papa--warbler-blog · 7 years
Kurt rolled his eyes gently when he saw how happy Blaine suddenly became when he had heard the baby cry, and Kurt watched as Blaine went over and picked their baby up and out from the stroller. As Kurt watched Blaine talk to the baby, he chuckled a little as he shook his head gently, knowing that their baby wouldn’t be able to understand what Blaine was saying, but it was kind of cute.
Kurt’s eyes followed Blaine as he watched him walk back over. “He’s our beautiful boy.” Kurt mumbled as he glanced down at the baby in Blaine’s arms. “Everything’s coming into place, that’s for sure.” Kurt said with a small smile. “I couldn’t be happier, it’s everything that I ever wanted, and I hope it’s everything that you wanted too.” Kurt said as he leaned over and kissed Blaine’s cheek gently. “We have a beautiful family.” Kurt said with a nod, before he slowly sat down on the chair that Blaine had been sitting on. 
A small sigh escaped his lips as he sat there for a moment, before he glanced up at both of them. “I brought you some lunch, if you want it? I wasn’t sure if you’d buy something or not, so I packed a lunch just in case. Also, the baby’s bottle is in the diaper bag as well, he’ll probably need feeding.” Kurt said, as the baby hadn’t been fed in a while, which was probably why he was awake.
Blaine grinned when Kurt said he’d packed lunch. He had always been so thoughtful like that. Blaine had been so busy thinking about his neglected lesson plans that he definitely would have forgotten to eat if somebody hadn’t reminded him. “Thank you so much, Kurt,” he said with a happy sigh as he reached into the diaper bag slung over the back of the stroller and pulled out a bottle, which he brought over to the microwave of the teachers’ lounge to heat up until it was just the right temperature. He still had the baby clutched securely in his other arm.
“Could I offer you a cup of coffee or anything?” Blaine asked, glancing over his shoulder at Kurt. “I mean, it’s teachers’ lounge coffee, but they got a new machine recently and it’s really not half bad!” At that moment, the baby made a soft gurgling noise as if he was agreeing, which caused Blaine to burst out laughing. “See?” he said. “Even baby agrees! The coffee’s pretty good.”
A Visit → Kurt & Blaine
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papa--warbler-blog · 7 years
Kurt rolled his eyes playfully as he saw Blaine stand up and kiss his cheek. “Mmm Hmm, I thought it would be a nice surprise.” Kurt said with a slight nod, as he watched Blaine stare down at their baby boy in the stroller. Their baby was so small and so precious, and Kurt was defiantly in love with him, it was their first child, and Kurt hoped that maybe they could have another one in a few years, if all went well.
Kurt’s eyes followed Blaine as he got back up and took his hand, and he smiled gently at him. “I wasn’t really doing anything at home, so I just decided to come and give you a visit. Also because you don’t have the time off, you don’t get to see the baby as much as I do, so at least you can try and spend a little time with him here.” He said, before he sighed gently. “I know… We’ve just been so busy with everything else, and because he arrived early, we never agreed on a name.” He said as he chuckled gently. “I’m glad that we’ve sorted everything out though, at least we don’t have to worry about the baby stuff, we just need to worry about the wedding now.” He said as he bit down on his lip gently.
The wedding that himself and Blaine had planned wasn’t too far away, and as time went on, Kurt was getting more and more anxious, and now that they had their baby, he was even more anxious, but he tried to ignore the feeling, he just wanted the day to be special. “It’s going to be a crazy few weeks, that’s for sure.” Kurt said, before he glanced over at the stroller, hearing a few noises come from it. “I think little one’s awake.” He said as he heard their baby start to cry.
When Blaine heard the baby stir in the stroller, he started grinning even harder at the prospect of actually getting to spend some time with his son. He leaned down and scooped the baby into his arms, cradling him gently and making sure to support his little head. The baby wriggled, stretching his arms and legs as he woke up. His little eyes fluttered open and closed, and he opened his mouth in a wide yawn. “Good morning, lil dude,” Blaine said. “How’d you sleep? Pretty good, I hope? Did you have a good time with daddy this morning?”
Obviously, the baby had no idea what Blaine was saying, but he enjoyed talking anyway. Grinning sheepishly, he brought the baby over to Kurt, cradling him between the two of them. “Can you believe he’s ours?” Blaine said, glancing at Kurt. “And we’re gonna be married soon? It’s... everything I could have ever imagined, but better, somehow.” He blinked a few times, willing himself not to start crying in the teachers’ lounge. The lack of sleep over the past few days had made him strangely emotional.
A Visit → Kurt & Blaine
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papa--warbler-blog · 7 years
A gentle sigh left Kurt’s lips as he glanced around the hallway one last time, wanting to make sure that there was nothing else that he would need to take. Today was going to be the first time that Kurt and their newly arrived baby boy would visit Blaine at work, and Kurt wanted to make sure that he had everything he needed.
After a minute or two, Kurt rolled his eyes gently before he glanced down at the little baby that was sound asleep in the stroller, and to be honest, the baby wasn’t really that active at the moment, he would only wake up when he wanted feeding or would need a change, apart from that he would mostly be sound asleep, which was quite nice.
As Kurt smiled to himself, he gently pushed the stroller towards the front door, before he quickly opened it, then carefully pushed the stroller out, not wanting to disturb the little boy from him slumber. Once out, Kurt slowly closed the door behind him, and he started to make the short journey over to where Blaine worked. Thankfully Blaine didn’t work too far away, so it meant that Kurt could walk over there with the baby, it was only around a 10 minute walk, and Kurt knew that the fresh air would do some good for the baby.
While Kurt walked quietly and happily down the path, he began to day dream slightly. Kurt couldn’t believe that their little bundle of joy had arrived so soon, they weren’t expecting him for a few weeks, and of course this did ruin their plans slightly for the wedding and everything, but Kurt was happy, he was happy that their baby had arrived, and that he was also healthy. Since their baby had arrived early, himself and Blaine hadn’t even agreed on a name yet, so Kurt hoped that they’d be able to choose one soon, since he didn’t want to keep referring to his son as ‘baby’.
After a while of walking, Kurt crossed the road with the stroller, and he made his way over to the school entrance, smiling to himself as he entered, and thankfully the staff kind of knew who he was, so they let him straight in, but of course, the staff couldn’t help but coo over the new arrival. “He’s sound asleep right now… That’s pretty much all he does.” Kurt said to the others with a small shrug, before he said his goodbyes, and wondered over to the teachers lounge, as he had overheard one of the faculty say that Mr. Anderson was currently in the teacher’s lounge.
“Ready to see daddy, little one?” Kurt mumbled gently as he walked over to the door, before he gently opened it, and he glanced around for a moment or two, before he spotted Blaine. Smirking to himself, Kurt gently pushed the stroller towards him, before he gently stopped the stroller beside Blaine’s seat. “Hey.” Kurt said as he smiled down at Blaine. “I thought I’d bring a little someone over to say hello.” He said with a small chuckle. “Then again… He’s sound asleep, so I have no idea how much time you’ll actually get to spend with him.” He said with a shrug.
Blaine heard the sound of the door to the teacher’s lounge open, and he turned to see who had come in -- he was quite good friends with some of the other teachers, while others were best avoided. However, Blaine quickly saw that the person who entered wasn’t a teacher at all, but his fiancé... pushing a stroller! Blaine looked up at Kurt, smiling widely. “Well, this is unexpected,” he said, standing up to kiss Kurt on the cheek. “Baby’s first day of school!”
Still grinning, Blaine knelt in front of the stroller, staring down at his son. He was tiny and sound asleep, though he occasionally shifted around or fluttered his eyelids, as if he was dreaming. Blaine loved every detail - his soft skin, the tuft of hair on top of his head, his tiny fingers and toes... As far as he was concerned, his son was absolutely perfect.
“So,” he said, standing back up and taking Kurt’s hand. “To what do I owe this visit? Not that I need an excuse to hang out with you and the baby...” He smiled, marveling at his little family. “We should probably give him a name soon, don’t you think?” he said, chuckling. “I know things have been pretty hectic recently, but now that the nursery’s all set up and we have everything we need, hopefully we’ll have a bit more time to just... enjoy it all, you know?” He paused. “...When we’re not planning the wedding, that is!”
A Visit → Kurt & Blaine
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papa--warbler-blog · 7 years
A Visit → Kurt & Blaine
Blaine took his usual seat in the teachers’ lounge, placing his mug of coffee down on the table beside a stack of compositions that he hadn’t had the time to look through before he had left the house that morning. To say he was tired would be an understatement; the baby had arrived so unexpectedly that he and Kurt had been scrambling to pull everything together -- the nursery, the stroller, the diapers... Blaine had already been to Costco three times that week! Luckily, things were coming together, and though it had only been a few days, their little family of three was settling in nicely. 
Blaine did wish, however, that he could take some time off of work. The substitute that the school had hired wasn’t supposed to start working for another few weeks, and he couldn’t just leave his kids without music class until then, so he was still going to school every day while Kurt and the baby stayed home. The best part of Blaine’s day was stepping into his and Kurt’s apartment to find the two of them napping on the couch or playing on the floor, completely perfect.
After a few moments, Blaine realized that he had been daydreaming, and blinked a few times, bringing himself back to reality. With a sigh, he took a sip of coffee and settled down in his seat, ready to prepare his lesson for his 2pm class.
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