paponikablog · 4 years
1. Start by making a good CV (academic).
2. Also prepare and give IELTS/TOEFL/GRE (whichever you prefer as it depends upon the requirements of university / country) but is necessary to gain admission in high /good ranking universities. Good scores are must as average will not do much in gaining scholarship.
3. Make all your education documents in order that is transcripts, degree certificates, attestations of all the degrees and transcripts by HEC etc. Up-to-date and correct travel documents like CNIC, Passport, Police verifications, health certificates etc.
4. Prepare statement of interest/ motivation also prepare answers to some basic questions;(why u want do this degree from abroad, what skills will this degree bring to you, where do u see yourself in 5 years from now, how would you contribute to country once you return back etc etc.) to help u fill applications / pass interview. (u can also search a file uploaded by me with name typical interview questions)
5. Select 2 to 3 subjects of your interests (if u r masters student) and /or Outline basic research proposal if research student (at this stage it should be for yourself to be clear which area u want to study ahead and u become familiar with issues and current ongoing work in the area ... u can always modify this later according to changes required e.g. after discussing with Professor ... this is also necessary to create good impression with your prospective supervisor when u discuss your intentions) this should be made even if u r applying for non-research degree to know about the background area of your interested subject.
6. In light of above subjects /outlined proposal, target universities / departments u want to do your studies from (to know their specific eligibility criteria) ... try collecting all the materials required for admission and apply in it to get admission offer.. some scholarships require that candidates already holds a admission offer.
7. Search interested universities websites, if these universities offer scholarships / funding (note most of the universities offer them but they are very competitive).
8. Also look for other scholarships that are offered by Government / International organization e.g. Commonwealth scholarship, DAAD & Fulbright, Vanier Canada, Singa Scholarships, Endeavour Scholarships, Türkiye Bursları scholarships, Twain Scholarships, Korean scholarships, Chinese scholarships, Bestway Foundation scholarship, Anne Marie Schimmel Scholarships, Vicky Noon Oxford University scholarship, Strathclyde-Pakistan50th Anniversary Scholarship etc … for these scholarships go to donor / sponsors/ university website as usually they open between May - Nov. You may also target those universities that offer scholarships to international students e.g. in UK many universities like Uni of Manchester, Uni of Bath, Edinburgh Uni, Kings College, Queens University Belfast, Cardiff University etc offer once a year.
9. Fill in the forms carefully & proof read (no spelling mistakes, no formatting mistakes and all required documents in order). A good scholarship application takes minimum 2-3 weeks to get ready.
10. Be prepared for investing time, hard work and rejections but don't lose hope and be persistent - it normally takes between 6 months to 2 yrs to get one.
by @Shazia Farman
For more info.
follow these
follow this document for basic guidance https://www.facebook.com/groups/scholarships.pk/permalink/1558633097480576/
Check the pinned post and file section of group for samples of your required documents
------Comment for PhD/research jobs;postdoc etc searchers>>>>>>>>>>>>>
follow this list to find open positions in any domain
follow these docs to know about the selection process
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paponikablog · 4 years
1. Identify the Reason to Study the Respected Program Overseas The identification of the reason why you want to study the selected subject overseas is as important as all the scheduling steps in a study plan. This identification includes the attractions of the place including the education system, University rankings, subject likeability, culture, and the things that can bound you there.
2. Identify the time required to accomplish the Academic Goals The identification of educational goal means whether you are striving to expand your knowledge borders or entering to the higher studies after high school. The first step is devising a list by specifying the study field and highlighting the reasons to pursue it. As it will lead to a decision of continuing education at home after identifying the needs of your work field. Thus, the first 2 steps are the key to know your goals.
3. Identify the Reasons for Not Studying in Your Own CountryThis heading requires to accumulate the points about the reasons not staying and studying in your home country. The points may include: your home country is not offering the subject that you want to opt, the education system does not offer enough facilities, or the research requirements are hard to meet here. Thus, it will strengthen the base of your decision.
4. Conduct a Research on Studying in Your Home CountryThis section includes researching the institutes and programs offered in your own country. This research will help in getting information about the same courses offered overseas and home town. The difference in the education system and expenses will help to make the decision easy.
5. The Future of Your field in Your CountryThe list of courses offered in your country and abroad need little further research. Research the jobs available in your country related to those courses and do not ignore the fact of checking perquisites for each post. This will help in deciding the utmost level of study required to get a specific post and after completing that level you can apply to that post without any hassle.
6. How Deep Rooted You are in Your Country?The things that will bring you back to your homeland will be included in this section. These might be your family or just a patriotic warm feel.
7. Consider Your Educational BackgroundEducational background will include all your past school names courses you attended there, and the start and end of the course. Along with the educational background include where you worked and what you gather on the name of experience? This information will strengthen your case and will present a shining image to the concerned ones.
All the above points can be summarized to finish your letter. This pattern will present your objective of studying abroad and will also display your educational goals. The ending line must be comprised of a Thanks note for the receiving individual.
The Study Plan Samples, Study Plan Examples, or Study Plan Template can be downloaded from the section under this article. The Study Plan examples being shown here must not be copied by the candidates!
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paponikablog · 4 years
This is the list of the major sites of vacancies / jobs / scholarships OF UNIVERSITIES which continually update the scholarships and positions for PhD / PostDoc / Faculty jobs / RAships / Scholarships. It is our request, especially for the guys with higher education to continuously check and apply for the vacancies according to their qualification.
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paponikablog · 4 years
The document is related to evaluation of PhD applicants in a highly prestigious university, we will point out some important aspects which are noted during shortlisting and selection.
Be prepared for investing time, hard work and rejections but don't lose hope and be persistent - it normally takes between 6 months to 2 yrs to get one.
Download the List of Universities here:
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paponikablog · 4 years
Keep on finding resources and preparing yourselves (your profiles) for scholarships. Find professors and read their work while sitting at home and discuss the research things to understand on Skype/FB messenger with your friends or even unknown Pakistanis/foreigners abroad. (People will be happy if you talk with them about their research interests)
Prepare for IELTS, TOEFL ,GRE. Do free online courses to boost up your skills that are lacking in your profiles or learn new useful skills. Try to practice speaking in front of mirror while staying in isolation and emerge as a good speaker at the end of this phase
Nowadays, foreign professors and Pakistanis have much time to talk to you or to respond to your queries. Find your future supervisors or work/research friends nowadays while in isolation
Stay Home: Stay Safe: Stay Healthy : Stay Online than Outside
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paponikablog · 4 years
Apply for Fully Funded UNESCO Poland Fellowship Program 2020 (All International Students Are Eligible)
Pull your socks up to apply for UNESCO Poland Fellowship Program 2020. Applications are now being invited, as the program will commence from 1st October 2020. To make applications, there is no need of CGPA or IELTS or any English language proficiency test scores. It is a fully funded exchange scholarship program for all international students (available to all nationalities of the world). If you are accepted, all expenses will be paid by the authorities, you just have to focus on your study. The students who have completed their undergraduates studies (Bachelor’s) are eligible to make applications for. The purpose of this program is to bring international students from diverse backgrounds of the world to increase the capacity building and human resources development in the areas of Engineering, Science and Technology, etc. UNESCO highly encourages students from developing countries.
Details of UNESCO Poland Fellowship Program 2020
Country: Poland Organization: UNESCO No. of Fellowships: 30 Financial Coverage: Fully Funded Deadline: 15th April 2020
Fields Available
Below are the fields in which this program will be conducted, so if you belong to these fields you may lodge your applications for this fellowship.
Automation, Electronic, and Electrical Engineering Biomédical Engineering, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Mining, and Energy, Mechanical Engineering
Sociological Sciences
In order to have complete look of the fields and academic requirements, VISIT IT http://www.unesco.org/…/NA…/Required_Qualifications_2020.pdf
Qualifications Required
The required qualifications for each field of research (project) are as per the attached annexes to this letter of announcement. (see Annex I ) http://www.unesco.org/…/NA…/Required_Qualifications_2020.pdf
Facilities offered by Polish Authorities
(i) Free tuition and access to the university facilities based on the local regulations.
(ii) Monthly allowance of 2200 PLN (1 USD = approximately 4,00 PLN) corresponding to the salary of a local junior research fellow. Thus, all living expenses and accommodation in Poland are to be borne by the fellow with this allowance; and; (iii) A one-time special allowance of 2200 PLN to be paid upon arrival in Poland, this sum will cover different activities related to your stay in Krakow, such as an obligatory medical check-up upon arrival (in accordance with the internal regulations for all students); cultural, historical and/or touristic visits, conferences, workshops, and seminars related to your studies.
No provision to finance or lodge family members is made. At the end of the research studies, the beneficiaries will receive a certificate attesting to their attendance at the host institution, this certificate will be given after receipt of the requested reports and financial clearance from the Institution.
Facilities offered by UNESCO
(i) International travel expenses: (by the most direct, economical route) from the beneficiary’s country to and from Poland will be covered by UNESCO under its Regular Programme Budget.
(ii) Health insurance for fellowship beneficiaries who are declared medically fit: UNESCO fellowship holders may be covered by a health insurance policy, taken-out by the Organization for the duration of fellowship. The costs of this health insurance is subscribed to and covered by UNESCO on behalf of awarded fellows.
Submission of applications
Candidatures should be submitted by the invited Member State. Original applications in duplicate must be channelled through the National Commission for UNESCO of the candidate’s country and communicated to Mr Stoyan Bantchev, Chief, Participation programme and Fellowships Section, by 15 April 2020 at the latest (GMT +01:00) to UNESCO mailing address. An advance copy of the application should be sent by e-mail unesco4(at)agh.edu.pl; s.bantchev(at)unesco.org; l.zas-friz(at)unesco.org and [email protected]. Applications should have imperatively the following attachments in DUPLICATE:
UNESCO fellowships application forms, ALL four (4) pages duly completed in English using capital letter (illegible documents will be eliminated from the procedure, hand writing form must include capital letter only);
Two photographs attached to the applications (4x6 cm);
Certified copies (in English) of Master’s Degree/ PhD obtained; and,
UNESCO certificate of language knowledge, duly completed by a relevant authority, if the mother tongue of the candidate is not English.
Two letters of recommendation from someone related to the candidate’s work, as well confirming the candidate’s qualifications.
The endorsed candidates should register themselves to the Fellowship e-registration system available on the page: http://www.unesco.agh.edu.pl/en/ .
Deadline 15 April 2020 at the latest
It is the National authority’s responsibility to ensure that all candidates are duly informed of the above-mentioned conditions prior to the submission of applications.
Files which are incomplete or which are received after the deadline as well as candidatures that do not fulfil the requirements will not be taken into consideration.
Only the selected candidates will receive a letter through their respective National Commissions for UNESCO.
All application should be endorsed by the National Commission from the country of the candidate.
All correspondence should be in English. .
Fellows, from countries where Polish Embassies or Consulates exist, will have to obtain their entry visa to the country of study prior to their departure. Fellows, from countries where no such Embassy or Consulate exists, must secure their visa through the nearest Embassy of the Republic of Poland.
UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Poland provide no allowance to defray passport and visa expenses. Selected beneficiaries will have to secure their own visas themselves.
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paponikablog · 4 years
Understand the power of Online courses
The new online courses known as MOOCs. The time has come, when degrees names and titles will lose their values and only the skills will matter. Even you do not have a degree but have skills, then you will earn much than just degree holders. MOOCs are fulfilling this purpose to teach you such skills. Because you will learn from the best of the best teachers in online courses and free of cost mostly and will learn only if you have the urge to learn as no one will push you to do the course as done in universities in semester system and you will earn the skill for lifetime in any major/area even personal development. You low CGPA in degree can easily be covered by MOOCs. As MOOCs results/certificates show you that you have learned from the best teachers and have scored good in them, so you have learned a good skill.
“The idea is simple: to publish all of our course materials online and make them widely available to everyone.”
Dick K.P. Yue, Professor, MIT School of Engineering
MIT Open CourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.
View a list of our most visited courses
Through OCW, educators improve courses and curricula, making their schools more effective; students find additional resources to help them succeed; and independent learners enrich their lives and use the content to tackle some of our world’s most difficult challenges, including sustainable development, climate change, and cancer eradication.
About MIT
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 1861 in response to the increasing industrialization of the United States, MIT adopted a European polytechnic university model and stressed laboratory instruction in applied science and engineering. It has since played a key role in the development of many aspects of modern science, engineering, mathematics, and technology, and is widely known for its innovation and academic strength, making it one of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the world.
As of March 2019, 93 Nobel laureates, 26 Turing Award winners, and 8 Fields Medalists have been affiliated with MIT as alumni, faculty members, or researchers. In addition, 58 National Medal of Science recipients, 29 National Medals of Technology and Innovation recipients, 50 MacArthur Fellows,73 Marshall Scholars, 45 Rhodes Scholars,41 astronauts, and 16 Chief Scientists of the US Air Force have been affiliated with MIT. The school also has a strong entrepreneurial culture, and the aggregated annual revenues of companies founded by MIT alumni ($1.9 trillion) would rank roughly as the tenth-largest economy in the world (2014).
Also follow this
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paponikablog · 4 years
Scholarship in Russia 2020 (Fully Funded) in Russian Presidential Academy
Deadline: Full Scholarship 10 April 2020
Deadline: Partial Scholarship 15 July 2020
Benefits: Full Tuition Fee waiver/ Partial Tuition Fee Waiver with Accommodation and small Allowance for Best candidates
Programs offered:
Programs available for the RANEPA Master Scholarship!
• MSc in Global Leadership (+optional MBA/MPA) – full and partial scholarships
• MSc in Strategic Communication (+MBA/MPA) – full and partial scholarships
• MSc in Project Management – full and partial scholarships
• MSc in International Business – full and partial scholarships
• MSc in Global Public Policy – only partial scholarships
Documents required:
A scanned copy of your passport will prove your identity and citizenship (full package with information) + notarized translation into Russian.
University diploma (you must have a state-approved degree or higher education — a Bachelors’s or Masters’s degree) + notarized translation into Russian. (!Check if you need to legalize your diploma before translation into Russian, there 2 types: council legalization and apostille).
University transcript of courses + notarized translation into Russian.
HIV/AIDS test (original report + + notarized translation into Russian.)Authenticated medical evaluation with a notarized translation into Russian (which confirms that you have good health to attend University abroad.
Eligibility Criteria
* Applicants age can be from Age 18-45
* Undergraduate Degree Diploma or confirmation paper from current University that student’s study will be finished and the diploma will be awarded before September 2020.
* Language requirement (if any) English B2 (upper-intermediate)
* NO IELTS needed, but it gives you more opportunities to get a bigger scholarship.
* All Nationalities around the world can apply.
How to Apply:
To apply for a partial scholarship, fill online application:
To apply for a full scholarship prepare the above-mentioned Required documents with Motivation. Why do you want to apply this program and study at ISS of the RANEPA? make a complete zip file of documents and send them before 10 April 2020 on this Email: [email protected].
Keep in mind that if you will miss some of the documents, your application can not be accepted.
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paponikablog · 5 years
Rainfall Rainfall Rainfall : :PhD Scholarships in Italy, Europe 2020: Clock has been started: Version 03, 2020 on 18th March, 2020. 
  Corona Virus tou chala jaya ga jald hi Italy sy, magar appki kismat wehin reh jaye gi, if you do not take serious steps now to change it and applying for this golden opportunity in time
*Scholarship Network's One of the Best Campaigns
Italian PhD Scholarships File Version 03, 2020 on 18th March, 2020
Dear all, we are starting again the file system of funded PhD offers at Italy. Last year, this file had above 25 versions and more than 500 PhD offers in almost every field. Hundreds of Pakistanis won PhD from the information given in the list. So, we are starting today from its first version and further versions of it will be posting from time to time.
**** I can now safely say that we have much better search database/list of PhD positions in Italian universities than most famous Euraxess etc, or even Italian's own PhD search Engines.*
***Management, Accounting, Social Sciences, Physiotherapy, Medical research, technical and Sciences people should focus. Almost every field offered or will be offered. Open the links and check yourself in future as well. Keep track of the upcoming future versions as well. Maybe you can find your major in future versions
***Why we say apply for PhD in Italy?
As most of these advertisements are not posted on International Scholarship websites/ places/blogs etc. So, most people at international level cannot find such opportunities. But at Scholarship Network, we find such opportunities, compile them and share in this group, where 99 percent are Pakistanis. So, when Pakistanis mostly apply for them as compared to other nationalities as a result Pakistanis get the positions. Moreover, most of the PhD positions do not require IELTS/ TOEFL*
IELTS/ TOEFL required:
Answer: Read the file. Already answered this question there. It is not required
I am from xyz field. I cannot find my field in it.
Answer: Almost every field is there. Look again carefully before commenting
Do see Dr. Shah Nawaz post regarding help in applying for it
You can also contact Ms. Maria Fahad & Dr. Hassan Bhatti for serious general queries/questions regarding Italian PhD programs
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paponikablog · 5 years
Share it with Pakistani Doctors and Health Professionals
Global MediXchange for Combating COVID-19
Do share such useful resource published by the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China that has treated 104 patients with confirmed COVID-19 in the past 50 days & Alibaba Cloud Intelligence and Alibaba Health.
This handbook provides comprehensive guidelines and best practices by China's top experts for coping with COVID-19.
This handbook focuses on the real-time hotspots of the COVID-19 epidemic. It provides detailed and comprehensive answers to potential questions for diagnosing and treating patients in different types, which are extremely helpful reference for medical workers in other countries currently in the early stages of the outbreak. Key contents including:
Technical strategies for preventing and treatment of the epidemic
Treatment methods to treat the critically ill
Efficient clinical decision-making strategies for frontline medical experts
Weblink to download or for reading: https://covid-19.alibabacloud.com/
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paponikablog · 5 years
Do not lose time sitting at home ... The best investment in your stage ... Investing in learning the English language in a correct way ... The learning must be translated in the end to a certificate proving this ... And the most important certificate required globally from universities and scientific institutions and others Is the IELTS certification For every person who loves to test IELTS or develop his level of English in general ... and free ❤
  The link contains material about 4 GB consisting of: --- 12 official IELTS Cambridge books from the year 1997 to 2017, including explanation of the examination system + full exams + solutions. --- Collins English for Exams + Passport to IELTS book including explanations and exercises on Vocabulary + Listening + Reading + Writing + Speaking. --- Additional material explanations and exercises for each module separately. -Listening There are 77 records of BBC Learning. - British Council training with solutions + 42 records of 29 Speaking subjects + 13 video exams recorded from Cambridge. - Explaining two parts of Writing in addition to 185 written forms for different topics + more than 7000 words. --- A simple explanation of the grading system. Thanks and have a nice day 🙂 https://drive.google.com/…/1lGhzAfFppEnOBQFGUX7iDN4v_0wezLku Here you will find two sites that are a treasure for learning the correct English language from the beginning ... The first is the BBC website, and it is divided into levels, and you will move from your basic to advanced level, as shown in the picture attached to the post. The first link opens, you will find three lines on the top right of the page ... by clicking on it and choosing Courses and live your life http://www.bbc.co.uk/learning…/…/course/intermediate/unit-15 The second important site is the site of the British Institute http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/ I hope we benefit others with the post. May God benefit you all ...
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paponikablog · 5 years
China 2020 for Masters & PhD Scholarships
اے چائنہ... تیرے چاہنے والوں کی خیر..!
Dear all, You can see Power/Worth of studying in China. The US news Educational Ranking of Universities is out now and you noticed that Tsinghua university, China is on No. 1, crossing MIT in Engineering & Computer Science subjects rankings again
Apply for Chinese top ranked universities and studying in top university at China is same as you are studying in US. Countries in the world except Pakistan will give your Chinese degree a worth due to university rankings.
See China Agriculture University on 4th position in Agricultural Sciences rankings and Fudan University China on 4th position in Material Sciences subjects as well
Chinese Govt. Scholarship 2020 in almost every fields such as arts, social sciences, engineering, medical, sciences etc
The Chinese Govt. Scholarships application deadlines vary from university to university until 31 March, 2020
This opportunity is also for the people who belong to Non technical majors specially. So, they must focus on this post as this will help them alot
Why China ?
1) 10 Chinese universities are in top 100 universities rankings in every list such QS rankings, Shanghai Rankings etc and more than 20 Chinese universities are in top 200 universities in the world
You can use any of the 05 rankings websites below and target your universities from rankings
05 rankings are
b) http://www.webometrics.info/en
c) http://www.shanghairanking.com/
e) https://www.usnews.com/education/best-global-universities/rankings
2) This news is quite famous, when Tsinghua university,China leaves behind MIT, USA in rankings. You can guess from it that if an university can leave behind MIT, then how much great education will be in that university
3) Studying in top universities is same as you study in US or China
4) So, you people still plan for MIT, Stanford, when you have options of top and better universities in China e.g., Tsinghua, Peking, Shanghai Jiao Tong, Fudan, UST, Nanjing etc universities. Also other universities in China are in good rankings.
See any world universities rankings websites such as QS , webometrics, US news. You will find Chinese Universities on top in any kind of fields/subjects
5) ** The masters program in China is research based. So you get a good research profile at the end of masters. This research based profile with publications will help you alot to get good PhD positions in Europe, USA, and other places.
6) Also people from all majors and specially uncommon/non technical majors such as business, social sciences, arts etc can try to apply for CSC and other scholarships in China. They must target top universities in their fields especially in their subjects, which they can check from rankings.
7) You can also try to find best professors in China by using the list of highly cited researchers and if they agree to supervise you then you have best chances of making a best research profile for yourself by working in their labs
Here you can find the list of highly cited researchers
8) Regarding getting jobs Internationally after getting degree from China. You can see QS Global Employability Rankings of universities in 2020. You can see 05 universities in top 50 universities regarding Employability Rankings (Employability rankings means that students have highest chances of getting jobs after getting degree from such universities)
*** Warning: But make up your mind before applying for China. As if you leave your accepted positions in China after doing all the process, it will make professors think, Pakistanis are not good people. So, dun do bad for your junior fellows. Target top ranked universities, so you will have no problem in joining them happily
1) For chinese govt. scholarship, you need to contact professors to get acceptance to be his student/lab student in Masters or PhD
2) Do not go for multiple acceptances from Chinese professor. Only target one professor and get single acceptance and apply as getting multiple acceptances and then denying them makes professors to think Pakistanis dun fulfill their promises. So it badly affects the selection of your Pakistani brothers and sisters in next years
3) Game changing habit: Everyone in the world asks Chinese Professors directly for acceptances. Instead you first convince the Chinese Professor by linking your work/degree to his work/area in a good way and if he is convinced your profile. Then, ask for acceptance letters
Now what to do ?
1) Use GOOGLE.
2) Join below all below groups and pages and follow guidelines and ask questions there. All of the groups mentioned below will guide you well. Also follow last year guides, they will be same in this year as well
1) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1887403341277297/
2) https://www.facebook.com/groups/991516800892653/
3) https://www.facebook.com/groups/915249831918688/
4) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1577596839192952/
5) https://www.facebook.com/groups/CGSchina/
6) https://www.facebook.com/groups/CGS.CASTWAS/
7) https://www.facebook.com/cgschina/
Do see these videos as well
a) https://www.facebook.com/zahid.hassan.3572846/videos/2407216789543960/
c) https://www.facebook.com/ka.amin.1848/videos/142793310416103/
d) https://www.facebook.com/msajidchaudhry/videos/10211815030371145/
e) https://www.facebook.com/taskheer.mumtaz/videos/2338371229623976/
f) https://www.facebook.com/ka.amin.1848/videos/137488004279967/
g) https://www.facebook.com/ka.amin.1848/videos/135502364478531/
h) https://www.facebook.com/muneebhassanmh/videos/1229209077263736/
0 notes
paponikablog · 5 years
This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post. This is a Test Post.
0 notes
paponikablog · 5 years
Tumblr media
About a three-hour drive from north Korea's capital, Pyongyang, lies what might be the world's most isolated ski resort. Masik Pass offers 11 runs and 4 lifts plus a gear rental shop. The attached luxury hotel features 120 rooms, complete with a swimming pool, sauna, bar and karaoke room.
Snowmobiles were imported from China and chair lifts from Austria, after a Swiss company refused to sell them, which North Korea called a “serious human rights abuse”. The resort has four and a half stars on Trip Advisor from genuine, happy tourists. Most of its visitors, however, come from within North Korea. While the country is almost exclusively portrayed as a poor, starved relic of the past, recent reports from defectors have begun to paint a much more nuanced picture. In reality, Pyongyang cafes are filled with patrons reading from tablets and teenagers making phone calls, some driving BMW's and Mercedes. The key to understanding who is really in charge, whether a revolution will ever occur, and what daily life is like, is to see how North Korea - both the state and the people within it - make money.
After Swiss cheese, bad haircuts, and empty buildings, North Korea is best known for seemingly wanting to end the human race in a giant nuclear explosion. When Kim Jong un-finds his country unusually hungry or one of his yachts, in need of repairs, the country turns into that annoying kid on the playground who will not shut up until you share your hot Cheetos. Insults are hurled, threats made, and missiles launched.
Inevitably the U. S. sees no choice but to respond, agreeing to ease sanctions or grant food aid in exchange for a return to normalcy. Now, with their mouths freshly fed, Kim and his compatriots will suddenly turn from murderous dictators to charming, levelheaded, although admittedly, stylistically eccentric diplomats. Then the six, twelve, eighteen months later, like clockwork, we’ll all have Deja Vu. But while Kim’s seeming obsession with nuclear toys attracts nearly all the media attention, in reality, it's just one of many strategies the world's most secretive regime has for accomplishing its much larger goal: staying alive. The fundamental challenge for North Korea is that it cannot truly, verifiably, and permanently give up its nuclear capabilities Without becoming, at best irrelevant. At the same time, it cannot truly thrive with the level of international sanctions that come with threatening to sink an entire U.S. state. Thus, all three generations of leadership have been forced to master the art of negotiation: to extracted just enough aid to stay afloat well never actually giving up its one and only source of leverage.
Before founding the democratic people's Republic of Korea Kim Il Sung was an unlikely leader. Having fought alongside Chinese communists and later in the Soviet army the first Kim with well-prepared, militarily, but lacked the softer skills considered necessary to oversee a communist Republic. His education was poor, Korean mediocre and understanding of Marxist theory deemed insufficient. Despite this initial hesitation, he was eventually selected to lead the new state, although, with much oversight. Soviet advisors drafted north Korea's constitution and approved all its major speeches in advance, making it a near-perfect puppet state, or, in gentler terms, a “Soviet Satellite Regime”.
By the end of the Korean War, Kim Il sung had become a national hero and icon - praise which fueled grander ambitions. His devotion to socialism soon morphed into a strong sense of nationalism - a desire to be more than Moscow or Beijing's puppet. Many Soviet officers were purged from government positions and for several decades, North Korea intentionally positioned itself between the Soviet Union and China, realizing it could play them off each other. Whatever Moscow gave or promised, Beijing was sure to match, and then some, and vice versa. Both countries knew they were being played, of course, but preferred this to the far worse alternative: ceding influence on the other. This dynamic of reluctant support, in fact, has more less continued to this day. Conventional wisdom portrays China as North Korea's only ally, or even puppet state. The reality is North Korea hasn't been a true puppet state for many decades, and with China, it has less a marriage and more an opportunistic relationship. China’s strategic interests overlap with north Korea's continued existence, not necessarily success or prosperity. At the base level what Beijing wants is nothing – stability. By far, its worst-case scenario is a dissolved or failed North Korea, after which, up to 25 million, unskilled, culturally dissimilar refugees will flood into some of its most economically weak North-Eastern provinces. Even worse would be the accompanying advance of American forces on China's doorstep.
The north, in other words, acts as a nice buffer from U.S. troops stationed in the south. As long as the North doesn't push tensions too high, China is happy more less maintaining the status quo. Ideally it would like to see Kim Jong unfollow its own example of economic reform and opening up, making it less dependent on nuclear threats for survival, and potentially justifying a retreat by American forces. Realistically, though, China also knows its influence is limited. China is indeed North Korea's largest trade partner, by a mile, but it's easy to overstate the leverage from trade with a country whose propaganda can offset almost any internal challenge.
In simple terms, Beijing could destroy North Korea - militarily or economically. It almost certainly also has a plan for regime change should it ever be deemed necessary. What it lacks is the fine-grained ability to influence it. And because China wants stability first and foremost, it has no reason, currently, to use its blunt weapon, leaving it with limited leverage. So, while there exists a clear power dynamic between the two nations, neither is likely to do anything too dramatic.
When Kim met with Xi Jinping in 2018, the supreme leader was seen obediently taking notes while the Chinese president spoke. China has historically condemned its missile tests and voted in favor of UN sanctions. And yet Xi recently made the first visit to Pyongyang by a Chinese leader in 14 years. North Korea, for its part, understands the need to, at a minimum, not anger the closest thing it has to a friend. It's all too familiar with the cost of losing an ally. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, North Korea suffered a devastating famine which ultimately killed somewhere between 200,000 and three million people. Before this, food was distributed via its Public Distribution System - PDS - which had formers surrender their harvest to the government, who then allocated it amongst the population. This model worked well during the 50s, 60s, and 70s even making Chinese towns on the border jealous. In the 80s and 90s, however, the system came violently crashing down. 450 grams of food rations per day in 1994 became 128 grams by 1997. Soon only six percent of the population received any food from the government who promised to feed it. This, arguably, was the most pivotal moment in the nation's history, alongside the deaths of its first two leaders. The PDS has never fully recovered, leaving most of its 25 million people to fend for themselves. Officially, Capitalism doesn't exist here - private property and trade are both highly illegal. In practice, however, it can be seen everywhere - from those in poverty all the way to the highest levels of the regime. Almost everyone is assigned a government job, and yet 62% of defectors surveyed in 2010 say they had worked unofficial, gray market jobs. Married women can register as full-time housewives rather than work an official job - giving them the freedom to start a private enterprise. Across the country, women can be seen in roadside markets selling food, and homemade or imported goods like Russian cigarettes and Chinese beer. Ironically, Because of this women's rights are surprisingly strong in North Korea, where they tend to make many multiples of their husband’s income.
As expected, the government is aware of this illegal activity and could, in theory, eliminate it entirely. But having never recovered from a now-three decade-old famine, most of the population has come to depend on private markets for basic survival. Additionally, the majority of this trade is conducted purely for material, not political, reasons. The poor simply wish to get by and the rich only seeking more luxurious life - not an end to the regime.
So the state simultaneously manages my markets through selective enforcement and also sometimes even encourages it. The “August 3rd rule”, for example, allows one to pay a fee and be exempted from official work - essentially profiting from instead of cracking down on private enterprise. Still, there are limits.
North Korean bank notes were ordered to be exchanged in 2009 with a limit of 100,000 won per person - wiping out many family savings and causing the closest thing North Korea has likely ever seen to a protest. This taught north Koreans not to trust their own currency. So, today, most unofficial transactions involve a foreign currency - usually the Chinese yuan. And just as individuals resort to capitalism - so do government committees and departments.
For decades, many offices have been given limited or no resources, forcing them to generate their own. Anyone with any authority, therefore, is likely to use their influence to start a business, sometimes using the national military as workers. Those who bribe the right people and play the game well can become fabulously rich - even by international standards. These newly wealthy families drive luxury cars, own cell phones and eat western food in Pyongyang, which some jokingly refer to as the “Dubai” of North Korea.
In this way, and many others, North Korea is two very different countries: the north Korea seen by the outside world, and the one that lived by the vast majority of its population. The North Korea of tall buildings and bright lights you see in tours and pictures, and the one, only minutes away, of sprawling fields and flickering, if any, electricity. The famous monument to socialism, and the private shops selling Western clothes only blocks away.
And finally, an unwavering ally, on the surface, who, in reality, is, at best, ambivalent. For now, the system works. Inevitably, though, someday in the future, like the Soviet-era machines on which its factories run, North Korea will simply stop working - for any number of potentially trivial reasons.
In truth, it’s remarkable how long it has worked. But, for the time being, this tapes together, occasionally in need of kicking, jury-rigged machine keeps slowly, inefficiently chugging along.
For all its strangeness, the genius of North Korea, the reason for its survival - is its relative self-sufficiency. It knows how little say a small nation like itself has in the larger world.
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paponikablog · 5 years
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Hi Guys, thanks for being here on PapoNika.com According to what we learned in school those days English chemist and physicist John Dalton who was born in the late 18th century. He is the man credited by modern science with the development of the atomic theory. 
However, it might be surprising for many people today to know that the concept of atoms was actually formulated by an Indian sage and philosopher nearly 600 years prior to the birth of Christ were 2,500 years before Dalton achieved this scientific breakthrough during his time. This Indian sage and philosopher was known as Acharya could not and some consider him as the actual father of atomic theory. Acharya Kidada was born around 600 or 800 BC in Praha Sitra located near to akka in present-day Gujarat India. His real name was actually Kashyap and was the son of a philosopher named oka. Since, childhood Kashyap displayed a very keen sense of detail and was fascinated by the most minute things. 
Well, he was only a young boy. He was accompanied his father on a pilgrimage to pray Yaga. He noticed thousands of programs in the town were littering the roads with flowers and grains of rice. They offered at the temples by the shore of the river Ganges. The tiny particles attracted Kashyap's attention and he began to collect the grains of rice from the ground while everybody else busied themselves with offering prayers were bathing in the Ganges River. The crowd eventually noticed his peculiar behavior and wondered why he was so fascinated with the grains of rice. When they asked him about it Kashyap replied that though a single grain of rice may seem worthless on its own. A collection of hundreds of them could make up a person's meal. 
This meant a collection of meals could feed a family and ultimately mankind. For those reasons alone he believed that a single grain of rice was just as important as all the riches in the world. After this incident people started calling him Kannada as kana in Sanskrit means the smallest particle. Kannada pursued his interest with the unseen world and dedicated his life to conceptualizing the idea of the smallest particle. He wrote down his views and eventually passed on his knowledge to others. People began calling him Achaia or the teacher. Hence the name Acharya Kanade which means the teacher of small particles. 
Kannada is believed by many to be the first to have realized the idea as an indestructible part of all matter. The theory occurred two cannot watch. He was walking with food in his hand and he was breaking it into small pieces. He nibbled at the food in his hand until he was no longer able to break it down to smaller pieces it was then that he realized that he could not divide the food into further parts and conceptualize the idea of the particle that could not be divided any further. He called that indivisible particle Parmanu or Anu which literally means atom. Kanada thought of the atoms as minute objects that are invisible to the naked eye and considered it indestructible and hence eternal.
He also theorized that a Parmanu had an inherent urge to combine with another Parmanu. He also explained that combining two belonging to the same class would create a twin new binary molecule. The binary molecule would contain similar properties to the two original partners. It was made of Kannada. 
Suggested further that it was the different combinations of Parmanu which produced various types of substances. He also brought forth the idea that atoms could be combined in a variety of ways to produce chemical changes while in the presence of other factors such as heat. He used the blackening of Earth's paws as well as the ripening of fruits as examples of this phenomena. To teach his ideas about the atom in the nature of the universe Kanada founded device chicas school of philosophy. He also wrote a book called “Vichy chic Darshan” which presented all of his research. Several members of the academic community, particularly in India, recognized Kannada as among the sages of ancient times who made significant contributions to modern science. Some of them have even taken steps to have his name included in mainstream education. 
However, a recognition of ganas a new theory as the first plausible atomic theory over Dalton scientific approach remains controversial while many recognize chaos perspective on the physical structure of the universe as an impressive metaphysical philosophy. Some maintain that it does not qualify as a scientific theory because it is not at all empirical. Kanada’s idea of the atom was not attempting to rationally explain an empirical law. It did not carry an explanatory burden and was just a speculative thesis. Hence, many argue that it would be outrageous to place it in the same league with existing modern scientific theories about atoms. 
Though the widely accepted atomic theory today is different from the one dalton presented. Dalton’s theory is still considered to be the first scientific theory of atoms because it was attempting to rationally explain an empirical law. Although the atomic theory of Kanada may not be considered empirical and while its official place in the field of modern science is still heavily debated. Its philosophical and cultural merits cannot be disputed. Though history of the atom was abstract and leaned towards philosophy and logic rather than personal experience or experimentation. 
It is praised even in modern times as a brilliant and imaginative explanation of the physical structure of the world and for largely agreeing with the discoveries of modern physics. Personally I love topics like this because I think we don't give our ancestors enough credit because if you think about it in recent history, everything is documented so much better than it was back then and throughout the thousands of years of war and conflict so many great books writings documents have been lost. 
So, we really don't know what our ancestors really came up with. So there could be literally hundreds or even thousands or tens of thousands of modern creations that our ancestors have already conceptualized even back then. For example, we all think Galileo invented the telescope but there has been evidence suggesting that the telescope was actually invented thousands of years ago or even millions of years ago. If you believe in prehistoric civilizations. 
Anyway, I thought this topic was really interesting if you guys liked it please comment below. I would really appreciate that thank you so much for reading. See you later.
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paponikablog · 5 years
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When the word CONMAN is mentioned, we may think of Charles Ponzi, the original creator of the pyramid was Ponzi Scheme work. Bernie made off, who made headlines for orchestrating, one of the largest financial fraud in history, were even more recently the Nigerian prince who keeps promising to send you free cash. But these guys would have been potter wants to a man named Gregor MacGregor, who is the jet master of cars in the early 1800. Because he convinced all of England and Scotland that he was the prince of get this a made up country called Poyais. This all started back in 1811 when a young McGregor decided to travel to South America and fight in the Venezuelan war of independence. Sometimes for and sometimes against the spring in Portugal. McGregor excelled in battling quickly rose to the ranks.  After a decade of fighting, McGregor landed in an area on the East coast of Honduras called the mosquito coast, named after the Miskito Indians who lived there. But it might as well be named after those little plus a few spots of Satan. Because that area was nothing but a pest rating swap. After a lot of persuasion in a lot of alcohol, McGregor managed to persuade the local king Frederick Augustus to sign over 12500 sq. miles of the lean to him.  After that McGregor sailed to England, where people were just trying to get over than they Pollyanna had just ravaged Europe. McGregor then told the people of England and Scotland that he was dubbed the principal for Hoya by king Augustus and told everybody that that piece of swamp of his was actually a wondrous land where crops could harvest multiple times a year, where trees were overflowing with fruit, river banks were lined with gold and basically unicorns were popping out rainbows on a daily basis.  Okay, he didn't actually say that last part but he might as well have because he hacked up hopeful people of England and Scotland. Thinking that this was the promised land, he even showed everyone a handbook and guided to the mosquito sure for the use of perspective colonists created by a person named Captain Thomas. Strangways who praised the beauty of Poyais because while Strangways was actually McGregor himself.  Physically one of the earlier examples of fake news. Soon hundreds of people started to invest in the Dreamland. McGregor was rich, a multi-millionaire in today's standards. Not only did he sell bonds to investors even printed up oil money in exchange for actual cash. Now taking people's money was one thing that scumbag enough. But McGregor was on a whole different level of diabolical because he actually charters ships to transport people to this land of supposed rainbow pooping unicorns.  So, the first of two ships departed for Poyais in September of 1882 carrying about 250 passengers and when they finally arrived two months later it was of course nothing like McGregor talked about. Instead of a blooming town with beings in democracy. And thousands of inhabitant’s immigrants found just two or three broken down huts and they can just book a return ticket in here right back to Europe. Most people operator their lives and spent everything they have to come here. So they really tried to make it work but they had no resources in the ground, couldn’t produce anything except for stank and over the next couple of years most of the 250 residents died from malaria or yellow fever. In the remaining 50 residents finally gave up and retreated back to Europe.  Unfortunately, McGregor was never really punished. He left England and escaped to France where he basically started a scam all over again. It would have worked too because the French people were equally as gullible and many people invested in Poyais and got on a ship ready to go to mosquito vale but the government grew suspicious when they saw that many of their citizens were trying to travel to a country that no one has ever heard of in that's where McGregor scheme fell apart. McGregor was arrested in France and then jailed in England but really only for short time. He did lose all his money.  So, he had to eventually return to Venezuela where it gets this. He was able to convince the authorities that he deserved the commission for everything he did in the war and they actually gave it to him. McGregor died six years later in 1845 at the age of 59 and today Poyais remains undeveloped and continue to be a blood sucking cesspool not owned like McGregor himself. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this article and follow for more Amazing Stories.
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paponikablog · 5 years
A) Preemptive B) Cooperative C) multiprogramming D) None
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