pasallahdrammeh · 7 years
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#Maths #Study #RealAnalysis #ArchimedeanProperty
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pasallahdrammeh · 7 years
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pasallahdrammeh · 7 years
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Just a lil side note: i almost failed maths in grade 5-8. Now, I’m doing 2 Maths subjects (straight A+’s) and ranked the third highest in my class for the harder maths subject (out of 20 students). You can do anything if you set your mind to it. Be persistent. Happy studying! :)
1. Keep up do date with the class
Even if the teacher doesn’t set homework, there is always an expectation that whatever excercise isn’t finished in class, you do at home! My maths class moves very fast (we do about 3 concepts/excercises each class) and so its crucial that the first thing I do when I get home, is finish off my maths questions! This is particularly important in the learning process, because if you understand it when you learn it, you will be far ahead of anyone else in an upcoming test- all you will need to do is revise!
This means:
- don’t sit next to anyone distracting
- work efficiently in class
- the time that your waste in class, is the time you will have to spend at home
2.  Do ALL the practice questions in your textbook
In my harder maths class, there are about 20 questions per excercise/concept (100+ per chapter) and so we might only get told to do about half of that. But, I strongly reccommend doing all of the questions! It is great practice and really consolidates your learning! 
ALSO, as the questions go on, they tend to get harder. DON’T GIVE UP IF THEY’RE TOO HARD. Ask the teacher’s help, persevere, or look for a video on YouTube. These are the questions that will most likely be in your tests/exams.
If you can do the hardest question, you can most likely do all the questions!
If you get a question wrong, do AT LEAST 5 more of the same style, make sure you know it well!
3. Practice is everything
You cant really study for maths the same way that you might study for science. There is nothing to memorise (apart from formulas, but the best way to remember them is to practice). Studying for maths IS doing practice questions. That’s all there is to it.   
 - listen to some tunes (music with lyrics is fine for maths!)   
 - put on a movie ( just try to not get too distracted)    
- find a comfy space   
 - just start studying.
4. How to study for maths when you’re sick of it all
Humans are creatures of habit. We like routines and we stick to them. BUT, studying maths can become tedious if you are constantly doing the same thing every time.
    - ditch the notebook and pencil. Buy some non-permanent glass markers and do some maths on your windows or mirrors! I do this ALL THE TIME! It’s actually really fun and it makes me feel like Russell Crowe from ‘A Beautiful Mind’ (haha). Alternatively, you could also use a whiteboard if you have one!   
    - study in the library or another part of your house! 
    - buy some different stationery (this is always so fun)
5. For an upcoming test…
do all the chapter review questions in your textbook. These tend to be a compilation of all the most important questions you will need to know. Take your time, don’t give up.
Seek external resources for questions. I own other revision books for maths that isn’t part of my school’s recommended material. These really help when you need more questions to test yourself on.
Do practice papers. THESE ARE CRUCIAL. Most of the time, the material that they test you on will be from past papers, the questions are the same, but they change the numbers!
Take a deep breath. Drink some water. Focus. Time management is the issue for most people (including me :)), so when you feel like a question is too challenging, move on, come back to it when you finish with a fresh mind!
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pasallahdrammeh · 7 years
when the music stops: dealing with the silence of existence
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existence is a lonely, profound and abstract vocation that each existent sapient being must embark. the depths of it muddy and frightening reality leaves one itching for release; a freedom at once bounded in the flight of spirit and the thundering return of an inspired being to the shattering realities of a life lived. today i woke up feeling empty and bordered towards things infinite but chained to what seems a resolute claim to the mundane. for the music has turned silent and the tough existence that one has to endure in of its blackness and blueness chance upon the empty space. what is life without music? how does one go about life when the string, horn and drums of the musician has been condemned to silence? how does the revolution of defying the odds happen when the beat has stopped only to be replaced by the incessant noise of the noose that hangs on the neck of the mind? forever ready to hang, to make one a strange fruit in this mindless capitalist plantation? it seems to me music is the one claim we will make before the king of kings and queen of queens when the times come to submit one perfect thing we have achieved during our tarrying and trodding of the earth. to say here is our offering, our dance, our perfect performance of your greatness and his/her only reply will be: onwards, soldiers, you’ve indeed lived up to my expectations. amīn. the musician is a gateway to the empyrean, the holy and the celestial. when she carves perfection thru the ever lingering great symphony of the cosmos, we all soar, we are all lifted to be carried off by the wings of the spirit towards the perfectly dreamt of life. a cathartic experience that heals; healing the very rift that has ensued in this very lateness of history. this is a homage to the sound maker, the artist that be. the one that quakes us back to existence after the long dark sleep of the soul. a tribute to those who found the sound, whose ears discovered the greater rhythm and endured thru time and space to capture that joyful festive that beats about the great soul of the universe. y'all make existence livable. this is an attempt to say thank you! now back to my damian marley. :)
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pasallahdrammeh · 7 years
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“My love for maths is like π- infinite and irrational.” -Anne
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pasallahdrammeh · 7 years
a love letter to god
dear god, as you already know i grew up in the backwaters of empire— a place where the water of a prosperous living has been stagnant for a long ass time. in the global neighborhood of dispossessed humanity. so this here is a passionate rage love letter in the form of a prayer. for that’s how we are always told to address you i.e. prayer; constant knee bending, prostrating and hands wide open to you in the hope of hearing an answer. the poverty, the darkness- not the religious typa dark- the pain of subjugation, the waters have ran off the taps. our people are reduced to a shuffling, trifling, begging lot that sees only the handouts, the lies of leaders, the promises of preachers and the scolding of the 1%. however in all of this we are told constantly this is thy will and thy will be done, no matter what. to rebel, to even question the motives and structures of this will and how it will be done is to be on the borderline of faith. it’s to be marked, fatwa upon your head, excommunicated. to transgress religious borders, even as you have to be acutely aware of their abstract presence, is to sustain the mark of the beast. makes me wonder, are these your dictates… i’m wandering too far. i meant to ask you about how the social divide, the classism of late capitalist ethos have to do with your dominion. do you institute poverty? do you do a selective blessings upon your herd? herd, such a strange word steeped in religious discourse. are we herded for we know not? to be led like sheep to the kingdom? to attain unto felicity in the paradisal state by being sheep led? too many questions//so little answers. i think i’ll stop here till later. you’re a good god so i was told and taught. take care. -immortal.
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pasallahdrammeh · 7 years
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Members of My Chemical Romance being 109% done with Trump’s bullshit
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