parancico · 8 years
like for a starter ??
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parancico · 8 years
“You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness.” (Devoutdeviantus)
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      HE’S NOT GLANCING up; no, no. he wouldn’t DARE give him the pleasure of locking gazes. “Shut up,” he snaps, not in the mood for one of his life quotes. It was absolutely annoying. 
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parancico · 8 years
like for a starter ??
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parancico · 8 years
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parancico · 8 years
me, rereading my own writing: My Guy, Have You Ever Met A Semicolon You Did Not Immediately Take To Bed; Have You Ever Heard Of Ending Sentences, Pal; Why Do You Just Spend All Your Time Caressing Semicolons As You Make Sweet Love To Them; Learn How To Use Commas And Conjunctions You Semicolon Fucker
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parancico · 8 years
i hope you choke yourself with your scarves
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   “ did i touch a nerve ~ ?? ”
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parancico · 8 years
     She bites her lip at his words, nervous by what he says. But when he agrees, her face lights up in a cute smile. She chirrups,
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“Yay! Thank you!”
     She moves closer to him, excited. She’d been asking for him to show her if he could bake stuff. She wanted to help him cook. She wasn’t sure why, but here she was again.
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            CAN YOU SEE the non-existent smile on his face ?? the way he happily skips into the never before used kitchen room ?? & the lively glow in his crimson orbs; the softening look on his features as he glances at her over his shoulder ?? what was that ??  you say you don’t see it ??  GOOD. BECAUSE IT’S NOT THERE. 
                “ wash your hands first and tell me what you want me to make you. ” 
              AS IF HE needed her help, but even if she asked, he knows he’ll say yes. he always does. that’s how it works. she does something. he denies it & tries putting a stop to it, but she gets her way anyways ... how could that be ?? 
        “ ... and keep your distance from me,” he grounds out, shooting her a quick glare.
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parancico · 8 years
Send me ‘Kiss’ and my muse will kiss yours somewhere according to their feelings for your muse!
Touching Meme: Kiss Addition!
Kiss on the forehead: Parental/Familial love
Kiss on the eyelids: You make me sad/Upset
Kiss on the nose: You make me happy
Kiss on the cheek: Platonic love/Friendship/Attraction
Kiss on the lips: Romantic love/Attraction
Kiss on the neck: I want you/You are mine
Kiss over the heart: I am connected to you
Kiss over the wrist: I think you are beautiful/I find you attractive
Kiss over the back of the hand: Respect/Admiration/Reverence
Kiss on the palm of the hand: I am yours/I know you have me
Kiss on the knuckles: Protectiveness
Kiss on the fingertips: I care about you
Kiss on the nails: I want to hurt you/You've hurt me
Kiss on the stomach: Sexual attraction/Desire
Kiss on the knees: I want to support you
Kiss on the feet: Fealty/Loyalty/Servitude/Submission
Almost kiss: Interest/Curiosity
No kiss: Indifference/I don’t know you
Bite: Dislike/Hate/Resentment/Enmity
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parancico · 8 years
hi my name is soul eater and i have snowy white hair and blood red eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me i look like wes evans (AN: if u don’t know who that is get da hell out of here!) i’m not related to maka albarn but i wish i was because she’s a major fucking hottie. i’m also a pianist, and i live in death city in the desert where i’m a weapon (i’m thirteen). i’m a cool guy (in case you couldn’t tell) and i wear mostly skinny jeans. for example today i was wearing my mustard yellow varsity jacket with a white headband and tight crimson pants, lots of axe body spray and black and yellow combat boots. i was walking around the dwma. i was underground at the sealed shrine so there was no sun, which i was very happy about. the kishin asura stared at me. i put my middle finger up at him.
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parancico · 8 years
❀||–“Me? Well M'names Frog, Boss.”
Frog inhales, a hand lifting to hold her chin in thought.
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❀||–“Well to be honest, you’re a little suspicious–Ribbit. But..Yeah, I can certainly try to help ya, Boss. What’s this girl of yours look like? Hey, hey, hey now, is this girl, THE girl? Awe, that’s mighty adorable, Boss!”
AND there she goes, hopping to conclusions again.
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       “ what ?? no !! that’s disgusting. she’s a witch. why on earth would i - ?? ”
          NO. HE’LL STOP thinking about it. it’ll only give him nightmares; he cringes one last time & pulls out a tattered paper, folded too many times, & scribbled on by the strongest warlord whenever he came up with new information about the witch; he’s been hunting her for days, & he’s been in trouble for it because he has caught her before, but she slipped through his grasp. a humiliating defeat. he can’t face the other warlords until he redeems himself. 
          “ nevermind that. here’s a picture of her. she’s known as the WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST. maybe you’ve seen her ?? wears a pointy hat and silver shoes ?? old age ... ?? ” he trails with a questioning stare.
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parancico · 8 years
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                                                                                                                      His eyes remained  cold, bathing in what was akin to the bitter cold of the arctic ocean, letting everything that dared to get too close drown in frostiness  . (Pride was never worn so well) , the  grand authority  tilted his head,  gaze slowly drifting upwards to watch the shining graces above, only slowly sinking once more to look at what was his most adored shard  . He wanted to be  even more offended  . But he just could not stay  m a d  at his most beloved,  his cold expression slowly softened, to his great displeasure he even started to chuckle. More a huff than a chuckle  . The  ancient one  walked up to his son,  gently cupping his chin with two of his fingers  .
“ Did you just call me  pretty  ? You could have went with  prideful  at least.  You rascal  . ”
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        ONCE UPON A time, asura wanted him GONE, so how did it come to this ?? how did asura grow to LOVE him ?? death is selfish, so selfish; a bastardly, son of a -- he’s never hated someone so much !! putting all his fears into him drove him mad... & angry. SO ANGRY. he still remembers throwing death heated glares, clouded with rage, wanting him DEAD; giving him a hard time by being a little shit in the most surreptitious manner.
                         ( wow, how are you still alive ?? ) 
          THIS MUST BE THE POWER OF LOVE. this. right here. & damn does it feel nice.
          “ nooo, that’s not how it works,” he snickers. & yes, yes he did just call him pretty; there’s no stopping the astute fragment. he knows he has his father wrapped around his finger, & he was told to USE HIS VOICE, so he is. no harm, no foul, right ?? “ oo, you want to smile. i know you do. just do it. or should i go on ?? i can go on and i can call you more lovely things~ so, don’t test me or i will bite. ”
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parancico · 8 years
“people lie all the time.”
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“That’s cuz the world is a piece of shit filled with shitty-ass people trying to get through their shitty-ass lives. It don’t make it okay, it just makes it normal. Fuck normal, I’m sick of the status fucking quo. The status is not quo. Fuck that too!”
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parancico · 8 years
shinigamikiddo replied to your post: meanwhile asura’s making everything look...
“Don’t get mad, get glad.”
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    “ GET lost. ”
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parancico · 8 years
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 meanwhile asura’s making everything look asymmetrical. 
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parancico · 8 years
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Tilting her head to the side, the half demon simply stared back at the stranger while she stayed in place. Honestly, it was pure coincidence that they would stumble paths with each other as she had no real intent to meet anyone. Drawing a paper from her pocket and a pen from the other, she begun to scribble down a message before twisting the note into a crane origami. Flinging it towards the the man, she tugged a smile from her lips.
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       WITHOUT A PROBLEM,  he catches it. long & slender fingers brush over the smoothness of the paper. a small work of art ( cute even !! ) , but he saw her compose something inside it. & the shrewd monster quickly unravels the setting: she’s mute. 
                                                     ( but is she really ?? )
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         “ .... ?? ”         
           HE LIFTS HIS chin & takes a quick glance at her soul; naturally, his gifted abilities help him perceive whether the smile she weaves is genuine or not. years of practice helps, too. past experiences. former alliances. yes, he doesn’t trust easily. he can’t anymore. slowly, he opens up the origami ( a shame, he liked the shape it took ) & glances down to read the message she’s written. 
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parancico · 8 years
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                there must be sunshine in your veins,                for how else could your smile burn so                                             BRIGHT?
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parancico · 8 years
I am someone who did not die when I should have died.
Anne Carson, from Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides (via violentwavesofemotion)
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