parkershawss · 4 years
SO there’s like...a really good maxwell x mc fic i have sitting in my drafts that i wanna finish and post...is it worth it.
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parkershawss · 4 years
Recognize her?
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Probably not. This is Leah Myers, one of the OG sidelined black female LIs. From #LoveHacks. In 2016. She had an interesting storyline. Older sister to a fiery 14-year-old, psychologically abused by her ex-girlfriend, trying to scrape by as a writer. First appearance in Chapter 9 of the first book. Sidelined in favour of Mark and Ben. Granted, Ben wasn’t introduced until Chapter 11, but he was more prominent in the story, when he and Mark were jealous over MC. Sound familiar?
Recognize her?
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Probably not. I don’t blame you, Home for the Holidays (2017) is the OG shitty romance book and I speed-tapped through it too. Holly Wright, another childhood friend. Another writer. Sidelined in favour of Nick and Wyatt, and what makes matters even worse is that Nick wouldn’t even give her manuscript a chance because, to quote the Wiki, “it doesn’t deserve to be published”. Is literally gifted a flashlight from MC if you didn’t pay for her premium gift. Was given the most stereotypical Christmassy name in the book. Done hella dirty, even for HftH.
Recognize her?
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Maybe, if you played Wishful Thinking back in 2019. I don’t even know if you’d classify Ellen Thompson as an LI, as she only got actual “relationship development” if you call it that in Chapter 12. The book had 14 chapters. She had an interesting backstory, with abrasiveness stemming from insecurity and not being good enough for her family. Could’ve been an interesting rivals-to-lovers subplot if given time to develop. But nope. Shove her route 2 chapters before the end and call it a day.
Recognize her?
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Perhaps. She’s Vera Reimonenq from Nightbound, also from 2019 (moment of silence for the lost potential). While the other 3 LIs also had compelling backstories, I thought hers was the coolest. Nightbound was heavily advertised as a Nik-focused story, but relatively, she did have more development than the others on this list. Still, it could’ve been better. Mysterious gloved stranger, Lady Smoke’s daughter, kickass fighter, despite appearing outwardly calm. What’s not to love?
Recognize her?
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You most definitely should. If you don’t, why? She’s been sidelined so hard, treated as the ultimate walking wardrobe (I’d say she even surpasses Shreya Mistry for this title), and not to mention the victim of a racially-motivated hate crime shrouded as a “human sacrifice”, as if this somehow made it better. Was given a racial profiling criminal backstory for no reason other than for PB’s “exploring racism” propaganda. In 2020. Twenty-fucking-twenty. Four years after release. Despite being a group of pixels, deserves the world and nothing less, and sure as hell did not deserve the treatment she received in Queen B. With a black female lead writer? Not at all.
Is there something in common with these characters? Of course. You’d have to be blind not to see it. They’re black. They’re female. They’re sidelined. They’re treated like absolute shit in comparison to the other LIs. This has been happening since the very beginning, meaning PB had 4 years to fix what could’ve been done in a matter of moments. And these are just the women. Griffin Langley, Shane Parker, Syphax, to name a few. I’m sure there are plenty others that I haven’t mentioned. Race-customizable characters are primarily written for the white audience (see: brushed aside a loose strand of my hair, when black male MCs have no loose hair??? And plenty of times, hairstyles don’t even match the sprite’s head).
So don’t you fucking dare come at the black players in this community or don’t you fucking dare try and defend PB saying “there’s no racism” or “PB has black representation”. I cannot speak for the black community personally because I am not black, but I cannot begin to imagine what you’re all feeling seeing this as your representation, because it’s not representation. If this doesn’t make you angry, it should.
Racists shut the fuck up challenge.
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parkershawss · 4 years
Hey, don't feel pressure to answer if you dont want to, but in which book happen the student x teacher??? I'm kinda lost here
hey anon! people want the new book, Queen B to include a professor LI, despite the fact the MC is 18. As far as I know there’s not ACTUALLY a professor LI, but the fact people want it is so fucking disgusting
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parkershawss · 4 years
i should be able to expect basic decency out of pb but apparently i can’t. never normalize student/teacher relationships. any representation of it in the media is an adult grooming a child and that is never okay. it’s never a cute look no matter how popular the “forbidden love” trope is. it isn’t “forbidden love” if it shouldn’t be fucking happening in the first place
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parkershawss · 4 years
to those of you who want an 18 year old MC to date a college professor, you’re gross and you can fuck off
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parkershawss · 4 years
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It Lives in the Woods :: Andy Kang + Tom Sato
@choicescocappreciationweek Day 6
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parkershawss · 4 years
the fact that i’m not even surprised the choices fandom is STILL racist speaks volumes...
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parkershawss · 4 years
please reblog if you have links for bail funds in other cities or other resources!
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parkershawss · 4 years
Here is a compilation of places to donate (IF you can, simply reblogging and sharing this can help) and petition to sign. I found these websites and organizations on twitter.
THE MINNESOTA  FREEDOM FUND: Donate to this to collect funds to pay jail bonds for the protesters who get arrested.
BLACK LIVES MATTER: An organization fighting for the BLM movement. Donate if you can. 
BLACK VISIONS MN: an organization that is led by Black, Queer and Trans people. Donate if you can.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund: Fights for the overall equality fight. Donate if you can.
Willie Simmons has spent 38 years in prison for a $9 robbery. He had two prior convictions similar to robbery that he served time for. He was prosecuted under the Alabama Habitual Offender law and was given a life sentence for his third strike - stealing 9 (NINE) dollars. Sign his petition. 
Breonna Taylor was killed by police who were conducting an UNANNOUNCED drug raid, where they gave no request to enter. They bashed her door and entered, shooting her EIGHT times. They were in the WRONG HOUSE. 
George Floyd was killed by a police officer who knelt on his neck and suffocated him to death, after George pleaded with the officer and told him he couldn’t breathe. The officer had pulled him from where he sat in his car on an alleged FORGERY. You can also text ��FLOYD” to 55156
ARREST THE OFFICERS WHO KILLED GEORGE FLOYD: The main police officer who murdered George is being kept in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. You probably have heard he was arrested, but this is NOT TRUE. He was placed under PROTECTIVE custody because of the riots and “threats” on his life. 
If you know of ANY other organizations or petitions, PLEASE ADD TO THIS LIST. The fight for justice doesn’t end here, it will never end. Especially when the president of the United States calls white supremacists good people and protesters of a mans death THUGS. USE YOUR VOICE. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE. FUCK COPS. FUCK “BLUE LIVES”. ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER!
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parkershawss · 4 years
hey,....remember when i used this blog? lmao
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parkershawss · 5 years
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Emoji Commissions are open!
Dm me to grab a slot! $8 for each emoji $3 for each extra expression Payment is upfront, paypal only Will do ocs, fandoms and real people
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parkershawss · 5 years
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in this house, it’s always missing thomas mendez hours.
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parkershawss · 5 years
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A charming cottage in Nantucket, a sexy U.S. Marshal sworn to protect you, and a summer like never before… What else does witness protection have in store? Find out on March 16th in Witness: A Bodyguard Romance! 😎
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parkershawss · 5 years
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"I just thought,wouldn't it be funny if one of Hartfeld's most successful students crashed and burned?"
this is for you @serafinedupont @violinet
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parkershawss · 5 years
closure. a nathan sterling fic
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Love is a condition of the head,  there is no prescription to forget. So you’re all over my brain. - Downtown by Allie X
Decided to write a fic where MC goes to see Nathan in prison. Yes. I know I haven’t finished a fic in months, but let me live. And yes I will continue to post fics about the Alphas bc they were WASTED AS CHARACTERS.
Warnings: Swearing. Mentions Tyler almost getting killed if you’re sensitive to that kinda thing. Also has some small mentions of how MC and Nathan had sex, and he talks about her ass, so slightly nsfw.
Keep reading
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parkershawss · 5 years
closure. a nathan sterling fic
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Love is a condition of the head,  there is no prescription to forget. So you’re all over my brain. - Downtown by Allie X
Decided to write a fic where MC goes to see Nathan in prison. Yes. I know I haven’t finished a fic in months, but let me live. And yes I will continue to post fics about the Alphas bc they were WASTED AS CHARACTERS.
Warnings: Swearing. Mentions Tyler almost getting killed if you’re sensitive to that kinda thing. Also has some small mentions of how MC and Nathan had sex, and he talks about her ass, so slightly nsfw.
MC sat in the cold metal seat in the visiting room of the prison. She could feel her heart rate rising with every minute. Why was she even here? The Alphas had been sent to prison months ago now. Everyone had tried to move on with their lives, herself included. But here she was, waiting to see Nathan Sterling, the boy who broke her heart. And who almost killed her friends. And yet here she was. Was it for closure? Forgiveness? The Alphas hadn’t even tried to apologise for what they did. Oh fuck, why was she still here? Maybe if she was quick, she could sneak out without anyone even noticing. 
But just before she could get up, the door in front of her opens, and in walks a prison guard. Beside him, his wrists held together in handcuffs...was Nathan Sterling. Aside from a few bags under his eyes, and a little bit of facial hair, he looked the same as ever. Oh, and the bruise that she had left from their last meeting was still prominently displayed on his cheekbone. Prison hadn’t changed him at all. Nathan is pushed into the seat opposite her, and he leans closer.
“MC.” A grin spreads across his face. She can immediately sense the cunningness and potential malice hidden behind that smile, something she had been so unaware of in the past few months. Nathan was so good at hiding behind his mask, she had no idea what he had in store for her or friends. But now, she was not so blind. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” Nathan asks, his eyes scanning all over her. She hates herself for how her body feels warm and tingly as he looks over her, for how she remembers him kissing every inch of her body while they made love, and how he made her feel so loved...so appreciated...and so wanted. She knew now that this was a classic manipulation tactic: ‘go after the sensitive, lonely girl and make her feel loved and she’ll do whatever you want’, but she couldn’t help feeling guilty. Maybe that’s why she was here. Maybe she missed feeling wanted...so much so she ran back to face the attempted murderer who almost ruined her life.
“I want answers.” She tells him. Nathan chuckles.
“Of course you do. What, you weren’t smart enough to figure everything out?” And there was the Nathan Sterling she met a few weeks ago, the real Nathan...a fucking asshole. She tries her best to steel herself, and to ignore the feeling of betrayal washing all over her again, and clears her throat.
“Was it real? Was any of it...real? Did you ever...feel anything for me, like I did for you?” She asks. Nathan chuckles again.
“Of course I did. You have a beautiful ass you know.” He responds. She suddenly feels nauseous. Nathan smirks, clearly seeing the effect his comment had on her. “But, I must admit...I did find myself falling for you.” He winks, and she feels her heart rate racing again. Part of her was disgusted...and part of her wanted to lean across the table and kiss him, without a care in the world. What the fuck was wrong with her? “Cat got your tongue eh?” Nathan chuckled. Asshole. He studies her for a few minutes, his icy blue eyes scanning over her. Suddenly, he gasps. “I know why you’re really here.” He grins.
“You miss me. Don’t you?” Fuck.
“What are you talking about? Of-Of course I don’t!” Nathan just laughs. She clears her throat. “I also wanted to ask...why me?” Nathan raises an eyebrow, and is silent for what feels like an eternity. “Nathan? I meant why did you try to-”
“I know what the fuck you meant.” He responds suddenly, throwing her off guard. “Why did I try to ruin your life?” He sighs, as if he is thinking it over. “Oh yes..that’s right.” He leans in close again, and she tries her best to back away, feeling her back pressing against the cold metal of the chair even more. “Because it was so easy.” Nathan grins again. “I mean, look at you. You’re so...good. It’s sickening. You need to lighten up a little. Live on the dark side...have some fun.” Nathan staring at her like that awakens something within her.
“Fun?!” She explodes suddenly. “Fun?! Trying to kill my friends and I was FUN?” One of the guards is coming over now, obviously to tell her to calm down. But she doesn’t care. “Do you have any idea what you did to Tyler? He almost died because of you!” Nathan just shrugs. “You have the nerve to sit there and...and smirk at me, like you didn’t try to ruin my life. And for what? A shitty little plaque?!”
“Tyler was just collateral damage. But you...you were something else. You were...special. I wanted to see what it took to make you break. It seems like I did just that.” 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? I don’t know why I ever liked you. You’re a fucking monster.” 
“Oh MC.” Nathan chuckles again. “We’re all monsters. I just know how to hide it.” The guard reaches the table now, and pushes Nathan back in his seat. 
“G-Get him away from me. Please.” MC asks. It’s only then when she realises she’s shaking. As she wishes, Nathan is hauled up to be taken back to his cell. He keeps eye contact with MC the entire time. 
“Well. Goodbye MC. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.” He smiles. She just stares at him. He blows her a kiss. 
And then...he’s gone.
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parkershawss · 5 years
me? actually being close to finishing a nathan x mc fic? more likely than you think
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