partdamselindistress · 2 years
modern dead poets society except charlie asks "why can't we just print more money?" every week just to piss cameron off
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
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The heavens made a girl named Chris
With hair and skin of gold
Dead Poets Society (1989)
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
Fear Street asks đŸ“Œ
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Deena - what song do you think could be your theme song?
Sam - do you consider yourself to be a lucky person?
Josh - do you have any habits when you’re nervous? What are they?
Kate - do you have one hobby you stick to or do you try to do as many things as you can? What is it/what are they?
Simon - what kind of a friend are you in your friend group?
Ryan - how do you think you would die in the Fear Street universe?
Heather - what is the last book you read? Or one you are currently reading. What are your thoughts on it and why did you pick it?
Nick - what is the most important value in your life?
Ziggy - have you ever been bullied?
Cindy - how much would you do to achieve your goals?
Alice - what is your reputation like?
Tommy - what is your friend group like?
Mixtape - what's your opinion or relationships?
Red moss - do you believe in soulmates?
Favourite sweater - do you consider yourself to be a romantic?
The cave - what slasher trope do you embody?
Camp Nightwing - what were you like as a child?
Shadyside Mall - what do you like buying the most? Do you enjoy shopping at all?
Lost and Found - what is your clothing style like? Do you go with a certain theme/aesthetic, buy what’s popular or just not care about what you’re wearing at all?
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
off i go to babysit
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
Oh, I wouldn't call you out publically like that it that was the case, no worries
it is 5.20am. i have finished watching the Lorax for the first time one hour and twenty minutes ago. and now i have a new f/o.
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
I think it might be your internet connection but I'm really dumb with this stuff
hey uh.. my discord’s been acting up all morning - it doesn’t show me if i get new messages and it keeps saying “connecting”. is it a problem of the app or is it me? and i know i shouldn’t really worry about this stuff but it makes me really anxious for some reason. i also have some relevant people on there so it worries me a bit
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
Thank you a ton this is great! <33
Hi! Could I ask for a deh and dps matchup?
I’m an enfp, optimistic, social and a libra. I'm bi, nonbinary (fem aligned) and ace. I romanticise everything and am generally emotionally oriented. I'm a bit weary to call myself popular but I guess you could say that too. I try to be respectful of everyone and as nonjudgmental as I can. I'm pretty confident too. But I'll be honest I'm also very stubborn and like attention. I'm sort of a parent friend in my group and feel responsible for others. I get in trouble often though, especially with teachers and such - I argue often for what I believe in and don't stand bigotry or discrimination, especially against friends. Ironically enough I don't even curse and apologize to inanimate objects sometimes haha I also love horror movies and books. In relationships I'm very physically affectionate and pretty chill with pda but also can give people space. From experience I can tell that ‘opposites attract’ works for me best. I generally admire people who aren't as proper and I’m attracted to humour though my friends just say I like obnoxious people haha and not to bore you i’ll end this by saying that my hobbies include acting, dancing, drawing, writing (poetry/stories/songs) and makeup.
Have a nice day and thank you for doing this!
- @partdamselindistress
Hi of course
For deh I think connor as you guys would be opposite personality which would help bring him out of his shell.
For dps I think neil as you guys have similar personalities I think he would find you entirely different than anyone he knows which would make you more enticing to him.
Hope you liked it
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
modern dead poets society except charlie asks "why can't we just print more money?" every week just to piss cameron off
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
Hi! I love your writing so much and I wanted to ask if you could write some hcs about an enemies to lovers relationship with Knox? You don't have to, especially if you don't feel like writing about Knox, that's pretty understandable. Anyway, have a nice day, love!
- @partdamselindistress
I would love to! Just because he’s not my personal favorite doesn’t mean that others don’t like him :) and to anyone else out there who may fear I won’t write something because of the character, feel free to request who ever you want
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Enemies To Lovers With Knox Overstreet
You and Knox hated each other from the moment you two met. You don’t know why he hated you so much but everything he did seemed to get on your nerves. There wasn’t a day that went by where you two didn’t share some sort of nasty words or put your hatred towards each other into a mess of passive aggressive actions. “You look ugly today.” “You look ugly everyday, Mr. Overstreet.” You two always seemed to be bickering and arguing. And if you weren’t, like I said, things just might escalate when they get physical. Just little things, like pulling each other’s chairs away as your trying to take a seat, or knocking your food into each other’s laps. Stuff like that.
Like I said, everything Knox did seemed to bother you, especially when he talked about girls. How good he was with them and how much they swooned over him, it pissed you off. He was just so cocky. Why did he think he was such the lady’s man? Women seemed to run from him is what you always witnessed or observed. You just hated how high and mighty he thought he was, how narcissisticïżŒ he was. You hated his unneeded confidence. You just hated him, and that was that.
You both said “I hate you” more times then you’ve ever said your own name. Just passing in the halls, the words were always shared. Any chance you got, you said it. Because, you truly thought you hated him.
Well that’s until you were talking with Charlie one night.
“God I hate Knox so much.” You said after ranting about a fight the two of you had gotten into earlier that day. “Maybe you just like him, I mean, the two of you do seem to have some sort of tension going on.” Your friend said with a wink. Your face turned red as you listened to his words “Thats...thats...that’s totally absurd.ïżŒâ€ You said, crossing your arms and looking away from Charlie’s smug expression. “Fine, what ever you say.” He said, putting the whole thing to rest.
But him “putting it to rest” didn’t make you forget about it. You hated Charlie for bringing something so stupid up. Because after that simple conversation, you actually started to notice how pretty Knox truly was. Passing in the halls, he’d catch you staring at him, but as I stated earlier, it was basically tradition to say “I hate you” to one another. So, as you would be drooling over him, he would say it. “God, I hate you so much.” And it seemed to hurt more than it used to. Before, it didn’t even affect you, but now, hearing him admit to hating you made you often lay awake at night, feeling sorry for yourself.
Now, as you really got to thinking, you came to the conclusion that maybe you weren’t jealous about the girls he was with because he was too “cocky”, maybe it was just because you wished you could be the one that was with him. But you had totally ruined the chance of ever getting with him over the many years of “hating” each other. Now you just hated yourself.
And as you secretly grew feelings for him, you decided not to keep it as secret. You confided in Charlie, who actually kept this secret pretty well. “Charlie, I guess you were right, maybe I do like Knox.” “I told you.” “Just shut up, okay, I’m not proud.”
You were becoming content with keeping your feelings for Knox to yourself, just happy he was talking to you and giving you some sort of attention. Even if it wasn’t your most desired, it was still attention. I mean, your heart would just about flutter if the two of you even made eye contact. The thought of him was really starting to live in your head 24/7 at that point. And you were fine with that whole arrangement. That is, until he met Chris.
She was all he talked about, 24/7. Chris, Chris, Chris. You didn’t have anything agenst the anonymous girl, you had never even met her, you were just jealous how much she met to Knox. You wanted Knox to adore you the way he adored Chris. It was even more mind boggling to figure out that she had rejected him plenty of times. How could she reject someone like Knox you thought.
What you hated the most was the fact that he even started to stop paying much attention to you. You liked the attention you got from him, even if it was bad, but ever sense he met Chris, it’s like he completely forgot you existed. It’s like he had forgotten anything existed at that point. Except for Chris of course.
So, one day, you slipped up. Knox was going on and on about Chris, as he always seemed to do, and in front of everybody, you said “WHAT DO YOU SEE IN HER?” Out of total anger, you embarrassed yourself. Knox was morally confused “You like me?” He said, the entire room quiet. You hesitantly pulled Knox to a more secludedïżŒ and private area to explain yourself. “Yeah, yeah, I like you, but, you’ll never like me, you hate me.” You said. Everything was so awkward, having to sheepishly and embarrassingly explain everything. “Not true,” he said, catching you totally off guard “I do like you, that’s why I was so mean to you in the first place, because I didn’t want to like you, that’s why I became so obsessed with Chris, so I could stop liking you.” “Well...Maybe do you want to give things a try.” You shrugged, so ready for him to reject you for Chris, ready for him to explain that he actually didn’t like you like that anymore. But, he ended up saying yes!
It took Knox and yourself a bit of time to get used to it, the whole not constantly fighting and bickering. Of course, you didn’t hate each other anymore, but it was like a force of habit to share hurtful words. This was a huge change. So for the first week or so, you two totally forgot and would continuously say “I hate you” as you passed in the halls. Which would make you both pause and then burst out into laughter, catching as the two of you lived in your past, hatful relationship. Not your current, loving one.
The poets weren’t too surprised by your get together. They all admited to how they each could already tell you two had a little thing going on before your relationship even started. “There was just something there.” “Yeah, no one argues that much and doesn’t have a thing for each other.”
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
Hello! Congratulations on getting 50 followers, you seem very lovely and I hope you’ll get more in the future. If it's no bother could I ask for a ❀? My app glitched and I'm not sure if you got the first ask I send, if you did I'm sorry for writing again. So about me:
»I’m social, optimistic and nonjudgmental. As to my character I strongly relate to my enneagram type so 2. I romanticise everything and I have a lot of love for people around me that I express often. But I think I should mention I can be very stubborn and attention seeking. I also try not to be overbearing to my s/os (especially that I tend to be very protective and worry about them a lot), but it rather comes off as being distant, so I get along with people who are considered more clingy and who don't mind my antics. I'm fairly easy to impress but very reluctant to date. Also I really love public affection so I do better when the other person is fine with that stuff. Many who come across me think I'm proper and polite so it is a surprise that, while I try to be those things, I'm just, you know, no different from other teens. I'm trying to advocate for what I believe in publically too and often get in trouble for that. My hobbies include writing, reading, acting, songwriting, poetry and painting. I also love makeup, fashion and horror films. My favourite colour is violet, I love bunnies and I have a preppy aesthetic when it comes to my clothing
- @partdamselindistress
Hey! Thank you so much for the ask; I didn't get it before so no worries! <3
I think you'd be great with Charlie! As for your best friend, it seems like you would vibe well with Neil. (Let's pretend that he's alive for these headcanons)
Charlie Dalton has been in love ever since he saw you performing alongside Neil in A Midsummer Night's Dream
Neil, having an eye for these things, has been telling Charlie for months to tell you how he feels
Finally, Charlie gets sick of the nagging and approaches you out of the blue one day
"Hi?" you ask, more than a little confused.
"I like you. We could go out sometime if you like?"
With a bit of hesitation, you accept, not wanting to embarrass him
He picks you up in a flashy Cadillac that Saturday night and the two of you drive around town, with Charlie having one hand on the steering wheel and one hand holding yours
While driving may seem anticlimactic for a first date, the two of you never had a moment of silence, joking and talking and singing along to the radio
At the end of the night, he kissed you for the first time
Ever since then, he has never stopped holding your hand or having an arm around your waist or kissing your cheek
He always reassures you when you're worried you're being clingy, saying that he loves spending time with you and being close to you
When you aren't with Charlie, you're spending time with Neil, whether you're rehearsing for the next play or writing or inviting Pitts and Meeks along for a movie marathon
You fit right in with the dead poets and they immediately accept you as a part of the family, even though you don't go to Welton
To make matters simple, Charlie loves you, you love him, and you got a second family out of the deal
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
I meant to add more but I'm tired and I won't make much sense.
So all I have to say is that, while yes, PiS (the party mentioned above) did that in response to a rising in people (mostly from other countries) using the phrase “Polish death camps” and other variations of it that pointed towards Polish people building the camps, the document is indeed made to make us look a lot better.
This party has a history of erasing anything negative from our country’s past, amongst other terrible things they do (’lgbt-free zones’ for a lighter example :D) and while I stand by the fact that calling the camps ‘Polish’ is extremely disrespectful the document as a whole shouldn't be excused.
That is my opinion, I might be wrong - I'm not a politics expert, I just live there
“Imagine if people had been going ‘don’t fight hate with hate’ back when Hitler was around.”
let me tell you bout Poland.
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
Interesting headcanon request because I think it could be entertaining:
Embarrassing headcanons for each of the poets.
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Something That Embarrasses Each Of The Dead Poets
Once he thought a muffin was a hamster. Cameron burst through the door of Mr. Keating’s class one day, totally late, and as he sat down, Neil spotted something brown laying in his grasp. As Mr. Keating went back to teaching, Neil discreetly leaned over and whispered to Richard “You can bring a hamster in here?” To which Cameron, looked down at the muffin laying in his hands, then back at Neil, and said “Neil...this is a muffin.” Knox, who heard this from down the row, burst out into laughter. And after Cameron quickly explained the whole situation, because Knox drew attention to himself, the whole class also burst out into laughter. Even Mr. Keating. Neil’s face turned red as he looked over at the wall, avoiding all eye contact at any possible measure. So, for the next week, people would jokingly pet muffins as Neil walked past.
Todd almost cried when he accidentally called Mr. Keating dad. He was asking a question about the homework that had been assigned when the word “father” accidentally slipped. Mr. Keating, along with the rest of the class, noticed his little mistake and had to point it out. Mr. Keating of course made a joke, making Todd want to lay down and die more than he already did before. The joke was probably something about banging Todd’s mom. IM JOKING IM JOKING. Anyway, after that, he started to get called “Todd Keating” or “Little John” around school for the next week or so. And if that didn’t make things worse, Mr. Keating even jokingly called him son from time to time. Poor Todd was really living the tough life.
Charlie, Charlie has no shame, Charlie doesn’t get embarrassed. Well that’s what he’ll tell you at least. And it’s mostly true, but there is one thing that gets to Mr. Dalton, only one thing that will make his face go red and his palms sweaty. And that is the fact that he can’t ride a bike. As soon as the poets figured this out, they would not let him live it down because, who would miss an opportunity to embarrass the Charlie Dalton as he has embarrassed others, many of times.
This sad fact came to light when Knox asked if he wanted to go on a bike ride with him, and Charlie had to sheepishly explain that, at the age of 17, he was still unable to ride a bike. He begged of Knox not to let this conversation get spread around school, to which he agreed. Until the next day, when Charlie woke up, it quickly came to his notice that his secret inability to ride a bike had, in fact, been spread around the whole school.
He accidentally kissed Todd. This was an embarrassing experience for the both of them, but most unfortunate for Meeks, sense his parents were right there to witness it.
He had been dared, by Knox, to kiss Todd. The blonde was a bit skeptical and hesitant, he didn’t like the idea of kissing Meeks, but he also didn’t want Meeks to seem like a wimp. So he just went with it, giving consent, like the good friend that he is. So, as the magic happened, as their lips touched and sparks flew, they weren’t paying attention to the door way, where both Meeks mom and dad sat, just watching in complete shock. Needless to say, Todd burst out into tears and Meeks almost threw up when they noticed they had silent spectators.
There was many times that Pitts was called to the board and used the wrong “there”. He literally has no clue what’s the difference between their, they’re and there. As a senior in highschool, at 17 years old, he has absolutely no clue how they are supposed to be used in a sentence. Which makes being called up in front of the class a whole new level of stressful. Just praying that he doesn’t have to use any of those words in a paragraph. “Pitts, thats the wrong there.” “No it’s not, Charlie, stop doing this to me.” “YOU LITERALLY WROTE ‘THE DOG IS OVER THEIR’.”
Onetime he down right said that Charlie had “cute feet” and it literally made the entire room go quiet, not a single word was spoken for about a minute. Charlie took off both his socks and shoes in the showers one day and Cameron pointed it out that he had “adorable feet”. Immediately, he knew he had messed up. He began to stress as he embarrassingly said “WHAT!? THEY’RE CUTE, LOOK AT HIS LITTLE BABY TOE.” He said while pointing, his face turning as red as his hair. He thought he could recover from that horrible mistake but at that point, he was just making it worse. It would be hard to come to terms with the fact that there was no recovery for him. Only people accusing him of having a foot fetish for the rest of his time spent at Welton.
Pees the bed. Regularly. He’s an avid bed pisser. And when Neil spotted him in the halls one night, dragging his piss drenched bed sheets to the wash, he couldn’t help but tell Todd. Todd quickly told Pitts, who told Meeks, who then told Charlie, who then told Cameron, along with the entire school. And poor Knox, he had never been more embarrassed when he walked into his first period class and Neil just said “Did you forget your diaper?” Those boys tortured him.
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By the way, if you do or have done any of the things listed above, I am not trying to shame you I just thought it would be funny lmao.
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
ajkssdjfk this is becoming a problem
its kinda rushed but i made this it'd be cool if yall took it
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
how the poets would do if it’s your birthday
i think making this headcanon will make my seventeenth birthday more special, so happy birthday to me!
loves planning surprises
hands you little gifts before your birthday comes
the organizer of birthday parties
will give you the best gifts
“happy birthday to you, we love you so much!”
will help neil prepare surprises
also gives the best gifts
loves making little confettis and decorations
“i hope y/n will love these”
will give you a birthday card
gives you food and drinks as a gift
the loudest singer of happy birthday
will make you a poem as a gift as well
ate half of the cake
loves making birthday cards
he loves making cards so much that he made you more than 15 cards
almost ruined the decorations
“happy birthday y/n” *hands you tons of birthday cards*
starts spreading icing everywhere
he bakes the cake, cookies, quiches etc.
gives you a pack of baked goods that he made as a gift
warm hugs
“i hope you like my gifts! i made it by myself and i learned how to bake it for you, meeks helped me as well”
lets you eat the cake first
helps pitts bake the pastries
and helps todd make decors
gives you a hi-fi gift that he and pitts made
loves making birthday cards with knox
“happy birthday, y/n! it’s not much but i hope you like it” *hands you the hi-fi gift, birthday cards and pastries
will do the letterings
helps the decorations
gives you a book as a gift
“hey happy birthday, it’s not much but i hope you appreciate it”
gives you the warmest hugs
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
And lastly:
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What It Would Be Like Dating Knox Overstreet
I tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible :)
As you could probably guess, Knox asked you out with a poem and a pretty sad bouquet of flowers he had collected from outside. This boy had been pretty obvious about his feelings towards you for a bit of time now. You had often heard him talking about you and little did he know, Charlie had ratted him out to you, clarifying your theory’s. You were really just waiting for him to make his move, and that he did. Like I said, he wrote a poem all about you, making all the poets read it first, and then he set off on his mission. No matter where you were or what you were doing, when ever he had gained enough courage and confidence to read it out to you, he did. And it just so happened that you were in the middle of reading out a presentation for class when he burst through the door and read you the poem. It was pretty embarrassing but as soon as he locked eyes with you, it’s like everything else disappeared around the two of you, it was only you and him. And you happily said yes, jumping into his arms, which made the entire class erupt into cheering, whistling and clapping.
For dates, Knox has grown a liking for taking long and romantic walks. Preferably on the beach or by a body of water. He loves to hold your hand and just talk about what ever comes to mind, pointing out how beautiful you are as much as he possibly can. He loves watching the sun slowly set behind mountains and clouds and having his significant other by his side. He also said “I love you” by the end of your first date, which was a bit alarming, but like I said, you had known each other for a bit of time so it wasn’t like you were complete strangers.
Knox is always making contact with you, be it holding hands, kissing or having his arm wrapped around you, he’s always touching you. He likes being so close all the time, knowing that you are his and he is yours. But secretly, he also likes to just show off that you’re his, a pretty person in his arms is the biggest ego boost.
He cannot be without you. He wants to spend every minute with you that he possibly can. Sometimes, it’s cute, other times, it’s annoying. Like when you’re trying to study and he will not leave you alone, then it’s annoying, but when he’s constantly showering you with gifts and affection on Valentine’s Day. It’s cute and bearableïżŒ.
If you’re cold, he will give you the clothes off his back. He will let you wear anything of his that you so deeply desire. There has even been multiple times that the two of you have crossed paths with a puddle and instead of just walking around it, Mr. CEO Of Romance placed his jacket over it, letting you make your way across the puddle without getting even a drop of water on yourself. I cannot say the same for the jacket that is.
There has been many times you have over heard your boyfriend talking about you to his friends. Just so smitten with you. It always warms your heart and makes you blush when you hear him say how attractive you are, even when you aren’t present. He could talk about you all day if he really wanted. And I think the other dead poets are getting kind of annoyed by how much he talks about you.
Knox spending his money on you isn’t a rare occurrence. If you even mention something you saw at the store that day, he will immediately go out and retrieve it for you. No matter how expensive the item is, he’s wasting his money on it, just for you. No matter when or where you are, if you’re in a rush or not, he’s purchasing what ever you please.
Knox calls you “princess/prince”. Because in his eyes, you’re the most beautiful creature to walk this Earth and like I said, he wants to spoil you with all the riches he possibly can. You’re royalty to him.
He tends to keep his emotions from you, in his head, telling you how he feels is like taking the chance of hurting you. Most of the time, you have to force his feelings out of him, you don’t really push unless you can tell he’s about to hit rock bottom. And even then, most of the time, he just brakes down in a full out sob and tells you everything that’s been on his mind. And that situation usually ends in him being cuddled and over all comforted by you.
Mr. Overstreet has become extremely popular with his peers that attend other schools so he’s been invited to numerous party’s hosted by students of other schools. And he loves to attend these party’s, going up on the popularity chart, and what makes it easier for him to become popular? Bringing a hot date, which is always, of course, you. He’s usually absolutely drunk by the end of the night, which means you have to get him back to Welton safely. He sure does flirt a lot when he’s intoxicated.
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Here it is, the finally. Sorry this ones shorter than most of the others but I hope you all enjoyed these. I’m gonna be working on some request I’ve received after this so that’s something to stay tuned for :)
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
So like,
what if he just went straight into the pond?
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partdamselindistress · 3 years
Okay I went in dps tiktok and they still scare me but it's been a few days and I still come back to this photo
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