parasol-culture-is · 5 months
autassassinophile culture is Craving to be fucked killed and dumped in the woods.
para culture is
obligatory A/N: we do not support romantic/sexual contact with animals/children/corpses. this is not a place for abusers or murderers.
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parasol-culture-is · 5 months
not exactly sure how to format this as a “_ culture is”, but it’s a strange experience to be a para that doesn’t fit stereotypes. i was afab, i’m queer but straight-passing, i’m fairly conventionally attractive, and i shy away from sexual topics around others. so i just kinda have to sit there and play along when someone, who i know has a crush on me, jokes about how she’s afraid of dating men because they might be into weird stuff. maybe her fear of accidentally dating paras isn’t so unfounded after all, because she has absolutely no idea that i am one.
para culture is
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parasol-culture-is · 5 months
Para culture is acceptance and recovery.
I repressed my urges for so long, I hated myself, and in the end it hurt me beyond words. When I found this community I was afraid to be hurt again. But after a while I started to heal.
Para culture is learning to cope, whether it be through fiction, through art, or just through talking it out on anon blogs like this.
I'm still scared of my feelings, but less now. I've learned that instead of reacting with disgust I write about them, draw about them, talk about them. It is still hard but less now.
Para culture is waking up and feeling sun on your face through your window and for the first time in years not flinching away, believing such beautiful things aren't meant for beasts like you. Para culture is self love and slow healing.
para culture is!
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parasol-culture-is · 5 months
Para culture is wanting to make friends with people and bond over paraphilic disorders without trying to remember all the emoji codes, label terms, and such. I am a person not 💅🏻😅🪱😂👉🏻🟡💕❤️😞🔏 queer blanket queer radqueer sunset para whatever. I don't see these same issues if I just talk about my OCD or anxiety.
para culture is
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parasol-culture-is · 6 months
zoo culture and transpeice culture is wishing you could be a dog so it would feel as wrong as wanting a romantic relationship with a dog but also just wishing to be a dog as you find the idea of being a dog nicer and brings you joy :3 qwq
(Dont know if tranids are allowed qwq)
para culture is!
obligatory A/N: we do not support romantic/sexual contact with animals/children/corpses. this is not a place for abusers.
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parasol-culture-is · 6 months
🦊 <- so i can find it later
para culture is feeling slightly guilty for having sensual attractions to your close cousins, but in the same vain cherishing moments with them.
i cant help it man they're cute lol
para culture is!
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parasol-culture-is · 6 months
Para culture is pro-c’s ruins everything and makes others think that all paraphiles are bad and abusive.
para culture is!
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parasol-culture-is · 6 months
Proshipper para culture is being tired of seeing other proshippers have "zoos/MAPs DNI"
proship para culture is!
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parasol-culture-is · 6 months
I just wanted to say I really love seeing another pro-para 0bj3ctu/m. I often feel so hated by 0bj3ctu/m for my "other" (I don't really consider it a paraphilia though it technically is, just my personal identification since it's more than that to me.) paraphilias/attraction. And then the other paraphilias cannot comprehend liking 0bj3ctz so I'm now the "weirdo" / "mentally ill" or they assume my 0bj3ctu/m and my other are linked so I'm "objectifying" (meaning in a bad way) other attracted group. When the only "link" is my brain happens to have those attractions. I'm not attracted to X paraphilia because of Y paraphilia or attracted to Y paraphilia because of X paraphilia. I'm not attracted to X or Y because of whatever reason as far as I'm concerned (haven't seen any shared traits beyond I just happen to love both). It's just how my brain appears to be wired to be. So. This was half a vent and half a "thanks for being openly pro-para 0bj3ctu/m"!
thank you!! it is so weird seeing objectums/objectophiles so anti other paraphilias tbh
Also please do not censor words like that in asks, it messes up Tumblrs filtering functions and can be hard to read. We do not care if our posts end up in searches for things, other folks can block us and move on if they do not like what we post.
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parasol-culture-is · 6 months
Hi I'm a radqueer who's trying to figure out if a pro-para anti-transx space would be better for him. Is it okey if I ask you some questions related to this? Or do u know another better would could answer them better? /gq /nf
you can ask on our main blog @parasol-objectum if you'd like! Fair warning we are biased against tranabled/trace/transharm(ed/ful) as we are not fond of them ourselves. Just keep that bias in mind, we dont have a DNI for folks who are that way and this blog allows them to send asks as longs as it's kept on topic.
We will tag it as whatever transid it is, so for filtering purposes folks who wish to not see it can block the #transid tag or block specific ones since we will use both
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parasol-culture-is · 6 months
Para culture is it always being about the big 3 and shit and not being any of them but still being a paraphile with potential dangerous attractions and being weird about it
para culture is!
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parasol-culture-is · 8 months
Anti-proship para culture is being scared of anti-proship communities because half of them think you're okay with fucking dogs, but also being scared of proship/pro-para communities because half of them romanticize their disorder
para culture is
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parasol-culture-is · 8 months
Para culture is finally starting to accept and come to terms with being a necrophile and learning it doesn't mean I'm the same as my abuser because I'm anti-contact and would never desecrate a body or kill someone myself because I do have morals and I do choose to be good and the people who hurt me did choose to be evil and were consciously aware of their decisions. Struggling to find acceptance even within pro-para spaces for being someone with one of the big three as a disorder and not being able to control bodily and mental reactions to specific situations. Being scared someone will find out and then try to hurt you for it and being scared of the people online who are pushing for real contact. Also having it be caused by trauma around it and being scared because people only know of child predators having human (living) victims and people assuming that no people get assaulted by animals or other people using the dead to assault others in some fucked up way, and so little people believe why I am one and what even happened to make me like this.
para culture is
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parasol-culture-is · 8 months
Questioning big 3 culture is spending a day sitting in self hatred and fear, not knowing how to deal with this possibility.
para culture is
obligatory A/N: we do not support romantic/sexual contact with animals/children/corpses. this is not a place for abusers.
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parasol-culture-is · 8 months
OCD para culture is looking at paras you actually have and going “but do I actually like it or am I faking it to be different” and looking at paras you don’t have and going “but what if I actually have this and what if denying it means I’m a danger to others”. Bonus might-be-ocd-but-doesn’t-sound-like-my-usual-ocd: on both ends you also get “what if everyone secretly can tell I actually have this para and they hate me for it”
para culture is
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parasol-culture-is · 8 months
anti-contact culture is seeing how normalized it is for people to treat their pets like shit and just thinking 'wow but im the dangerous one'
para culture is
obligatory A/N: we do not support romantic/sexual contact with animals/children/corpses. this is not a place for abusers.
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parasol-culture-is · 9 months
traumatized (anti-c) para culture is wanting to find ways to cope like using fiction and being proship but knowing everyone will despise you and leave you if you do, even if you explain to them that it literally helps you vent out things :(
para culture is
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