partwaysamicably · 11 years
"The city's gettin' bigger by the second. I guess I gotta start goin' out more and gettin' more used to city life."
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"... Yeah. Right. Sure ain't happenin' anytime soon."
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
Send me the following symbols if you've ever wanted;
■ Our muses to meet □ Our muses to be enemies ▥ Our muses to be friends ▤ Our muses to be best friends ▨ Our muses to be childhood sweethearts ▩ Our muses to be family (or like family) ▦ Our muses to be a couple △ To crack rp ▷ To serious rp ▽ To plot something- anything!
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
The Devil does indeed wear Prada.
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
He's being touched.
He's being touched by a complete stranger with claws akin to a monster. That clothed shoulder felt a stranger's goatee hairs. Never in his life did he feel so violated. Immediately, he felt as though he's in immediate danger-- from what, he doesn't know. He doesn't know what this man is. What this... thing... is.
On reflex, John Marston recoiled away from the invasive arm, the former outlaw now heartily keeping his distance from this creature. This is it-- this is John Marston's date with the devil. He sure as hell isn't ready for that.
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"I think the city's called "Hive City", mister." Stay away from me. "I ain't got no idea where exactly. Folk says the place ain't on no existin' map."
Hate Makes the World Go 'Round — CA Open
"Whyyyy, if this isn’t a predicament~"
Standing at the door to the city is a man. A horrid, terrifying, evil man. A man so cruel, so vile, so undeniably terrifying that his very name strikes fear into the hearts of men everywhere.
Him smiles happily as he stares out into the city. It’s certainly an improvement from Townsville! The buildings are larger and appear more new! The people are interesting and diverse! And best of all… no Powerpuff Girls… It’s a dream come true.
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"It’s wonderful, though~! I can’t waaaaaaait to see what kind of FUN I can find myself here~~!”
He makes his way to a nearby citizen and wraps a crimson arm around the other, then he leans in close. His goatee brushes softly against the victim’s shoulder.
"Tell me, will you~? Wheeeeeere exactly are we~?"
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
The past week has been spent in the apartment-- the foreign apartment full of technology nonexistent to him before. 
Yesterday, he learned how to work a toaster.
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Today, the goal:  conquer the art of making TV Dinner.
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
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"Yes it is, miss. That was the sorta life I was hopin' to lead. A man can't catch a break."
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            { ✘✘ }  ❝You’re a fan of quiet, then?❞
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
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"Well, I ain't complainin'."
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            { ✘✘ }  ❝It’s almost…quiet tonight.❞
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
oh yeah before i tackle some misc OPs if anyone wants to know, my twitter's this one right here and theres also my personal
cracks knuckles alright
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
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"You can say that." He is an expert marksman, after all. Having roots like his, knowledge of firearms is a Must. "It'd be a pleasure doin' business with ya, Mister Ryan."
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"Same here, Mister Marston." Jack crossed his arms over his chest. "You look like you know your way ‘round a gun, anyhow. It’d be my pleasure to give you a working piece."
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
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What a peculiar looking article of clothing! Giving it a good look, his head tipped to the side. He'll never understand modern fashion.
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"Thank you kindly." ... Should he wear it...
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
i have free time on campus and i was GOING to do replies but its too noisy in the lounge. 
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
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What's that he hears? That is the sound of a boisterous drunk. Someone must be having a bad day.
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
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"John Marston. It's my pleasure to meetcha, Mister Ryan." He shook the other man's hand, letting it drop to his side afterwards. Gun person. That's a new one. "I'll keep you in mind next time I needs a better gun."
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"M’name’s Jack. Jack Ryan." He held out his hand to the gunslinger. "Resident… gun… person." Yes, totally something someone would say. Not at all weird or anything.
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
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"I'll keep that in mind, mister. What's your name, so I know what man to look for when I need somethin' that can blow a hole in a crooked man's head?"
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"Tell you what… if you need a working weapon, I can arrange to get you something small for an easy price. It won’t be anything special, but it’s something."
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
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"I'll keep that in mind. I ain't got much to spend on new guns, but I appreciate it. This city ain't somethin' I'm used to, so I don't got much to go off of when I need somethin'."
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"Sector 5’s got gunsmiths. And you could jump some thug in Sector 3, and take his gun. The locals are not very bright."
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
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"Until I get my hands on somethin' more potent, I still got this BB gun. It's better than nothin', I suppose."
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"I have a question for you all. How long did it take for you to throw away the BB gun or the wooden stick or whatever the scientists gave you?"
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partwaysamicably · 11 years
The first song in my ask box becomes my autoplay for a week.
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