patchigler-blog · 7 years
nothing, Oskar 
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
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Me right now
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
theres a ton of stuff you can do if you want to make your own adventure. This can be kind of intimidating to new DMs so if anything check out The Lost Mine of Phandelver. Thats a module for new players and DMs and is relatively easy to run. I think its free too (no guarantees) so go for that!
Hey, new follower here and a new GM and I had a question. What are some starting quests and enemies I can use for a group of 6 people?
I’m not sure of many modules off the top of my head.
Followers, help a homie out by replying to this post, please!
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
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Specialized Pokemon Trainer Shirts made by tiranocyrus
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
100 Magic Items for 5e Pt.10
Past Posts
Items 1 - 5
Items 6 - 10
Items 11 - 15
Items 16 - 20
Items 21 - 25
Items 26 - 30
Items 31 - 35
Items 36 - 40
Items 41 - 45
46.      Rod of the Eldritch King
Rod, Legendary, Requires Attunement by Warlock
The Warlock attuned to this rod gains another spell slot. In addition, they another “Mystic Arcanum” of the 6th level spell. Also, when they cast the “Eldritch Blast” it has the following effects.
Pact Loyalist – Each beam of your “Eldritch Blast” deals 1d12 damage instead of 1d10
Sundering Blast – When a creature is hit with “Eldritch Blast” that creature’s AC is reduced by 1 for 1 minute. To a maximum reduction of 2.
Power of the Great One – You can call upon your patron to bestow more magical powers upon for a short period. For 1 minute you gain an additional bolt of “Eldritch Blast” every time you cast it.
47.      Orb of Bombardment
Wondrous Item (Orb), Rare, Requires Attunement
A glowing orb a little larger than a humans head. The orb is bouncy and has a texture like rubber. A creature who is proficient in simple ranged weapons can use this weapon. To throw this ball you can use either your strength or dexterity modifier. When thrown, it deals 1d6+Modifier bludgeoning damage. It then bounces to a creature within 10ft of the throwers choice. The attacker then makes another attack throw with a -2 penalty to the result dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage. The orb can bounce an unlimited number of times, taking an additional -2 penalty for every new attack. (Can hit the same target multiple times)
48.      Berserker Salt
Consumable, Common
In the dark alleys of major cities, you can find procurers of goods and services you can’t find elsewhere. One of these products is Berserker Salt, ground crystals the consistency of sand, the crystals range from clear, to milky white, to a sickly yellow depending on quality. A player who snorts the salt up their nose gains the following benefits for 1 hour. The player can snort multiple doses at a time.
·         +1 to attack and damage rolls
·         +5 movement speed
·         +2 to initiative
·         Player can move up to half of their movement speed and make a melee           attack as their reaction
When the effect of the salt has worn off the player gains a stack of exhaustion for each dose consumed.
49.      Pillow of Sleeping
Wondrous Item (Pillow), Uncommon
A medium sized square satin pillow, a deep lush red stitched with golden string and unrivaled in comfort. There’s a small zipper on the side of the pillow. Inside the pillow is an unassembled tent big enough for one person. The tent takes 30 minutes assemble and 30 minutes to disassemble. A single player can stay inside the tent – once inside the tent becomes a cocoon of force energy, not allowing any player to enter and the zipper becoming an unmoveable object.
50.      Wand of Spells
Wand, Legendary, Requires Attunement by a Wizard
The perfect wand, delicate yet sturdy; awesome yet modest and more powerful than any one person should have in their possession. This wand begins with 50 charges, the Wizard attuned to this wand may cast a spell of any level between 1 and 7, expending an equal number of charges instead of a spell slot. The user can select any spell from the wizard spell list. When the wand loses all of its charges it becomes an ordinary mundane wand – losing all the properties that made it so magnificent in the first place.
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
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a certain thing. @mentalrhapsody
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
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Liam O'Brien is the best person in the entire world, I swear.
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
Dungeons and Record Keeping Texas-0.5
I’m just gonna use this blog to log what all happens in my D&D games
This chronicle will be about the high school group i started and for this specifically ill detail everything thats happened so far in the game I have with people from Texas, starting with their backstories...
Grant: Couch, The Aasimar Bard
            Couch’s namesake is apt if nothing else, he first achieved consciousness whilst in a bard college, where he listened to and picked up on the talents of the students at that time. At some point he changed from his couch form into a humanoid. From there he set out on his journey to discover who or what had created him.
Couch looks like Fabio, in that he has long blonde hair, a strong jawline, and a need to be shirtless at all times. Its gotten to the point where any armor he wears only covers his legs
Daniel: Wes10, The Warforged Artificer
            Wes10 is a hybrid of sorts, an artifical being that was created for the purpose of exploration. A machine that required no loss of life to complete dangerous missions in the name of science. At some point during his objective, he woke up. He is unsure how he came to life, but his body was altered from its original creation. Where previously he only existed as a machine, he found that with the life breathed into him he also took on a more human air. Where muscles there was a fibrous wood that functioned in a similar fashion. He does however operate with a distinct lack of visceral that would constitute a normal person.  He now wonders in search of his creator to find his purpose.
Wes10 takes a little bit out of the iron giant book with his look and demeanor. He really doesn’t understand much about social interactions (much to his party’s detriment) but is doing all he can
Chase: Indigo, The Tabaxi Rogue
             Born in an age long forgotten Indigo was born of a nomadic race of cats  that lived in a desertous region. Taking the color of a panther his tribe was one of simple living, they hunt their own food, and keep to themselves. The age Indigo was born in didn’t respect such niceties. For the Gods still roamed the material plane, and the mortals suffered for it. During a small break at an oasis Indigo saw something began to erupt from the ground. An enormous worm-type creature broke the sandbar and consumed indigo in but the breadth of a moment and was gone. He had been taken, be a demon, and had been trapped in the abyss. He fought and wandered his way to freedom, but when he reached the surface he saw that more time had passed than he initially thought. (it was a few thousand years, not specifying)
Indigo is shorter than most tabaxi, and is slightly more stocky, his head is more of an apparition. Completely intangible, but he does have a neck hole that he uses to drink and breathe.
Addison: Celeste, The Human Fighter
             The Emerald Hunters, a group dedicated to the destruction of any and all monsters that plague the Prime Material plane. A group of specialized mercenaries that take pride in hunting only the most dangerous game in the world. Among these breed of fighters was Celeste Tarth, whom eagerly took to the lifestyle just as her family did for generations now. When one wayward night the family was contracted to take on a vampire that had been terrorizing a small town. The contract itself was a trap, set by the vampire to rid himself of any possible “issues”. Celeste, her 2 brother, mother, and father were all captured. Celeste was the only one to escape, but she did not do so unscathed. She contracted Vampirism from Lord Vindel Cor’vik Anderson. She now seeks out the vampire to free her family from their imprisonment.
             Celeste has  pale skin, thick black hair that falls just past her shoulders. She has bright green eyes and full lips. (think Esmeralda--Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Kristina: Bareea, The Tabaxi Cleric
             Upon the continent of Shundara there exists a vast expanse of desert that is home to many a creature. Civilization has sprung only along the coastlines, for the center harbors no land for irrigation. Some creatures do manage to thrive in the arid climate. Such is the fate of Bareea’s tribe. A basic hunter society that moves around trading, stealing, or bargining any time they are allowed such pleasantries. Bareea was but a child when she was taken from her home. It is unknown to her if she was sold into slavery, or stolen. She had many new masters over her short time but eventually settled in a city in Demanaca where she was sold to a big game hunter and kept as a pet for his Daughter. Whenever the hunter held one of his extravagant parties she would be paraded out to do tricks or wear costumes. One of those nights a cleric of some minor note was in attendance of the party and his morality would not allow him to leave Bareea in this state. He took the young tabaxi and they fled for the border of Nalus, where she became interested in his craft. After a few months of learning, one day, the cleric told Bareea that he had to go take care of something and that he would return that night. He never did, and Bareea set off to where ever. Shortly thereafter she was captured, a bounty placed upon her, by the hunter whom had bought her. 
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
This never gets old
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
Sour Food
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
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I always post way too late in the night / 💕
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
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Well Hot Damn
(please fullview)
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
“Alright, I’ll be part of the…Fjord Expedition”
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
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Valentine limited Draven mustache chocolate
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patchigler-blog · 7 years
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my first fanarts of CR were a couple and the headshots of the VM,i already draw a couple so this means headshots of my new babies!!!
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