paradise-zalis · 4 days
i trust we’re all mature enough now so can i just the say philza ace race incident? genuinely one of the funniest fucking things to ever come out of mcc. it’s up there it’s the mcc7 battle box incident. so many grown adults decided to ignore the actual track signals because of their immutable trust in philza minecraft and i think that’s beautiful
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paradise-zalis · 2 months
fuck this time loop im leaving (walks into a different, worse time loop)
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paradise-zalis · 2 months
I'm so glad Sam Reich is pioneering the return of improv shows. A guy who saw Who's Line Is It Anyways and said we can take it even further. let's drop a body from the rafters
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paradise-zalis · 2 months
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yeah ok
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
Why are intersex people called 'collateral damage'? What does that even mean
Giving an example–
"Hermaphrodite" is an intersex slur. It has always been an intersex slur. Trans people cannot reclaim this slur because while it's been used against them, it's always been used against them to compare them to US.
People—even, ESPECIALLY the queer community—often ignore blatant intersexism in favour of calling it transphobia, even when it's blatantly targetting us specifically—for example, the idea that children AREN'T being put on hormones or given top or bottom surgery. The queer community likes to promote this as a thing that's not happening when in fact it is—it just happens to intersex kids. We are FORCED onto hormones, FORCED into genital mutilation, by an intersexist medical system. But in the defence of trans people, we are "collateral damage". Our medical abuse is ignored in favour of trans people promoting a lie that these things don't happen.
I was born visibly intersex. I had surgery at birth and then again at 12 days old. I DID NOT LEARN OF THIS UNTIL LAST YEAR. I AM TWENTY-THREE YEARS OLD. When my body began feminising at 12, it took TWO YEARS before my therapist would refer me to hospital for gender dysphoria. It took another six months to be put on testosterone and to have my ovary removed. I ended up needing top surgery at 16 to remove the breast tissue I grew. Most intersex people have the opposite experience—instead of being allowed to exist in their natural intersex body, they're forced into the hormones that "match" their assigned sex at birth. They are forced into surgeries WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT to make them look "normal".
Don't even get me started on the connotations of "assigned" sex. Perisex people have an OBSERVED sex at birth. Intersex people, if they have ambiguous genitalia like I did, are ASSIGNED a sex based on what the doctor thinks they can make them pass more easily for. Most are ASSIGNED female through mutilatory surgery as newborns, because it's easier to make a vulva and vagina than it is to make a penis. Do not get me started on how the brains of children process routine neovagina dilation (which must be done daily from the time the child is mutilated, usually at birth) as SEXUAL ASSAULT. That's right, for many intersex people, the medical system assigns you as female and then sexually abuses you until you stop growing.
In many countries, intersex people who identify as a sex different from their assigned sex at birth cannot seek out transgender care. If you are assigned female they will never allow you to go on testosterone, never be approved for top surgery, etc. If you are assigned male you will never be allowed to go on oestrogen or get bottom surgery, etc. The medical system ASSIGNED you your sex, and the medical system can never be wrong, can they. This in places where trans people can receive care. We are told it's transphobia, that intersex people are just collateral damage, when in reality these policies EXPLICITLY ARE MEANT TO AFFECT INTERSEX PEOPLE. When perisex people can receive trans healthcare but intersex people cannot, that is not transphobia, THAT IS INTERSEXISM.
Or for example someone calling a trans person a hermaphrodite, and a trans person trying to reclaim the term despite it being an INTERSEX slur. This intersexism is ignored, labelled transphobia instead, and intersex people are just told we aren't actually being attacked and that we're just collateral damage. It was an intersex slur first. They are comparing them to US.
Our experiences are ignored or outright erased. The queer community does not care for us. Even when we speak of blatant intersexism we experience, we are told that we are not the target and that we are just collateral damage.
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
Alright i take it back I still can't decide: I'm working on a skin that is agonizingly 3% over accent coverage and I can't decide if I should cut it down and how I should cut it down.
Below is the og full skin and then the 3 accent variations I've come up with.
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H... help. No poll because I like to hear people's comments <3
(For extra context: Skins are harder to sell than accents because they're more expensive and I'm PRETTY sure will end up with me receiving less profits in general so I almost always try to make accents.)
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
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Surely someone beat me to it right...
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
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fancy fish
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
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Honestly? Better than I was expecting
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
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so what are your guys plans for your clanbound thomas eggs?????
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
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direct from the horse's mouth..
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
Drew a revised design for fanthoms because the current art direction on fr with modern breeds
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People have been nicer than i am, but I'll be blunt: undel (and whichever extra artists are working on these breeds, if theres any) have an extremely limited visual library when it comes to animals, how their features works, or just shapes in general. The fact our cetacean dragon has the same body type as a pearlcatcher or mirror is insane!! it shows lack of creativity and care to developing the concept.
Right now, dragons are picked to fit in one of the 3 body types (generic dog body with lizard head western dragon, wyvern and tube), and then random decals are slapped on this mold to make them look unique. Theres no shape variation, no care at going "which animals fit this concept, how can we apply the features of these animals?". no research, just superficial flavorless dragon design. you dont need to be a biologist to spend a few minutes at a wikipedia looking at animals and mythology and studying what makes these animals themselves, how their species works, what features they have!!!
And even if you don't want to study animals, why is there no shape study? why are 90% of dragons slightly top heavy tubes with the pick of slender face and smushed face. They lack shape design, and refuse to elaborate on the animal influences to create stronger features than just random horns/frills/fur. its making me insane
anyway here's a merrigan
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
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Mmmm thinking about a potential Manta Ray based Water ancient…
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
For how much it keeps being mentioned, I almost want the last reward to not be Fathom egg/scrolls but Scale Scurvy instead (as a tert, the same way gembond is)
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
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Been seeing a lot of talk about dragons with different body shapes, so I took a stab at making my own design!
The Bellows Dragon is a breed originating from the Great Furnace, specifically from inside of it. Made in secret, the Bellows Dragons have been living within the magma chamber, punching a network of lava tubes to connect the entire Ashfall Waste together. These dragons are very teamwork oriented and often travel with a “Tube Buddy”. Using their long, gator-like tails, they propel themselves through the liquid rock.
Sornieth learned of their existence during a very unfortunate encounter between a group of Bellows and Sandsurges, as the Bellows had mistakenly punched too far into the Shifting Expanse and knocked out a local power grid.
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
I feel like u should have a minimum of 3 snappers in your lair (minimum 1 m pose) to be able to talk abt them, i dont wanna hear anyones opinion on them if they dont own them anymore
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paradise-zalis · 3 months
Flight rising: new update happens
Me, already opening Tumblr: I need to see what the people in my phone are saying about this
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