papitasconcatsup13 · 4 months
New members of family!
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papitasconcatsup13 · 4 months
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one last goodbye (i miss them so much)
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papitasconcatsup13 · 4 months
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Pequeños dibujos que hice de Lullah y un huevito que cree hace mucho.
Nada especial pero me gustaron mucho <3
Little drawings I made of Lullah and a little egg that I created a long time ago.
Nothing special but I really liked them <3
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papitasconcatsup13 · 4 months
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Recorde la existencia de Tallulotl y Chaylotl asi que intente dibujar mis diseños de Chay y Lullah como hibridos de ajolote.
Primera vez posteando en tumblr, aun no entiendo pero talvez aprenda luego.
I remembered the existence of Tallulotl and Chaylotl so I tried to draw my designs of Chay and Lullah as axolotl hybrids.
First time posting on tumblr, I still don't understand but maybe I'll learn later.
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papitasconcatsup13 · 4 months
Wip compilation of stuff that will never be finished or I accidentally deleted the file for !! Except it’s all pissa edition❤️☝️
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Now for C!phil and Q!missa au that I lost the file for the second page !! (Crying) Believe it or not I am so very bad at writing in Spanish !! (Ty @belanova for the help </3 they basically wrote the Spanish bits)
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I have yet to figure out what to call this au but ahhh,,, they are so unhealthy to each other. (low self esteem x low self esteem does not cancel out !!) i need them to be crushed to mush
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papitasconcatsup13 · 5 months
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(Eng Prompt List)
Day 1: Moon and Sun | Space AU | Royal AU - “My Missa”
Day 2: Vampires | Mermaids | Gods - “I'll be here when you're ready”
Day 3: Mafia | Past lives | Cat Missa and Crow Philza - “As long as you are with me you will never feel alone”
Day 4: Confession | Emergency | Murder - “The sky is the limit”
Day 5: Language of flowers | Hanahaki | Spy X Family AU - “No one ever told me that love hurt”
Day 6: First times | Emergency room | Separation - “It's not goodbye, it's see you soon”
Day 7: Disease | Hot chocolate | Comfort - “The family is forever”
Extra prompts:
Red thread of destiny
“I love you, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner”
“I would never choose to love another”
New parents
DeathDuo/Pissa Week
Entonces eh decidido que haré este reto agradezco a mi amigo Irl y a los chicos de Discord por apoyarme y darme ideas para la lista! Así que aquí vamos…
Las dos primeras imágenes contienen los prompts para esta Pissa/DeathDuo Week, contiene dos prompts y un diálogo. Puedes elegir el prompt que más te guste o combinarlos para darle tu propio toque personal :D
Las reglas de este reto son las siguiente:
1. La escritura y el arte están permitidos, puede ser solo uno o ambos como más se le acomode a cada uno.
2. No @ a los cubitos irl, tanto en vuestro arte como en vuestros fics (en el caso de que lo suban a X o Insta)
3. El contenido Dark y sensible como; Yandere, Personajes posesivos, Daño a uno mismo, Sangre, Muerte, Etc… está permitido siempre cuando se etiquete correctamente. (En caso de que tengas una idea y no sabes si está permitido puedes enviarme un mensaje)
4. No es necesario hacer los siete días, puedes hacer cuantos quieres y con los que te sientas cómodo.
5. Este reto es tanto de Pissa (pareja romántica) como DeathDuo (pareja platónica) por lo que los prompts están hechos para que sean cómodos para los dos lados de la comunidad, solo por favor etiqueten debidamente si es Pissa o DeathDuo.
6. La semana que he escogido para este reto es del 1 de Junio al 7 de Junio, aunque pueden tener todo el mes de Junio para publicar su arte/escritura
7. Y la última regla pero no menos importante… no olviden divertirse!
So I've decided that I will do this challenge I thank my friend Irl and the guys on Discord for supporting me and giving me ideas for the list! So here we go...
The first two images contain the prompts for this Pissa/DeathDuo Week, it contains two prompts and a dialogue. You can choose the prompt you like the most or combine them to give it your own personal touch :D
Also, if one of the days doesn't suit you or you don't feel comfortable with that prompt there is a list of nine extra prompts that you can also choose from.
The rules of this challenge are this:
1. Writing and art are allowed, it can be just one or both as it suits you best.
2. no @ to the irl, in your art and in your fics (in case they upload it to X or Insta) 3.
3. Dark and sensitive content such as; Yandere, Possessive characters, Self harm, Blood, Death, Etc... is allowed as long as it is tagged correctly. (In case you have an idea and don't know if it is allowed you can message me).
4. You don't have to do all seven days, you can do as many as you want and as many as you feel comfortable with.
5. This challenge is both Pissa (romantic couple) and DeathDuo (platonic couple) so the prompts are made to be comfortable for both sides of the community, just please tag properly if it's Pissa or DeathDuo.
6. The week I have chosen for this challenge is from June 1 to June 7, although you can have the whole month of June to post your art/writing.
7. And last but not least rule... don't forget to have fun!
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papitasconcatsup13 · 6 months
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Something something Bugaboo
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papitasconcatsup13 · 6 months
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there is an upsettingly small amount of pissa outfit swap content and i won’t stand for it any longer
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papitasconcatsup13 · 6 months
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there is an upsettingly small amount of pissa outfit swap content and i won’t stand for it any longer
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papitasconcatsup13 · 6 months
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Mi familia todos bonitos todos chikitos
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papitasconcatsup13 · 6 months
Recuerdo ese día, vi un meme que decía algo asi como de los missasaurios enterándose de su boda ese mismo día.
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Este fue unos de los primeros dibujos que hice para las comunidades, basado en un meme, fue chistoso saber que nos casamos con los crow sin saberlo, fue toda una sorpresa. Y hasta el día de hoy aun quedan missaurios que no saben que están casados
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papitasconcatsup13 · 6 months
Random question:
(The mexican inside of me want to know about this)
What type of mexican food you tried or wanna tried?
Burritos. Tacos. Tortas. Chile Verde. Mexican sweet bread (Mexican food markets my beloved)
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papitasconcatsup13 · 6 months
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sleepy saturday mornings
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papitasconcatsup13 · 6 months
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May or may not be making some shit on Origins Pissa AU. This past two weeks have been hell lately, and I'm currently doing stuff to get my mind off of it-- trying at least. But yeah, have some crumbs on what I'm working on.
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papitasconcatsup13 · 6 months
Foragissa many wives are just the colorzas and the different smp Phil’s. Trust me I know.
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papitasconcatsup13 · 6 months
Space Romance Au
Pretty much Earth sends out people on missions to research alien flora and fauna. They arrive on a distant planet and live in like a portable housing/research station. The station has good housing quarters and labs filled with the best equipment. Also each station has a food replicator. Usually these stations are only manned by one human. Mostly everything is automatic. And Missa is part of this project and is currently manned on the recently found planet coined Vita Viridis.
Vita Viridis is an oxygen rich planet whose natural flora experience gigantism. It’s heavily forested with flora reaching almost unnatural proportions. It tends to be a mild climate but does have typical seasons. It’s tends to rain often and it’s common for bodies of water to dot the surface. So often in fact that Missa usually goes around by boat.
The station Missa resides in is on an island in a middle of a swamp which the roots of the massive trees delve into. It’s the only dry land he saw when he landed so he had to make do. And also why he takes full advantage of the water to explore Vita Viridis.
But the fact is Missa soon realizes he is not alone. Introducing the humanoid insectoid species of Vita Viridis. (Thank you @changeling-ash for all of these)
Class: Suprainsecta (Above Insect)
Order: Sapenoptera (Wise Winged)
Family: Elytronidae (Covering [wing])
Genus: Sapien Vitari (Wise Vitari)
The common name is Vitari. Named after the planet as it’s the dominant species. And one Vitari is very attached to Missa. A Vitari named Phil. Missa saved him from a giant spider web and he now wants to court the pretty human. And does make himself known often to Missa. He is fully sentient but unable to speak human languages.
Vitari communicate by complicated vocalizations including clicks, chirps, trills, rattles and buzzing. Though they can eventually be taught human languages. Vitari also use wing vibrations to communicate as well.
Missa at first was terrified of Phil because he has common sense and healthy sense of what is dangerous. But it wasn’t long until he found out Phil was pretty harmless and mostly curious (Though it does take him a bit longer to realize that Phil wants to court him)
Vitari have elytra that can make them able to fly. Silver or black are the most common colorings. They also have a stinger of sorts that puts venom into whatever they are hunting. They have black sclera with strange pupils. Their elytra is very fast. Their skin is mostly cartilage but can be numerous shades. They tend to wear basic like robes made from spider silk though some Vitari tribes have ways to dye the silk. And some Vitari communities have made full blown cities deep in the forest. Though it’s more common for Vitari to live isolated lives from the rest of their species.
Anyways Phil is courting human missa. This includes serenades. Mainly flapping his wings to create vibrations (not like actually singing). Phil also does elaborate dances and show off with his flying. Also just in general fly close to him (For example in real life male flies would fly close to female flies for attention). Another big thing is the nuzzles. Phil loves to nuzzle into missa hair or shoulder. Also loves to bump foreheads together. Another thing common in real life is insects prepare a meal for females. So Phil keeps trying to feed Missa with strange creatures he hunted. He eventually learns Missa prefers alien fruits and therefore gathers that for him instead. (Yes Missa falls victim to puppy eyes on his alien love interest and goes against all his common sense and eats the fruit. It’s delicious)
Missa has to contact the crew on earth with new findings and just in general checking he is fine and healthy. And they make fun of him so much for going against basic scientific principles and eating foods he doesn’t know how it would affect his human body. Missa too enamored by sweet alien to not accept his gifts. If he gets poisoned he gets poisoned.
Vitari live in hidden treehouses in the canopy. It tends to use whatever is around them to make it though they make the floor soft with fur and moss to sleep on. And they tend to hoard materials for either expanding their nest of sorts or stock food items. They also make simple tools to help them with their day to day. Vitari are pretty smart.
I personally like to imagine during the period Missa didn’t realize Phil has a crush on him and is courting him the Vitari way is when he had to contact the base on earth about his findings and research and Phil just climbed into his lap for cuddles and nuzzles. As he buzzes and chirps happily. His higher ups are concerned at first that he somehow got the dominant species to want to court him. But he is still doing excellent work so it’s fine with them.
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papitasconcatsup13 · 6 months
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On the seventh heaven
fae and knight au by @rainbowchaox
fic "Tales From Under The Wisteria Tree" by @insanitybl00m
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