parsnipspages · 1 day
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parsnipspages · 1 year
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satan at the ihop in kentucky, what will he wear
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parsnipspages · 1 year
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ur internet demon ☆
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parsnipspages · 1 year
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birds of the same feather?
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parsnipspages · 1 year
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my silly rabbit <3
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parsnipspages · 1 year
I missed you 🥺
Haha! yes I am! I've had a bit of a time for the last little while but I'm planning on kicking this blog back into full swing very soon including nightbringer HCs! Things have gotten a lot kinder lately so I find myself with the energy to write again! Sorry for the delay in the reply sweet anon, tumblr did Not notify me There was an ask! Thank you for sticking around and for remembering me <3
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parsnipspages · 1 year
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nightbringer really has me redesigning my OMMC doesnt it.
Anyway... Bazel 2!
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parsnipspages · 1 year
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evil guy
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parsnipspages · 2 years
Hey Alex! I have a headcanon request! How would be the brothers and dateables react to realizing they want to marry Mc after Mc protects Luke from a Lesser demon (*Cough* beats the hell out of the demon by them self! And didn't get a scratch lol *Cough*) Thank you, stay safe and get some sleep!
TW: A mention of blood and alluded violence. This is written assuming that you have been with a specific character for a time before this. Most likely after arc 2 somewhere. This is a LONG one folks! Just over 2k words in total. GN!MC as always, with literally everyone that isn't Luke!
The first thing he heard was Luke shouting, the next, You shouting. His first instinct was his only thought as he threw himself into a sprint. He had to help you. To protect you from any that would bring you harm. His worry it seems, was misplaced. Arriving at the scene he found you standing over a lesser demon with your hand still curled into a fist. The last echos of a spell hung in the air and sizzled at the lessor demons unconscious face as the blood evaporated from its heat. You glanced back then, looking over to Luke, thrilled as he was that you had managed this. Then your gaze hit him. He had never loved you more.
BROTHERS Lucifer He had been ready to more or less go to war for you, but he didn't seem to need to. Lucifer was quick to chastise you for being so rash but he was practically preening from your resounding success. His dear human had come so far since the start of the exchange. After his stern words and thorough examination of your condition, he did complement your victory. Such things should be rewarded, and a dinner out with him seemed to be more than enough. Perhaps he could finally have the conversation he had been hoping to find a place for. Surely you were ready for life in the Devildom at this point, especially one by his side. He was glad now that he had already thought out that moment a thousand times, then a thousand more. The perfect dinner, the perfect speech, the perfect ring. The perfect spouse. He would have it all. Mammon The fastest of his brothers, Mammon saw you land that blow on whatever poor sap tried to touch Luke. The demon giving a pained wheeze as they hit the grass of the mall. He could barely hear the little angel celebrating behind him as he rushed up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist and his wings around your shoulders. Going on and on about how he had taught you so well. You were okay. You were more than okay! You had won! The question fell from his lips before he could even think to stop it, having been on the tip of his tongue for months. Mammon froze as his flush raced down his back, waiting to play it off as a joke if you said no. Hoping beyond hope he wouldn't have to. He had the ring in his pocket anyway, he even saved up to get that stone you liked... Leviathan Leviathan had been at school that day, somehow, though that didn't matter now. He was out of his seat as soon as he heard your aggrieved voice ringing in the air in that same tone you used to command him and his brothers with your pacts. By the time he had made it to you you were busy fussing over Luke, holding his cherubic face in your hands and looking him over with worry painting your features. He felt jealous now, if only a little, as he caught his breath and walked up behind you, wrapping his tail around your middle and nuzzling his way into the crook of your neck, mumbling everything between praise and fretting over your well-being. He never wanted to let you go again, he couldn't wait forever. Plans brewed in his mind of taking you somewhere special, maybe that beach you had liked... or maybe one of the many quiet corners of the Devildom where you two would hide away and chat the hours away... so many options. He couldn't let himself mess this up. Not this. Satan His tail lashing as he ran, Wrath itself raced down the halls as Satan came to your aid. Abandoning his book-bag in the library nothing crossed his mind as he focused solely on whatever piece of garbage had threatened his love. All of his thoughts of violence and retribution came to a crashing halt as he saw you, standing over the unconscious demon now bleeding into the grass. Luke huffed indignantly as he rushed to your side, clawed hand carefully running over your waist as he stares into your eyes looking for any hint of fear or pain. He found none, and pulled you into a kiss before smiling. He should have known better than to worry about you. Stronger than steel with nerves to match. Maybe he had been wrong when he had thought that staying with him would be too risky for you. You were the most amazing things in his world, and he was willing to do so much to keep that. He had plans to make now, and they would be perfect, just like you. Asmodeus Asmodeus wasn't usually one to be found running, let alone sprinting, yet here he found himself. His wings aiding him as he hopped over railings and ledges focusing only on reaching your side. To save you from whatever ugly low life would dare touch his darling. He didn't stop until you were in his arms, his fingers worrying at every piece of you as he babbled. He hadn't even seen the damage you had dealt to the demon, more concerned with every little hair on your pretty little head. It took a
few minutes to calm Asmo enough for him to stop preening over you before he saw what you had done. He tisk-ed as he looked over your nails and knuckles, covered in the fine dust of a magical spell. He took you then, back to his room so he could fix what you did to your lovely nails and hands. As he ran the polish back over your nails and saw the way you were watching him with that little smile on your face, he came to a realization. His hands stilled as the thought hit him, he had never wanted this before. There was always room for something new though, and you were the most welcome of changes he could imagine. Beelzebub Beelzebub had promised. That night he made his pact with you he promised to protect you, and he had already failed once before. Never again. Thankfully for him and the school buildings he was never far from your side nowadays. His demon form boiled to the surface as he sprinted to you from across the mall. Your fist slamming into the lessor demon before he had even made it to you. Their body hitting the ground as he came to a stop in front of you and Luke. He gave the angel a glance as he rubbed his knuckles and stared down at you. Your face lit up when you saw him, fist still raised as that sparkle lit your eye. Maybe you could protect yourself now, just a little. Beel frowned a bit as that now familiar warmth spread into his chest and onto his cheeks. You were so strong, and so amazing. He ignored Luke as he carefully picked you up and set to taking you to one of his favorite spots to picnic with you. A lunch date was in order after all of that, you had to be hungry right? And he had a conversation to have that would be between just the two of you. Belphegor Normally impossible to wake, Belphegor was attuned to your emotions now. His magic flowing through your shared pact telling him your emotional state at all times. Your rage had brought him back to the land of the wakeful, jumping from his nap spot near a heat register to run to you. Though when he arrived he had to laugh as he saw that lesser demon sprawled out stupidly on the grass. He could smell your magic on the air, the delicate spice of it tickling his nose as he sauntered up to you and tapped you on the head with his bushy tail tip. Look at that. You made him run all the way over here and for what? Nothing. Now you owed him a nap session, no fighting it. His fingers laced into yours as he lead you away from Luke, ignoring the chihuahua as he yapped away. His yawn covering his smile as he looked at you. You were stronger now, he knew that. Maybe now you would be comfortable to stay with him. He had a question or two, and he desperately needed your reply. ~~NOW DATABLES~~ Diavolo Diavolos' thoughts were twofold as he ran to you. One, his mind desperately clinging to the hope that you were okay. Two, what student at his school was getting expelled for aggrieving that which was his. He almost ran into you as he came upon the mall, shocked for a moment to see your raised fist and the felled demon below you as Luke cheered for your victorious actions and quick thinking. Diavolo could feel the familiar hiss of your magic on the air and he carefully placed a hand onto your shoulder, asking quietly what had happened. He was shocked to find that you were defending Luke in much the same way as he had intended to defend you. His warm smile spread across his face as he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles. Another thing to add to his list of reasons for loving you. Another reason to propose the idea of letting the public know he had found someone he wanted to officially court. He could almost see the looks on the elders faces when they found out, and he couldn't wait to have your permission to announce that much to them. Barbatos You would have thought that Barbatos would have seen this coming with his powers long ago. Alas he had promised both himself and you that he would let you have the surprise and the enjoyment of your time together without the careful pruning of timelines. You had said that the little mistakes kept things
interesting. A fistfight on the mall was not a little mistake. Neither you or Luke were quite sure when he had arrived, nor how he got there. His gloved hands ran over your knuckles as he stood between you and the cretin who had dared threaten both you and Luke alike. Not only his love, but the angel boy he cared so much for. Before long the lesser demon was dragged away and you found yourself in the kitchen watching the two bake away. Barbatos letting Luke do much of the work as he thought on his feelings from the day. He couldn't bare to let anyone bring you harm or forbid lose you to another. Maybe a little dip into human tradition was in order. Simeon The angel had left you and Luke only momentarily to run back to a classroom and grab a couple of forgotten notes. Simeon was stressing already when he heard Luke yelling, that feeling boiling over into borderline panic as your voice joined his. Notes forgotten once again he ran back to the mall. His heels deafeningly loud on the stone as his mind raced. Coming around the corner he saw the demon on the ground bleeding. Your magic hanging languidly in the air. You with your hand on Luke's' back as you lead him away from the scene. The smaller angel babbling on about how you had showed that demon what was what. His hand fell over his chest as he let out a breath and jogged to the two of you. Simeons arm wrapping carefully around your shoulders as his other hand found your arm. He had thought he had the will to fight the urge to make you his. To save himself and luke the possible consequences. But seeing you defending the boy. Seeing you doing what you thought was right by your family. He knew that those consequences didn't matter, you were more than they would ever be. Solomon Solomon wasn't typically one for worrying. He knew that you had your pacts to keep you safe and beyond that you had the spells he had been teaching you. He couldn't help but worry though, as he heard your shouts and Luke's and the distinct crackle of a force spell being cast. A recent addition to your arsenal and you were already having to use it. He came to you as fast as he could, stopping the reaction he had been brewing safely before coming to you. The lessor demon was standing by that time, rubbing their jaw as they stood and wincing at the burns from your spell. Solomon found you sitting with Luke and Simeon at a bench as you regaled the tale to Simeon. He leaned against the wall beside you as you spoke and he waited. He waited for Simeon to meet his eye and take Luke away to Purgatory hall. He waited for the brothers to say their goodbyes for the evening. He had waited for over a month already, and tonight he would stop holding back. He was allowed to be happy, and so were you.
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parsnipspages · 2 years
Solomon as Howl 😚😚😚😚😋😋😋😋
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parsnipspages · 2 years
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Obey Me! DND / Fantasy AU 👾🔥
Individual information Below!
Class: Paladin (Oathbreaker)
Subclass Description: An oathbreaker is a paladin who breaks their sacred oaths to pursue some dark ambition or serve an evil power. Whatever light burned in the paladin's heart been extinguished. Only darkness remains.
Creator Notes
Frontline tank for the party
Protective of the others. Will take hits to block his more fragile brothers
Leader of the party and organizes trips. Maybe sent by Diavolo on quests?
Other Class Choices: Crown Paladin
Class: Rogue (Wild Card)
Subclass Description: Some rogues favor honing their skill and precision, others perfect a silver tongue, but you — well, you’ve always gotten a kick out of leaving things up to chance.
Rogues of the Wild Card variety thrive on the high stakes and random thrill of the game table. Armed with cunning cheats and no small amount of luck, these sly gamblers live and die by their rules, never keen to simply accept the hand fate deals them.
Creator Notes
The gambling dps (that either does really well or terribly, depends on rolls)
Holds a deck of cards on him, depending on the type of suit he pulls, it enchants his attacks to deal various effects to the enemy
Fitting match for a rogue
Boasts of his skills, a bit acrobatic to show off
Other Class Options: Thief Rogue
Class: Warlock (The Fathomless Pact)
Subclass Description: You have plunged into a pact with the deeps. An entity of the ocean, the Elemental Plane of Water, or another otherworldly sea now allows you to draw on its thalassic power. Is it merely using you to learn about terrestrial realms, or does it want you to open cosmic floodgates and drown the world?
Creator Notes
Instead of tentacles the summon for his class would be vaguely representative of Lotan (like his head rising up and chomping the enemy etc
Literally just some guy. Also uses his pact to do mundane or petty things he’s too lazy to do
Other class options: Sea sorcerer, Ghost in the Machine Warlock
Class: Ranger (Beast Master Conclave)
Subclass Description: The Beast Master archetype embodies a friendship between the civilized races and the beasts of the world. United in focus, beast and ranger work as one to fight the monstrous foes that threaten civilization and the wilderness alike. Emulating the Beast Master archetype means committing yourself to this ideal, working in partnership with an animal as its companion and friend.
Creator Notes
DPS (kind of) and Support (kind of)
Has many animals (mostly cats) following him, he cares deeply for these companions. He also uses them to cause a lot of trouble. Pranking others and other antics. Both sides are protective of each other which can be problematic to the rest of the party.
Knowledgeable of creatures/maybe has a journal on them?
Other Class Choices: Mastermind Rogue, Monster Slayer Ranger
Class: Bard (College of Glamour)
Subclass Description: The College of Glamour is the home of bards who mastered their craft in the vibrant realm of the Feywild or under the tutelage of someone who dwelled there. Tutored by satyrs, eladrin, and other fey, these bards learn to use their magic to delight and captivate others.
The bards of this college are regarded with a mixture of awe and fear. Their performances are the stuff of legend. These bards are so eloquent that a speech or song that one of them performs can cause captors to release the bard unharmed and can lull a furious dragon into complacency. The same magic that allows them to quell beasts can also bend minds. Villainous bards of this college can leech off a community for weeks, abusing their magic to turn their hosts into thralls. Heroic bards of this college instead use this power to gladden the downtrodden and undermine oppressors.
Creator Notes
The All-rounder
I didn’t want him to be stereotypical of a bard but I think glamour fits him -w- pretty and manipulative and such
Has weapons (knives and shivs) hidden on straps on his body
Uses his mind manipulating and enchanting magic for more selfish and maniacal needs. Very much does what he wants when the time is right
Heals occasionally, depending on his mood
Class: Barbarian (Path of the Beast)
Subclass Description: Barbarians who walk the Path of the Beast draw their rage from a bestial spark burning within their souls. That beast bursts forth in the throes of rage, physically transforming the barbarian.
Creator Notes
The tank/damage dealer. Sways depending on the situation.
Basically the same but with a giant axe/weapon. Guy who literally hangs around and enjoys meals and such. Kind of a creature if you ask me
Similar to Lucifer, protective of his brothers and will block hits when possible
Comes in a package with Belphie. Do not separate the animals.
Class: Druid (Circle of Dreams)
Subclass Description: Druids who are members of the Circle of Dreams hail from regions that have strong ties to the Feywild and its dreamlike realms. The druids’ guardianship of the natural world makes for a natural alliance between them and good-aligned fey. These druids seek to fill the world with dreamy wonder. Their magic mends wounds and brings joy to downcast hearts, and the realms they protect are gleaming, fruitful places, where dream and reality blur together and where the weary can find rest.
Creator Notes
Party Healer (TM)
Heals and micromanages Beel's health but everyone else is on their own. Leaves Lucifer to take hits and delays heals to fuck with him
Protects the party at night when everyone is sleeping
Also the same as canon; sleeps a lot until someone shakes him awake. Beel carries him around
Close second choice: Circle of Stars Druid
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parsnipspages · 2 years
I'm so normal *is an obey me player*
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parsnipspages · 3 years
hc ive been sitting on for a hot minute: the keys you get in events are just the house keys to the HOL. the gems are glass but still magicked to only work for the brothers and mc - thus they’re easy enough for Lucifer to break and remake with no remorse because his brothers keep. losing them all the god damned time 
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parsnipspages · 3 years
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pov they caught you staring >:3c 
no couch or anything in the bg though bc im lazy and also already spent 15 hours on this and if i look at it any longer i will have a breakdown <3
do not repost, reblogs only
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parsnipspages · 3 years
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Gave Beel curlier hair bc I can.
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parsnipspages · 3 years
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parsnipspages · 3 years
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stargazing or something, idk
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