parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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Good grief!
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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Draw your OCs Like this 
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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Wait, shouldn’t I color his bandana on waist like the other two??? 
New canon Fro coming along, just the colors I need so he wont stand much but look different. Work in progress. Should write bio soon.
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
hue hue, now to think of precious son... I mean
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
Just wanted this out of my head, because all of this started in a dream 3 years ago....
Three: Kylo , Ostara, Argus (provisional)
All @ Age: 15
Kylo is a young male, coffee-brown hair, 5′6″, light-green eyes, small slender body. Dresses really covered, always with a sweater mostly due to his self-esteem, which is due to many factors in his life. Even though he is rather shy in crowded situations, one-on-one dialouge Kylo is more open about himself. He had a rough past, and an unwilling father who takes care of him, from time to time. The situation between his father is not the best, mainly because every time Kylo asks for his mother, his father either quickly changes the subject or gets occupied by something else. Therefore, he resents the man and calls him “Sir” in a mocking tone. Despite his hardships, it was his father that found him his best friends, Ostara and Argus when he was at a younger age.
Ostara is a young female, blonde-white hair, 5′8″, clear sky-blue eyes, medium fit build. Dressed as whatever fits her mood for the day, she is the most peppy, demanding, but rather assertive in things she deems just. An excellent leader, she is the most friendly and mature of the three, and the one who usually organizes for the trio. Ostara’s relationship with the adults of the world is negative, as she seems to be the one well-informed of the struggles of the current world. However, she finds her mother to be exceptional, and sometimes makes Kylo regret his actions towards his negative views on his father, as both Ostara and Kylo have single-parents, both with different views about them.
Argus is a young male, black-hair, 5′9″, brownish-reddish eyes, well-developed body. Wearing more formal attire, fit for school, he often hides himself from the crowd, despite being the more popular one, ironically. Rather having to deal with others, he feels more relaxed with the other two, as all three were childhood friends, both needed in a time of great struggle for him. Orphaned, alone, and tired from what was going on outside of the circle of trio’s life, he is the one who ponders more towards the past than anyone else. Even if his negative views sometimes conflict of those of Ostara, the realism of them get the best of her, in which Kylo intervenes for it to be a draw. Despite his attitude, Argus is the one who takes care of Kylo as a brother, although both know that Ostara is the ‘mother’ of the group.
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
(Without spoiling much)
Kylo is the protagonist of the story and by the most part, he would be the main focus of things. I want the story of his experiances to be at a more emotional level than physical, just to get more in touch with his ‘humanity’ than anything else. He really doesn’t know anything solid about his father’s past, and doesn’t bring it up ever as it is something like a taboo. One thing he is adament about is the whereabouts of his mother, trying time from time to make his father answer, all of this while the man is usually not home and away. At the same time, he begins to slowly open up to the current world’s problems, once ignoring it for his selfishness and now with a certain event, was absorbed into it.
Kylo’s relatioship with Ostara and Argus was something more like a beautiful tradegy. Argus’s parents were dead by the age of 6, leaving him very much alone for more than half his lifetime. Ostara only has her mother by her side, watching her taking on both parents responsibilities, and in response grew more closer to her and as a role model. In mutual loss and the kowing of each other’s struggle, Kylo, Ostara, and Argus became friends on the first week of school in kindergarden, all three were the last to leave class and the whole school, waiting for their respected guardians to pick them up. In this unusual light, Kylo was the first to speak to them and from there on they became close due to the common loss of their parents. Kylo’s father did know both of Argus’s parents, but like his past, he doesn’t mention about it, almost trying to hide something from both of them. He certainly does treat the other two more better than Kylo, his own son, usually even opening up more to him due to the fact Kylo’s dad didn’t want to seem rude. Up to their first year at secondary school, they still remain the trio that they have started and surely will end.
Set in a world mostly similar to ours but years advance, the world grows steadilly corrupt every day but much of it is either ignored by censorsship or passed off as something rather small, as it is the norm. Of course, some regions of this world are better off than others, in which corruption could be lied to the masses easier than those of the poor which see everything first hand. But that isn’t the main issue, more like a piece to a puzzle, a key to unlock a better place for them to live. This issue isn’t found out by the three of them until the beginning of their adolecense, in which slowly the adult world they found full of mystery is open up to them by both strangers and familiars alike, not all to their idea of what it was.
In this world, there are two types of people, one born normal and plain, another born with power and responsibility. Although the majority of the population is considered normal, most of the ‘elite’ are born with power, something the Normals see as unfair and cause for indirect-favoritism. The reason being that these people born with power actually represent the olden ways of humanity, something lost as the evolution of mankind progress (instead of calling the powers they optain as evolution, humans considered them more in tone with nature). With the common knowledge of this, those that hold onto the ancient power of humans see themselves as pure, and thus this sort of evolutionary-clash begins. Even though it seems like a big deal going on throughout the world, the majority don’t really see a problem, and that is were the issue begins.
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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-puts another thing in the pile of work-
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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((Already thinks of an AU for the 3rd option from this game.))
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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Anywhere he travels, Froy would plant a bunch of forget-me-not, regardless of the soil and weather. It’s a promise he made to himself, to remind the commitment in his relationship with Amelia, since forget-me-not is her favorite flower.
And with each and every single letter he sends home, there would be a small branch of the flower itself. An indication of the phrase “remember me,” symbolizing his faithful love and memories.
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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AmoFro drawing I commissioned from pingass! Thank you so much for taking the commission, everything is beyond perfect!! _(:3 」∠ )_
Do not use / repost - no permission will be granted.
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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I saw two more reposts and decided it was time
Artist Bingo for the many ways artists get screwed over
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
-looks at old Hinoka art-
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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Man, I went through hell changing so many things.... I’ll add details later... for now... sleep.... --o-- zzzZZZ
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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Hi! I’m currently doing commission, to save up for a trip to visit my partner among other stuffs. I’ve remastered old chart (yet again) for easy viewing.
More examples: Flat coloring || Full coloring || Chibi || Commission tag
Extra prices that I will negotiate: May charge extras for heavily accessorized characters (piercings, belts, jewelries, outfit, armor, tattoos, etc.): ranging from $5 to $25 (will be discussed) Complicated backgrounds: $15 - $25 Animal and mascot character (per character): $15 - $25
Notes/Rules (!!!)
♦ I’ll be have limited slots! Though I will not give out a list of commission(er)! If slots are filled, I will decline your commission. ♦ Slots will be undated on my sidebar in FAQ. section from now. ♦ When I state price per character, I mean for each character you want me to draw, I will charge at that price. (If you want me to draw two characters, it will be price x2. Three? Price x3) ♦ A commission is limited to 3 characters max! ♦ Keep in mind that it may take a while (Possibly more than one month if life obligation kicks in) for me to complete your commission. ♦ Do NOT send me any money before I agree to your terms! ♦ I’ll inform you before I start the commission. Payment is required before the work. ♦ Ask me about your commission’s progress via email! But please not so often as to be overbearing! ♦ I’d appreciate that the commission is for personal/ non-commercial use only. ♦ I’ll show you the step-by-step WIPs if you prefer so. I’ll happily do small changes after coloring, but if you want big change, it’d be extra charge.
I’m willing to draw fan arts, and original characters (with reference) couples, action pose, etc; BUT character design from scratch with your description, nsfw, mecha, really large and complex animal like a dragon perhaps.
How to contact/order:
Place order with [email protected]
My Paypal is [email protected]
I only accept payments in USD made through PayPal. (Pay with send money > to my email > no address needed! Or else Paypal starts asking for shipping.)
Contact me and ask questions via ask/fanmail.
I aim save up a reasonable amount before June, so signal boost/ reblogs would be much appreciated. Thank you for taking your time!
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parasyte-of-maximun · 9 years
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SSLLOOWWLLYY getting things done~
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parasyte-of-maximun · 10 years
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Just wanted to give a small update on the pieces I have been working on.... yeah sorry for not updating but I’m trying real hard to get perfect A’s on college for my last semester before transfering. Yeah, have a mix of Fire Emblem with some Final Fantasy.. and my current hell, Kantai Collection. POI!
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