parallelistic-persona · 10 years
It had been a while that he's seen daylight himself, because although he did frequently go to the bars in the human realm, he'd rarely go during the day. It was only for the sole purpose for feeding, so he didn't want to be in that environment for extended periods of time. The incubus grimaced slightly at the light.
When the door had opened, Kyle couldn't believe his eyes. Everything was so beautiful- so majestic, just like the stories told them to be. For a underground area, it was really like a realm of itself. The sky was unbelievably more vast that nobody would believe it was just an underground built room.
Dragons were always something that he found enchanting. When he was little, he'd frequently found himself dreaming that his prince would come along with his dragon partner to rescue him from his misery, as childish as it was. He'd long given up on anything of the sort, but to be able to meet these creatures himself was just magical. 
The incubus quickly shifted his gaze towards Emmett, whom had been holding his hand firmly. It really was a dream- he wasn't dreaming now, was he? To be honest, he wouldn't have minded if it was only a dream, because every moment he spent with the other was precious whether in reality or his own fantasies.
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"It's... It's just beautiful, Emmett," he could nearly cry from how thrilled he was. He gripped onto the hand that held his own. "I'm so happy that you took me here, it really was a surprise."
"Good~" He said with a smile, turning to wrap his arms around the other too. He leaned down to give the other a kiss. Emmett never got tired of kissing Kyle. He didn’t think he could be happy after his divorce. But that all changed. It was why he went through all this trouble. He wanted to do it right this time.
He blinked the two of them to the lowest area of the castle. In front of a set of double doors with intricate designs on them. From underneath the door, came a glow that look like daylight, which was odd given that Utanthia was always night. There also seemed to be a breeze.
"For centuries this creatures were hunted, killed, or used for war. A few hundred years ago, king Leviathan found them all and conjured up a safe haven for them here in the castle. It’s like their own little world inside the basement. It’s pretty cool. But this is why you can’t tell anyone. This secret is too big to let anyone find out."
Emmett pulled away, slipping his hand into Kyle’s he opened the doors, and walked into what looked like another realm. Vast valley’s of the greenest grass. Forests scatter farther than the eyes could see. But most important of all, were the dragons roaming about.
"Welcome to our second-first date~"
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
"Fairytales hmm?," Kyle hummed in curiosity. He never believed in fairytales himself when he was younger, but always dreamed that he'd escape into those worlds instead of the cruel one he believed he lived in. The intrigue only deepens when he learns it was a secret. It must have been something truly amazing. "I promise I won't, don't worry."
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He sits up, stretches his arms and gives a short yawn. Kyle was glad he brought a change of clothes, after all, it was technically their first official date. If anything, he knew that Emmett wouldn't have minded either way, but he did still want to look good for him. He quickly got ready and stepped out the bathroom.
"I think I'm ready," he sneaked behind the other, wrapping his arms around him.
He thought about that for a moment considering what to tell him. “Hmm, well, I can tell you that fairytails can be real too.” He chuckled and gave Kyle another long kiss before sitting up. “That’s all you get though, It’ll be more great if you don’t know, I promise.”
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Emmett could remember when he was little. Before he knew he was a demon. His mom would come up with outrageous bedtime stories that he knew couldn’t possibly be true. But she would always tell him that there were things out there that everyone thought was made up. He had no idea they were real, not until he became a prince.
"There’s a catch though. You can’t tell anyone about it. They’re a protected secret. Now get up so we can go~"
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
"Really?" Kyle was curious, and he was sure it showed on his expression. Emmett was really just the best to him, and he couldn't wait to figure out where he would bring him. It seemed like the other was always full of surprises, truly Kyle's own prince charming. "I wonder what that's about."
The incubus stares at Emmett, pursing his lips slightly into a pout. As much as he appreciated the idea of having the other prepare a surprise for him, he didn't particularly like not knowing. The teasing was making him anxious, if not just a little. 
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"What, I don't get a hint?"
"Aren’t I always~" He teased, giving the others lip a light nibble. "But this time I’m waking you up for a bit of a different reason." He pulled away just enough to see the whole of the others face, bringing a hand up to brush some hair from it. "A surprise actually."
He hoped Kyle would like the surprise. After all, what he was bringing his love to see, wasn’t even suppose to exist. Technically demons didn’t either. But this was a whole different story. He wanted to show Kyle that anything was possible.
"It’s a good surprise, don’t worry. It’ll be our second-first date~"
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
The sudden shortage of air mixed with the familiar warmth pressing against his own lips caused the incubus to groan, opening his eyes to see Emmett next to himself. Kyle gave the other a sleepy gaze, then chuckling softly at the other. He leaned in, too, to return the morning kiss with a peck on the lips.
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"Jeez," he smiled, pressing himself closer to nuzzle against Emmett. "Looks like someone's hungry so early in the morning."
He stayed with Emmett the night before, and spent time together as they usually did. It was just bliss to him to have the other by his side, and though Kyle did try to not be very selfish with him, Emmett would have spoiled him anyways. Maybe it was a sign that he was able to be a little full of himself, as much as he told himself not to.
Emmett had been playing a second date for weeks now. To him it was more like their first. Since the first one consisted of drinking and sex. Which isn’t a bad thing, especially for two Incubi, but he wanted to make it even more special. Prove to Kyle he was worth the trouble.
The only problem, and the reason it took so long to plan, was getting permission from his brother. Ira was usually open minded about things, and for anything else he would have said yes right away, but because of what Emmett was asking, circumstances changed. 
He did however, finally get permission, now all he had to do was take Kyle to this date. It was early in the morning when Emmett snuck back into their shared room. He’d been talking with Ira all night, getting things ready. 
The incubi slid into bed next to Kyle, and kissed him deeply, hoping to wake him. “Rise and shine~”
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
Theodore smiled when Viper kissed him briefly on the lips, but he somehow he wished it lasted a little longer. But the other had already pulled back and the trailed off sentence caught him by a relatively unpleasant surprise.
As overprotective as the other was, Theodore knows from the bottom of his heart that Viper was just treasuring him as if something precious. Because of that, he could only submit to it. After all, the newborn understands that he has yet to become a fully fledged demon, despite all of the praise he received. If being in danger was a burden, Theodore would do his best to stay out of it as much as he could. Nonetheless, he still felt slightly saddened that he wasn't capable of fighting alongside Viper.
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"..." The newborn just sighed. He tried not to sound as down as he felt."I know, I won't do anything to be a nuisance to you, I promise. But promise me that you'll be okay? If this Ares is as strong as they say, you have to be careful or I'll be worried."
He paused. "Well I guess since it's you, so there shouldn't be a problem. Never mind, I'm really over thinking it right?"
Viper chuckled lightly, wrapping his arms around the newborns waist as he leaned closer. He then gave the albino’s lip a little nibble. “You did help~” He told the other, giving him a small kiss before leaning back again to tease him. “You did really well for your first on-hand training. However..”
He sighed, taking one of his hands back to run it through his hair. Viper was remembering what the nightmare had told them. If Ares was going to have a meeting somewhere public. It could be a chance to catch him. But, there was a draw back. He may be the youngest of the royal family, but he was one of the most dangerous.
"You will not be able to come with me on the next. Ares is young, but he is more powerful than even most of the demons under my charge. He is a brat, but he knows how to use his powers. I suppose that was what Gaap wanted when he had a true incubus child…"
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Hardly any incubus was full blood these days. Most were mixed with something else. But Ares. Ares was a very powerful true incubus. His power showed it. “I cannot put you in that kind of danger.”
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
"I suppose that's true..." Theodore eyed the other for a few moments, then positioning himself straddling onto Viper’s legs with a devious pull on his lips. “Captain, what are you implying? Did you find the little act of mine cute? How embarrassing, if I knew you were watching so intently I could’ve put on even more of a show. “
He wrapped his arms around Viper’s neck, pulling him even closer. It had been a while since they spent some time alone, so the newborn wanted to make every minute count. After all, he didn’t know when his next opportunity may be.
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"I’m joking. If I was any help to you at all, then I’m satisfied," he sighed with a relaxed smile. Theodore understood if Viper was busy later on, too, so he wouldn’t be selfish as to want him by his side for too long. For now, he would be okay with just being on the hunter’s lap for a short while. If he became a nuisance, he’d leave.
"He feeds on innocents. On the fear of children. They are tricksters by nature. It was necessary to do the same back. Though he wasn’t a very good Nightmare…" He frowned, taking his hand back so he can scratch his chin. "I guess Vampire is what he was originally. He is only an artificially created Nightmare. That is what Dr. Blaine does, he takes the DNA of other species, and mixes them with his living experiments. He as been hunting the current royal family for longer than they have even been the royal family."
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Viper sighed and slipped his hand into Theo’s blinking them back to his office. “That mission was a success however. And I believe your training was as well.” He sat down, pulling his lover into his lap. “You handled yourself really well. You almost made me believe you were a young boy.” The vampire smirked.
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
Theodore just chuckled softly at the contact. What had he been worried about- of course Viper would know exactly how to handle the situation. All of his uneasiness seemed to have just evaporated into thin air. He was reminded yet again of how unbelievably happy he was to be the one that was special to the other. 
"Mmm, I'm fine," he smiled back at the hunter, holding onto the hand that cupped his face with his own. Theodore felt sort of happy that Viper was worried about him. After all, the hunter never really showed much emotion, even to him. "I wasn't in any danger anyways because you were there for me right?"
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He leaned into nuzzle against the other's chest. It was warm to the touch and it acted as a relaxant to everything that he just witnessed. Though all foreign to him, he really did believe that everything would be alright because Viper was standing next to him.
"That was terrible of you to trick someone so helpless," he teased with another chuckle. "But I guess he had it coming huh?"
Viper chuckled again, but paused to wrap an arm around Theodore’s waist, assuring him there was no chance of letting the nightmare go free. “Swen, I assume you are kidding. You know very well there is no way I am letting you go free.” He couldn’t help but chuckle again, which immediately made Swen’s smirk fade.
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"Then there is no way you are getting any information from me." Swen said with a slight growl. "If I do not go free, I will not speak a word of Ares, or the doctor. So I guess you have a dire choice to make do you not?"
Viper continued to chuckle, but stopped to smirk down at the paralyzed nightmare. “Nay. You see, I can get the information one of two ways. The poison I injected into your body will be killing you in less than an hour now.” The look on the nightmare’s face turned frightened. “Aye, it is not only a paralyzing venom. It is poison. I have the antidote, and I will cure you if you tell me. If you refuse, I will use my illusions to force your energy to show me their meeting place. So really, it is a dire choice you have to make.”
The nightmare seemed to fight with himself for a few minutes eternally before finally giving in. “Fine.” He replied with a growl. “They are meeting in the abandoned light house in Utanthia. Being the kings pet I assume you know where that is.”
"Aye, I do." Viper felt satisfied with that answer, he then pulled a vile from his pocket. Leaning down he tipped it into the nightmare’s mouth, emptying it. When that was finished, he touched Swen’s shoulder and blinked him into one of the castle’s cells.
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Viper turned back to Theodore, cupping his cheek. “You are alright, aye? He did not hurt you while you were in the house?”
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
Rosier was horrified. He raped the love of his life? He had no recollection of doing anything of the sort- after all, following his separation with Clouis, the sin was sent to imprisonment. The sin knew clearly that it was his father's doing, if not anyone else's. But he could hardly believe that his father would go to such extents- moreover defile what mattered to him most.
"W-Wait, Clouis! You are mistaken, please believe me-," he reached out his hand to touch the elder, but restrained himself as punishment for not foreseeing something that should have been obvious. His father wasn't a man that would simply let his case go without making sure there were no loose ends. "I am sorry. I have hurt you by not noticing all this time, and I have no excuses. But I want to let you know, my love, that I have not done any of the sort to you. I treasure you more than enough to even fathom of... raping you. You should have known that."
Rosier knew immediately he had to speak with his father. He couldn't forgive him, laying his hands on someone he knew was so precious to the sin. Rosier couldn't have cared less if he was his blood related parent or not- he would find justice for Clouis. It was the least that he could do.
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"Believe what you wish, but I would assume that was my father's doing..." he clenched his fists tightly and gave a frustrated sigh. "And I could not do anything to protect you, I'm sorry, my love. It would be understandable if you wished never to see me ever again."
"T-That’s what hurts most… I love you e-even though you… you…" He couldn’t get the word out, saying it brought back the memories, and it was just too awful. But he had to say it. Clearly Rosier was hoping hat he had forgotten. "E-even though you… raped me. I love you even though y-you tainted me. M-Made me impure." 
He curled tighter into his ball, as if trying to disappear from the room completely, but there was no escaping it. Fate would find them eventually find them and make bad things happen, like always. “Y-You are going to d-do it again are you not? Y-You came to m-make me fall from grace. I-I was finally starting to b-be happy…”
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
If he lets the nightmare go? Would that really be a good idea? Theodore had suspicions about that. After all, it could have been a trap. As much gratitude as the newborn had to the man for reminding him of the childhood that he always wished for, Theodore strangely enough felt terrified that he would then prey on children again like he had planned to tonight to himself.
Maybe having a taste of what normal children went through made him sympathetic, or perhaps it was because he began to understand what being loved by someone really felt like. Either way, he knew letting the Nightmare go wasn't the best idea.Theodore gently tugged onto Viper with an uneasy expression.
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That wasn’t a surprise to Swen. He knew Dr. Blaine kidnapped lots of demons before to fuel is research. Though he didn’t know much about the current king himself. He had been under Blaine care for years now. “So is that the only reason I’m being interrogated? To learn more about Blaine?”
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Viper smirked. “Do you honestly thing I would waste my time with that mad doctor?” He shook his head. “No, I am here because I believe he may know where the kings brother is. Ares. You are one of Dr. Blaine’s most trusted experiments. Clearly since he lets you leave the facility. You much know about Ares.”
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Swen managed to smirk. “I do know of him. He dropped off a very pretty little angel off to us just the other day. Pity the angel won’t be that for much longer.” The nightmare was clearly trying to piss Viper off, but Viper remained calm. “If you think I know where he is hiding however. I do not. I do know that he is going to meet Blaine again in a more public setting. I can tell you where that is, if you let me go.”
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
"But yours are really pretty too why do you say that-" he caught himself mid-way through the compliment. "I mean... Never mind."
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"And don't say embarrassing stuff like that, it's creepy," he retorted, looking away when the fairy took a seat. He felt a little flustered, having someone who couldn't see claim that there was no way he couldn't be beautiful. It was far from what the bunny was used to. "B-But I guess it's fine... if it's you. Though it's I'm not at all pretty in the first place so that's impossible."
Faeyn chuckled. “Zere are wingz more beautiful zen mine.” He said honestly as he sat back down across from the bunny. “Will vous let moi see vous now?” He asked, tilting his head slightly to the side. He wanted to prove to the boy that he was as beautiful as his name. “Zat way we can both be pretty.” He said giving the other a small smile.
His eyes narrowed for a moment and gazed up at the tree. He couldn’t see anything of course, but he could hear someone coming. He wasn’t the only one who lived in the invisible village in the tree. Someone wasn’t happy that he showed another what he was. Faeyn didn’t care however, he was never good at following rules.
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
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Rosier had a hard time keeping up what Clouis had told him. Impure? Clouis nearly died- and because of him? He understood that his father torn him away from his love but he hadn't heard anything else. Surely he hadn't done anything... that he remembered of at least.
"Hold on Clouis, I do believe am truly unforgivable for leaving your side, but unfortunately I do not have an idea what you are talking about... I made you an impure?" he was beginning to feel uneasiness build up within his chest. The sin had a few ideas of what may have happened and all of them, his father would've been the cause. "Please reconsider- I would never hurt you, Clouis... I love you more than anything, you are dearest to me and I was sure you know that better than anyone. Even now, I still yearn for you to be by my side forever after dreading all these long years... I do not seem to recall ever doing anything that would sadden you like such."
"Has even you... eventually come to detest me?" a pained expression plastered on his face, head tilting downwards apologetically. "Right, I was a fool to believe you would continue to love me back after so long... I must have done something terribly wrong all those times when I had the chance."
He really was trying to hurt him, acting like nothing had happened. Sprouting those awful lies about feelings. Rosier never loved him. He just used him, tainted him. It was because of Rosier he almost died.
"Y-You tainted me Rosier." He managed to get out through sobs after he removed his mask and tossed it aside. "You used me, made me impure. Y-you are awful! I-It is because of y-you that I need medicated air to live. It is b-because of you I nearly died! Why a-are you here?"
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He begged, glancing up at the sin, however it was too painful to look so he lowered his head again. He was finally happy. Up here instead of a demon. Instead of tainted. He was happy as an elder, he felt needed. But now… Maybe that was why. He was getting too happy, and fate had to put him back in his place.
"H-Have you not hurt me enough?"
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
"Who am I?" he momentarily smirked at the question. Who did this person think he was, talking to the prince of sin like that. Not only that, but talking to his lover as if they were close. His cold glare returned. "Who the hell are you? Clouis is mine, don't touch him again or I'll kill you myself." 
Although the sin had been locked up for a while, he studied angelic knowledge secretly with the help of his own connections. If there was one thing he learned, it would be the basics of angelic transportation and it's faults. Rosier quickly followed after Clouis' footsteps.
He arrived at the room which he presumed was Clouis'. The air made him slightly lightheaded, but disregarded it as he found his love crouched in a corner. He sighed, still as confused as he had been moments ago.
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"...Clouis," he muttered, trying his best not to startle his love. "Have I... done something to upset you? I know I've left you for longer than I would have liked, but my feelings for you are still as strong as they were."
The hatred towards the assistant sparked a memory of the night he was tainted. So much anger… He didn’t think Rosier could have that much anger, at least not towards him. He had known what the demon was, but he thought it was love, he thought it was real. The memory gave him enough fear to snap him out of it, and orb back to his room. He was so afraid. What was he doing here? He had to call for help but he was so scared to leave his room.
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He crawled into a corner, pulling his knees to his chest. He hoped the sin didn’t know enough to follow his orbs before the vanished. That was one thing bad about angelic teleportation. The orbs stayed behind long enough for anyone to jump in an follow. Maybe being a dark demon would make that knowledge unknown to Rosier.
The assistant was so shocked, by the Sins outburst that he obeyed and dropped his head, but reached out again when he saw Clouis leave. “Sir!” He called, the shot a glare towards the other. He was a scared little assistant, but no one had the right to talk to an elder like that. “Who are you? Do I have to call the guards?”
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
"Clouis-" Rosier had a smile for a moment, but quickly faded as he noticed the tears in his love's eyes. Now he was confused. Had he did something that caused the other to feel so saddened?  The sin had no memory of such. Sure it was unfair to have left his love for so long, but he had no choice... It was his father that made that decision for him. "I-I came to see you like I promised... was it a bad time?" 
He then glanced over to the assistant- his filthy hands touching what was supposed to belong to himself. It angered him. He should have been Clouis' comfort, by his side. The distance that time put between them added onto the hatred that derived from his endless jealousy. 
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"Get out, and take your filthy hands off of him," he darkly glared at the assistant. "I'd like to speak with him alone, you're in the way."
Clouis was alerted to Rosier’s presence when the floor beneath the other creaked when he took the step back. Curious, Clouis moved to the door to get a look. “You can come in you know, I will try not to take up the whol—” He didn’t get to finish his sentence however, because as he opened the door, the face that greeted him was one he had nightmares about for decades. “N-No..” He mutter weakly, taking a few steps back as his eyes filled with tears.
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Why was he here? Did he not get enough the first time? Did he hear that Clouis was Elder now and had to come here to make him fall from grace? How could he do this? Hadn’t he hurt him enough.
"Sir Clouis?" The assistant, put his hand on the Elder’s shoulder. He was now frozen in sadness and fear. "Sir, what is it?
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
Any ring of his love's name would've reached Rosier's ears, and this time was no exception. He immediately glanced to the door which hadn't been completely closed off to listen in carefully. It was Clouis- but there were a few questions that ran through Rosier's mind. Why would oxygen kill him? The sin didn't remember his love to have any issues with it before- what happened? 
Unable to hold in his urge, shifted his eyes over to take a glimpse inside the door. He was glad, it was the same Clouis he'd known. The diligent, caring individual that he had loved for so long inside his cellar. But why was he wearing a mask? Perhaps something drastic had happened without his knowing? It wouldn't be at all surprising considering the time frame which he spent away from everything, alone.
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"I should be back now, I only promised myself a glimpse..." The sin sighed as he took a step back, but only that. Rosier missed his love more than anything- he wanted more. He didn't know when would be the his next opportunity... but Clouis seemed preoccupied. Perhaps he'd watch over him until he wasn't so busy.
"Sir Clouis." A voice inside the library called. The door was slightly open, and not too far from the sin who was walking by. "Are you sure, I know you are more comfortable in your room Sir. I can bring you the books you’re looking for." The assistant said, in a worried tone.
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Clouis chuckled slightly and removed his mask so he could speak. “You worry to much. I only need one more book and then I will return.a few minutes of oxygen will not kill me.” He put the mask back on and moved over to another set of shelves.
It was true that his room within the castle had medicated air similar to what his mask gave off, but being stuck in that room so often made him feel like a caged bird. 
"Besides, you really should take a break. You work too hard."
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
It had been a while since Rosier's gotten permission from his father outside of Pryholt realm. Being imprisoned for decades... something he didn't particularly fancy, but it was a given. There would have been no way that anyone would have supported his relationship with a pure. Would he still even be remembered by his beloved? It was strange- the prince had not even received a single notice all this time.
Rosier stepped his first foot into Aniova for the first time in a long while. If his father had found out his plans to reunite with his beloved, he'd surely be imprisoned for another century. Cautiously walking about around the castle, he had hoped he'd catch if not just a glimpse of the angel. What were his odds?
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"...Perhaps it was a wasted trek after all," he sighed. "My father certainly would not be pleased when I return-..."
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
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"A... fairy," he muttered. As he thought about it, the more it made sense that the other could 'see' to a certain extent. It had been poking at his interest. The rabbit had never been more captivated by another.
Cosette couldn't deny it, he could have sworn it was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Rather, he found it hard to believe something so stunning could have been a demon. The rabbit caught himself staring at the sight, only to realize too that the other had been half naked. Cosette found Faeyn attractive, that much he would admit.
"They're so pretty," the rabbit said quietly, a genuine smile crept onto his lips as he gazed in awe.
"Telling vous requirez trust. Vous letting moi zee vous alzo requirez trust. If I show vous zat I trust vous wit know what I am, zen vous should trust moi az well~" He gave the other another warm smile before standing up.
To show Cosette what type of being he was, he needed to reove his shirt. His wings were tied down and hidden. So to not scare the boy he slowly undid the buttons, letting it drop when he was done.
Around his chest were bandages. The kind someone would wear when their ribs were bruised. Slowly he began to unwrap those. As they became loose and gaps began to show, through them was a gold and green glow. Until finally he had finished. The bandages dropped to the ground with his shirt, and he stretched out his fairy wings to show cosette what he was.
"Zis iz moi~"
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parallelistic-persona · 10 years
"Wha-," The other had been asking to see him? That's what he had been trying to do before? Cosette didn't know what to say- he couldn't have just obliged to such an embarrassing thing... But he didn't hate it, and he was sure Faeyn didn't see it as something strange anyways. The other simply wanted to see how he looked like, right?
"S-Sorry, I was just a little surprised, that's all. You didn't have to stop-..." Now he was contradicting himself. It was unusual for the rabbit to apologize to someone. He usually was far too stubborn to. He shut his eyes tight, hoping that his embarrassment would pass. The rabbit had been acting strangely, and it had something to do with how Faeyn was treating him. "You don't have to, it's a really important secret right?"
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He bit down onto his own lip, "I wouldn't want you to suddenly get hunted down or anything because of me..."
He had only just place his fingertips on the others skin when Cosette said to stop. The fairy frowned again and dropped his hands. He in no way meant to startle the other, so he didn’t want to do anything else to upset the boy. “Je suis désolé.” He said with a light sigh. “I did not mean to make vous upset. I only wished to zee vous.” Sometimes it was a pain being blind.
“‘Ow about we make a deal?” He smiled a little again, Faeyn had no idea if this would work but it was worth a shot. “I will show vous ze real moi. zen you can let me zee vous. Oui?” 
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