patriciachanbct · 4 years
Documentation - Studio III
place holder for documentation
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
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ENEL599 Assignment 2
Physical Computing
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
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ENEL599 Assignment 1 - Physical Computing
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - Blog Posts
01. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185629607422/signal-7519
02. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185629742302/signal-9519
03. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185629894047/signal-10519
04. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185630317007/signal-13519
05. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185654306552/signal-14519
06. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185654442297/signal-15519
07. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185654539957/signal-16519
08. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185654657732/signal-20519
09. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185654729122/signal-21519
10. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185654781477/signal-22519
11. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185654890802/signal-23519
12. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185654981117/signal-24519
13. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185655089037/signal-27519
14. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185655291862/signal-28519-6619
15. https://patriciachanbct.tumblr.com/post/185655454417/signal-7619
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 7/6/19
So Open Studio happened....
I did a lot of walking around cause I didn’t like being confined in one area but I made a survey that people could do so we could track information. We got a few responses and most of them were positive. I really hoped that more people would fill this out but they probably didn’t have time to do that. 
I heard from Max and Ciara that most of the feedback was good but we also got some confused people who didn’t understand what some parts of act 2 meant (ie. The glitching scene) I think we should have elaborated on the glitching more but I think it was fine for our finished product. But because of the glitch only happening once it made it seem like it was actually the film glitching out so that happened.
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I think that our project did really well in highlighting the whole pressure on students issue and I think a lot of the issues our character faced were issues that other people had to go through as well. I’m really proud that we managed to do this in time and I’m glad it turned out great!
The stats are below!
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 28/5/19 ~ 6/6/19
So I got a bit lazy with the blog posts... But I’m putting it all here heh.
SO 28/5/19 ~ 1/6/19! We finished filming! We handled all the montage shots and we went back to Max’s house to film act 3 as well as the sibling encounter because we had to reshoot that due to acting and dialogue reasons! I personally like the way they turned out although it would be cooler if there wasn’t dialogue but Remmy’s friend, Charlie, and Remmy herself did an amazing job at acting these scenes out. 
We also filmed all the careers day shots with the help of Miles, Yasmine, Isaac, and Matt! (Thanks guys <3 ) It all went really smoothly in my opinion and all our cast did great! We filmed the Aotea Square scenes too which worked out well :D
AND on the last day of filming~ we managed to film almost all of our montage scenes without having to refilm which is great cause we could wrap it up early heh.
2/6/19 ~ 6/6/19!! So we had to start planning our open studio area. I thought that just having the bare walls would be kind of plain and boring so I consulted Remmy about it and she thought that we should have the posters that were supposed to show up in the film on the walls. I forgot to tell everyone about it but hey I did it and yeah.
The posters were a subtle hint to how much the academic part of the university was supported as opposed to the arts and the physical education part. Hence why the ratio of arts and phys ed to the academy was 1:2. 
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I’m kinda dreading open studio but I’m excited... I don’t like big crowds haha
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 27/5/19
I was sorta out of in studio today and I feel bad for not helping that much. But Remmy, Max, Jordan and Sophie pulled the weight today! They worked out how we were going to film act 3 and the storylines for the montages we are going to use for this sequence!
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So we came up with three endings but all of them are a bit different depending on what was chosen hence why we’ve got 16 different endings :O
(I got this from Remmy’s blog)
- Good: Protagonist has looked after themself, taken the same degree as their friends and has an upbeat graduation montage.
- Unsatisfied: These vary depending on whether the protagonist has looked after themselves or taken the matching degree to their friends. It generally has the protagonist graduating alone or not at all because the character became uninterested in their studies.
- Bad: Protagonist has not looked after themselves and is completely alone in their path. They don’t graduate at all and in a few versions of this ending, the protagonist falls too sick to continue in their degree.
Here’s the link to the blog post I snagged :3 https://wavelcngths.tumblr.com/post/185651905652/270519
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
ICT Poster Submission
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My poster shows the journey from high school to BCT. I wanted to describe my creative experience of coming here with the use of colours. It describes the transition from high school to University with the greyscaled to coloured backgrounds.
The whole concept was derived from the idea that the design process has “no firm route" (Wong, Siu. 2012) . Because it was so different from what I was used to before therefore the imagery of the glass breaking is my previous mindset that held back my creative thinking. I learned that everything I was taught in high school wasn’t necessarily the right way to do things and coming to BCT shows that as we were told to create things and destroy them later. Since coming to BCT I’ve realised that it’s much easier to express ideas when it’s in a messier environment.
Through working with new people in BCT it helped me think differently and opened my mindset. The balance of the image represents that in high school I was very reliant on myself and it was a very dull experience so compared to the coloured part of my poster it’s more skewed to the left. In BCT I became more reliant on working with my group members making it more colourful and bigger compared to the left side.
Picture Reference:
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Wong, Y. L., & Siu, K. W. M. (2012). A model of creative design process for fostering creativity of students in design education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 22(4), 437-450.
Retrieved from:https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs10798-011-9162-8.pdf
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 24/5/19
Because of yesterday’s dialogue mayhem, I decided to take a shot at scriptwriting last night. And I got positive feedback (although I made it a bit too long.. But hey we can cut that down to make it shorter). I found out today that we were all kinda unhappy with how that dialogue scene was playing out so we were reworking that to make it less... cringe.
I think the main point we want to drive is how much a student can relate to this experience and create an understanding for adults about the pressures put on students nowadays. 
I do think I went overboard with the dialogue because this is such a short film. So I think decreasing the number of lines would be better!
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 23/5/19
Today commenced the first day of actual filming! We filmed all the act 1 scenes that were in the house today and it went really well! I feel like we got that nailed down. We had some difficulties with the whole shooting process cause people didn’t really get it when I asked Remmy (our lead actress) to sit on the bed again but we got there in the end! >:D
So our act 2 scenes were a bit shaky in all honesty. We planned to have the main confrontation with the parents but we realised we don’t have any parents to do the confrontation scene SO! We opted out for a sibling! Which is some great improvisation skills if you ask me. We got Thomas and Remmy to do some dialogue together and it made me a bit anxious cause it didn’t have the build-up we wanted so I think we may reshoot this next week. 
The main reason we changed it to a sibling is that they are closer to the protagonist in age and having them pressure our MC is kinda overwhelming. Because the underlying fact is that the parents are pressuring our protagonist so much that the sibling is pressuring them too. As a person with a sibling, I can say this is pretty true. 
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 22/5/19
Remmy and I stayed up late to work on these storyboards and shot lists and boy was it worth it. Sophie wanted to check her script with the storyboards and we're planning for the entire filming process today. Jordan whipped up a mighty neat plan of when and where we were going to film so that’s going to help a ton!
We got some feedback about the film. So the sweet spot would be about 10~15 minutes or else we’ll lose the audience’s attention so we need to keep that in mind when we’re filming. 
I think we cut it short since we’re going to go ham on all the filming. I hope it goes well without any major issues :D
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 21/5/19
Storyboarding! I said I would get the storyboard up by Wednesday but I didn’t plan for it to be the entire storyboard so... I think I’ll be pulling an all-nighter for this one xD Unhealthy I know but Remmy is working hard for those shot lists and I don’t want to let down the team. But I did finish act 1 though but here’s a little picture of act 2 for now haha (featuring! MY PAJAMAS)
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 20/5/19
WE MADE A CALENDAR! Well, I made it but with input from everyone in the group! I’m not too sure we’ll follow it religiously thought but it’ll give us a basic understanding of what to do for now! 
We were told to move our filming to this Thursday so we can actually do other scenes next week and yeah that’s a really solid idea.
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Max and I spent a little bit of time to digitalise the acts so he can work on them at home for the programming. It made it a lot easier for him to keep track of what he had done apparently and yeah!
I was pretty proud of making it neat and tidy heh it satisfied me greatly.
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 16/5/19
The endings of our film will be with act 3! Act 3 is basically going to show the player/audience what their choices in Act 1 and 2 led to! It’s a great way to show how the decisions you make early affect the ending you get. 
My initial thought for the acts was as the acts move on you have less choice in what you get to do as you progress. This shows the implications on what you’ve done to the story and I think by doing it this way it shows really well.
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SO! If I were to speak in programming language Act 3 is just a bunch of boolean statements. Like if (insert here) was chosen then (insert outcome) is given. I think that it’s mighty neat but sounds hecking complicated.
So while I was writing this up on the board I kinda fell into a spiral of thinking:
Boi this sure looks complicated... Will we be able to do this with film? 
So I started doubting this project because at this point it seems overly ambitious and I kinda feel bad for thinking this way. But if we did go for the visual novel route (which is a lot easier than this) we could edit the story if we did some playtests but with the film we would solely rely on the playtests with only the script and not the visuals. I think the film is a bit riskier but I think we can achieve it in the time span that we have. I just hope everyone is determined to do this too!
Also Remmy didn’t come today because she had to console her friend after their mother passed away. I hope both of them are alright. She did give us the playtesting cards we needed so that was very sweet of her to do so. I just hope she’s ok.
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 15/5/19
We’ve been planning out ACT 2 today and honestly, it’s sorta hard. We had a pretty hard time figuring out where it begins or maybe that was me cause I zoned out for a bit today (sorry :( !!) I think that doing a dream sequence between act 1 and 2 would be cool, it would show what was inside the protagonists head because at this point we haven’t heard their opinions or seen them talk in the film. I was thinking of doing a scene with rotoscoping because it’s a dream sequence and we don’t necessarily need people for it. 
SO for ACT 2 I think we’re going to put a definite conflict somewhere no matter what you picked in the first act and I think that’s great! The first act is all about the player picking their choices and giving them a sense of power but in Act 2 they can’t help but watch the conflict arise and it’s amazing! I feel like the main conflict of failing a test speaks a lot since we’re in the shoes of a student and the pressure of doing well looms on all of us. Especially since we just came from high school where good marks are EVERYTHING. So by giving our protagonist a “bad mark” it would show how society pressures people to “do well” and introduces stress into our story~
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We also started the script but I’d rather not touch it for now cause I’m bad at script writing. I’ll let the people who are well versed in literature deal with it because I think I would only drag them down. Although! All of us working on this at the same time isn’t very time efficient but surely we can get this down soon right?
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 14/5/19
Today We decided that we wanted to proceed with a film format. We were also pondering if we wanted to do a video but since that would probably take longer (maybe?) than we would like to cause it’s a 3-week project after all.
I feel like approaching this with a film would be really fun! Although I initially wanted to do a visual novel, the workload for that wouldn’t be a lot and given that we have 6 people in our group I don’t think we could distribute the workload evenly. With filming the whole shot gets taken into account. I feel like we could do a lot by putting things in subtly or just using the camera angles to present situations. (heh I did media studies in year 9 so I know like a little bit)
Ben came around yesterday and noted that a film takes a lot of time. So we need to focus on how big and ambitious we want to be for the film or else we might not finish in time. But I think we can do it! We just need to finish all the planning this week and start filming soon or else Remmy would get hella stressed with the editing (because none of us are capable with editing... Now that I mention it I feel bad :( ) 
Backtracking to what was happening in my second blog post:
I mentioned something about groundhog day. So the idea was to have scenarios that you play out and every time you finish it the game/video would “reset” back to the beginning. So what I envisioned was that every time it “resets” something would be different about the atmosphere, like a chair disappearing, or something along those lines. The more you mess up the more weird the environment in the film becomes but maybe that’s a bit too ambitious cause it needs a lot of refilming and what not.
Although building on that, I think it would be really cool to incorporate the “butterfly effect” into this experience. Basically, the butterfly effect is when small choices/decisions have a surprisingly big impact on the outcome you get. So I think that would be a good thing to look at! We checked that out when we were doing the research, the game Until Dawn is just surrounded by the butterfly effect and I love it to bits.
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For the planning stages, we thought about putting this entire story in a dystopian society. I think it’s pretty nifty and that way we can play around with the whole feel of the film. Although Sophie thinks that it makes the whole thing a bit too complicated and I totally understand. By adding this dystopian setting we need to create costumes and such and make backdrops less “now” looking if we were going to go for that feel. I think that if we went with an entire art based format that it would be do-able but since we're doing a film I think cutting back on the workload would be good.
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patriciachanbct · 5 years
SIGNAL - 13/5/19
So we popped around the classroom and lowkey forced our mini-experiment on our classmates! Such fun~ Anyway so the premise of this experiment was to find out the 5 things they thought were stressful. And we piled on that stress by giving them a 15 (later changed to 30) second time limit.
NOW! Here are the observations I noted while this was happening~ (excuse my bad handwriting)
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I noticed that by randomly starting the timer (yes we did that on purpose) the playtesters would go into a frenzy and start panicking and it was quite funny to watch them honestly. But it brought to our attention that they weren’t thinking things through and just jotting down random things instead of giving us their honest answers.
So I think having pressure would be good but maybe instead of having a time limit, we should have something else that could place pressure on our consumer/audience.
We had a chat with Yvonne and Charles about our project as well today. After the conversation, we formed the question “ What idea have you grown up to consider being successful?” This links to the idea of the pressure/expectation that has been placed onto us (as youths) and is usually the main pressure people place on themselves due to society’s expectations alongside peer pressure.
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We also began mapping out the story elements of the project too.
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