parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
arthur pendragon.
He grimaces at that.  “This is going to be hard…hey I am not that depressing!”  
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“no offense but you kind of are. even i manage to try and find the positive in most things but you don’t even seem like you’re trying.”
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
@vivalamutants continued from here
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“that’s not great dude, i’m sorry. it probably means that you’ll get a lot of happiness eventually to make up for being unhappy.”
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
erik lensherr.
He looks at it.  It is throbbing now.  “I suppose that’s true.”  
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“yeah, so we should probably get that cleaned up or whatever. i have some experience with cleaning wounds if you want help or i can just walk you through it.”
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
❛ i want to die. ❜
random starters || accepting || @not-one-of-the-good-guys
“no you don’t” x-ray replied immediately. “you’re going to tell me whatever’s wrong and i’ll try to help.”
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
ash samaya.
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“You’re playing nice? Thanks for the update, just thought I’d voice what we both know you’re thinking.”
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“yeah, well i wasn’t going to say it out loud, i’m not a complete animal. i have some manners.” some being the key word. “can you really blame me for not wanting to trust you?”
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
❛ i just wanted to be happy for once. ❜
random starters || accepting || @vivalamutants
“uhhhhh,” x-ray began awkwardly, shifting on his feet slightly nervously. “you’ll get to be happy. everyone gets a chance at happiness.”
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
@parkourmaster from here
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sally, of course, knew very little about SUPERHEROS. after all, they had no place in halloweentown. even so— he didn’t seem to be CONTENT, from the way he was crossing his arms. “ i, too, thought that i once knew my place. “ she stated. she HAD. she was to be an assistant to the doctor. it was never enough. “ who are you trying to SAVE? “
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x-ray shifted on his feet, extremely uncomfortable with the conversation already. “who ever needs to be saved. that’s my job- i see someone in trouble and i rescue them. it’s what i’m good at.” there would probably be people out there who would argue that he wasn’t great at it but he refused to truly entertain that thought.
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
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“ are you SURE ?  it’s better to be HONEST before embarrassing you just because you were too PROUD  to admit your SHAME. ” he threw in teasingly, unable to help himself as he grinned. “ your loss. or the one of your kids. either way, come on now !  the song won’t play FOREVER. ” he practically only called out as he already ran towards a spot that provided more SPACE.
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“listen if there’s anything i’m truly confident about, it’s the fact that i’m an amazing dancer. these hips don’t lie.” it would have been easy to get much more defensive with his words but they come out surprisingly light. “alright, alright i’m coming.” there was the briefest moment of pause before he was hurrying after the other.
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
@deadmediums continued from here
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“great, good to know. you realize it’s hard to play nice when you say things like that?”
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
arthur pendragon.
“A job?  Like a job that has nothing to do with what I did before?”  
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“yeah, you don’t have to do something you have experience with. take the time to learn something new. maybe you’ll be less depressing then”
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
erik lensherr.
“…No I just bandaged it up.  I’m sure it won’t be a problem though. “  
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“you could still get an infection or whatever if you don’t clean it properly.”
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
blue sargent.
[ text to: X-Ray ] I’m supposed to make an exception for you?
[ text to: X-Ray ] Because you’re bored?
[ text to: X-Ray ] What game are you trying to play?
[ text: blue ] boredom is the best reason to make an exception for someone.
[ text: blue ] that and i’m a superhero so i should get some priveledges 
[ text: blue ] the original resident evil. the loading times are ridiculous.
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
My kink is getting some fuckin sleep
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
*googles number i dont recognize calling me instead of answering*
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
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parkourmaster-blog1 · 7 years
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patrick let the information just roll over him, uncertain what was the ultimate factor that left him SPEECHLESS. it certainly wasn’t the KINK PHRASE, but the thought of glasses that could get them out of here or the simple classification other being a SUPERHERO. blinking in disbelief, he gets back into reality as he quickly glanced in his direction. “ why am i even surprised ?  ” he wondered out loud. “ i see dead people, or those who USED TO BE  and now i get apparently in contact with superheros. when do i get my own stupid show ?  i earned it. ” a dramatic sigh passing his lips, he used his free hand to rub his face. “ you know what ?  okay. sure. try your thing and please make sure to not BURN my hand or something with that thing. ”
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“can i be a recurring character whenever you get this show of yours? i’m a pretty popular guy so i would definitely boost the ratings.” which was definitely an exaggeration but this guy didn’t know any better and x-ray would take any opportunity to brag about himself, even if the situation they were currently in probably required him to be a lot more serious. “seriously?” the consent does take him by surprise but then he’s grinning again. he had been working on using his glasses so maybe this could work out in his favor and he could further prove his awesomeness. x-ray took a small step away from the male and then stretched the handcuffs so that they were pulled taut and there was a little bit of distance between their hands. “do you want to count me down?”
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