passionescuppycake · 7 months
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original under the cut
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
They're all so hot 🔥 sooo is this BriGio or BriCcolo😉 (I'm kidding!!)
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Yayy I'm finally done with the chaos trio🤗 I didn't know if I wanted this to be like a fake screenshot or a character card type of thing, so I did both. Niccolo belongs to @donvilaro
Okay it's 1am, goodnight 🤭😘
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
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My take on Jean Pierre Polnareff with his hair down (might repaint this since it’s a bit old)
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
The prettiest woman in the world is Bria 😤
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
You make him sound like a dream 🥰
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♡Giorno is that boyfriend that holds your handbag without fussing, will fasten your shoes / tie your laces for you, and then straighten up to immediately take your hand and continue to go wherever you guys were going to in the first place.
♡He'll happily pose for your obscure aesthetic photos and do those cute couple trends because he scrolls through them when he's having a rough day to remind him of what's important.
♡He'll randomly gift you with flowers and treats, because he couldn't pass by those stores without thinking of you.
♡You both will unintentionally start to match each other and when he sees how good you both look, he's going to get your favorite designers to make these bespoke outfits for the both of you.
♡He always has contact with you when you're in public, whether it's holding your hand or resting his hand on your hip or the small of your back, these tasteful gestures are always there.
♡He loves it when you play with his hair at the end of the day. He always prefers it when you take down his curls and loosen his braid for him.
♡For all the lavish meals he can afford, he prefers anything you would make him, regardless of how simple you may think it is. He values above all else, the fact that you thought of him and his well-being.
♡Giorno is the type of boyfriend that makes you unsure of whether you're dreaming or not because even your wildest dreams fail to match up your reality with him.
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
Lol Bribri this is so cute! And you're not a nightmare 😲
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I jumped in on a trend. Lol I'm sorry I might have broke the cringemeter
You can find the generator here
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
This fkr... so hot and for what 🙄😒
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🧎🏽‍♀️ omfg... I need to lie down...
Art credit: Juuuuuuud_e on Twitter
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
A Follow for those who get it. 🐞⌛
I need sleep... 💤
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
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Comfort (Giorno x Reader)
Just a tiny offering while I'm working on my longer pieces, just GioGio being wonderful and dreamy, suggestive if you squint, mainly self-indulgent fluff.
It had been a very long time since you've had a day like this.... one where everything that could have gone wrong, did. After putting out your umpteenth fire for the day, all you wanted was your bed and cuddles from your beloved.
You had only realised how late it was when you saw Giorno’s name flashing on your screen. Plans to go out for dinner long forgotten, you answered his call with a hoarse voice.
"What's wrong, amore? Replied Giorno's worried voice.
"I've just had better days... I'll be downstairs in a moment, I'm sorry I completely forgot about our plans. Give me five minutes,"
You quickly gathered up your things, and made your way downstairs, trying to straighten yourself in the elevator, you were dismayed by your disheveled appearance. Giorno had been waiting outside the car, ready to envelope you in the tightest, most comforting hug his strength could muster, and only released his hold on you once felt the tension leave your body. Gently cupping your face, he ushered you into the front seat of the car and remained silent, waiting for you to open up if you wished to do so. After hearing your voice on the phone, he resolved to dedicate the evening to making you feel better and putting a smile back on your face again.
You noticed that Giorno was taking the usual route that took you to the beautiful villa that you shared with him.
"Wait, I thought you wanted to go out?"
"I did... but I have a better idea right now, come on, let's just put the day behind us and focus on what matters..."
Giorno had led you inside, and drew you a bath, filling it with some of your favorite blooms, and lavender to help your frayed nerves calm down.
"There, you relax here, and I'll be back in a little bit,"
"Aren't you going to join me?"
"Dinner first, then dessert," he replied with a smirk, and left you to your bath. The temperature and feel were just right, and you could feel the tension dissolving from your muscles with each minute you spent in there. While you were decompressing, Giorno had given the rest of his staff the evening off and called the restaurant to arrange delivery of the meal he wanted to have to the villa instead. He made short work of setting up all your favourites, lit up few scented candles and dotted the room with fresh flowers.
You had finally instilled some sense of calm back into yourself- and the pads of your fingers were wrinkled enough- so you had gotten out of the bath and wrapped yourself in the soft cotton gown, conveniently laid out for you. He really did think of everything you mused as you walked down the hall, following the gentle sound of his movements in the dining room.
"Ah! How do you feel, amore?" He asked, pressing soft kisses all over your face and the exposed part of your shoulders. Your lips found his and you both smiled though your kisses, tangling your fingers through his hair, you murmured your affirmations into the shell of his ear.
"How could anyone remain upset after coming home to this?" Giorno seated you near himself, and you both spent the time chatting about this, and that, conversation had never been difficult for the two of you and you always found yourself marveling at how well you gelled with each other.
You cleared up after dinner, allowing Giorno the opportunity to put on some soft music and light a fire to add to the ambience. There was a certain coziness that central heating couldn't replicate, and over the years you and Giorno had realised that for all the luxury he had access to, it was the little comforts that were priceless to you both. You had just finished loading the dishwasher when you felt his arms wrap over you once more.
"Aww, I wasn't gone for that long, but I'm not one to complain about all this attention,"
"I just wanted to make sure you're okay," he responded, burying his face into the crook of your neck. You turned to face him while still in his arms, linked your fingers behind his neck and started swaying to the song playing in the background.
"All things considered, I'm just perfect..."
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
Oh. My. God. How is he such a creep but so appealing at the same time? Powerful, rich, handsome, insane. Lmfao perfect yander3 recipe
I had been thinking about this idea since Bri posted her event. Its just an unhinged AU that the mutuals will appreciate (I hope, hahahaha) @mrsgiovanna​ you could count this as a Giorno month prompt, from his biggest (superior) rival.   Yandere themes, kidnapping, general yandere notions
It was a plan that was years in the making, and finally it had come to bear fruit… Having just gotten off the phone with Giorno, Niccolo had felt a surge of mixed emotions. He had to admit, he was moved by the Don's distraught voice and the fact that Giorno had, in his desperation, turned to Bri's father for help. Niccolo made a mental note to be careful of giving anything away when speaking to Mahin, who had the ability to derail his entire future with Bri if he so wished to.
Leaving his study, his hurried steps could be heard approaching the east wing of the mansion- Bri had been acquired, her unconscious form lay in the suite adjoining his own. He wasn't going to make her share a bed with him immediately,  he had waited this long and her presence in his home was enough for him in the meantime. 
"Don Niccolo… " he nodded at Ava in acknowledgement, eyeing the sleeping woman on the bed before him. He reached out and examined her for any injuries and frowned as he trailed his fingers along the tear stains on her face, while Ava had started brushing the ends of Bri's hair with a sad smile. 
Without hesitating Niccolo summoned his stand and impaled her chest with one of the appendages he manifested from his spine and broke it off within her, sealing off her stand ability. After a few moments of just staring at her, he gave them the space and time to do what they needed to.  In just under two hours Niccolo's helpers had finished their work on the young lady and left her with Niccolo's consigliere, Fausto. The young man regarded Bri carefully, sighing in resignation as he called out his stand to enact the final bit of Niccolo's plan and would ensure that she would remain with his Don. He had been Niccolo's most trusted ally for the longest time, having grown up together. He was privy to all of Niccolo's plans, helped him to reshuffle Sangue Reale after his father's death and served as a voice of reason when the young Don got too carried away, however, as much as he tried, Niccolo was resolute when it came to Bri, ignoring all reason and rationalizing his own motives in any way that he could. Fausts stand, Forgotten, had appeared next to him, and had started to rearrange and delete Bri's memories so that nothing of Giorno or Passione had remained behind. Niccolo had returned to the room, to find Faust almost finished with his task. 
"It's done… you're going to have to be very patient with her… "
"I know that-" 
"I don't think you do, I've seen all her life events, she's been through so much… it's not too late, be the better man, give her back to Passione…" suggested Faust tentatively.
"I'm not a good man, and I know I'm selfish… Trust me, I'm not blind to my faults. I may not have the best abilities, but things fell into place for me to take her and so I did." It was the first time that Faust had seen this type of emotion flash in the Don's eyes, like pools of ichor swirling furiously. Niccolo averted his eyes though, his underbosses critical gaze had left him feeling unnerved, thankfully, his attention was beckoned to the girl who was stirring from her sleep. It was the curtain call for his master plan, and almost like a switch had been flipped, had his demeanor and gaze softened when he saw Bri's dark eyelashes flutter open. She wasn't defensive or poised to attack, but rather wore an expression of innocent fear, and recoiled from Niccolo when he gently placed his hand on hers. 
"Can you tell me what your name is?" Asked Niccolo in a mild voice, watching the confused girl trying to gather her thoughts and orient herself. 
"B-bri… my name's Bria Adal… my, my head hurts" she said through a grimace, clenching her fists against her temples. Niccolo gently grasped her wrists and brought them down to her lap. 
"I'm sorry, we can get you something for that, just stay calm, okay Bria? Breathe with me…" 
"Oh you're shaking like a leaf… please don't be scared, you're safe here, I promise you, no harm will ever come to you, I won't allow it, okay?" Niccolo gently brushed her now chin-length hair away from her face, and tucked it behind her ears, revealing her teary eyes. "Please don't cry, everything will be okay I promise" the scared girl could only nod, and looked around trying to find some sort of familiarity in her surroundings. 
"I can't watch this," said Faust as he walked out of the room. Inhaling sharply, Niccolo left Bri's side apologizing to her and went after his consigliere.  
"Faust, wait!"
"I did what you asked- no ordered me to do, I've  messed with her mind, it's done, mission completed, you're on your own now!" 
"Keep your goddamn voice down, she's going to hear you!" 
"Good, maybe she'll run then," 
"Watch it Faust," 
"Oh? Have I offended you Don Vilaro? You know I've seen you do a lotta shit in the past, but you've had valid reasons… this? This is beyond selfish, you're ruining her entire life! Don't you feel anything watching her like this? A shadow of her former self?" Fausts words had wounded Niccolo, but he didn't retort because deep within himself, he knew they were true. 
"Look, I know, okay I know! Slowly things will get better and I can give her her stand back, she'll regain her strength but she's never using it to fight on my behalf, ever…  she needs to stay as far away from  all of this as possible," 
"Why are you so obsessed with taking her out of this world? She could probably hold her own against either of us. She's not your mother Niccolo,  but you're acting a whole lot like your father," any attempt at niceties would be useless now and Faust had realized he overstepped his boundaries. 
"Perhaps you should leave, I'll see you in the morning," said Niccolo in a chillingly calm voice, reminding Faust that it was when his anger was quiet that he was at his most dangerous.  
"I'm sorry-" 
"Just leave, please," without waiting for Faust to reply, he turned on his heels and walked towards Bri's room. 
When he entered he found her still on the bed,  hugging her knees to her chest. She still looked scared but was calmer than before. 
"Bria, are you hungry? What would you like?" 
"Just some water is fine," she said, offering a weak smile, which Niccolo returned as he called Ava and asked to bring up something for the young woman. 
"Are you alright?" Asked Bria softly, noting the change in his demeanor when the young Don had returned to her room. 
"Hmmm? Oh I'm fine, why?" A small, forced smile graced his face, not really reaching his eyes. 
" I heard what sounded like an argument, and you came back looking sad… did you and your friend have a fight?" 
Still so perceptive and caring even like this he thought to himself as he sat next to Bria on the bed.
"Something like that angel, it will be fine though, nothing you need to worry about,  you'll come to know Faust again, his mouth works faster than his brain…" Niccolo's description of his consiglieri earned a small chuckle from the raven haired girl beside him. 
"Who am I though?" 
"Have you forgotten your name? You're Bria,"
"No, no, who am I to you? What is my purpose here?" Niccolo extended his arm towards her, caressing her cheek softly as he thought of how to reply. 
“You, my beautiful Bri, are at the center of my empire. You’re the one I love most in this whole world.” 
“Oh… I…”
“Are you disappointed, my love?” He was troubled by the downcast expression on Bria’s face but waited for her to respond before reacting. 
“I am… in myself though… I can’t even recall something as important as that… I’m so sorry,”
“Bria, don’t apologize, please, none of this is your fault, if anything, I am to blame, it's my duty to keep you safe and I failed…” Niccolo held her close, placing a few kisses onto her hair. The manner in which he had spun the story had left no room for doubt and at that point Bria had no reason to question him thanks to Faust's seamless alteration of her memories. For all intents and purposes, she was just a girl with amnesia and was being looked after by her lover. Any feelings of guilt that Niccolo may have been harboring had all but vanished when he felt her in his arms. Years of pining, months of planning, and finally she was his. 
"I'm sorry for interrupting…" Ava spoke as she walked into the room with a tray full of little treats that Bria enjoyed. She continued, "I'm Ava, if you need anything at all, I'm always around, so please don't hesitate to ask," 
"Thanks Miss Ava…  there's something so warm and familiar about you…" 
"Well I should hope so miss Bri,"
"Please, just Bri, or Bria, anything else feels strange," Before agreeing to her request Ava looked to Niccolo for approval,  which he granted with a small nod. Perusing the spread that Ava had brought into the room, he had picked up a strawberry and offered it to Bri who took a small bite of it. 
"These are some of your favorites, if your palate has changed though, I'll bring you something else," offered Ava. 
"No, no this is fine, please don't, this is wonderful, thank you," Bria's polite decline brought a smile to the older lady's face, and the three of them made light conversation for a short while until Bria's tiredness had overpowered her will to stay awake. 
"Alright, we can continue this tomorrow,  you're tired my love," Niccolo gently pushed down Bria's shoulders and pulled the covers up around her. His thumb caressed her bottom lip as he cupped her cheek, but he fought the urge and kissed her on the forehead instead before leaving the room with Ava. 
The pair walked in silence for a moment before Niccolo spoke. 
"I suppose you're this quiet because of what happened with Faust," 
"It is upsetting, I'll admit. I've watched you both grow up, this isn't like you two…" 
"I know… I might have been a bit harsh. But so was he- comparing me to that tyrant,"  Niccolo looked down to meet the woman's worried gaze before he continued. "Not you too…" 
"I just don't want you to do anything you'll later regret, you're a good person… but this is bad Niccolo… Don Giovanna will come to look for her, so will her father. If anything happens to you-"
"You worry too much, I can take them on, both of them, she's worth the risk��� but that's not going to happen, my plan is foolproof." 
In Naples, villa Giovanna was thrown into disarray. Disheveled in appearance with his eyes bloodshot, Giorno poured over the few hours of video footage which captured Bria before she had disappeared,  awaiting word from Abbacchio who had gone to Sicily with Mista to where she had last been seen. It was the strangest occurrence, the work of a stand user no doubt, and he had his suspicions regarding Niccolo, but didn't want to act until he was certain, fearing the position Bri might have been in, should his assumptions hold true. Under normal circumstances, Giorno would have already ripped Sicily apart in an attempt to look for Bria, however, one false move would have resulted in him losing his stand ability altogether. That was the potency of Niccolo’s stand, The Reaper. A rival that he might have been evenly matched with had he not been as aggrieved over Bria’s disappearance.  It was a game of chess and his queen had been captured, his defenses had been left wide open and Niccolo was poised to win. 
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
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glo up
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
[This is for @mrsgiovanna event. Bria, I hope you like it]
[Tag: Giorno x Bria (the year is 2003)]
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"Are you... Wearing my shirt?"
Bria looked to the side for a moment and said "Yeah...?"
"It looks like a dress on you" he smirked, crossing his arms and gazing at the petite girl. Since his 16 years old, Giorno has been getting slowly closer (physically) to the other Joestar men of the family. Sometimes, when they went to sleep together, Bria wore his shirts.
"And so?"
"Nothing. It just looks so adorable on you." He spoke softly when he went toward her direction
"You know what else is adorable?"
"Him too." She said as she put her hands around his waist, looking up at him. Being shorty has it's perks "I actually meant those cat ears of yours~"
"Cat ears?" The raven haired girl stood in the point of her feet to gently touch his hair that has a part that resembles like a cat "Oh... Come here, then!" He picked her up, making the young lady yelp for a second until she started bursting out laugh.
Soon, both were on the majestic bed, laughing and Giorno was already attacking Bria's neck with kisses "Giogio, it tickles!"
When Bria met Giorno in his life, she didn't expected to have such a huge importance in the golden boy's life. And both can agree that love is something unexpected. It is slowly built, even though when you see that person for the very first time your heart races, your pupils dilate, cheeks blushing. For Giorno and Bria, it was the best feeling in the world finding someone who was not only their romantic partner but best friends.
Sometimes, they wonder if they had never met in live. What a strange scenario would be for everyone.
"GIOGIO, STOP! AHAHA! I surrender!"
"Ah, yes. The almighty boss caught you~" only she was allowed to see that more playful side of his more often.
"Come on, I am the true boss around here~"
"The boss of mafia? Hmm, kinda far. But boss of my heart? Definetly"
"Come here~" cupping gently his face with her soft hands, pulled him closer to a tender kiss. Her lips tasted like cherry lip balm. But for the leaf green eyed boy, it was only heaven.
"Oi, don?" A voice has broke their mood, turning their heads to the door direction. Mista. All he saw was Giorno on top of Bria and that made the older one smirk "Giorno, you sly horny dog"
"Look who is talking" both answered at the same time.
"I have pedigree" said as he pretended to flip his fake long hair (he was wearing the classic hoodie. Mista's hair is hidden).
"Sure. And no shame on your face on appearing like that" Bria replied
"I'd give these relatory for the two of you but since Bria was such a meanie..."
"Give me that" Giorno got off Bria and grabed Mista's paper, taking a quick analysis, in their bed "Oh. One more job successful. Great job for the squad who did it though."
The gunslinger nodded "By the way, there will be a formal ball requiring your presence, Giorno. Yours as well, Bria. It will be next week."
"Do you know who invited us?" She asked.
"It's in Siccily. The answer is quite obvious."
Giorno sighed, leading his fingers to his forehead "What have I done to recieve that guy in my life...?"
"Don't worry, amore mio. I guess he just wants to deal with you about something important."
"I do hope so, princess... You're dismissed, Mista, thank you."
"And Bria, that tone of pink doesn't look good of you. It looks way bette on me"
"Mista, you have FOUR seconds to run before I throw this pillow on you." She picked up a small pillow just to tease him.
"Why do you have to be like this?" That's all he has said before he left swearing at his unlucky number.
"We will go, Bri. But I don't trust that guy so close to you."
"Aaawn, Gio! I'm all yours and you know that!"
"I know, dolcezza. But what if he tries something you don't want? That's what I fear?"
"If he had tried something with, do you think I'd let it quiet?" She comforted him by gently interwining her fingers through the golden hair "It's alright."
"If you say so..." he pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
To be the best wine maker in mondstad
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Diluc in Giorno clothes
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
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Memories (Dad!Giorno x Fem Reader)
I wanted to start this month off with something short and sweet, fluffy and self indulgent. A meandering drabble at best.
Warnings: mentions of Giorno's childhood
Word count: 894
It was a rare quiet morning at Villa Giovanna. Giorno had stirred from his sleep early as he had always done, only this time, he wasn’t in a rush to get himself ready for the day. He looked over to your sleeping form and smiled as he brushed a stray lock of hair away from your face. So peaceful, he mused as he placed a feather-light kiss to your cheek before getting out of bed slowly so that he would not wake you. He always relished seeing you in your most relaxed state, proud of all the responsibilities you helped him shoulder. He stalked through the hallways, bathed in the gentle spring sunshine that danced about the sleep-tousled waves of his golden hair.
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His attention was called towards the murmuring coming from the room just adjacent to the master bedroom to find your little prince playing with his toys. Giorno smiled as he laid eyes on the little boy, the dark hair and green eyes reminiscent of his own.
“Papa! Come come, you need to help us defeat the monsters!” he called out, catching sight of his father watching him from the door.
"The monsters, hey? What is our plan of action, captain? Replied the young Don. The father and son duo had continued with the game until all their "enemies" were defeated and they were in need of a victory meal. Scooping his son into his arms, Giorno had carried him into the kitchen and started to rummage through the refrigerator and cupboards for ingredients for breakfast. He enjoyed the serenity of being at home with just his family. On rare occasions such as this morning, most of the staff were given the weekend off, keeping the security around just in case. He was confident in his own ability to protect his family but left nothing to chance, you were the most important people in his life and nothing was too much when it came to protecting you both.
While your boys had tinkered in the kitchen, you had slowly been roused from sleep. Your first instinct was to reach out for Giorno however your hand had found a rose left on his pillow instead.
Typical Giorno, you thought, holding the beautiful bloom to your face, taking in its beauty and fragrance. You peeked at the time on the bespoke rose gold timepiece strewn casually on your bedside and saw that it was still relatively early in the morning, so you knew that if your boys weren't playing or watching cartoons, they'd be making a mess of the kitchen. True to form, you had found the pair in the midst of their culinary adventure, Giorno furiously beating a bowl of eggs for an omelette while the little one sat in the countertop diligently pulling the stems off cherry tomatoes. They hadn't noticed you at first, propping yourself against the doorway, arms folded against your chest, Giorno's shirt sliding off your shoulder. It was hard not to just stand there, basking in the domestic bliss of the moment, but the overwhelming urge to wrap them both in hugs was too strong for you.
"Good morning, bella, did you sleep well?" asked Giorno, shifting a little to make space for you between himself and the counter. His favourite spot for you was just in front of him. He swore that it was so that he could wrap his arms around you, but you were convinced it was solely for the purposes of using you as a headrest. It didn't matter though, being close to him was reward enough. You had started to season the egg mixture in front of you when you noticed the rectangular shaped pan gifted to you both by Tomoko and the range of ingredients in front of you.
Your eyes lit up at the thought, and before you could stop yourself you had asked him if he was making something from his childhood. It wasn't something he had spoken about too much, but every now and again he would incorporate things from Japan into his surroundings, be it the imported wisteria that grew in the garden, to the influences in the decor of his office. Whispers of his past had settled into all of the spaces he hap occupied. He had thought for a moment, before he answered, the wistful smile never leaving his face.
"I can't tell where I know this from, or why it brings me this much joy,"
"Then that's all matters," you turn around to bury your face in his chest and you could feel him relax in your embrace as be exhaled into the crook of your neck.
Leaving the young Don to it, you scooped up your son and took him to table where he helped you to prepare the rest of the ingredients. Giorno could still see you both in his peripheral vision while he cooked, and there was something so comforting about watching you being as gentle with the little boy as you were. It had reminded him of times when he too was treated with a gentle hand. They were faded visions at best and jarring fragments of a troubled childhood at the worst of times, but the one thought that was always able to orient him back to his present was of his family, at the forefront of this was you.
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
Happy International Woman's Day for:
@mrsgiovanna @nohrenvia @theclairedelunemiracle @abellaheart-blog @strawmariee @kakyoinscherrywaifu @orange-plane-boy @purplecraze @passionescuppycake @helpimhyperfixating @ahoge-fish @simpingandprocrastinating @thecw-unicorn @syntheticseraton1n @matcha-narancia
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
Cole, I've been away for so long and this is how you summon me back 😑 *smooches for Brias dad though 😘*
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Bria's family is complete, the last person to be introduced will be her twin brother, Arturo Renaldi.
According to their story, Bri and Arturo are twins. Through various threads of deception, Arturo was taken away from Mira at birth and was raised by another prominent family. Niccolo uncovers this when he was tasked with finding out everything that existed about Bri's past by her father.
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passionescuppycake · 1 year
Maybe she will laugh at all this 🤣
Being a student and working full time is difficult🥲. I know I decided to do it lol, but still🤣
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