parknoonseob · 4 years
Secret Checkmate summs ch.17, 26-28
Carefully crafted by the lovely Xian, hasty PR by len
Ch 17 
Soohyun wakes up to a text message from Eunsung saying he’ll pick Soohyun up after work so they can go somewhere important together. Soohyun thinks Eunsung is really quick to push him around after they made the deal in the previous chapter. Soohyun picks up his glasses and thinks back to Eunsung requesting him to wear his glasses the next time they meet. He throws his glasses to the side. 
 Soohyun comes out of a glasses shop with a new pair of glasses that have a rounder shape than his old ones. 
 At work, Soohyun’s sunbae says something is different about him and asks about how much information Soohyun has on Eunsung so far. Eunsun asks why he’s asking and his sunbae laughs at the way he’s responding like a veteran already. The sunbae says that Soohyun should continue to devote himself to this story and to let him know if he needs anything. After the sunbae leaves, Soohyun’s coworker congratulates him since what he’s looking into seems like it could become a big story. Soohyun is not at all happy about this and wishes everyone would just leave alone. 
 Eunsung is waiting outside Soohyun’s workplace. Eunsung is calling someone, but they're not picking up. When he notices Soohyun coming out from the building, he calls him over and takes a closer look at him, commenting that the pair of glasses Soohyun is wearing are different from the ones he wore in high school. He adds that it would be strange for him to use the same pair since it’s been ten years since then. Soohyun glares at him, thinking to himself that Eunsung told him to wear his glasses so he could see the pathetic Soohyun from ten years ago again. He walks away without a word. Eunsung follows him and says that they should go together. They reach the destination and Eunsung asks why Soohyun seems to be in such a bad mood today as he hasn’t said a word during the car ride. Soohyun starts opening the door, but Eunsung holds him back, calling him by only his first name (Soohyun-a, which is too familiar to Soohyun’s liking). Soohyun glares at him and tells him to call him by his full name and to use polite speech when they’re in public. He gets out of the car first and slams the door. Eunsung is at a loss for words, thinking to himself what a sensitive guy Soohyun is. 
 Soohyun asks if the person they’re meeting today is Park Moon Seob. Eunsung says they’re meeting someone different. They spot the person Eunsung is talking about walking back to the building. Soohyun remembers him from the first time he visited Park Moon Seob’s studio. Eunsung stops the guy and asks why he hasn’t been picking up his calls. He wants to talk to him for a bit. The guy gets really angry, pulls Eunsung’s shirt, and asks how the fk he has the nerve to even come here. He already told Eunsung that he doesn’t want to get involved with him. As he’s yelling all this, he starts to lose his balance and holds on to Eunsung, crying “Eunsung, fk...fk...that motherfker…(it’s not clear if he actually means this motherfker, but I have a strong feeling he’s talking about Park Moon Seob)”. Eunsung’s expression turns dark and he tells him “Don’t cry, I’ll do whatever I can do to bring that motherfker down”.
Ch 26 
Eunsung and Soohyun are on the bed in the hotel. Soohyun tells him about what happened with Park Moon Seob (reference one of len’s earlier posts*). Eunsung is flabbergasted at the lengths Park Moon Seob would go to “leave a loophole” in everything he does. 
 Soohyun says that they can’t let Moon win. Since Moon cherished Eunsung so much, Soohyun just has to defile him for all the things he was wrongly blamed for to go away a bit. Eunsung asks how he’ll defile him and kisses Soohyun and starts touching him. 
 He’s about to kiss Soohyun’s neck until Soohyun stops him. Does Eunsung really want to kiss the spot that Moon put his lips on? Eunsung says he’ll just leave a bunch of marks so that Soohyun won’t even be able to care about where his lips touch. 
 Eunsung gives Soohyun a blowjob and Soohyun keeps telling him to slow down until he eventually comes. Eunsung gets out a condom from one of the drawers and says they should make good use of their time until checkout. 
 * len was too lazy to do this chapter. What happened was Soo went to Moon’s studio for a follow-up interview. The lady from ch 10 (ch 9 in english) warns Soo not to drink the tea bc Moon told her to drug the tea. During the interview, Soo pretends to drink the tea and accidentally spill it on the ground, making it seem like he drank a lot of it. Soo pretends to be drugged and Moon starts groping Soo, calling out Eun’s name. Moon wants to be close to Eun in any way he can. Moon sees a bite mark on Soo’s neck and thinks Eun made it, so he licks and sucks the mark. Before the interview, Soo got his work sunbae to bite him in the neck. Soo flaunted the bite mark to Moon, making it seem as if it was Eun’s bite mark
Ch 27 
Eunsung is fingering Soohyun. Soohyun thinks to himself that he can’t figure out the answer to this gap between the Eunsung in the past and the Eunsung now. He wonders why Eunsung doesn’t care if he goes down. He didn’t use to be this way. Something must have changed him, something to do with Park Moon Seob.  Eunsung asks Soohyun what happened during the time he was at Moon’s studio. 
 Eunsung says he was wondering what was going on in Soohyun’s mind since he was being so quiet. He tells Soohyun to focus and starts fingering him even harder. He wonders if he was mistaken about Soohyun having no experience. His body is very sensitive. Soohyun retorts that he’s not like Eunsung. Eunsung says that Soohyun really doesn’t let anything go. He rubs his yeah against Soohyu’s hole. Everytime Soohyun squeezes him, he’ll tell him something. 
They’re doing it and Eunsung tells Soohyun to relax his body. Eunsung says Soohyun is really taking it in; it’s as tight as it would be in someone’s mouth. Soohyun puts his fingers in Eunsung’s mouth and says he should suck them if he’s going to talk like that. As Eunsung does as he is told, Soohyun thinks how uncomfortable everything is. While they’re going at it, Soohyun keeps covering his face with his arms. Eunsung asks why he keeps hiding and kisses him. Soohun pulls Eunsung’s shirt. What’s it to him whether he hides or not? All he has to do is keep thrusting. Eunsung says there’s talking involved during sex too. Soohyun doesn’t like it and tells him to stop. Eunsung says his name “Soohyun-a”. Soohyun is very flustered and tells him repeatedly to stop, but Eunsung doesn’t. He’s squeezing Eunsung so hard that Eunsung feels like he’s going to die. Soohyun loves it when he calls his name, doesn’t he? Soohyun comes and thinks to himself how shitty Eunsung is and how he’s even shittier. It’s so humiliating that he wants to die. 
Ch 28 (mature scene only)
Eunsung asks whether Soohyun has a fetish for people saying his name or whether his ears are an erogenous zone. Soohyun stays silent. Eunsung says Soohyun only knows how to read the atmosphere at times like this. Staying silent doesn’t make what happened away. Isn’t Soohyun going to talk back to him like he always does? Eunsung keeps thrusting while Soohyun hides his face with his arms. Eunsung notices Soohyun’s hands shaking and turns him over so Soohyun doesn’t have to face him. They eventually run out of condoms. Eunsung says he’ll go buy some and come back. Soohyun pulls him back and asks about his answer (to his question about Eunsung and Park Moon Seob). Eunsung smiles. Soohyun still has the energy to ask something like that. Then, they should settle everything all at once. He tells Soohyun to not fall asleep and wait for him. He’ll come back soon
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parknoonseob · 4 years
Secret Checkmate summs
The English cut out the mature scenes, so the English and Korean chapter numbers don’t match. Ch 11 summary is ch 11 in the Korean raws, but ch 10 in the English. 
Ch 11 summary:
Soo actually gets to see Euns painting up close.
Soo asks himself why Moon still has this art piece. Like most people, Moon must have felt some good will toward Eun if he kept the painting. Moon says he remembers the noise/news surrounding the piece. Moon says Eun was filled with talent and doesn’t know why he did that (ruining the painting). If he had just kept quietly listening to Moon then Moon would have paid more attention and doted on him more. Eun was the student Moon wanted to teach the most. Moon says: It’s quite a shame. I miss those days. When I look at the things Eun left behind at my house, I think about him often.
Soo is surprised to learn about their relationship. Moon said they spent hours talking and it was easier for Eun to sleep at Moon’s house than go home late at night. Eun would spend more time at Moon’s house than his own. But things have changed now and Eun doesn’t respond to Moon’s texts or calls. Soo says isn't it a given that he's ignoring you? You are not as close as you once were to Eun. Moon says… well, i guess so. Soo ends the interview there.. Soo realizes he messed up. He shouldn’t have asked so many personal/emotional questions so early in the interview.
This is Soo’s feelings about Eun/the motivation for his actions- he despises Eun’s rise to the top. Eun’s someone who is praised by accomplished and influential people, which makes E. If Soo cant manage to catch Eun and match Euns level, Soo will drag Eun down to his level.
He’s back at his office. His sunbae can tell Soo didn’t get any good info from the interview. “The moment you get tired is the moment the game ends. Keep pestering. Reporters don’t stop. If you do, the thing you want will be in your hands. The deadlier person is the one who wins.” Soo thought he was deadly, but apparently not. “How much more of a crazy boi do I have to be for you to fall into my hands?”
Eun is on the phone with a likely current pupil of Moon’s. The friend says they hate their situation, but can’t do anything about it because Moon will make them successful if they do as Moon says.
The person on the phone:  It’s better than losing Moon’s favor and my path forward being blocked. Are you doing well now that you ran from Moon? Your source of income got cut off, they’re accusing you of being a thief, all this makes it hard for you to return/make a comeback. I don’t want to live like you. You can do plenty of other things besides painting, Me, not so much. Don’t think badly of me. I just can’t afford to help you. It isn’t just me, everyone is tired.
Eun gets annoyed and sarcastically (?) says that he wishes the person the best.
Ch 12 summary:
Soo is at the door. Eun says you’re at another man’s house fully knowing what he’ll do to you, but then tells him to leave because Eun isn’t in the mood to talk to Soo. Soo keeps ringing the bell and Eun gives in. Eun asks if Soo is there to finally make a mess of him (sekshually). Soo is being kinda docile (?) which is unlike him and throwing Eun off. Soo repeats what he learned from his interview with Moon, that they were once close, but Eun threw it all away. He says Eun is incredible for throwing away a sure thing. Eun asks if that’s anything to praise. Being doted on by an old man made his skin crawl. Soo asks if Eun also has bruises on his body like the other pupils do. Eun says it’s been a long time since he left and that his body is perfectly free of marks. Eun has had enough of the boring talk and wants Soo to make a mess of him (again, sekshually).  Soo is suspicious of Eun rapidly changing the subject. Soo says if he goes inside, Eun will immediately lay Soo on his bed. Eun tells him to learn from Eun. Soo says he has no intentions of learning anything from Eun. Eun says if it’s a shame bc he likes Soo’s face, but if he isn’t there for anything (sex) then they have nothing to talk about and slams the door. Soo shoves his hand in before the door closes and yells at him to open the door now!
Ch 13 summary:
Eun looks nauseous and Soo asks if he’s ok. Eun yells at Soo for being reckless and tells him to write what he wants and leave him alone. Soo comes over countless times and Eun’s supposed to tolerate it? He accuses Moon of sending Soo to Eun to provoke him, drive him insane and deliver Eun to Moon. Soo asks if he’s so upset bc Moon did something similar to him (injure him) and Eun says no. Eun drags Soo inside and shoves him onto his bed and takes off his shirt. Eun wants to end things right now. Eun says Soo can do whatever he wants. Soo can play with him and throw him away. Soo is surprised to hear that. Throw Eun away? He doesn’t want to do that. He says he can help with the thing Eun wants most- cutting off all ties/connections to Moon.
Ch 14 summary:
Eun says that isn’t a subject for Soo to go near and asks if it’s that hard to end whatever Soo and Eun have right then. Soo thinks it would be a shame to end it and refuses to give in to Eun. Eun unbuttons Soo’s shirt and tells him over and over to have sex with him and gets angry at Soo when Soo keeps refusing. Eun looks at Soo with a pained look on his face and Soo revels in it. Eun compares Soo to all the other people in his life, who use him to get what they want and even if he gives them everything, they’ll complain that he should give them more. Only when Eun is finally unhappy will they stop demanding things from him. They say Eun has it all, but where is the person who has everything, Eun asks.
Soo knows that there are plenty of people just like him, people who hound Eun to get what they want and they do it because it’s Eun.
Ofc Soo doesn’t want to tell Eun this and just says they must have some good reason for their actions, but Eun wants to hear none of that. Eun is visibly upset as he asks Soo if he has some good reason for hounding him too. Seeing this side of Eun turns Soo on. Soo never imagined he would get hard from seeing Eun without that care-free expression on his face.
Soo is turned on from seeing this different side to Eun. Soo says there’s one thing he wants from Eun: Eun’s when where how and what. Soo will decide all of it (basically dictate what he can do). Even if Moon gives Soo 100k$, Soo won’t give in to Moon. Eun says Soo isn’t an ordinary psycho, he’s an [advanced psycho]. Soo then says if Eun knows his response to Soo’s request, he should come over and blow him lol
Chapter 15 summary:
Soo says if Eun turns down his offer, he’ll go right to Moon. Eun figures that Soo’s kink is seeing Eun cry while Eun is blowing Soo, but Eun’s preference is the opposite. Soo wants Eun to be submissive, but Eun won’t let Soo have that. Soo says if he tells Eun to do something, then he should just do it. Soo pulls Eun’s arm, shoves Eun’s face into Soo’s crotch and tells Eun to blow him. Eun does a terrible job and bites Soo’s dick on purpose, which makes Soo ask if they should disregard the deal and let Eun keep being toyed with by Moon. Eun sucks harder. Then it’s Eun and Soo going back and forth about the deal. Eun eventually relents and agrees to the terms, but in return there can’t be any records for anyone to find.
Eun gets a creepo message from an unnamed person, saying there are students at the university that remind the unknown person of Eun, but Eun is one of a kind. The person continues on, writing that they miss Eun’s body and asks Eun to contact them again.
Eun says the most important part of the deal is Soo being undeniably on Eun’s side. Soo needs to prove it by telling Eun about the intimate details of his life (awink wink). Soo then asks Eun if he wants Soo to take nudes. Soo’s already used to being naked in front of Eun so no biggie. Eun didn’t mean it that way. He wants Soo to wear his glasses instead of contacts the next time they meet. He knows wearing contacts all the time must be uncomfortable for Soo and asks Soo to wear his glasses when they next meet. It’ll be just like the old times.
Ch 16 summary:
Soo wonders if Eun knew they went to the same high school from the start but was acting dumb, and him bringing it up now is Eun looking down on Soo again.
Soo starts biting his nails as he rattles off the things that come to mind: how Soo was only focused on his grades, how Eun remembering who Soo is surprised him, and why Eun didn’t mention it earlier. Despite not knowing the exact reason why, Soo agrees to wear the glasses. Eun tells Soo not to bite his nails anymore bc of his injured hand and Soo tells Eun not to touch him. Eun doesn’t know why Soo is being so pricky and asks if he wants to have sex. Soo asks why Eun is always so horny and Eun tells Soo that it’s because he knows Soo hates it. Soo wants to understand the reasons behind Eun’s actions and tries to pry more, asking if Eun slept with Kim Seojoon too. Seojoon being the guy over at Eun’s house in ch 8. Soo demands to know why Eun is doing this to him, asking if Eun sees him as some toy. Eun only replies that he finds Soo’s hatred of Eun very cute and starts fingering Soo. Soo once again threatens to throw Eun to Moon if Eun doesn’t listen to Soo. Eun gives in and agrees to do as Soo tells him to do, under one condition: Soo is to write an article stating Eun is ready to make his (re)entry into the art world.
Moon has an unknown man on his bed, the man’s hands and mouth tied with tape (tied with? idk) and a vibrator inside him. Moon stares at his phone, reading the article about Eun’s potential return with curiosity and excitement.
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