paolo-ge · 6 days
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Emily stared longingly outside. She was no longer allowed to go out alone anymore; that was for big girls. The last few months had seen Emily begin bedwetting out of nowhere. It began slow, a night here and there, but she thought they were just one-off accidents. She had no idea just how wrong she was.
Soon her nighttime control was very inconsistent. Her mother had insisted she wear goodnites (glorified diapers for bedwetters) to bed. Emily protested but her mother put her foot down. Emily refused but her small stature didn't exactly lend itself to resistance. Her mother picked her up easily, and though she struggled Emily could not escape. She was laid down on the bed and held down by one of her mothers arms while the other arm pulled down Emily's Pj shorts and panties.
Emily was so tired from struggling at this point that try though she might, she couldn't stop her mother from pulling the goodnite up between her legs. Tears streamed down Emily's face as she felt the foreign garment between her legs. It was soft and crinkled softly when she moved. Her mother pulled Emily's pj shorts back up and said "if I catch you with these off, you will get a spanking so hard you'd wish you'd never taken them off."
Emily sulked, knowing that her mother wasn't kidding. After a few minutes of silent crying, Emily, who was exhausted from struggling fell asleep. That day was the beginning of the end for Emily's adulthood. Fast forward to the present. Emily had not woken up dry since she was put in goodnights 6 months ago, and she'd even started to have daytime accidents with increasing frequency about a month prior to today. Her mother insisted that she wear her goodnites in the day too now, and Emily was embarrassed to say it was hard to argue.
Her goodnites weren't really cutting it these days, and it seemed like the daytime accidents were scattered at first like the bedwetting, but also like the bedwetting it quickly worsened and Emily was soon wetting her goodnites every day, sometimes multiple times. As she reflected at the window she felt her goodnite growing warm and heavy, a tear rolling down her cheek in silent frustration. She never knew when she had lost the ability to even feel when she needed to pee, but it was depressing..
As she continued to pee, it began to leak out of the goodnite and onto the couch. As if she could sense it, Emily's mother entered the room and locked eyes on the couch where the wet spot was clearly visible. A patient anger came over her expression and she wordlessly took Emily's hand. Emily wondered fearfully if she was going to be spanked, but instead she was sat down on a plastic mat on the bed. "A.. changing mat?" she thought. That's when she saw what was beside it and put 2 and 2 together.
A thick white diaper decorated with pink and lavender hearts was beside the changing table, and before she knew it she was being laid down and cleaned up just like a baby. She was so shocked at how far she's fallen that she couldn't even struggle. "You'll be wearing these for the foreseeable future little girl. Since you can't seem to act your age, you will be kept in diapers 24/7; no more goodnites." Emily was mortified "in the day too?? bu-"
"no buts young lady" she finished taping the diaper and made sure it was snug and fit well. Emily felt the thick padding press against her skin as her mother felt the diaper. Each movement she made was accompanied by an audible crinkle. "Everyone is going to find out..." Emily said, dejected. "I'm sorry Emily" her mother said gently "but you clearly need diapers now, and if people find out that's just something we'll have to deal with"
And so began her new life. The only girl at university who still needed diapers.
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paolo-ge · 6 days
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Hi Rosie, how about your travel diaper? Let me see, you need a change?
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paolo-ge · 6 days
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paolo-ge · 7 days
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When Lou needs superior protection the Northshore Megamax #diaper is her choice. Join GirlsDiapered.com now & see more at https://girlsdiapered.com/gallery/9427937/lou-sofa-megamax-gd2
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paolo-ge · 7 days
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paolo-ge · 7 days
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paolo-ge · 7 days
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We ventured outside our box. It was awesome and exhilarating to say the least. When we explore together it just grows closer together in our marriage.
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paolo-ge · 8 days
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2317 Ellie
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paolo-ge · 8 days
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paolo-ge · 8 days
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paolo-ge · 8 days
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paolo-ge · 8 days
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Always buckle up for safety.
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paolo-ge · 8 days
Omg 🙈 went for a run and had an actual accident during my sprint at the end 🫣 it's a good thing I was wearing a pullup lol
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It sparked an old memory from my cross-country days I hadn't thought of in years though, and realize now was probably a spark in my love of omorashi 😅
There I am, running down the trail, and the urge to pee begins. I still have about half of the course to go and push it down while focusing on the hill I need to climb. I keep running, keep pushing the need to pee deep deep down... but it keeps bubbling back up.
Finally, I make it to the end of the course, catching that heart stopping glimpse of the colorful flags that line the last leg of the course. I dig deep for the energy to make my last ditch sprint to the end.
Out of the corner of my eye I can see the girl behind me I've been playing tag with the whole race. She's gaining, trying to push past me at the last minute when I'm least expecting it.
I muster every last ounce of stamina I have, pushing past my limits, and forcing myself to move faster, harder. I keep the lead and finish before her, collapsing at the end of the finish line. My male teammates running over to congratulate me on my strong finish and one of my best times yet while waiting for our next female runner to come through.
I'm feeling like I'm on cloud nine, when I realize my shorts feel wet. I'm trying to figure out how my crotch got so sweaty when I realize it's not sweat that I'm feeling.... I had peed my pants in my push through the last stretch ☠️
Mortified, I'm trying to keep my legs closed and get the boys to leave me alone instead of trying to pick me up off the ground to celebrate.
"Go cheer on the others coming in! I need a minute." I try shooing them away. It works and most of them head back over to the edge of the course to see if any of our other runners can be seen coming over the horizon line.
The only 2 to remain next to me are one of the boys and one of my best friends who had finished before me, she was such an incredible runner!
I tell them I'll see them in a bit and that I need to go to the bathroom trying to sneak up and race past them, holding back tears. I'm not moving very fast, still trying to catch my breath, and they easily catch up to me asking what's wrong.
Nervously, I shift from foot to foot, wishing it was just my female friend. She'd be a lot easier to talk to about this. I say, "I just need to go to the bathroom ok?"
That's when she looks down at my shorts, as does he, and they notice the wet spot. They look at me, and before they can say anything I burst out, "I think I peed my pants a little during the end of the race and I don't know what to do and everyone's going to think I'm an idiot!"
The tears start coming now and I feel like I could die from embarrassment.
And then they start laughing.
"That's it, my life is over," I think to myself. No one's gonna want to be friends with the girl who wet her pants...
"Dude, calm down," my girlfriend says, stopping me in my tracks. "It's happened to me before too!"
I look at her dumbfounded, not believing what I'm hearing. She must be making it up to make me feel better. She's always been the type to look out for me.
"Yeah me too!" Says my guy friend. "Honestly, that's how you know it was one of your best runs. You pushed yourself so hard that you left everything out there on the finish line. Literally!"
We all chuckled, and I started to feel better. He pulled his sweatshirt off and gave it to me to tie around my waist and we walked to the tent where our bags were to retrieve my sweatpants and headed to the bathroom.
A newfound sense of pride in my accident that would spark a love of peeing my pants forever 💖
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paolo-ge · 8 days
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paolo-ge · 8 days
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I’ve been busy helping a family member move, so pull-ups it is for me! As part of my 24/7 agreement with @resonantyes, I have a few blanket rules. If I’m with family members or teaching a movement class, I’m allowed to wear pull-ups. Otherwise I have to ask to wear them on other occasions. Diapers are always the default!! I love it, and Daddy does too. ☺️
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paolo-ge · 15 days
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So many diapers I can barely walk🤭 4 diapers total!
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paolo-ge · 18 days
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Do you like my diapee with these bedazzled fishnets?? 😏
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