Platypus babies are called "puggles". Yes, you needed to see this today!
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wow taylor talking about needing ass really cured something inside me
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James Baldwin on why Martin Luther King’s movement for racial and economic justice stalled in The North.
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Maki Naro @ The Nib
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Aliens have invaded to conquer and enslave humanity, however “slavery” to them involves only working the equivalent of 12 hours a week while having healthy food, shelter, and means of entertainment taken care of so the human resistance is having trouble with defectors preferring to be slaves.
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thats growth
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You don't have to be gay to accept that Taylor Swift lyrics can be interpreted as gay. You don't have to like Taylor Swifts music to accept that her lyrics can be interpreted as gay. 🙂 Your personal view on music is just one of many. You are not the protagonist of someone elses life and their lyrical interpretation. 🙂
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Well ummmm yes!
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A version for tumblr that can be read without opening a new tab, since plenty of people would scroll past this story otherwise.
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i couldn’t fit it in but a bonus level is: i hope trump doesn’t die just yet bc it could affect the election/i would like him to experience intense suffering first.
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