panyaplays · 4 days
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my pride post i think
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panyaplays · 8 days
now more than ever, please vet gofundmes before you donate.
copy and paste descriptions into google to see if there are scam accounts reusing the same story, check to see if there are any images/updates on the fund with faces. go to the original blog, check if the post asking for help is only an hour old, or even less than that. refrain from donating if all it links to is a PayPal account, without any further confirmation of identity.
it’s horrible to say but it’s never been a better time for scam artists to exploit your generosity, when things seem so dire, and I’ve donated to campaigns before only to realise later that the entire story was stolen from an actual family in need. due diligence might take a few more minutes out of your day but at least you won’t be sending money to an opportunistic scumbag.
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panyaplays · 8 days
for my people who have not watched anim vs.
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panyaplays · 8 days
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the notes are broken 😂
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panyaplays · 13 days
If you use arab.org like I do please consider taking the extra 30-60 seconds to click on ALL of their causes. Palestine is important but so are the environment, refugees, children, women, and the impoverished across the middle east and it doesn't take away from Palestine to click for multiple causes. The arab world faces a lot of problems and they only get worsened by how western nations have oppressed and attacked them. Clicking is small but it generates something and overtime it does benefit the greater good. It takes all of us clicking as often as possible but we can do it! It's really easy and safe and they have proofs on their site on how they do make an impact and are donating your click money
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panyaplays · 15 days
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I need them to act like the dumb teenagers they are
(I really want to see kaito wearing a bra tho, might do that later)
Original :
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panyaplays · 15 days
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panyaplays · 15 days
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this is part of my vision when i say king arachnophobe btw.
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panyaplays · 19 days
So true
something they don’t tell you about being autistic is that every character you write WILL end up autistic/autistic-coded whether you like it or not
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panyaplays · 24 days
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panyaplays · 25 days
reminder that donating just a few $ to gofundme campaigns actually helps, you don't have to donate huge amounts if you don't have the funds, every little bit is useful. give $10, $5, even $1. it all adds up. don't scroll past because you think you can't help. help in your own capacity. donate a dollar. share and speak up.
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panyaplays · 25 days
Facts of the Furuya Tohru Case
Furuya Tohru was exposed yesterday as having an affair with a 33-year-old fan for 4.5 years, until September 2023.
I’m consolidating what information we know right now to avoid misinformation spreading. Summarized from the English translation of the paywalled exposé.
Warnings for sexual assault and domestic violence.
Timeline of the affair
Per the anonymous affair partner’s statement:
Furuya Tohru was the one to initiate the relationship by reaching out to her via text.
One month after they met, he invited her to his hotel room, pushed her down on the bed aggressively, and tried to enter her without protection.
He ignored her pleas to wait, and claimed he was infertile in order to sleep with her unprotected.
However, as his affair partner can attest, Furuya Tohru is not infertile.
Furuya Tohru is currently not acknowledging these statements, claiming “he doesn’t remember.” It was also not mentioned in his apology tweet.
He was violent with her once during an argument.
His affair partner reports that he struck her enough to make her nose bleed, and that she ended up locking herself in the bathroom to call the police- only for him to force the door open and snatch the phone from her.
He himself admits to hitting her 2-3 times with an open hand, as well as taking her phone away from her during this assault.
His affair partner became pregnant, and he admits to pressuring her with words into getting an abortion. Neither him nor his affair partner suggest there was any physical violence involved.
He reportedly broke up with her after another argument over him refusing to leave his wife for her.
Other facts of the case
His talent company has released a generic apology for his actions, but has not suggested they’re dropping him yet.
Yomiuri TV, which produces the Detective Conan anime, has stated that they have “no comment at this time” about the incident.
His affair partner was his megafan. She fell for him in a 2017 fan event that involved “hugging and cuddling,” leading to her watching Zero the Enforcer 45 times in theatres for his performance.
Furuya Tohru has a wife he’s been married to since 1985, and a daughter who was born in 1992. His daughter is around the same age as his affair partner.
He used the characters he voiced to flirt with her. He’d tell her “My lover is [her name]!” (aka Rei’s line “My lover is this country!”).
He appeared to also roleplay as the characters he voiced. The article also included a video of him inviting her out to see One Piece RED in his Sabo voice, and when she cheered about seeing Shanks, he said “Well, I don’t really want to see someone red (akai), but I suppose it can’t be helped.”
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panyaplays · 26 days
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Misconceptions Part 3: 👓 ❌❌❌ 🕊️
Part 1 and Part 2
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panyaplays · 26 days
Every time I think about Shinichi's and Kaito's parents doing the bare minimum effort to protect their kids I get mad. Like they're both like "u should stop", their kids say "no", and they're like "okay, bye✈️✈️".
Like tf is this????? They kidnap him to make understand how dangerous his situation is but then they do nothing? And they just go away???
They leave their kid behind who is currently in the body of a 6-7 year old alone to deal with a criminal organization? They say they're going to step in if it gets too dangerous but he has almost died many times after that and they weren't there...
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Toichi challenges him pretending to be someone else to get Kaito to quit but then just leaves him alone and goes back to Las Vegas with Chikage?
Chikage doesn't sit to talk to him seriously about quitting just suggests him to quit and prepare for his career as a magician in Las Vegas, but that's it.
Your kid that it's being shot at at some of his heists? Who's putting his life at risk and is only 17 years old?
Like I know for the plot is made like this but it doesn't make it any less infuriating 🫠🫠
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panyaplays · 26 days
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The Dark Lord short comic - Creator
What've made me curious, is that every stick portrays some form of rejection to c.Alan. victim - i could guess lost- > defensive; Cho - pure aggression; Second - fear -> vengefulness. Only Dark doesn't have the same behavior pattern.
So what if, TDL might've gone rouge too if c.noogai3 didn't insert the code.
Also, it made me think: the Chosen ones are the heroes, they fight the evil forces and anything antagonizing their world view of the greater good. So, c.noogai3 is... the villain. The bad guy. Only growing better after sparing The Second Coming. The Dark Lord is it's little pawn that've gone rogue.
A little idea: Hollowheads use it/its for Cursor//Creator//Users. They are more deities to them, than anything and usually they aren't seen as the friendly ones.
Aside from that, there are little concepts for this comic:
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Tired Dark in AvA5
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Creators being able to cut hollowhead's powers -> cutting their hair.
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Purplish white + collars and handcuffs are c.Alan's thing. So, sticks who are under its control have their irises go purple, strands of hair turn white. What if, after the escape from the pc, TDL was left in a rather finnicky situation - Code disturbing their being, creating invasive thoughts and making them act reckless and robotically. So when their eyes have these little purple fireflies in them - TDL are not themselves. More than anything, it means a distressed state.
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panyaplays · 1 month
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i'm back! i haven't drawn anything in a few weeks so redrew some charts i had lying around for practice
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panyaplays · 1 month
Vetted fundraiser masterpost-masterpost.
This is a collection of links to various posts concerning fundraisers I've vetted and instructions on how to submit fundraisers to me. These are primarily ones for Ghazzan families although some fundraisers for Sudanese families are also listed (I'm more familiar with my own country's politics and dialect and am more capable of vetting fundraisers for Palestinians as a result). Each post will have a time stamp indicating the latest date of update. And fundraisers will have colour-coded disclaimers according to the particularities of their case.
I know that people do not like clicking on links or navigating between posts, but please actually look through these posts and choose a fundraiser to donate to. Please.
Instructions on how to submit a fundraiser. (for those not Ghazzan) تعليمات لتقديم طلب توثيق و نشر حملات التبرعات الخاصة بالغزاويين و عائلاتهم (للغزاويين فقط) سأنشر البوست قريبا
List of fundraisers for direct contacts from Ghazzah & Sudan. - PRIORITY.
Vetted family evacuation fundraisers list 1. - Particularities Listed.
Vetted family evacuation fundraisers list 2.
Unvetted but highly likely legitimate fundraisers.
Additional fundraisers for various purposes.
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