pastelwebs · 2 years
Starker Fic - Move Down To Me, Slip Into You - Chapter 2
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Summary: Peter starts to work the floors and private rooms at Tony's strip club. Mob boss Stephen Strange comes for a visit and pays for a night with Peter, much to Tony's annoyance. Tony watches over their session through the club's hidden security cameras and reminisces about the sex tape he made with Peter for the boy's training.
Tags/Warnings: Not too graphic Stephen Strange/Peter Parker. Voyeurism. Masturbation. Prostitution. Sex Work. Stripper/Hooker Peter Parker. Strip club slash brothel setting. Peter/Others. Tony/Others. Open relationship that becomes exclusive Starker over time. Daddy kink. Recreational drug use. Smoking. Mutual pining.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3.3k
Continued from Chapter 1
Stephen Strange is in the club with a few of his cronies. Tony is sitting with them in the cordoned off VIP area with a few of his girls as they negotiate ‘logistics’ for the crime lord’s latest scheme. There’s a new police commissioner in town and while he’s already on Strange's payroll, it doesn’t hurt to have some extra blackmail material and insider info that hookers are so good at scooping out. The set up will be a small gathering at Strange’s mansion with Tony providing the live entertainment.
“Usual fee for each plus double for the one going after the commissioner. I have no preference for the rest, but I’d prefer a boy for the trap, the younger the better.”
“I got just the thing,” Tony says, thinking of Harley. The kid’s picked up seduction like a duck to water, having the uncanny ability to parse out what it is guys want and moulding himself to fit their fantasies. He’s surprisingly smart too, with a whip-quick mouth that can play with a man’s mind as easily as his cock. Harley would jump at the opportunity to do something as exciting as seduce a senior police officer at a gangster party.
“Do you mean that one?” Strange nods towards the stage, where Peter is on his spread-wide knees at the edge of the stage, hands running down his bare chest as he writhes for the men hungrily watching him.
Tony frowns. “No, not that one.” While he’s confident that he and Strange are on good enough terms to trust him with his favourite whores, he doesn’t like the idea of loaning Peter out to him. “I got another one just like that. Real cute. Pretty blue eyes. You’d like him.”
Strange is still looking at his boy on stage.
“You want a sample?” Tony asks.
“No, if you say he’s good then he’s good.” Strange points at Peter. “I want that one for tonight. My usual room.”
Tony hides his growing annoyance. “You got it,” he says, snapping his fingers at Barton who’s standing guard by the partition, instructing him to make the arrangements.
When Peter’s dance is over, Tony excuses himself from Strange’s company to have a word with his boy.
“Barton tell you you’ve got a client?” Tony asks. At Peter’s nod he continues. “Well, it’s a bit different this time. The guy’s Stephen Strange.” Peter’s eyes widen in recognition of that name. “I know. But don’t worry about it, baby, it’s the same deal on your end, just do your usual thing. I’ll be watching over on the cameras. I think you’re due for an evaluation anyway.” Tony runs his hands through Peter’s soft hair, mussing up the curls a little. With the boy’s big, doll eyes looking up at him like that, he can’t help but steal a quick, dirty kiss.
Peter relaxes under Tony’s touch, eyes fluttering closed at the kiss. “Okay, Daddy,” he murmurs. “I won’t let you down.”
“I know you won’t, baby boy. Go get ‘em,” Tony says with a squeeze to his ass before sending him off.
After Strange is escorted to the room where Peter is no doubt waiting and ready, Tony heads to his office. He goes to his desk and pulls up the security camera feeds on his computer, maximizing the one overlooking Peter’s room. He puts it on record mode and settles back in his chair. He may have told Peter this was for evaluation purposes, which it is, but it also doesn’t hurt to have some leverage hanging over Strange. Not that his reputation could ever be hurt, being the head of a powerful criminal organization and all, but Tony could probably use it to make his home life difficult. Strange’s wife, Christine, is not a woman to cross.
Through the monitor, Tony sees Peter starting with a dance, on his knees straddling Strange. Tony opens his drawer and takes out a rolled blunt, lighting it up and inhaling deep. It grates him for some reason, seeing Peter with Strange. He knows Strange would never pull anything with his whores under his own roof, and he trusts Barton, Barnes, and Rogers to take care of his property.
But Tony and Strange have always had this weird competitiveness. They work in different fields – Strange smuggles drugs and black market goods, while Tony has his string of nightclubs and restaurants, both underground and legitimate – but they run in the same circles and it’s impossible to avoid each other.
Tony glowers at the blunt between his fingers, irritated at the unwelcome reminder that his entire stash is in fact courtesy of the man currently getting a lap dance from his boy. Strange gets to have whoever he wants at Tony’s club and Tony gets his fill of whatever substance he feels like abusing that month plus a little extra to sell to his clientele. No doubt some of his girls are sucking off a few of Strange’s acolytes for a bag of blow right now. That’s how close their circles overlap.
Still. Watching Peter get naked for Strange irks him like nothing else, and while the weed is top-notch, it can only mellow him out so much.
Peter is bent over the armchair now with Strange behind him, fingering his ass.
Tony sighs, admiring the way Peter bites his lower lip, brows sloped helplessly as his hole is fingered open. See that’s the thing too. Strange doesn’t have the acumen to appreciate a fine specimen like Peter. Other clients have to pay through the nose to get a taste of the boy, so they know to savour him with how expensive he is. Strange is too used to getting what he wants, when he wants it.
Tony inhales from the blunt and almost chokes on the smoke when he sees Peter on the monitor looking straight up at the camera.
God, his boy is so pretty. He can make Tony hard as a rock with just one little look.
Tony leans back in his chair, unzips his pants and takes out his cock. He exhales, relaxing, stroking himself in slow, lazy movements. Peter continues to eye-fuck the hidden camera in the upper corner of his pleasure-room, like he’s looking right at Tony. Those pretty lips are slightly parted, his chest heaving as he clutches desperately on the armchair’s cushions. There’s no audio with the feed, but Tony can imagine the kind of sounds the boy is making. Gorgeous, breathy, high-pitched little moans. Sweet and slutty. The kind of sounds that stoke a fire in you, stirs you to push for more, makes you want to wring out more of those sounds out of that perfect body.
Tony squirms in his chair, blinking slowly, his hand picking up speed over himself. He briefly considers calling for one of his unoccupied dancers to come in and provide him with a nice warm hole to blow his load in, but in truth, the only thing he really wants to fuck right now is unavailable, busy with one of the very few people in this city he can’t mess with. He’ll just have to make do with watching.
Except Strange, the unholy bastard, has Peter flipped over on his back now, and the only part of the boy that’s visible is his slender legs pushed all the way up by his head as the mob boss mounts him like a graceless, rutting dog.
Tony feels his erection balk at the sight of Strange’s ugly bare ass obscuring his view of Peter’s beautiful body and he minimizes the video feed irritably. Instead, he pulls up a file from his cloud archive, a training video he’s done with Peter.
Tony makes these kinds of videos with all his whores, in part for evaluation purposes, in a slightly larger part for his own personal spank bank. What can he say? His beloved den of iniquity is only open at certain times of the day while his libido is unfettered by business hours.
As Tony starts up the video file of his current favourite training session with Peter, he takes one final hit of the blunt before putting it away. He’s got a nice buzz going already and he doesn’t want to be too out of it to enjoy the video.
The footage opens right on Peter, naked already, straddling Tony’s waist. The camera is set up so that it would be from the POV of a client reclined with Peter on their lap. The boy looks nervous, a pink flush high on his cheeks. He peers shyly down the camera’s lens, chewing his bottom lip anxiously. Video-Tony doesn’t admonish him for it. Peter makes it look good. He’s a natural at looking boyish, demure, and innocent.
“Let me see how you’ve prepped yourself,” video-Tony says. His voice is low, so as not to overwhelm the camera’s audio, but still clear due to his proximity to it. Tony is enough of a narcissist though that the sound of his own voice in a sex tape doesn’t bother him too much.
The camera adjusts shakily as it refocuses on Peter kneeling over video-Tony. A larger forearm, one belonging to video-Tony, reaches into view and slips between Peter’s thighs. The camera’s audio picks up the slight hitch in Peter’s breath when a few fingers penetrate him, and that tiny sound is enough to make Tony fully hard again.
A contemplative hum can be heard behind the camera. “You’re a bit too loose, baby,” video-Tony chastises. “Prep yourself enough not to get hurt but remember, they’re still gonna want you nice and tight.”
“Sorry, Daddy,” Peter murmurs, brows drooping a little sadly. Those puppy-dog eyes would’ve brought a lesser man to his knees.
“That’s alright for now. You’re still tight enough for me. But you should know that most of your clients aren’t gonna be as … difficult for you to take than I am. You understand what I’m saying, baby?”
Peter’s smile is still shy but there’s a wicked glint in his eyes. “Harley said you're the biggest he’s ever seen. And he says he’s seen a lot.”
“High praise coming from that little slut,” video-Tony chuckles. “So don’t worry, baby. If you can take me, you can take anyone. Now…”
Tony fast-forwards the video, skipping the parts where his video-self is speaking, giving Peter instructions on what is expected of him during a session. It’s the basic principle Tony tells all his whores, which is that their lofty price tag attracts only the richest of men. If their clients simply wanted to fuck, then there are much cheaper gold-diggers and dime-a-dozen sugar babies crawling the city for them to pick up.
No, Tony Stark’s whores are special things. It’s not just about agreeing into the weird shit these perverts would be hard-pressed to convince most people into doing. Tony allows a good amount of kinks and fetishes (the only thing he doesn’t allow are lasting marks, and all the merchandise is checked thoroughly after each session, with any damage incurred charged straight into the client’s bill). It’s also about that subtle art of seduction, one that continues after the sex is fully underway and even after it’s done. It’s a special brand of allurement that almost never fails to turn a first-timer into a regular.
“These men,” Tony teaches all his whores, “aren’t going to forget what you are, with how much they’re paying for you. But maybe their dick is so good that you forget that. Don’t overdo it, don’t act too greedy for it. Your number one priority is still their pleasure. But show them, that despite any expectations you might have had, you’re getting something out of this too beside the money. Convince them that they fuck so good that you almost forget about it. Tell them with just your eyes, your voice, your pretty little moans, that you shouldn’t be enjoying this, that it should just be a job for you, but it’s so, unexpectedly, overwhelmingly good that you start to get lost in it. And when you leave, make them think that it’s the most difficult thing you’ve ever had to do. Make them think you’re a little in love. Make them want to buy you again.”
Tony resumes normal play on the video once he sees Peter starting to direct Tony’s on-screen cock towards his hole. Video-Tony has finally shut up now and actual-Tony can focus on Peter’s pretty face and the soft, little sounds he makes.
Tony starts stroking himself again as he watches Peter take him in. Peter’s pretty mouth falls open when he feels the blunt head of video-Tony’s cock start to push inside him. The boy is staring straight down the barrel of the camera lens, knowing that he’s being assessed. They had evaluated the footage together after they finished. Tony remembers not having much to criticize. Peter is a natural.
On the monitor, Peter’s eyes widen, breath growing shallower. His gaze flickers down to where he’s being penetrated before darting back up to look at Tony. Peter’s eyelashes flutter as he does this a few more times, lips parting in a sharp gasp, looking more and more surprised with every push at just how far he’s being stretched.
Tony squirms on his chair, squeezing himself a little tighter on the upstroke. His beautiful boy is so good at this, conveying with just his eyes and his breathless panting, just how much he’s enjoying it.
Tony wants to hear more of it though.
“That feel good, baby?” video-Tony’s low voice prompts through the speakers, as though thinking the same.
Peter throws his head back languidly, eyes closed, rocking a little as he gets used to being impaled on a huge cock. “Yeah,” he breathes, quiet and sultry. “Can’t believe…mmm... how big you are, Daddy. Feels so good.”
“Want you to ride me nice and slow. Can you do that for me, baby?”
Peter smiles for him, a slow and lazy thing. He leans forward and runs his hands up video-Tony’s chest. “Of course. Wanna make you feel good, Daddy.”
Peter is also really good at this part. That lithe, little dancer body is made for riding cock all night. He’s sensitive though, beautifully so, as responsive to the lightest touch as dry kindle to fire. Tony has done some endurance training on him and he’s gotten a bit better, able to maintain a good rhythm on a hard cock with cumming all over himself too soon.
“Mmm, shit,” Tony breathes, jacking himself off to match Peter’s on-screen rhythm. His hand’s got nothing on Peter’s tight hole and how the drag of those soft insides pull at him in a delicious squeeze. But it’s almost enough just to see it, see that gorgeous pink hole swallow him in over and over, serenaded by Peter’s moans.
Video-Tony encourages Peter to keep saying things, to tell him how good he’s feeling. The Peter in the video isn’t comfortable running his mouth too much, still a little self-conscious. But what he’s doing at the moment – those broken little,
“Daddy… please, Daddy, I… I want…”
“Oh God, it’s so deep in me… it feels so… ohhh…”
“Fuck, Daddy, it’s so good… so good, I can’t…”
– it’s just so charmingly innocent. Tony can’t help but admit that it suits the boy.
Peter still needs to learn these skills of course. There will no doubt be an occasion where a client would want pretty words to be whispered in his ears by the just-as-pretty boy he’s paying to fuck. But there’s also no doubting that this right here is Peter’s specialty. With those soft blushy cheeks and pretty angel eyes, getting fucked into dazed incoherency just looks way too good on him.
As Peter bounces faster on video-Tony’s lap, his moans get louder and his words mingle incomprehensibly, lost amidst his desperate panting. He continues to make eye-contact with the camera as he fucks himself on the cock he’s sitting on, and Tony almost feels the phantom weight of the boy’s ass on his lap, those plump cheeks slapping lewdly against his thighs.
Tony lets out a loud groan as he jerks himself faster, hissing when he feels his gut twist in pleasure.
When video-Tony allows Peter cum, the boy stares straight down the camera lens as he cries out, pelvis twitching as his pretty little cock spurts ropes of white all over his taut stomach.
“Oh fuck,” Tony grunts, stroking himself furiously until he orgasms too, closing his eyes in bliss.
He just sits there for a few moments, head leaned back on his chair, breathing hard, basking in the pleasure soaking his brain. He doesn’t usually masturbate in the office. Why bother wasting cum on his hand when he’s got a wide selection of gorgeous bodies at his club for his use?
The thing is, he was in the mood for Peter tonight. And stupid Strange had to go and steal him away.
With his clean hand, Tony pulls up the security feed of Peter’s room again. Peter is still on his back, but Strange has his head between the boy’s legs now, scarred hands holding smooth thighs open. At least Tony can see Peter’s face now. He looks like he’s enjoying whatever Strange is doing down there. With all his training, he’d definitely sound like he’s enjoying it regardless of Strange’s skills.
Tony continues to watch them idly, gaze fixed on Peter and ignoring the other man’s presence. Tony’s mind is a lot fuzzier now, relaxed by the weed and orgasm. He must have slipped into a short nap while he was watching Peter on-screen because he jolts awake when he hears a sharp knocking on his door. The security feed now shows an empty room so he must have been out for a while.
Tony grunts out an irritable “yeah, yeah, hang on” when the knocking starts up again. He cleans himself up as best he can before opening the door.
It’s Barton.
“Hey boss, the Wizard says he wants Peter at his event,” he says, referring to Strange by the alias the footmen give him like he’s some kind of boogey-man. Supposedly Strange despises the nickname so of course Tony allows it. “Told him I gotta ask you first because Peter’s never done events off premises before. Then he says he’s cool with paying whatever. Then I said-”
“Wait,” Tony interrupts, shaking his head to clear it, “he doesn’t want Harley?”
“No, he still wants Harley. But he wants Peter too. Harley for the commissioner and Peter for himself. Probably so the guy wouldn’t feel weird being the only one playing with a boy. You know how cops are.” Barton shrugs.
Probably. But more likely that the mobster has taken a liking to Peter after that one taste. Tony wouldn’t blame him. He’s not the first one. Peter’s got a growing number of regular customers getting addicted to his sessions. Tony would never overwork the boy but he’s driven his prices up to match the demand, making Peter one of the most expensive whores in the club. He ends up outpricing a few customers but Peter’s so good that he’s still fully booked up with men rich and horny enough to pay.
Tony finds himself wondering how high he’s gotta go to outprice New York’s wealthiest mobster.
Then he wonders why he even wants to outprice the man at all. Wasn’t the point of hiring Peter, taking the boy under his wing, training him to be the best, didn’t he do all that for the sole purpose of actually making Tony money?
Barton is still waiting for an answer and Tony pulls himself out of his reverie.
“Alright. I’ll send him a quote,” Tony says.
to be continued
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pastelwebs · 2 years
starkerstrange: D/s
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Sub Peter living the lush life with his Doms Stephen and Tony.
“Can we have Mexican tonight?”
“What was that?”
“Can we have Mexican tonight, please, sir?”
“You’ll have to work for it. Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know.”
“I know. It grows out of your wallets, sir…”
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pastelwebs · 2 years
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pastelwebs · 2 years
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🍼syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup🍼
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pastelwebs · 2 years
Tony (about Peter): “I don’t know I just, I see myself in him.”
Natasha: “Yeah I’ll bet you do.”
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pastelwebs · 2 years
NWH spoilers ahead….
Imagine Tony being around in NWH and Peter 2 & 3 being protective older brothers when they find out that Tony and Peter 1 are dating.  They tell Peter 1 that they just want to meet his boyfriend and so he invites Tony over and Tony walks in and like, he’s instantly webbed up and he’s like “come on, Kid, now isn’t the time to get kinky” but then he realises oh, wait, WHAT, WHO?
Peter 2 & 3 activate enhanced interrogation mode question the shit out of Tony. It’s all like:
Peter 2: What exactly are your intentions with him?
Peter 3: How old was he when you met him?
Peter 2: How long have you been dating?
Peter 3: Does Aunt May even know?
Peter 2: What are the laws in this universe?
Peter 3: How can I grow my beard like yours?
Peter 2: Peter 3, really?
Peter 3: What? It’s awesome! I can’t seem to grow a good beard.  Can you?
Peter 2: Not really, I mean I get a bit of stubble here and there but-
Peter 3: -Right! Just random stubble-
Peter 1: -Are you guys finished interrogating my boyfriend? 
Peter 2: He hasn’t answered a single question.
Tony: I’m sorry.  I’m just so… confused… so there’s three of you now?
Peter 1, 2 and 3, in unison: Yeah!
Tony: *Instantly horny*
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pastelwebs · 3 years
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2K notes · View notes
pastelwebs · 3 years
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i swear this is the hottest daddy x twink exchange i have ever seen in my entire life and no i will not shut up about it
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pastelwebs · 3 years
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what a fuckin sub
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pastelwebs · 3 years
Komorebi 木漏れ日
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Tony steals a quick glance around, the large Victorian conservatory empty of any visitors this early, but it didn’t hurt to check. He grabs Peter’s wrist, no longer dainty, but still thin, and pulls him in between some bushes. The morning light refracted and soft in the humid air. He hoists Peter up against a low garden wall, Peter smiles, and Tony’s heart aches. 
Brown eyes twinkles in the light and Peter obediently wraps his arms around Tony’s broad shoulders, leaning into each other. Soft familiar lips meet in the quiet stillness of an indoor jungle, their only audience the silent green leaves, the wet dew, and the babbling brook somewhere off in the distance. It feels like home.
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pastelwebs · 3 years
and I know...
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My wish is that you may be loved to the point of madness.
— André Breton.
[gifs aren’t mine]
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pastelwebs · 3 years
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PPB Square: Free Space | @peterparkerbingo​ super inspired by guilty pleasure by @css1992​
As a broke college student with an unpaid internship, Peter starts a Just4Fans page to help pay for his tuition. After a year of hiding his side hustle from everyone around him and cultivating a sizable audience, Peter’s making more money than he ever expected - especially after a follower who goes by YKWIA starts tipping him a shit-ton of money.
- bingo card below -
Keep reading
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pastelwebs · 3 years
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pastelwebs · 3 years
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Superior Iron Man | Teenager
Adult version here.
Free for non-commercial personal use such as profile icons. Please do not edit in any way or re-upload as your own post.
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pastelwebs · 3 years
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Requested by @dawnlightsilhouette
story below
When the old king died without an heir or chosen successor the kingdom fell quickly into chaos. With nobles fighting amongst themselves for the throne with no thought other than their own power the citizens soon found themselves at the mercy of corrupt soldiers and bandits. As with not one of the nobles taking care of their duties the problems of the people went unheard and the dishonest and unscrupulous soon saw an opportunity and took advantage of this period of disarray and lack of oversight.
But the salvation of their kingdom was found by the old court wizard of the late king, a dragon egg. All the nobles knew that dragons were honorable and just creatures who only associated with those that also possessed those same qualities, and that no one exhibited these traits more than the people who dragons chose to become the dragons riders. After all, many dragons and their riders of the past had gone on to become some of the greatest heroes the world had ever known.
And so, despite many nobles still wishing to take the throne for themselves, it was decided that the throne would be given to the person who, once the egg had hatched, was chosen and bonded by the dragon as their rider. Until then the nobles, under the unflinching eye of the court wizard, would act as a council of regents, so that no single one of them would hold more power than another.
Less than five moons later as dawn approached the nobility and the wizard found themselves surrounding the egg as cracks began appearing across its surface. And before the sun had fully risen they found themselves with that which they had pinned all the hopes of the kingdom upon, a new dragon.
The nobles soon fetched their individual families and vassals in the hopes that should they be chosen, they could rule through them. For, despite the turmoil their infighting had caused the kingdom upon the old king's death, not a single one of them had learned a thing since then and so they carried on with their scheming and plotting to gain, if not the throne, then the power behind it.
But the newly hatched dragon would have none of them. He growled and scratched almost all of the people the nobles brought in front of him, that was until the wizard brought forth his idea. Instead of bringing people to the hatchling why not let him go and find the person who was to become his rider, for surely the dragon would know best who they would allow upon his back.
And so the moment the doors were opened the dragon hatchling flew out the room he had been kept in at such a speed that, had the inhabitants of the room not been paying attention, they could easily have believed that the dragon had simply vanished. The nobles and court wizard hurried out of the room once they gained back their wits after being left behind so quickly by the hatchling. The search for the person that the dragon had gone took many hours and it wasn’t until the sun had started to dip below the horizon that they finally found their quarry. Hidden in a corner of one of the royal horses stable lay a small easily overlooked waif, overlooked if it weren’t for the baby dragon curled around the lad providing him with warmth and comfort.
The dragon had finally found his rider and the kingdom finally had an heir to take up the mantle of leadership once he came of age. Until then the noble council where honor bound to teach the child all that he needed to one day take the throne, and to rule as regents in his stead. With the court wizard keeping a close watch upon them for he knew better than to trust them with such power. As he would never forget the pain and suffering their greed and lust for power had put upon the kingdom, and would do all in his power to prevent that from occurring again before the new dragon rider could take his rightful crown.
And as the years passed the orphan who had suddenly become heir to the kingdom took to his lessons like he was born to, and the population eagerly anticipated the coronation of King Peter upon his majority. But the future had more in store for young Peter than just his coronation, for while he grew and matured as did his dragon, whom he had named Anthony. For upon Anthony’s 18th anniversary of his bonding with Peter, not a week before the coronation, the latter found a strange naked man laying in bed with him where his bonded would normally lay and not a single scale in sight. Distressed, Peter turned and was about to call for his guards until he heard a voice he had only ever heard in his head before telling him to calm himself. Twisting his head back to what he thought was his dear dragon calming him down was instead the strange intruder talking to him in a voice that he should not have. The theft of his dragon's voice was doing nothing to calm Peter down and only served to frighten him even more. That was until he saw the man's eyes, they were ones he had known for years ever since that fateful day that he had bonded to Anthony, eyes that he knew better than his own. The implication that the, rather well endowed if Peter was honest with himself, man could be his beloved Anthony was startling to him but the longer he thought the more it made sense. He wasn’t feeling anything other than comfort from Anthony’s side of their bond and the moment where he had become distressed he had felt only soothing waves of love that he associated with his dragon come from the man before him. With a cautious ‘Anthony’ Peter found himself with a lap full of his dragon, well man now, smothering him with what while Anthony was a dragon would be kisses, but now were licks across his face. While they cherished their new ability to communicate and embrace one another Peter couldn’t help but worry that this transformation had removed his beloved from his natural form and ability to fly. But those worries were easily brushed aside once Anthony shifted back with obvious ease when Peter made tentative mention of his thoughts. Upon this new ability Anthony they did what they had done countless times before, from when Anthony discovered his fire or Peter found himself able to hear his beloved’s thoughts, they investigated just what this new skill could do. As Peter watched his dearest get used to his new human form he found his thoughts wandering to a place he had long ago sworn never to go to. That he and Anthony might someday be more than merely dragon and rider. Whilst Anthony was still more beast like in form, although woe betide anyone who thought he was a mere beast, those thoughts were ones Peter was unable to contemplate. For fear of the sorrow they would cause in their inability to go any further. Now however they had a chance at something more. Peter just had to figure out how to approach the topic with Anthony. Had he been paying attention to Anthony’s side of their bond he would have known that the dragon was more than aware of his feelings and was planning a seduction of his own to get his silly human over his insecurities. It all came to a head the morning of Peter’s coronation when Anthony tired of his beloved rider's hesitancy and decided that if Peter wasn’t going to make the first move then he would. Much to Peter's shock and pleasure. Anthony’s actions, while enjoyable, nearly made the pair late to the coronation but luckily for them they made it to the temple where the ceremony was being conducted on time. Allowing them to be presented to the kingdom as their new rulers.
And so the kingdom experienced untold prosperity at the rule of King Peter with his beloved dragon and consort Anthony. A new golden age had dawned upon them, one that would not end for many generations.
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pastelwebs · 3 years
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based on my Starker Iron Man 3 AU here
what if Peter was the kid Tony meets in Rose Hill, Tennessee?
taglist: @snowstark @muse-of-gods @starkentrprises @winterironspiderling @im-a-goner-foryou @stemroses @longlivestarker @carelessannie @darker-soft-starker @thegreenmetblue @bluestarker @starker1975 
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pastelwebs · 3 years
’Down, Dog, Down’ by @starkeristheendgame
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Moodboards by me for Jensen’s AMAZING au that has me drooling and spamming her with ideas to it and what we could do for a third part together in a collab. Read the first part here👇🏻
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