patrickbluer · 2 years
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Well, friends, that's it for me. 845 days after the show ended and 1249 days after I started this tumblr to catalogue Patrick's clothes, I'm bidding you farewell. The blog will stay up in case anyone wants to use it as a resource (click through to use the sidebar navigation), and I may check in periodically in case there are any questions, but there will not be any more regular posting. Thanks for loving Patrick's clothes with me!
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patrickbluer · 2 years
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614 “Happy Ending”
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patrickbluer · 2 years
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613 “Start Spreading The News”
179 notes · View notes
patrickbluer · 2 years
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612 “The Pitch”
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patrickbluer · 2 years
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611 “The Bachelor Party”
151 notes · View notes
patrickbluer · 2 years
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609 “Rebound”
104 notes · View notes
patrickbluer · 2 years
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608 “The Presidential Suite
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patrickbluer · 2 years
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607 “Moira Rosé”
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patrickbluer · 2 years
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606 “The Wingman”
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patrickbluer · 2 years
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605 “The Premiere”
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patrickbluer · 2 years
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604 “Maid of Honour”
167 notes · View notes
patrickbluer · 2 years
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603 “The Job Interview”
91 notes · View notes
patrickbluer · 2 years
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Patrick Brewer in Every Episode || 6x11 The Bachelor Party
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patrickbluer · 2 years
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602 “The Incident”
243 notes · View notes
patrickbluer · 2 years
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601 “Smoke Signals”
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patrickbluer · 2 years
Hi I have a question about Open Mid! I see some fans saying that Patrick is wearing black and white in that episode. Is he? Does he actually wear black?
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It is a little bit hard to see in the actual episode since the open mic scene itself is at night, but Patrick is definitely wearing navy blue. It's much easier to tell in the promo photos, especially the ones that they included in the Best Wishes, Warmest Regards book. (These are taken with my phone, so they're a little crooked and stuff). The easiest way to be more sure, especially since we all see color a little differently, is to compare the color of Patrick's shirt to his dark wash jeans (Paige) in the first shot and the black on David's sweatshirt in the shots where they are right next to each other. It's a dark navy, but it's most likely the same shirt he is wearing for the opening scenes of Asbestos Fest.
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patrickbluer · 2 years
Possibly left of topic but did Dan ever speak in interviews about clothing choices for Patrick that you know of? I mean apart from the tightness of the jeans. :))
Not that I know of. Like you mentioned, Dan has joked in interviews about his concern for Noah's comfort because Patrick's jeans are tighter than Noah wears his own, and the wardrobe team talked about adding colors other than blue and Patrick's The Wingman shirt in one of their interviews, but I don't think Dan has talked about Patrick's costuming other than that. He has spoken about costuming generally in a way that relates to how they dressed Patrick, though.
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