passerbygirl · 3 years
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Illustrations by Inga Moore for 1911 classic, THE SECRET GARDEN. 2007.
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passerbygirl · 4 years
I'm sorry but if you don't like Pietro I can't trust you, he's just a good little clown sheep. He's not ugly he's cute. Be nice to him!!!! 😭
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passerbygirl · 4 years
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Oh, baby boy…
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passerbygirl · 4 years
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i just had to draw this because i feel like screaming tbh
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passerbygirl · 4 years
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passerbygirl · 4 years
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passerbygirl · 4 years
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passerbygirl · 4 years
bored. might swollow a kinder egg like a snake just because
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passerbygirl · 4 years
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passerbygirl · 4 years
when someone gives you directions but you go the wrong way
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passerbygirl · 4 years
No offense but *coughs into a white cloth, then dramatically unfolds it to reveal that it is spotted with blood, foreshadowing my tragic death by tuberculosis at the ending of the film*
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passerbygirl · 5 years
man im fucking pissed. some of you may remember that I spoke about a shooting at a Costco down the street from me like 2 months ago. since then, the cops have lied, hid information, and has tried to obstruct justice while the victims were in ICU. 
tldr: the French family was shopping at our local Costco when their nonverbal son with schizophrenia pushed an off duty police officer. the officer was holding his baby and quickly gave it to his wife and immediately pulled a gun. The French family begged with the officer and explained that their son was sick and that it was an accident. the cop ignored, shot and killed their son, then shot Mr. and Mrs. French (who were simply begging him not to shoot) and put both of them in ICU. Mr. French was in there for a short period while Mrs. French was in ICU for even longer. 
While they were recovering, the police wouldn’t release video footage, and the officer who shot claimed he was ‘knocked unconscious’ by Mr. and Mrs. French’s son. Everyone who witnessed the incident said that was a lie, and that the officer was never unconscious at any fucking point.
It’s hard to picture this, but I need you to. A nonverbal man, who was shopping for groceries with his family for fathers day, was shot and killed. Both parents begged multiple times and tried to explain. 
His mother recalls: ‘Paola French also says she pleaded with the officer. “I told Officer Sanchez not to shoot twice. I even said please,” she recalled between sobs. “I was pleading for our son and our lives. I was still shot in the back. What threat did I pose to him?“’
Kenneth French (the nonverbal son) was shot at least twice. Russel (the father) French was shot in the abdomen. Paola was shot in the back and had to go through SEVEN SURGERIES in an attempt to recover. That is at least 4 shots right there. All because of one accidental push. These were shots at unarmed, innocent people who were just trying to take care of their son and go get some groceries so they could have a nice fathers day.
There’s so much more, but please read it all here.
please don’t let this die. this officer needs to have his fucking reality checked.
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passerbygirl · 5 years
i wanna share with y'all a great thing that happened in my city yesterday. early in the morning, ICE tried to kidnap an undocumented man while he was leaving for work with his son in the car. this man had no warrant and no criminal record, and had lived in his home with his family for the past 14 years. these ICE agents, un-uniformed and in unmarked cars, blockaded this man’s driveway, while he and his child sat locked in their van, for 4 hours. (obviously this isn’t the good part.)
the man’s neighbors were the first to gather and confront ICE. phone calls were made, and dozens of local organizers, lawyers and activists showed up, in addition to more neighbors. they bought gas and siphoned it into the man’s car so he could keep the AC going. they passed water and food through the car windows. the city government was flooded with calls, and a few city council folks showed up in support of the man.
and ICE left.
the man’s neighbors & the activists formed a human chain around the car so the man and his son could get back into their house. and later, his whole family was escorted to a safer location.
today, that man is still with his family. his children, though undoubtedly shaken and scared (especially the son who was with him the whole time, and was so frightened he threw up at one point) still have their father. one of the neighbors said: “they picked the wrong neighborhood on the wrong day” and “I know they’ll be back, and so will we.”
I know a ton of posts get shared about doing this exact thing, but i want you to know that IT WORKS. community works. so please, above anything else, get to know your neighbors. keep an eye out for each other. don’t let people disappear. keep each other close, keep each other safe.
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passerbygirl · 5 years
(Mostly) Spoiler-free Pokespe Arc Summaries
RGB: Shounen mostly episodic adventure but the protagonist actually payed at least some attention in school
Y: Chaotic dumb cleric on a rescue mission with a bunch of baby animals
GSC: Local fuckboy gets involved in a national conspiracy, does his best to learn nothing; Leg-Day-Every-Day throws down with demigods for charity
RS: Fabulous Jackass tries to outrun his problems, creates more problems; Georgia of the Jungle is the strong
FRLG: Family reunions ruined by aliens
E: When you wish upon a star… you unleash chaos and learn about friendship
DP: Comedic misunderstandings
Pt: Everyone goes to Hell
HGSS: Best Legs in Johto throws down with actual God for charity; fuckboy does track and field; local emo discovers anime
BW: Kiss kiss fall off a ferris wheel
BW2: Spies, cults, and hiatuses!
XY: The media is evil and the masses are ignorant at best and uncaring at worst about the suffering taken on by others to protect them
ORAS: Dragons, baby!
SuMo: Reblog money cat for 100 million yen and a broken arm
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passerbygirl · 5 years
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Masaaki Iwane created a fan animation for Pokespe and it’s absolutely gorgeous!! ♥
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passerbygirl · 5 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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passerbygirl · 5 years
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We all were here at some point.
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