When there is sun gazing there must be moon gazing too..
Since my brilliant teachers in India made me aware and research about sun gazing more, I started wondering what there is to find about moon gazing. As a moon child I have always been drawn to its beautiful light and magic it conveys when it becomes dark. I mean, doesn’t it take everybody’s breath away when full moon is about to rise, a big bright ball that lightens up the night? I have always absolutely loved it and subconsciously observed what phase it was. 
The older i became, the more interested i have been in how to use its power and the energy of its particular phases for setting intentions, manifesting, tackling problems, taking time out to go inwards and looking up when the best time would be for things such as cooking or gardening (In those regards I can very well do with a little moon support :))
And also, since we are tapping on the masculine energy by doing sun gazing I would assume its just as important to absorb the beautiful feminine energy of the moon also. When doing my research i sadly had to realize that moon gazing has not been studied much at all. Apparently it hasn’t got as much affect as sun gazing. Surely its feminine energy must be more gentle but just as powerful in its own way I believe. It is said that if you are practicing moon gazing you are still absorbing sun light to some degree. The moon is magical and hides many secrets, including the gravitational force that decreases body tension. (Nutrirank.blogspot.com) Besides that there is quite a few spiritual benefits... 
Choosing to tap into the energy of the moon can add an element of beauty, mystery, and flow to your convictions. Little rituals or simple meditations in the light of the moon are a great way to either let go of whatever is not serving you any longer or to draw into your life whatever your soul needs to flourish more. So maybe this post inspires a passionate astronomer who now wants to start a research on health benefits of moon gazing. For me personally there don’t have to be any, i truthfully feel the energy and what it does to my self. If you haven’t tried it out yet, start noticing when the new cycle is about to begin and set your intentions on new moon day.  When full moon comes around take your time to take your time to look back at your intentions, reflect and notice what has changed or determine what you’d like to let go of, whether there are old patterns or habits you want to burn (literally on a piece of paper;)). Simply enjoy and honor its magic and feminine energy. Surely regarding your emotions you will notice a huge difference between full and new moon ;) Do the gazing anyways, no matter when. Yin, the moon deserves just as much attention as its partner, yang the sun. :) 
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My little full moon ritual in India 2019. 
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The art of sun gazing.
The Sun is the supreme body in our solar system. Without its heat and light, the Earth would be a lifeless, dark place to live at. By knowing so it can not be surprising that our bodies and minds become dark and lack energy and life, when it doesn’t get provided with a sufficient amount of sunlight, right? Sunlight surely is an essential element from which all life originates and is energized.
According to the Indian mythology, Surya (Sun) was responsible for health of mind, body and spirit, being the source of light and warmth, hence making all life possible. On the contrary, the more the body is dwelling on darkness, the more disease will come. The body then becomes weak and stops functioning properly. When sunlight enters our bodies, we become energized and empowered in the possibly purest way there is. All the body defenses increase and become stronger to fight disease or illness, which literally means it strengthens your immune system. 
Engineer and sun gazing expert Hira Ratan Manek claims, if done right, sun gazing will prevent many diseases and is greatly beneficial for our overall health. When sunlight enters the brain via our eyes it stimulates or activates the pineal gland which naturally boosts the secretion of melatonin and serotonin, our feel-good hormones. As a result, our mind becomes more balanced, stronger and we are able to transform our negative thoughts into positive ones. This will have an impact on our mental state of mind, increases peacefulness and harmony from within. AND we all know there is much more to come along with a healthy, harmonious and calm mind. :) That surely is when all magic and healing happens... :)) Further, radiological researchers reckon that the ultraviolet rays enhance calcium absorption in the elderly, relieve headaches, fatigue, and even benefit newborns suffering from jaundice. If you make sun gazing a ritual, no doubts it will affect your whole body, healing itself from allergies, asthma, sleep disturbances and all kinds of disease.
As mentioned above and to profit from all benefits to the max, we should follow a little guideline.. Choose the  time wisely. Dawn or dusk are meant to be the most recommended as your eyes will only take in very little or no us rays at all. Ideally, you practice barefoot, in nature, where there is the possibility to go for a 20-30minutes walk afterwards. When you are new to the practice, 30 seconds to look at the sun with open eyes are enough to start with. Close your eyes and stay for another 5 minutes or so. To be in contact with the earth, go on a slow, meditative, silent walk afterwards. Out of curiosity I had to research why being barefoot is so important.. So here’s a little scientific background: The reflex for the pineal gland is found in the big toe and the remaining four toes represent other glands – pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamus and amygdala. When you walk barefoot on soil/ mud/sand all these 5 glands are stimulated and combined with sunlight, create a sort of magnetic field in and around your body that recharges you and your brain. WOW! That literally blows my mind. x) Also, if you are enjoying Surya Namaskar (Yoga asana practice) just as much as me- It works on the same principle of tapping the energy of the sun for a better living and health! 
Even if you don’t make it a ritual- relax in the gentle evening smile of the sun whenever you can and allow the power of the sun to work magic on your body... :)
Happy sun gazing to all of you beautiful souls!
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Namaste and thanks to Atmavikasa Center of Yogic Sciences in Mysore and my teachers for making us aware about this. Please check them out on www.atmavikasa.yoga.in <3
PS: For those who are worried about photosensitive skin, that is usually common only between age 40 and 55 when the slightest exposure to sunlight brings out a red, itchy inflammation on their skin. Some others develop pigmentation-dark spots on the cheeks and are advised by doctors to keep out of the sun. However, naturopaths say the problem is not the sunlight but our own body. Normally, the skin produces the pigment melanin that screens and filters UV rays. It surfaces to give our skin a gentle tan. But, gradually, the skin stops producing melanin and disarms itself where it can no longer face natural healing sunlight.
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Kia Ora beautiful souls,
I would love to take this as an opportunity to create a space for inspiration and growth. I have chosen to start my spiritual journey in my early twenties. Through spiritual practices, many gorgeous fellows and wise teachers I met traveling, I got inspired and started to live as pure and humble as I can, discovering my passions, potential and purpose, which is surely an ongoing process I am endlessly grateful for! I started to enjoy the “ride”, wanting to learn more about myself, my story and gifts. One of my greatest gifts and passions at the same time I would like to share with you at this stage, is to create. I have been always very good in creating a lot of chaos (My mum would certainly agree) during my childhood and teenage years, these days I am more into creating art, music, natural products, harmony, awareness, healing, a peaceful atmosphere or a safe and trustworthy space for others to open up- to just name a few examples. I love it and I believe I am not myself if I, for any reason, could not create any of those. 
So the intention I have with this blog is simply creating to inspire and share my experiences and knowledge I have gained from the most amazing teachers, gurus and healers.
 Namaste. <3 
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