papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
she entered the bone zone
Asgore @ Toriel when he founds he is dating with Sans:
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
no offence but nothing will ever be more emotionally impacting then ‘despite everything, it’s still you’
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
Undertale made me realized years ago exactly how easy it is to include gay characters in videogames and I haven’t been the same since then
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
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oh, 🐛?
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
you guys: *tag delta rune as dr*
little voice in my head that says danganronpa: danganronpa
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
(Spoilers!!! Do not read this if you have not played Deltarune yet!!!)
About Deltarune’s ending
I don’t think that was Chara ripping out and imprisoning the soul.
I think that was Kris.
The real Kris.
Think about it: The game constantly gives hints that Kris is either controlled or possessed by the player.
The first time you save, you override another save file that has Kris’s name on it. That name is then replaced with the name you gave yourself (the player, not the discarded vessel) at the very beginning.
After you exit the dark world and talk to the other characters, a lot of them comment that Kris seems different and we even get a small glimpse at their personality pre-Deltarune.
And it seems like Kris wasn’t a very nice person.
They were quiet, withdrawn and known for playing pretty mean pranks on the other kids, as well as the adults (tricking Noelle into thinking they were bleeding heavily by covering their arms in ketchup, repeatedly throwing bath bombs into the toilet and flooding the bathroom).
What if that ending was essentially Kris literally ripping us, the player, out of their body so they can have control again?
Why, you ask?
To get their SAVE point back.
The first Save point establishes that Kris is aware of the save points and probably even used them already, though they weren’t aware of their true potential and didn’t call them save points. To them, they were simply “the strange light that only [they] can see”,
Until we came along.
Thanks to us taking that power away from them for a short time, Kris had the chance to observe how it might be used.
Save points can be used to fix yourself in and go back to a certain point in time. A power like that has many uses.
You could play a prank and simply go back when it goes bad for you.
You can cheat your way through life, manipulating people into doing whatever you want.
You can even come back from death.
And if that smile, as well as that knife are anything to go on, Kris now has quite a few ideas on how to use that “light”.
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
now that the discussion ban on deltarune is lifted, i’m going to share the part that made me tear up.
if you knock on napstablook’s door at the end, mettaton (you can tell based on his manner of speaking) tells you through the door that no one is home.
if you knock a second time and say that you’re there for him, he says this:
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he has low self-esteem because he never met alphys, and she never built him a robot body. he just hides at home and thinks he’s a nobody.
no mettaton, in ANY alternate universe, deserves this.
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
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papyrus-the-gay · 6 years
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