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Post via @beaskaniillas & @petralaiti
You can help by spreading the word of this human rights violation happening in Finland!
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hi! first of all thank you for all your translations and your posts in general it truly feeds the brainworms so very well!!!
i was wondering about how people often talk about "jere from vantaa", what kind of place is vantaa?
also how hard is it to learn suomi because honestly i've kinda fallen for the language heh
Thanks!! 💚
So, Vantaa is a city that's part of the greater Helsinki region (Helsinki is our capital city). I think people that are from Vantaa often think of the as more simple and don't like getting grouped into other Helsinkians (people from Helsinki??? What are they called??). He likes to think he is just an ordinary small-city fellow, not a superstar by any means, and likes to stick to his roots and not make a big deal out of himself.
Vantaa is still an insanely big city, in Finland at least, 243 000 people is A LOT in here 😂 It's a culturally significant place with lots of museums, old churches and architecture, musical festivals, a big-ass science centre... It's now sort of fused in with the rest of the Helsinki metropolitan area, but still has a long and rich history on its own. I'm not a Vantaa expert, wikipedia probably has a way better (and more accurate) answer to that 😂
And what comes to the Finnish language... Well... It's one of the hardest languages to learn in the entire world 😅😅 It has insane grammar, crazy-long words, difficult pronunciation and worst of all, umlauts like å, ä and ö. You really have to have a burning passion for learning it, I won't lie.
The amount of grammatical cases is absolutely bonkers (14, or 15 if you count in accusative) and the rules sometimes contradict each other 😍😍 It really is a horrible language to learn, I'm so happy I'm a native so I don't have to think about it 😂 Also, there are two ways we can speak it, the literary version that is used in more official situations and then the spoken way, which is a sort of a dialect and can sound a bit different. And on top of that, there are even more dialects and regional shit HONESTLY I could talk about how bad it is for days 😂😂
Here's an iconic example of how easy our language is 💚🇫🇮
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Moving to Pillowfort!
You can find me on https://www.pillowfort.io/Nanemo
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This blog is dead !
Main blog here > nanemo
Although because Tumblr is dumb I have to keep this blog to follow and/or ask. If you arrived here because I followed you or asked you something, you should visit my other blog instead.
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Les Frenchlockians seront présents à la Japan Expo 2014 du 2 au 6 Juillet!
Venez nous voir au stand CN37, nous vendons toutes sortes de merch muti-fandom : badges, marques pages, cartes postales, crafts et même un fanbook!
Vous trouverez du Sherlock, Doctor Who, Hannibal,  Shingeki No Kyojin, Kuroko no Basket, Yowamushi Pedal, Teen Wolf, Star trek, Avatar The Last Airbender, Cabin Pressure, Marvel…
N’hésitez pas à passer nous voir, ne serait-ce que pour discuter de fandoms! =)
A très bientôt!
- les Frenchlockians
The Frenchlockians will be at the 2013 Japan Expo / Comic Con in Paris (4th to 7th of July)!
Come and see us at booth CK24, we’ll be selling all sorts of multi-fandom merch : badges, bookmarks, postacards, crafts and even a fanbook!
You’ll find fandoms such as Sherlock, Doctor Who, Hannibal,  Shingeki No Kyojin, Kuroko no Basket, Yowamushi Pedal, Teen Wolf, Star trek, Avatar The Last Airbender, Cabin Pressure, Marvel…
Don’t hesitate to come and talk to us about fandoms!
See you guys soon,
- the Frenchlockians.
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We need YOU to help us with the Japan Expo!
Hello hello dear friends of the internet, corps-exquis speaking!
So as you may or may not know already we’re gonna have a stand at the Japan Expo for the second time! J is taking care of the organization this time (and fuck do I know it’s a shit ton of work but they’re doing great and everything is on track.
Currently we have a stand, we have content, we even have a lot of stuff from last year, but the big problem is we’re getting very short on money. We didn’t get a lot of donations this year and used the money to buy the stand and administration related stuff, but we’re now about 100 euros short to pay for printings, badges and other little things like that. So if we wanna be able to print new things and sell badges and basically be able to make benefits, we really really need contributions right now. I know many of you guys don’t have a lot of money but even  euros can help. (and as you know it may take a while for you to get your money back (sorry I suck) but you all got paid eventually with interests so you’ll probably win money in the long term).
J is in London for the moment so contact me (through tumblr, facebook or via texts) if you want to help us.
Thanks in advance for your support, we really hope this year at the comic con will be as great as last year.
Much love,
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Frenchlockian stand at japan expo 2014
so! in reaction to the poll it has been decide that we will be a part of japan expo 2014!
now for the people who said they were going to participate
the most urgent thing is the money: we have to send the application before the 31th march so please contact me with the amount you will pay and how you will transmit it to me
start working on artwork/sending them to me! we will do this thing via dropbox so you are not on it from last year send me your email!
tell me when are you avalaible for managing the stand!!!
yeeeeeeee!!!!!!! let’s do this!!!!
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Les Miserable cosplay at the French Comic Con 2013 ! Deadprincescollege as Grantaire / Klexquisite as Enjolras
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Save Undershaw Meet-up with the Cercle Holmesien de Paris - 18/06/2013
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Comic Con WIP
A little preview of what will be available on the Frenchlockians stand at the French Comic Con !
Sherlock of course, but also Hannibal, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Cabin Pressure, Les Miserables, Buffy... !
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Frenchlockian Meet up : Samedi 18 Mai
My dear frenchlockians
Les votes sont clos et la date du prochain meet up enfin décidée!
Nous nous retrouverons donc le Samedi 18 Mai à partir de midi devant le Musée de l’Homme sur l’esplanade du Trocadéro (métro Trocadéro ligne 6 et 9) pour un flash mob Save Undershaw en compagnie du Cercle Holmésien de Paris avant de partager avec eux un pique-nique à partir de 13h sur le Champs de Mars (métro Ecole Militaire ligne 8 ) (l’évènement facebook créé par le Cercle est ici). Le meet up se poursuivra probablement dans la soirée pour les personnes le désirant et il y aura surement quelques possibilités d’hébergement pour les personnes habitants loin de Paris.
Pour que tout se passe bien, n’oubliez pas d’apporter :
De quoi se couvrir! Le temps étant particulièrement changeant, mieux vaut prévenir que guérir. Nous passerons l’après midi en extérieur donc mieux vaut avoir un parapluie avec soi!
De la nourriture! Après tout c’est un pique nique! Sucré, salé, boisson, assiettes et couverts en plastiques… Essayez d’apporter un petit quelque chose avec vous!
Lors du meet up nous allons également aborder le sujet de la Comic Con. Si vous désirez participer au financement du stand n’oubliez donc pas d’apporter de l’argent (ou un chèque). Si vous voulez apporter vos dessins/fanfictions etc pour les présenter aux gens n’hésitez pas non plus!
Le flash mob sera pour Save Undershaw! N’hésitez donc pas à apporter des pancartes et des flyers sur le thème!
Last but not least : le Cercle Holmésien organise un petit concours de costumes! Sortez donc vos plus belles tenues dans le thème de Sherlock Holmes pour peut être gagner un petit quelque chose =)
Il me semble que je n’ai rien oublié et je vous dis donc à très bientôt!
All the sherlove
- corps-exquis
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Frenchlockians' First Anniversary - 02/02/2013
Perfect people everywhere.
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Frenchlockians' First Anniversary - 02/02/2013
Perfect cakes and perfect people.
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Frenchlockians' First Anniversary - 02/02/2013
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Frenchlockians' First Anniversary - 02/02/2013
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Frenchlockians' First Anniversary - 02/02/2013
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Frenchlockians' First Anniversary - 02/02/2013
Gag reel !
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