the textbook are fake. He was really there, and was there as a competitor to boot. What you saw in the Cell Games footage was all real. Just my Gramps’ interpretation of what was going on was wrong, is all.
“Did you know the Cell Games were fake?”
In so much that my Gramps lied, yeah, I did. Not when I was super small as kids like to gab but I learnt when I was about eight, which you’ll hear soon. I don’t like lying. But the full truth is complicated and would have left too many people exposed. It worked out for the best in the end, I promise.
"Cell is still alive."
Nope. Thankfully.
"Cell is still alive and is going to eat us all."
If it appeared again, unless it'd somehow got a lot stronger I'd be able to put it down, no sweat. And if I wasn't around friends or family could. 
“Your existence is proof of a conspiracy.”
I’ve been told there are at least three videos arguing this, which explains why it’s in my inbox pretty much written like that over and over. I haven’t watched them and I’m not going to address those people individually because it gives negative things unwarranted attention. This is supposed to be a fun place.
My parents met both at school, and when my Mom was Crimefighting and Dad starting as the Great Saiyaman. She figured out his identity then twisted his arm into teaching her how to fly. She didn’t know he was the boy at the Cell Games for some weeks, and she also didn’t know the truth of the Cell Games either, although she had suspicions. They liked each other way before that truth and the truth of my Dad’s heritage came out.
The fact that I exist has nothing to do with weird forced alien marriages or payment for helping put on a show or anything else like that. Also I’m not a science experiment's genetically engineered uber warrior (???). My parents are very much in love and always have been, it's embarrassingly cute. Implying they're not and my family is a lie kinda hurts, to be honest. You might think we deserve that scrutiny, so fine. Still, please think about dropping that line, at least here? Thanks.
I'll answer more when the chapter starts. 
Pan xoxo
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pansatan-pfn ¡ 7 years
[PFN] On Fields and Balls...
Morning! A note to the excited and ever so slightly impatient - first, the textbook updates are on their own schedule. They’re pretty random to keep you guessing. The filming we’re doing for teaching is not holding up the updates, I promise. In fact if anything we’re pulling ahead right now. I love all you guys but stop blaming me you butts :P! I’m going to be honest. Filming this is super-weird. I’ve been wondering for years how we’d teach it across the PFN but one of my big nightmares was always being discovered too early. Just watching the rushes back I freak out like I’ve been caught on tape before I remember that that yes Pan, that is the point :’). I’m sure there’s enough footage of me already in embarrassed hysterics to make a full blooper reel, too. It’s like when I started all over again (though I’m not as nervous!). Cringe-y nostalgia...
I've been following the thread on the new section for the last few days and I spied a few of you trying to piece together what my Dad meant to get ahead on amplification and boosting your charge. I know I’m shouting into a hurricane here but it’s not a race!!! Some of you are getting frustrated so early. There’s plenty of time to learn and learn safely. It’s why I haven’t been commenting directly; I’ve been advised by people with lots of letters after their names not to risk getting sued by offering one-on-one online advice as a tutor yet (helping each other is fine!). I don’t want to dampen any spirits though. So, to help with the inevitable I’ll speak in very general terms ;).
You’ve now clocked some people have been amplifying already pretty naturally, and by the looks of it that’s correct and awesome! It’s a knack that a minority get easy and others have to work at but you’ll all meet in the middle at some point. Those who’re doing well should continue to practice making the effects come easier and consistently rather than going bigger. Gun for endurance rather than raw power. I know we’ve got some forumers playing with plastic bottles and cans and sports balls (be careful posting videos where people can work out where you live, guys...) and not meaning to single anyone out but the videos of ping-pong ball control impressed me more than the really short bowling ball videos. Those are short for a reason (that is not a challenge). Learn to be consistent in your intents and we’ll go big later, okay? <3 Crushed toes aren’t cool. Sports balls may be outside your range for the moment if you can’t amplify, but trying to puff out candles isn’t! Just don’t accidentally breathe on the flame... it’s an adorable mistake I’ve seen kids make :) And for those still struggling with the push intent - good! It might not seem like it with all the attention a few posters are gaining with their videoed progress but nearly everyone is stuck. Let us get to it first before you panic! 
And finally... field analogies! My dad has some deep boat story going on which helps some students I guess. I've been using ki since I was born and never really questioned it in the same way Dad does so haven’t spent time making sense of it more than it is the way it is. To me the field is a surface I can snag my mind on. If I roll out my mind/genki across it there’s a momentary push back, then a ‘pop’ echoing in my ki as some disappears then a flood. The field-ki rushing through you is like drinking water you’re used to... it tastes of nothing but there’s definitely something there. The ki foams and balloons out and if I pull away the foaming stops. It’s like biting a tasteless grape full of soda powder? That sounds so silly, but maybe that’ll help someone out! -- xoxo Pan PS Noooo of course this isn’t a cult! That was an in-joke. As punishment for even joking ki-training was, my uncle has generously signed up to help me in a future demo! ^^ 
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pansatan-pfn ¡ 7 years
Well team, this is it! The beginning of something new.
We've been training together... What? Six years in some cases? We've come a long way in that time. I'm so proud of everyone and your progress, from our Juniors kicking butt at the last West Tourney to our Octogens rolling the back the clock (go Granny Bal!). So now’s the right time to officially extend our scope.
There's been a lot of rumour and speculation on forum recently, some even started before Groundbreaking Science's serialisation. I, as you’ve posted time and time again, have been super quiet about it. So, I’m here to clear up some of the gossip. 
Everything in GS is true.  Yup, I have been really downplaying my abilities on camera. As you guessed I haven’t as much when “Shadowing”. My Grandpa on my Dad’s side was an alien but remember, full Earthlings can do (mostly) what I can, too! Speaking of, my family are good friends with the owners of Capsule Corp - out of everything, not being able to go normal places casually with Bra has killed me the most (guess what we’re doing this weekend?). And yes, the Cell Games were very very real, though the winner not exactly my Gramps. We’ve already picked up some heat for that and that’s okay but please, wait to hear the story in a few sections time before grabbing pitchforks. You owe it to my Dad at least for putting this all together. 
I’ve already been teaching ki-control for about a year and a half. The super-secret not-PFN class rumours were true. Most of the group have been local. A few very enthusiastic people have been sponsored to come here (all on merit!), absorbed into my Gramps’ training camp but working with me on some days. Most of these people had martial arts training outside the PFN, so I could really focus on the best way to teach ki alone before this new venture. They all agreed to keep the classes on the down-low. They knew some of what’s been said in GS through class but not all of it - I’ve been fielding a lot of questions after every update from that group, too!
Some of the students from that class are on the PFN and it’s up to them whether they out themselves. I know a few are considering ‘heroing so they may use that ‘identity’ instead which would be cool to see - can’t wait to ‘meet’ you! Others may Shadow, and in keeping with the spirit of Shadowing won’t unmask themselves at all (unless they change status later). Some will use their real identities and are planning on crimefighting using a little ki, some will invent their own roles and others have decided they’re not much interested in the whole thing, and that’s okay too. What’s the news? Today we filmed the first in a set of original videos for a new component to the PFN. The PFN will continue teaching martial arts of course, but we will now be covering ki-control using GS as a kind of set text. As new sections in the practical chapters go live I’ll be demoing them week-to-week. The videos will be as far as possible from physical martial arts so as many people as possible can join in, but some kind of physical conditioning, however small, will boost your progress in the long run. Ki-control remains optional for the PFN, no worries!
When you can use your ki it’ll be up to you to decide what to do with that knowledge. I’d be so stoked if you used your skills to help others around the world, and if you wanted to take on an official role we can help you, too. There remains that tiny issue of “planetary defence”. I know the chatter about it has reached fever-pitch and will probably be the first question on this post. So. No one has to put their life on the line with us. But we may ask for your help, even if it’s just to keep an eye on your neighbours like a good citizen should. That’s it for nearly everyone! Ideally though, over the next couple of years we’ll find talented volunteers who have shown they’re not going to back down to train with us and eventually stand on those second or even front lines with us.
My friends and family can’t be the only line of defence forever. But having a huge team across the globe, learning and training together like a family, will be such a game changer for Earth that I can’t wait!  Keep up the hard work!  Pan xoxo
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