parenting-flags · 9 months
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object familial flag stimboard for @bloodmoon-night !
x | x | x x | o | x x | x | x
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parenting-flags · 9 months
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object parental flag stimboard for @bloodmoon-night!
x | x | x x | o | x x | x | x
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parenting-flags · 10 months
Parental-child attachment disorder Pride
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We made this more for us than anyone else but if anyone wants to use it, it’s here
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parenting-flags · 11 months
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Parental alter; an alter role in which the alter takes a parental or parent-like role in the system. This can be for the purposes of self soothing, reparenting, protecting the system, etc
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parenting-flags · 1 year
Biparental Flag
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Biparenting (biparenthood): a dual multiparental term; two individuals parenting a progeniture and/or having two parents, exclusively or primarily.
It's not exclusive to heteroparental families, it includes two parents of any gender. It can be considered a conformant term. Reminder that it's inclusive of socio-affective families and coparenting.
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parenting-flags · 1 year
Ambiparent Pride Flag
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Ambiparent: a parent that considers themself to be both a mother and a father, for any reason.
In Brazil, it's common for people to use pãe (pai+mãe) denominating ambiparents. This concept is usually used by single parents who share both parental gender roles while parenting, while not essentially being multigender or non-binary at all (but it's useful for them). However, many non-single/nonsolo parents can be this, as many of them parent primarily alone or experience system member plurality. Another reason could be being an intersex parent or transitioner parent.
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parenting-flags · 1 year
Monomaternal Pride Flag
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Monomaternity (solomaternity, unimaternity) or monomotherhood (monomothership/unimothership, unimotherhood, solomotherhood/solomothership): a form of monoparental (uniparental, soloparental) in which someone is parented by only one mother; and/or the state of being a single-mother.
It's the translation of monomarental from Spanish, but I also include self-parented women, sociomaternity/sociomotherhood (not necessarily being biological or consanguineous), and maternities whose filiation is not essentially mother-child (for example, being parented solely by a grandmother or an aunt due to being orphan).
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parenting-flags · 1 year
Monopaternal Pride Flag
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Monopaternity (solopaternity, unipaternity) or monofatherhood (monofathership/unifathership, unifatherhood, solofatherhood/solofathership): a form of monoparental (uniparental, soloparental) in which someone is parented by only one father; and/or the state of being a single-father.
Alternate adjectives: solopaternal, unipaternal.
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parenting-flags · 1 year
Mononaternal Pride Flag
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Mononaternity/monoxaternity (monorentherhood/monorenthership, solonaternity/soloxaternity, solorenthership/solorentherhood, uninaternity/unixaternity, or unirentherhood/unirenthership): the state of being parented solely by a non-binary parent; and/or being a a single-renther.
Alternate adjectival labels: solonaternal, soloxaternal, monoxaternal, unixaternal, uninaternal.
It's also a form of monoparental (monoparenthood/single-parenting)
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parenting-flags · 1 year
Fictionkin AU Family
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With symbol || Without
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Sometimes, another you is just like family! Even if they may be a bit different. Parents, siblings, cousins. Whatever you all decide to be, you're family!
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I don't know what (👥️️) emoji is called but that's the one I used. ^_^"
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parenting-flags · 2 years
During othercon I brought up wanting a polyamorous pack and I want to expand on that here.
I call it "pack attraction" (like familial, romantic, whatever), and it's a form of attraction where I essentially want to form a close found family esque "household" with a bunch of people. I want to form a pack.
By household I mean a single, condensed group. My ideal would clearly be the entire pack living together in a bigish house, but just meeting up often with the entire group would probably be sufficient.
I suppose it could be considered familial attraction, as family is a very broad and all encompassing term. Family shouldn't just mean parents, children, blood relatives, a hierarchy, but to me it does. So I see my attraction as that of a strange pack, a group of people bonded to each other who all care for each other deeply. It's deeply emotional and animalistic for me.
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parenting-flags · 2 years
Pack / Communal Attraction
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Originally coined by @gentleteeth.
A type of attraction centered around a desire to form a community with, or integrate into a community, those one is attracted to. Associated with otherkin / therian packs and flocks, and with communes. Also groups that meet up consistently, like conventions and hobby circles.
May be considered adjacent to familial attraction and often expressed as a type of queerplatonic attraction, but neither association is needed to experience this type of attraction!
Blue - Community
Cyan - Close Bonds
Orange - Hearth & Home
Red - Beastliness
More generally, the flag is also representing a concept of meeting with many others under a bright blue sky.
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parenting-flags · 2 years
If ur still active, can I request a flag for greyfamilial?
yeah v'm still active ? v posted earlier today , vy voidfriend has just been sick and v havent had any ideas (plus also general stress from being in this at times very hellish community) so v havent been coining as much </5
but anyways , here you go , here is your flag :)
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[ Image ID: a flag with 5 horizontal stripes, in order: gold, light gray, white, light gray, and gold. ]
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parenting-flags · 2 years
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Object Familial (left) - Object Parental (right)
Objectum flags for familial attraction and parental attraction! Based on the flags on the wiki.
> ID and PlainText <
Two rectangular flags with five (5) vertical stripes and a central icon.
The first flag has blue, dark indigo, white, very dark lavender, and lavender stripes. The central icon is a red outline of a raindrop, filled in white and overlapping the two adjacent stripes.
The second flag has light purple, pink, white, yellow, and lavender stripes. The central icon is a red outline of a leaf with included stem aligned vertically, filled in white and overlapping the two adjacent stripes.
Object Familial (left) - Object Parental (right)
Objectum flags for familial attraction and parental attraction! Based on the flags on the wiki.
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parenting-flags · 2 years
do you know of any labels that are similar to parental attraction, but where it's wanting to be a parental figure to a specific person, rather than raise a family with someone? i have always had an extremely strong paternal desire/'baby fever' and have cried /pos when friends say they see me as the dad friend or as a paternal figure.
is there any kind of name for this attraction? if not, could you help create one? my only issue with coining it is that maternal/paternal is very gendered, but the non-gendered term is already its own label.
naternal is an alternative to paternal/maternal (N from neutral, also because in alphabet it's a consonant between M and P). filial is also a possibility.
I thought parental attraction used to encompass that too, but you can always coin a specific familial attraction. it could be called parenting attraction (intentionally similar).
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parenting-flags · 2 years
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UPDATED OG adoptee flag from this post: https://beyond-mogai-pride-flags.tumblr.com/post/177150741260/faesaridollie-since-a-lot-of-communities-are
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parenting-flags · 2 years
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Female Father and Male Mother flags!
Flags made by @parenting-flags
Request your own paws!
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